Phillip Dale Monkress; The continuing saga

| May 18, 2013

So if you missed the drama last night in the post about Phillip Dale Monkress, you didn’t miss much. A couple of us got phone calls last night threatening that we were about to be served with summons. Someone who got my wife’s phone records called one of her friends to ask about my guns, ostensibly to protect the process server. I was told that I should remove my guns from house in preparation for that visit, even though the caller was unable to determine if I owned guns, and then later posted in the comments of this blog that I don’t have a permit to own guns (even though no such permit is required, or available in West Virginia).

Well, why would someone run off the rails like that? I’m just a blogger who has never hid my location in the event that one of these phonies feels froggy and wants to leap. I post publicly available information about people who are deceiving the public, and I always do my best to eliminate Personally Identifiable Information, but all that numbnuts did last night was post PII about me and the others. If you want to know if I own guns, come to the house, chickenshit. You’re in Bethesda, MD and I’m a couple of miles away. Drive on up and find out for yourself.

As I mentioned before, Monkress’ lawyer tried to put pressure on us and some of our commenters, to no available, so they’re trying intimidation, poorly. I’ve done nothing illegal, so there’s no summons coming. His lawyer might be an idiot, but she doesn’t want to look like an idiot in a courtroom. So Monkress has hired a PI in Bethesda to harass and try to intimate us. What they don’t realize is that we have lawyers and PIs, too.

So why would he do all of that intimidation? Well, maybe because he’s feeling the heat beyond his phony veterans stories. For example, this is a cached copy of his company’s About page from last week;

Monkress Native American

And here’s what it looks like now;

Monkress not native American

They got millions of dollars in government contracts based on their status as a Native American-owned business. Now suddenly, they’re not Native Americans? While we’re looking at their website, how about the front page;

APL Vet Seal

See that Department of Veterans’ Affairs seal? Well, that’s not legal to display there according to 18 U.S.C. §506;

(a) Whoever –
(1) falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, mutilates, or alters
the seal of any department or agency of the United States, or any
facsimile thereof;
(2) knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently
made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or
facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument,
commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possesses, sells, offers for sale,
furnishes, offers to furnish, gives away, offers to give away,
transports, offers to transport, imports, or offers to import any
such seal or facsimile thereof, knowing the same to have been so
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5
years, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of law,
if a forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal of a
department or agency of the United States, or any facsimile
thereof, is –
(1) so forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered;
(2) used, affixed, or impressed to or upon any certificate,
instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possessed, sold, offered for sale,
furnished, offered to furnish, given away, offered to give away,
transported, offered to transport, imported, or offered to
import, with the intent or effect of facilitating an alien’s application
for, or receipt of, a Federal benefit to which the alien is not
entitled, the penalties which may be imposed for each offense under
subsection (a) shall be two times the maximum fine, and 3 times the
maximum term of imprisonment, or both, that would otherwise be
imposed for an offense under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section –
(1) the term “Federal benefit” means –
(A) the issuance of any grant, contract, loan, professional
license, or commercial license provided by any agency of the
United States or by appropriated funds of the United States;
(B) any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health
(including treatment of an emergency medical condition in
accordance with section 1903(v) of the Social Security Act (19
(!1) U.S.C. 1396b(v))), disability, veterans, public housing,
education, food stamps, or unemployment benefit, or any similar
benefit for which payments or assistance are provided by an
agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the
United States; and
(2) each instance of forgery, counterfeiting, mutilation, or
alteration shall constitute a separate offense under this

Like I said the other day, we have someone wandering the halls of Congress trying to get various Congress people interested in Monkress and his company. I’ve also said in the past that I didn’t want to put innocent people out of work at All Points – but that stunt last night pushed me beyond that sentiment. Initially, we only wanted Monkress to admit that he had done all of us veterans wrong by pretending to be something he wasn’t, but he had to double down on the stupid.

He may have threatened my wife and family, but my resolve in this matter has dissipated their fears. So you cowards come out from behind your screens to face me and admit that you have been wrong all along and all of this will stop. By the way, I have more information if you want to keep up this silly game.

By the way, I didn’t post any links to All Points Logistics to protect you from any data they might gather from your visit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Hey Psul and Phildo….get ready….the Feds are coming for you…

“Georgia Contractor Sentenced for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small
Business Fraud

A Georgia contractor was sentenced to 24 months incarceration and 2 years
supervised release after pleading guilty to making false statements. As part of the plea
agreement, the defendant paid $181,556 in restitution. Subsequent to a referral
received from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), a VA OIG, Small
Business Administration (SBA) OIG, United States Department of Agriculture OIG, and
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) investigation revealed that the
defendant fraudulently obtained five Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
(SDVOSB) set-aside contracts worth over $2 million.


I do missions for a month and I come back to this. Oh man this is going to take hours of reading to catch back up on…

Green Thumb

I does not take much of an imagination to see Phildo and his accomplices hard at work at APL stealing from Veterans, Native Americans, Citizens and LEO’s this morning.

I can only imagine they are getting all they can before the boom drops and contracts are not renewed.

This is without a doubt the biggest collection of scum, low-lifes, dishonorable and shameless turds in the government contracting business.

And they have no transparency as well.

Classical (Federal) definition of fraud, waste and abuse.

Green Thumb

I wonder if Phildo has staff meeting where he plans the most effective strategies for stealing from Native Americans, Veteran and taxpayers?

Green Thumb

And yet another morning finds Phildo hard at work stealing from Veterans, Taxpayers, Native Americans and LEO’s.

Green Thumb

Phildo is still avoiding calls seeking clarification of his claims.

And his current staff has no issue with their “Leader” (CEO) taking this course of action.

Unethical Turds.

Cash Money Smith

Cash Money says “Phil has taken his scam onto the road”.

Cash Money says “Picking up the cash from accomplices abroad”.

Cash Money also says “When will Phil be available for comment?”



Isn’t Boeing one of their major clients? Boeing is cutting back on 3,000 jobs because of loss of funding from DoD. Parts suppliers (other companies) will subsequently be cutting as much as 20,000 jobs, because of this loss of funding.

Where’s Phildo’s cash cow subsititute for this?

Green Thumb

Another day, another dollar stolen by Phildo and his supporters from Veterans, Native Americans, and taxpaying citizens of the great nation.

But instead of clearing up these potential misconceptions to all parties involved, Phildo hides out and blames others for his lies, misrepresentations and theft.

Phildo, as a Brevard County Sheriffs Deputy, you should have some ethics.

Green Thumb

When you call APL and identify yourself as a wounded Veteran seeking information you are met with racial slurs and threats of arrest.

The operator, one assumes, has been given the authority to speak for the CEO since he is permanently unavailable.

When you ask questions about financial stability, security clearances, operational strategies and potential character issues you are treated with disrespect and intimidation.

One wonders if this in violation of certain governmental ethics and inclusion policies.

When you ask to be connected to the legal department to get clarification on company policies and file a complaint, you are threated once again with arrest.

I can only assume that Phildo, in his capacity as a Brevard County Sheriffs Deputy, will be the one that arrests you.

It continually amazes me that the government and other organizations affiliate themselves with APL. And this borderline criminal organization and people receive taxpayer funding how?


Then it becomes a question of when will their contreact with Boeing be terminated, since Boeing is cutting 3,000 jobs related to DoD aviation, which, as the news reports indicated, the Boeing cuts will impact 20,000 jobs with companies that contract with Boeing to supply services.

Phil The Varicose SEAL


My name is “Phil The Varicose SEAL”.

If you know anything about varicose veins than you would know that me “Phil The Varicose SEAL” is nothing more than a varicose vein in the ballsack.

That is right everyone. They named an actual medical term after me. In fact my doctor told me that my varicose SEAL if removed would probably measure in at 30 feet long.

Phil The Varicose SEAL

For more information about the vericose seal and what makes me the biggest ballsack that ever walked the face of the earth go to:

Green Thumb

I attempted to make myself available for Phildo’s and APL’s executive training program.

That did not go over very well.

Green Thumb

As another day finds Phildo and his accomplices stealing everything that is not bolted down, I thought I would add a few observations. I received several racial slurs and threats of arrest the other day from APL when I attempted to contact Phildo seeking clarification of his claims. When I asked to speak with the legal department, it intensified. Folks, this is a million-dollar company and that type of behavior cannot be tolerated. If the woman was correct in stating that she spoke for Phildo, I urgently question the “bottom up” management style that it is place. Phildo seems to be running APL similar to a McDonalds or such, at least judging from his educational experience. Now, the more I think about the defensive tone she used, this operator is possibly Phildo’s daughter. A huge ethics violation if there is one applicant/resume/CV that has a more qualified individual applying for ANY position in APL (nepotism). Rude, unprofessional, disrespectful and racist. Moving on, although I do not believe Phildo and his accomplices violate the tenets of EEO as they steal from everyone equally, this woman did. And she has a job still why? As stated, gotta love Phildo’s management style. Heads up to the remaining APL employees who HAVE NOT thrown in with Phildo, this is why the company is going into the ground! As to Phildo’s accomplices: you guys should know better by know. Unlike the one I spoke with a few days ago claiming she did not know. Yeah, you know. my advice: get out when you can. Its a stinki9ng and sinking ship; anyone who steals from Veterans, Native Americans and LEOs. Actually, you guys should just ask him. Three or more of you stick together (minus the COL who misplaced his honor) to include Phildo’s shady security clearance issues and his ongoing criminal issues, you should win. Or at least have a good chance. But it takes guts; something that seems to be in short supply. Easier to do the easy wrong (while getting paid) that the hard right, I guess. It is my understanding that certain… Read more »


Go GT GO!!!


Phildo, Phildo, Phildo,
I can’t WAIT for the day we hear about your subsequent arrest and sentencing for defrauding the government.
” government fraud case sentenced to 27 months”
” federal judge has sentenced a business owner to one year and one day in prison stemming from a guilty plea to charges of SDVOSB fraud.The sentence, which also imposes a $399,000 fine. ”

/can’t wait, can’t wait.


And STILL no ninja dickweed spandex deathsquads rustling around in my woods.

Lucky them.


Oh and there’s more!!!!
VA and DOD are cracking down as is the SBA IG and the U.S. Attorney’s office within the department of Justice…and they are AWARE of APL…

“… sentenced by U.S. District Judge Timothy S. Hillman to two years probation with six months to be served in home detention with electronic monitoring, forfeiture of $38,000, and completion of 200 hours of community service, preferably to be performed in a setting working on behalf of veterans…for falsely representing that his business was a minority and service-disabled veteran-owned and operated business.

and more

The owner of a …. company has been sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for defrauding a federal program that set aside contracts for businesses owned by service-disabled veterans, U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom said today.

XXXXX pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit fraud against the United States, one count of major program fraud, one count of wire fraud, one count of money laundering and one count of making a false statement.

In his plea, XXXX admitted he falsely claimed to be a service-disabled veteran and a war hero in order to obtain more than $6.7 million in contracts from the Veterans Administration and more than $748,000 in contracts from the Department of Defense. The contracts were awarded under the Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program.

/They’re coming to take you away…ha ha, hee hee, to the BIG HOUSE….


Green Thumb is da man!

I’m curious as to (AS TO AS TO AS TO somebody stop me!)why the person who answers the phone is making threats and using racial slurs.

Also, where is wickre the useless in this mess? Any word on what he’s up to now?


PH2–I’m sure he’s still around, chugging cheap hooch, soiling his spandes, lurking…


Lurking? I like that! It’s like ‘oooooozing’.


I’m just waiting for the person answering the phone to act like that for the Congressional investigators. That much professionalism is sure to be rewarded by those who make the laws.

Green Thumb

Phildo’s accountants Howie, Dewie and Cheat are not returning calls, either.

Phildo….who is in charge? The admin assistant, the operator, the dishonorable Colonel, Lemon Drop Queen? I mean, who is left?

One thing is for sure,; you are not.

Any more racial slurs? Or threats of arrest? Cat got your tongue?

Phildo, Phildo, Phildo…sad. Are you still buying drinks for the MC?

My, how the mighty that lie have fallen….


Wait – phildo the big cheater has Dewie, Cheatem and Howe as his accountants?

Oh, it IS a small, small world, isn’t it?

Green Thumb

Phildo is dug in deeper than a tick on the collective ass of society.

Diplomacy failed. Honesty was never attempted. His tactics and operational strategy also failed. All he does is issue threats and avoid contact with the outside.

Logistics will become an problem to include human resources.

He is shrinking his perimeter.

He will suck out every last penny he can before he disappears and leaves everyone else to deal with the aftermath.

Par for the course.


Keep us posted, GT.

It’s almost like watching a black hole underway. Everything falls into it. Nothing escapes. The event horizon is all that acts as a barrier to complete implosion. And black holes, as you may know, are known to eject violent bursts of space noise in the form of Xrays and gamma bursts.

I think I’d steer away from this mess.

A Proud Infidel

Yeah, Phildo has been playing with matches inside of a dry straw house, and now he’s gotta deal with the consequences. I wonder who he’s gonna blame more, TAH or Wickre?


How many APL employees are going to get screwed over on October 1 when Phil crashes the Hindenburg into the Titanic, the doors are locked, and any back pay or accrued vacation they are owed goes uncompensated?


A Proud Infidel@984, somehow this has to be George Bush’s fault. Just ask any Democrat.

Green Thumb

Phildo will blame anyone and everyone he can.

After all, he is afforded the right to lie in this country.

And I firmly believe judging by the behavior of several of his employees, he believes that he has a right to make a profit off of his lies.

You know what the difference between Phildo and a sack of shit is?

The sack.


Hack.Stone: contracts sometimes aren’t aligned on Fiscal Year boundaries. But whenever the end of the current period-of-performance for APL’s contract approaches, I suspect APL management might have some ‘splainin’ to do.


GT, is there a countdown to a cmoplete implosion?


I still can’t believe that these numbskulls are still walking free.


I looked down in the toilet this morning after a night of lukewarm draft beer and chicken wings before I flushed.

And much like people seeing the image of Jesus on a cheeseburger, I saw Phildo.


Uno, dos, tres, quarto, Phildo, Phildo, seis….!

Any word on Felonious Phildo, Paul (of the Ballsack) and the rest of Phildobaba’s thieves?


Curiouser and curiouser!


Hey, when’s his court date, btw?


I believe that he has a court date mid November but can’t find out when. He has filed two (at least) writs against the court for Motions…
Aug 12th – This Court finds the Defendants have not demonstrated a violation of their due process rights. The Defendants have not made any showing of materiality. Therefore, the Defendants are not entitled to inspect and test the Intoxylizer 8000. This Court refuses to be a party to a fishing expedition to open Pandora’s Box (Intoxilyzer 8000).
ORDERED AND ADJUDGED the Defendants’ Motions for Production of Intoxilyzer 8000 for Purposes of Inspection and Testing is DENIED.

“Sept 6th – for production of Intoxilyzer for inspection and testing are denied where…. defendants do not claim to have any specific reason to believe that Intoxilyzer is unreliable or does not perform properly….THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the Emergency Petition for Writ of Prohibition is DENIED. ”

PWNED!!! X 2 😀


He’s a turd.


Cross posted from Hondo in the other thread

Well, this link looks interesting – especially when you put Judge Murphy in as the judge and look at 13 Nov 2013 as the date. (smile)


Can’t wait until next Thursday!!!!


I can’t wait until next Thursday!!

Green Thumb

Call customer service at APL and ask for a team of inspectors to come out and work on your Intoxiyler 8000.

Then ask to speak with the CEO.

Good stuff!


DUI AND 30+ speeding?

And he’s been fighting this for FIVE YEARS?




Bingo! You guys just set another record.

Green Thumb

Hey you guys!

Let go my Phildo!


Not a record, Ex-PH2. One of the other Monkress articles had 1880 comments when Jonn closed it.


ELlTee GT, can you repeat some of the things the APLfolks have said to you? Or would they violate the laws of common decency?