Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

If you idiots don’t have a picture of me wearing a bronze star…. fuck you. If you dipshits don’t have an audio of me saying I have a bronze star… fuck you again…

There is the stark reality.. live with it.

I NOTICED: About a handfull of incorrect articles and another 150 correct articles… where are they in your count. 6 vs 150 correct is about right.. You all are fucked again. See how it really works.


Wittgenfeld: your comments above simply show that your head is jammed so far up your 4th point of contact that you have to unzip your trousers to speak clearly.

Then again, you’re also so clueless I don’t think you even realize that you’re defending those who lie about their military record. As well as tacitly admitting you’re guilty of doing the same.


Hey Wigetfield. I have two questions for you. What if WE DID have a photo and audio? What do you mean by? –> “You all are fucked again. See how it really works”.


The last line in link Dallas provided to the crazed ravings of an obscure blog:

“No longer can they simply LIE to make their cases. FREE SPEECH is upheld.”

Anyone else find this hilarious? Dallas is reveling in SCOTUS telling us it’s ok to LIE about the medals we’ve earned, yet admonishes us for what he perceives as lying. The freedom of speech knife cuts both ways valor thieves. However, I’m sure the irony is lost on him.

Scottys Hideaway

Well, Well, Ms. Mary the Black Widow Schantag,

Seems the Supreme Court just killed your “Stolen Valor Act” financial crutch for your non-profit educational mission. Reality is NOW I can wear a medal of honor to your big military gala this Veterans Day 2012 and you better NOT say shit. That’s how dead your mission is today.


Hey..? When you sending me my receipt and table assignment. Only one way I wouldn’t want the receipt from you miss hottie.

Take down my name from your non-relevant anymore list or live with the caustic results in real-time. I really am a good dancer. We would have a great time. You wouldn’t charge me next year. I always get in free the second time and once I won the talent contest on the Cruise Ship.

You haven’t asked me for my return mailing address yet. What’s up with that..?

Sincerely Yours In Patriotism,

Your LRRP Buddy, Dancing Dallas
V.A. Certified 100% Combat Disabled PTSD


@306 – Master Chief, can I just shoot him?

I just got back from the dentist, and I’m feeling cranky.


We can’t shoot him … that is illegal in most states. But we can continue to hunt him down.

Old Trooper

@298: Hondo, in most states wasting perfectly good booze is considered alcohol abuse and I don’t abuse puppies or 151!!!!


Hondo, I believe you may need a HUA medal for him as well. 😀

Gump, F

OIF Vet: On this unfortunate day in USSC history, I will take a moment off from shrimpin’ to say…

Dallas is evidencing the delusional and tragic outcome of substance abuse quite common among servicemembers in his day. Those of us in here trying to reason with him, please have pity and remember that parts of his cerebral function are FUBAR now, and there is no going back. Helluva drugs. You can’t fix stupid, self-inflicted though it may be.

My old man admittedly abused psychotropic and other drugs before, during, and after his time in Vietnam. This failing of his was one of the things he would take back now in hindsight. He expressed his regret later, and raise me and my siblings to shun and abhor drugs and alcohol abuse.

However, his actions drove that point home louder than words ever could. Growing up, we knew that occasionally Pops would say/do shit that was just ‘not quite right’. Incontrovertible proof that the brain cells he zapped in the 60’s/70’s never grew back.

Fortunately, he eventually took pride in his humble service, inspired me to put my time in, and never once did he pin on flea market bling that others had earned.

Dallas sickens me, but I recognize the drug-addled ranting of a ‘Nam Vet who injested his doom one evening while looking for a high 45 years ago.

Old Trooper

@304: We have a picture of you in a fucked up class A uniform, though, as well as you posing at the Wall, so you can kiss my beer drinking ass.


And the countdown to his claim that you stole his photo begins now, OT1.

Yat Yas 1833

I just did something that had never occurred to me. I made a copy of my DD-214 and a copy of the red ID card they gave me upon my separation from active duty, put them in an envelope, and stuck it in the shoulder bag I always carry. SCOTUS has given posers legal protection and I feel have spit on my father’s grave.


I have my boot camp dogtags on my keychain, because they are engraved with my blood type and religion.


Dalass the decision by the SCOTUS dont change the fact that you are still a washed up worthless peice of shit that felt the need to embellish your military service, You have no Honor You threw it away when you put the Green Beret on and when you allowed news articles to be written claiming you were awarded the Bronze star. Twist it any way you want those facts are undisputable. you belong with your poser group you hang out with


Poor DullAss. If it weren’t for negative attention, he’d get no attention at all.

Have fun shitting in your diapers and calling everyone “MOMMA” soon enough, DullAss.


I think I finally figured out what that wreath with a torch is, hanging below the doodads and dingle dangles. I’ve seen those on Star Trek geeks, the Trekkies, not the Trekkers. It looks like some kind of Romulan doodad.

Scottys Hideaway

In regards to the comment on # 308. That was an e-mail that dickweed Dallas Wittgenfeld sent to Mary @ POWnetwork.org. She knows that I posted it here. I don’t want anyone to think that dickweed has copied my screen name and is trying to pretend He is me.

Old Trooper

@321: When did he send this to Mary? Must have been yesterday? Just shows his lack of honor and class. I hope the little pissant shows up at the gala and gets his ass handed to him by others.

Scottys Hideaway

@ 322, Yes it was yesterday.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

POOR SCCTTY…. Banned from Face Book forever…

Whaaaa, Whaaaaa, Whaaaaa, I continue to change the faces of “valor vultures”… You guys are really whining allot lately. Me and the Black Widow have a dancing date with destiny next Veterans’ Day weekend in Branson.

Soooo which one of you hidden profiles is the “Bedford Boy” Mark C. Seavey. He had a very exciting day or two at work in the American Legion Headquarters in Indianapolis. The National Commander and my Congressman got an earfull with more to come.

Who was that idiot checking with the F.A.A. about my jumps in Branson. Did they tell you all: Dallas doesn’t have to tell anybody anything till less than 24 hours… Got that…. Check again in November. Did you guys know I am a famous commercial rated pilot too. 🙂

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

“Suddenly…. valor vultures have no relevency”… just the self imposed uniform police. What a sad legacy in American History. Live with it.


Sure you are, Wittgenfeld. And I’m the freaking Emperor of China, too.

What’s your commercial pilot license’s number?

Joe Williams

Windsock, PLEASE show up I will be waiting and call you out in front of everyone. Joe


I’m curious, Dallas, when will you be in Texas?


Commercial pilot, huh? Of what? The Big Mouth Squadron? What’s he rated on?


He’s a badass, that Mark Sealy…………


Jonn, seriously, you wanna touch another mans dick? 😉

Let me get in my weekly, FUCK YOU DILLYDALLAS comment too.


He didn’t say WHAT he wanted to punch him with, SS. 😀


Just pour a pot of really hot coffee in his lap. 🙂


@212 — Joe, I want to see his pilot’s license and his logbook.


lol @ 334 & 335


Some of our un-esteemed posuers and fakes have received nicknames, such as Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich. For Wittgenfeld, I would suggest Wittgelding (or Wittgelded).

From Wikipedia:

“A gelding is a castrated horse or other equine such as a donkey or a mule. Castration, and the elimination of hormonally driven behavior associated with a stallion, allows a male horse to be calmer and better-behaved, making the animal quieter, gentler and potentially more suitable as an everyday working animal. As a verb, “gelding” or “to geld” refers to the castration procedure itself.”

That would certainly fit, given his jack-assery behavior and his lack of balls in responding to Hondo’s numerous challenges to Wittgelding to produce the paperwork that would substantiate Wittgelding’s bogus claims.


No, I suggest any nick for this guy have the word “wit” removed from it to match the man.


I’m almost gonna miss this shit on vacation.


Send us some pictures.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Guess where you idiot’s neo-Nazi QUOTE WENT: “This Ain’t Hell and all of our partners are the stocks and dunking chairs in the village square of the internet – a place where folks can come and throw rotten tomatoes at the valor thieves. The Supreme Court gave us a warrant to be the internet’s vigilantes and bounty hunters.” (sounds neo-nazi)

To prevent the now self confessed cyber-vigilantes from that very same neo-nazi mentality, Justice Anthony Kennedy, wrote the majority opinion, “Permitting the government to decree this speech to be a criminal offense, whether shouted from the rooftops or made in a barely audible whisper, would endorse government authority to compile a list of subjects about which false statements are punishable.” “Comparing the Stolen Valor Act to George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ about a futuristic totalitarian state,” Kennedy wrote, “Our constitutional tradition stands against the idea that we need Oceania’s Ministry of Truth.”

You dickheads are getting infamous in the national limelight.

Old Trooper

@342: “You dickheads are getting infamous in the national limelight.”

Yeah, I’d rather be infamous than a total douchenozzle; douchenozzle.


“Calmer and better-behaved”? Uh, don’t think that applies to Wittgenberg, Marine_7002. IMO, “more excitable and worse-behaved” is more like it. Or maybe “terminal asshattery”.

Perhaps Dallas “Legend in His Own Mind” Wittgenfeld is more appropriate. Or maybe simply Dallas “the Ass” Wittgenfeld.

I can think of several other plausible nicknames for this tool, but most deal with mental conditions or treatments for same. I’d prefer not to insult the mentally ill by comparing them to this ignorant jerk.


Of course, Wittgenfeld – as has been pointed out here repeatedly, you can prove your point by merely posting a copy of your CIB orders.

If you have a legitimate copy of such orders, that is.


I prefer “Wittgetfucked” myself. Just sayin’.

Old Trooper

@348: You got that shit right, Jonn!


@345 Hondo: my bust, I wanted to imply that he NEEDS to be gelded. That would also have a side benefit, in that we’d never have to worry about him procreating and foisting any more Wittgeldings on this world.

#347 ROS: I like that better.


Marine 7002, a pot of extremely hot coffee spilt in his lap will boil his nuts, and thus will prevent any possibility of his reproducing. AND you get to hear him howl.


Ex-PH2: won’t his asshattish personality accomplish the same effect (less the howling) without wasting a pot of perfectly good coffee? (smile)

Yat Yas 1833

DallASS, since you haven’t had the guts to respond to my multiple challenges, I’m going to make this very easy for you. I’m going to be in Branson in November. Unfortunately for you, I know what you look like, you don’t know what I do. You had better work on your ASSassin skills between now and then. As I’ve said before, I have the time and money to get there, beat your ass and bail myself out of jail. unlike you, I used my time in the Marine Corps to earn the GI Bill to get through college. Unfortunately for you, that means I can also afford an attorney. It also means I was able to restart my training in Tae Kwon Do. Like I said, start practicing…

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