Defense cuts
You Get What You Pay For

The effects of Defense wide cuts is far reaching. As this US News Article discusses. “We’re an 11-carrier Navy in a 15-carrier world.” Army General Martin Dempsey said. According to Marine General John Kelly, his command is, “unable to get after 74 percent of suspected maritime drug smuggling.” Our budgets are being cut so tight […]
Don’t Like Contractor Labor? Well, How Much Would Using Federal Civilians Cost?

Yesterday, I wrote an article showing fairly clearly that military labor ain’t exactly cheap these days. It was kinda fun kicking the anthill – so to speak. (smile) However, someone asked an obvious follow-up question: rather than contractors, what would doing the same job with government civilian labor cost? So yeah – I took a […]
So, How Much Money Would Using Military Labor Really Save?

I got asked a question the other day that intrigued me. And as longtime readers probably guessed – I decided to play with some numbers and see where they led. The particular question was in the context of a military logistics contract. The question was, in effect, “How much money would DoD save by doing […]
Yet Another Broken Promise. Gee Thanks, HQDA.

I wrote this article mainly because I’m p!ssed, and I’m venting. It’s geared toward Army personnel and retirees who read TAH. But personnel with a background from other services might want to read it anyway. I’m guessing similar things will be happening in other services, albeit likely involving other subjects. AKO – Army Knowledge Online […]
If You’re Still Wondering Why Your Taxes Are So Ridiculiously High . . .

. . . this article might explain it: Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov’t Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers Here’s the summary: in 2011, 108,592,000 persons in America were receiving some kind of means-tested benefit from Federal, state, or local governments. That same year, only 101,716,000 people worked full-time year round. Unfortunately, that’s only part of […]
Tell Us Something We Didn’t Already Know, General

The headline says it all, but the article is fairly short and worth reading: Current funding makes hollow force ‘inevitable,’ 3-star says No surprise, really. Some of us are old enough to remember post-Vietnam and the Carter years. Looks like it’s gonna be, in the words of Yogi Berra, “Déjà vu all over again.”
DoD Finds Some Spare Change

Well, it looks like DoD found some spare change under all those dayroom and lounge sofa cushions. According to published reports, DoD civilian employees will now only be furloughed for a total of 6 days this fiscal year vice the previously-announced 11. Kudos to the SECDEF for making this happen. I don’t agree with some […]
Sequestration News

Let’s take a brief look at how sequestration is being implemented: Sequestration cuts to Executive Office of the President Budget: $24,000,000 ($24 million) Number of civilian employees: approx 2,000 Average cut per employee: $12,000 Announced impact so far: cancellation of White House tours (will save approx $2,000,000 in overtime) According to this article, the estimated […]
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