Phillip Dale Monkress; The continuing saga

| May 18, 2013

So if you missed the drama last night in the post about Phillip Dale Monkress, you didn’t miss much. A couple of us got phone calls last night threatening that we were about to be served with summons. Someone who got my wife’s phone records called one of her friends to ask about my guns, ostensibly to protect the process server. I was told that I should remove my guns from house in preparation for that visit, even though the caller was unable to determine if I owned guns, and then later posted in the comments of this blog that I don’t have a permit to own guns (even though no such permit is required, or available in West Virginia).

Well, why would someone run off the rails like that? I’m just a blogger who has never hid my location in the event that one of these phonies feels froggy and wants to leap. I post publicly available information about people who are deceiving the public, and I always do my best to eliminate Personally Identifiable Information, but all that numbnuts did last night was post PII about me and the others. If you want to know if I own guns, come to the house, chickenshit. You’re in Bethesda, MD and I’m a couple of miles away. Drive on up and find out for yourself.

As I mentioned before, Monkress’ lawyer tried to put pressure on us and some of our commenters, to no available, so they’re trying intimidation, poorly. I’ve done nothing illegal, so there’s no summons coming. His lawyer might be an idiot, but she doesn’t want to look like an idiot in a courtroom. So Monkress has hired a PI in Bethesda to harass and try to intimate us. What they don’t realize is that we have lawyers and PIs, too.

So why would he do all of that intimidation? Well, maybe because he’s feeling the heat beyond his phony veterans stories. For example, this is a cached copy of his company’s About page from last week;

Monkress Native American

And here’s what it looks like now;

Monkress not native American

They got millions of dollars in government contracts based on their status as a Native American-owned business. Now suddenly, they’re not Native Americans? While we’re looking at their website, how about the front page;

APL Vet Seal

See that Department of Veterans’ Affairs seal? Well, that’s not legal to display there according to 18 U.S.C. §506;

(a) Whoever –
(1) falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, mutilates, or alters
the seal of any department or agency of the United States, or any
facsimile thereof;
(2) knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently
made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or
facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument,
commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possesses, sells, offers for sale,
furnishes, offers to furnish, gives away, offers to give away,
transports, offers to transport, imports, or offers to import any
such seal or facsimile thereof, knowing the same to have been so
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5
years, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of law,
if a forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal of a
department or agency of the United States, or any facsimile
thereof, is –
(1) so forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered;
(2) used, affixed, or impressed to or upon any certificate,
instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possessed, sold, offered for sale,
furnished, offered to furnish, given away, offered to give away,
transported, offered to transport, imported, or offered to
import, with the intent or effect of facilitating an alien’s application
for, or receipt of, a Federal benefit to which the alien is not
entitled, the penalties which may be imposed for each offense under
subsection (a) shall be two times the maximum fine, and 3 times the
maximum term of imprisonment, or both, that would otherwise be
imposed for an offense under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section –
(1) the term “Federal benefit” means –
(A) the issuance of any grant, contract, loan, professional
license, or commercial license provided by any agency of the
United States or by appropriated funds of the United States;
(B) any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health
(including treatment of an emergency medical condition in
accordance with section 1903(v) of the Social Security Act (19
(!1) U.S.C. 1396b(v))), disability, veterans, public housing,
education, food stamps, or unemployment benefit, or any similar
benefit for which payments or assistance are provided by an
agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the
United States; and
(2) each instance of forgery, counterfeiting, mutilation, or
alteration shall constitute a separate offense under this

Like I said the other day, we have someone wandering the halls of Congress trying to get various Congress people interested in Monkress and his company. I’ve also said in the past that I didn’t want to put innocent people out of work at All Points – but that stunt last night pushed me beyond that sentiment. Initially, we only wanted Monkress to admit that he had done all of us veterans wrong by pretending to be something he wasn’t, but he had to double down on the stupid.

He may have threatened my wife and family, but my resolve in this matter has dissipated their fears. So you cowards come out from behind your screens to face me and admit that you have been wrong all along and all of this will stop. By the way, I have more information if you want to keep up this silly game.

By the way, I didn’t post any links to All Points Logistics to protect you from any data they might gather from your visit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

I am surprised Phildo has not tried to move his case to tribal court being that he is a Native American.


Only Tim Cruse is a bigger douchenozzle. (And *THAT* is open to debate)


TOM damn it.

Green Thumb

Tomorrow is the day for Felonious Phildo and the case of the five-year pending DUI!


@ Green Thumb, this story isn’t nearly as fun anymore now that Paul has taken his toys and gone home. And how the hell do you play a FIVE year waiting game with a DUI charge? I’ve seen friends and soldiers get arrested, charged and convicted in 30days.Granted that was Mayors court.
What, were his lawyers hopping that the arresting officers would retire, get fired or die? That time would dull their memories? That evidence/paper work would get lost in the Byzantine halls known as our court system? That the prosecutors would say F-it and let him plead to a lesser charge just to make him go away?
GT, will you hit us with an update tomorrow? Or maybe the staff at TAH will pop some Champagne and have a big post if he is convicted?


You’d think he’d learn to give it up, what with everything else going on in his life, Jonn…


PUHLEEZE tell us he did the perp walk.


Chip–a simple Google search will be very, shall we say, entertaining.


@1015 NHSparky I did see some new legal filings with a Bethesda address on them dated September but no specific new about interactions by local LE folks.


Psulie-o the Uncoolie-o still exists in the ether, eh?

I knew there was a reason that I woke up at 2:10AM this morning.

ASTO phildo, if you have an expensive lawyer, you can do (just about) anything… most of the time.

Someone please keep us filled in on this stuff. It’s as fascinating as watching a spider stalking a fly.


I did also see a video where a number of us got called out on a profanity laden voice mail to Jonn’s phone.
That made me smile.

Green Thumb

Call APL and ask them what time Phildo’s DUI case is. And tell them you would like to attend. Then ask them if APL will provide or arrange taxpayer-funded transportation for those that wish to attend.

Good stuff.


Green Thumb

Also, if you claim to be a Native American you can ride up front with Phildo.

APL has no sense of humor.

not Julie wEir (wink)

karma may take the long road but don’t worry, it knows it’s path.


I keep thinking that ‘the continuing saga’ is kind of short of the mark for phildo’s epic thingy.

It should be something more like ‘the continuing sausage’.

All those links, hooked to each other….



Did Paulie finally get a visit from the LEO’s for his actions? I’m assuming that from your recent comment


This whole deployment this has been one enjoyable person to ready about. I tip my hat to his insanities.

Green Thumb

Any word on Phildo’s drunken SEAL/Native American/Law Enforcement Officer/DUI claims and outcome?

APL is blocking more numbers.


He has a tentative jury trial for 2 Dec. but, he’s been through this same scenario numerous times before. His lawyer definitely knows how play the system.

Green Thumb


Is the attorney representing Phildo taxpayer-funded APL legal counsel or private counsel?

Green Thumb

Now that I think about it, maybe some local Tribal Elders should be in attendance.

Ask the Miccosukee and the Seminole.

I would be curious as to their comments.

Good people; Great Nations.

A Proud Infidel

DAMN good question, GT!


@1027… I have no idea. I was just looking at the Brevard court proceedings for his trial. His lawyer has been delaying this for at least 3 years.

Just An Old Dog

@1018 ChipNasa, I finally heard/saw that… pure gold, you could practically smell the booze as that lout stuttered and slobbered that incoherent mumbo jumbo… I thought I heard him start to sob as he mentioned those who spawned his pathetic existence.


So that old sack of bedwetting shit, Psul Wickre, is still coming by for a visit? Damn, that’s remarkable. I’m still waiting for that girlie-man turd-bucket to show up out here for the Gay Freedom Day Parade. He’d make a great Grand Marshalette.
Paul Wickre – douchebag.


Maybe Phildo could speak at a local JC’s pre-law symposium and give his secrets to success on avoiding DUI’s, claiming Native heritage, phony military claims and law enforcement impersonation – all in the best interest of stealing and getting away with it.

Or better yet, maybe a TED talk or something similar. “60 minutes with Phildo”




Delay, delay, delay, and meanwhile his clearance is renewed yet again.

Now were I to get in trouble with da po-po, I’d be out of a job and my clearance would be jerked so fast all you’d see is a vapor trail.

Green Thumb

If it was renewed, he was not being honest.

Green Thumb

I contacted APL to inquire and to seek an explanation to Phildo’s usual claims to include the status of his DUI trial and how it would affect SCI’s, if convicted or even interviewed and initiated before trial.

I then asked for the legal department again.

I was told “Fuck off, asshole. You don’t (sic) know shit!”

Then I was hung up on.

I was polite.

This is how we run taxpayer-funded businesses?


I’d love to have a book version of Green Thumb’s phone conversations posted here.


Hey Psul and Phido-dildo….GFYs. You two and Dullass….human centipede. Ready, GO.


Hey Psul,
You visiting over here too??

Suck it turn burglar.


‘TURN burglar’? That’s a new one. I’m maing a note of it, ChipNASA>


TURD Burglar. Not enough caffeine this morning.
I’m just getting the mini story on the Stossel threadabout Psul going in to the MoCo judicial system.
I almost PEED myself .

Dances around YEAH BABY YEAH!!! (Hip Thrust)


I’m still waiting for TSO’s debrief.

Green Thumb

So is the Phildo.

He has lost control. He should be relieved.


OK, ChipNASA, I figure it out: a TURN burglar is the guy who moves into your place in line at the popcorn stand, and won’t let you have it back when you have to step out for a second to pick up one of your kid’s toys at the movie theater.


@1045, Ex-PH2

Nice…..Oh and you have *wayyy* too much time on your hands. LOL.


@1046 – No, I’m taking a short, quick break from writing. It’s what I do.

Now, the question is this: if Mikey makes a nest for himself between the stack of magazines and the bag of oranges on the kitchen table, bracing his front paws against the magazines and my marble rolling pin, and also plants his behind firmly on the bag of oranges, are the oranges still fit to eat?


@1047 …as long as you peel ’em before you eat ’em! 😉


@1048 – HeeHeeHee!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


1049: I’d personally rinse them first – then peel them.

And if he sprayed them, I wouldn’t eat ’em on a bet – washed or not. (smile)


@1047 Ex-PH2…..

You should read this thread from another site I frequent… a News Aggregator site….they talked all about cats and their behinds…


I still can’t get Mikey to do the cheetah stud dance on demand. And I have the camera ready and waiting, too.

A Proud Infidel

Hey Paul “Little Lord Fauntleroy – Pee Wee Herman” K. Wickre, AS TO your being given that label, I DID IT AGAIN !!!


ChipNASA: I made it as far as the “lipstick” comment. Then I lost it.

If the guy actually tries that, I want to see the video – as well as the post-emergency room photos of the guy. (smile)

Green Thumb

Try APL customer service.

Good stuff.


@ 1054 Hondo…
Yep you and half the internet…..
That lipstick cat butt thing was quite famous a few years back as an internet meme.