RSSJimmy Carter

The Carter Clan still doesn’t get it

| January 24, 2007 | 0 Comments
The Carter Clan still doesn’t get it

Apparently, Jimmy Carter was busy elsewhere this weekend before he embarrassed himself at Brandeis. From an article by the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (by way of Little Green Footballs) we discover that Carter’s old crew had a big celebration in Athens, GA this last weekend trying to rewrite his legacy; Tom Johnson, former president of CNN, said […]

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Piling on Jimmy Carter

| January 18, 2007 | 0 Comments
Piling on Jimmy Carter

Everyone seems to be taking shots at Jimmy Carter today. By everyone, I mean the world of bloggers. Sister Toldja, Powerline and Crotchety Old Bastard get their licks in today. It’s probably because he’s an elitist SOB who has never gotten over his 1980 defeat. or it could be because he writes crap like this […]

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The case for domestic oil drilling

| January 10, 2007 | 0 Comments
The case for domestic oil drilling

If anybody learned anything yesterday, it should have been that we need to expand our domestic oil production. Russia and the Belarus battling each other over gas lines,Hugo Chavez nationalizing the US-corporation-owned telecommunications and electricity industry in Venezuela (while Chavez stays insulated from serious backlash with massive petrodollars after nationalizing the oil industry last year) to cries […]

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Learning the wrong lessons

| December 26, 2006 | 0 Comments
Learning the wrong lessons

While perusing the usual newspapers this morning, I read about the war in Somalia with Ethiopia in the Washington Post. There’s so little in the news about this, it’s difficult to find anything sometimes. But the war is directly related to our own war against terror, since Islamofacists learned about our weak spot from Clinton’s […]

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Who’s afraid of Peace-loving nations?

| December 19, 2006 | 0 Comments
Who’s afraid of Peace-loving nations?

The Washington Times is running a story today about North Korean Dear Leader Kim Jong Il’s list of demands that must precede any negotiations aimed at his nuclear program. So who’s surprised? Il has seen how far anti-social behavior has taken the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, who also announced today that the world can’t stop him […]

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How to disengage in the Middle East

| December 17, 2006 | 0 Comments
How to disengage in the Middle East

Russia is tapping into it’s vast reserves of oil buried under the Arctic tundra in Siberia. Cuba has hired an Indian oil company to begin supplying it’s meager petrol needs from reserves in the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile we’re still enforcing the decades old Carter Doctrine demanding the free-flow of oil from the Persian Gulf states […]

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Jimmy Carter plans his funeral

| December 4, 2006 | 0 Comments
Jimmy Carter plans his funeral

I guess Jimmuh was on CSPAN today and discussed his preferences for how he wanted to be planted when his time comes. Personally, I hope there is a viewing in the rotunda scheduled for him when he expires (whenever he goes, it won’t be soon enough). I, for one plan to go. No Democrat has done […]

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Chavez; the Left’s darling

| December 4, 2006 | 0 Comments
Chavez; the Left’s darling

Aside from the fact that Jimmy Carter certified his recall election in 2003, the Left has been in love with Hugo Chavez, former brother paratrooper and current Venezuelan President. On every discussion forum where I’ve participated in the last six years, The resident Leftists have gone out of their way to defend this populist-cum-Leftist-cum-communist applauding […]

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