
Retirees get 13th paycheck this year

| September 7, 2011 | 10 Comments
Retirees get 13th paycheck this year

The Stars & Stripes reports that military retirees will get a 13th paycheck this year because of changes to the law; The reason, explained Defense Finance and Accounting Service spokesperson Steve Burghardt, is that Congress changed the law this year to require that DFAS pay retirees on the first of each month, unless that day […]

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Post fact checks Obama’s “biggest tax cut” claim

| September 7, 2011 | 2 Comments
Post fact checks Obama’s “biggest tax cut” claim

I’ve been complaining for months in our Facebook fan page about the Washington Post fact checking Republican candidates without ever having to do that on the Democrat candidate in 2012. Well, shut my mouth, they did it today on his claim the other day about his administration’s “biggest middle class tax cut in history“. First […]

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The dumbest crap ever written

| August 30, 2011 | 8 Comments
The dumbest crap ever written

I thought I’d read the dumbest shit ever written at Veterans Today and from Gordon Duff, but this one from the Old Media has everything over there beat hands down. In the Minnesota Post is an article written by Doug Grow entitled “This week’s American Legion gathering is latest evidence that government does create jobs”; […]

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Zombie: Voluntary Tax Rates and Personalized Earmarks: How to Solve the Debate over Taxes

| August 22, 2011 | 4 Comments
Zombie: Voluntary Tax Rates and Personalized Earmarks: How to Solve the Debate over Taxes

Our friend Zombie sent us a link to the latest post at Pajama Media in response to the recent spate of the real rich (as opposed to us regular people who the Democrats consider “the rich”). Zombie offers a solution to those rich folks who don’t think they pay enough in taxes and a new […]

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WaPo: Is allowing Bush tax cuts to expire a tax hike?

| July 21, 2011 | 6 Comments
WaPo: Is allowing Bush tax cuts to expire a tax hike?

The Washington Post asked Grover Norquist that question, in an obvious attempt to trap him…and it worked. Norquist answered that “no” it wouldn’t violate the promise that most Republicans made to the public. Let me tell the Post that Norquist doesn’t speak for me or my vote. Of course, letting the tax cuts expire is […]

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Stupid politician tricks

| July 20, 2011 | 4 Comments
Stupid politician tricks

Chris Rock was only joking when he proposed a bullet tax, but a politician in Baltimore isn’t. Mayoral candidate, Otis Rolley, is perfectly serious when he announced his proposed $1 per bullet tax as an answer to armed crime in Baltimore (WBALTV link); “This is not a revenue enhancement tool,” Rolley said of the tax […]

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Ain’t it funny how there’s never enough of other people’s money?

| July 18, 2011 | 4 Comments
Ain’t it funny how there’s never enough of other people’s money?

Old Trooper sends us a link about a company in Salinas, California that sucked more than a half-million dollars from the town seducing them into believing that they had a plan to build “green cars” that would solve all of the world’s problem. But as it turns out, a half-million samolians weren’t quite enough and […]

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Another stealth tax hike planned?

| July 13, 2011 | 1 Comment
Another stealth tax hike planned?

Before George Bush raised limits on contributions to my 401k and my wife’s IRA, performance was anemic to say the best. Sputtering along at 10% of my pay and a paltry $2000 per year for the IRA, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to have enough time to work so that I could have […]

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