Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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It seems that MR. Dallas Wittgenfeld has decided to post himself as the Phantom Airborne Brigade on Military.Com. If anyone knows how to contact Mr. Wittgenfeld, I would appreciate that information, as he has never been a member of the Brigade, and he needs to take down his page representing himself as such.(This guy is a total hero faker) all eyes on him,,,,,,,,


This guy looks like/reminds me of general shepard from modern warfare two, mustache beret and everything

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

So,it took you “52 brainiac posts” to figure out Dallas Wittgenfeld IS a twice combat wounded Vietnam War Veteran of the elite Airborne Rangers and a “Special Liaison Section” Advisor for the Special Forces trained, Air America flown, and C.I.A. funded mecenaries of the Royal Thailand Army SoF.. Just like he said.

You know..? This makes all your posts you ever made seem uncredible from this point on. If you young Veteran “Band of Bastards” can’t pin a bronze star on him, NOT HEARSAY, You are screwed. Have you got a picture of him wearing a bronze star..? Didn’t think so..


LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Responding to Dragon Breath on comment #51..?

Did you know Ranger Dallas has a USPA D-Rating and round low-level staticline parachutes, too… “Set 10s” Do you know what that is… I wonder who built them for him… Guest where he jumped them..?

Ohhhh, Yah,on the Phantom Airborne Brigade jumpers manifest..3 times.. Go get a life Mister Phantom Imposture Yourself… How’s that jumping working out for you right now… NADDA.?


Fuck I hate when the kids are out of school.


He’s jealous of the attention others are getting this week?


Long Range Patrol 41 (I refuse to act like an idiot and toggle the shift key repeatedly like a spastic): no one here is debating whether or not Wittgenfeld has 2 PHs or was in Vietnam, dipstick. What is in question is (1) whether his CIB is legit, and (2) whether he was ever SF. The answer on both, per Army regs in effect when he served, is . . . no. Informal advisor duty to foreign forces in the RVN entitles him to neither a CIB nor to call himself SF. See the other Wittgenfeld thread for further details.

That’s especially true since, per his FOIA, he appears to have never done so because he was returning to CONUS at the time he claimed to have served as an “advisor” to the Royal Thai Army.

And I don’t believe even Wittgenfeld himself has ever claimed to be entitled to wear the Ranger tab – though he has worn the Ranger beret without authority.

Frankly Opinionated

As I have said before; my personal thing in this is that I don’t give a ratsass about what he did or did not do in ‘Nam. He has proven himself to be both a liar and a thief. This POS snagged a photo from my wall, (in and of itself, no big deal), but then claimed that it was his photo= THIEF, and further, that I stole it from him= LIAR; neither of which I tolerate. I will handle this at a day and place convenient to me, but it WILL get handleds. When he is lying in the Fecal Position, we will have been served.


@59 FO: well said. Do you realize you just coined a new phrase – “fecal position”? Gives a different slant to the term “fetal position”. I like it.


Considering what this shit-filled meatsack has pulled, I think fecal position might be more apropriate.

Scottys Hideaway

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 = Dallas Wittgenfeld, The Thunder chickenshit clown that was wounded twice in RVN from a flying c-rat can hitting him in the ass when a arty round hit the garbage dump on the FOB he was assigned to in May of 1970 when he supposedly got wounded twice within 3 weeks. The wounds had to be minor in nature as he was not rotated out after the injuries. Dallas Wittgenfeld was a 05B2P & 05B20 during his tour in RVN. Copy that radio man Wittgenfeld ? You were assigned to two Ranger units as an RTO in RVN. But you were never in Ranger School . You also do not have an 11B series MOS listed in your 2-1 files wanna be Grunt.You never trained or led members of the RTAVF into battle. You are a LIAR & an embellish-er who has spent a lifetime lieing about your tour in RVN. You have completely dis-respected every American who fought in RVN. I bet you got off the plane , turned around & started spitting on your fellow comrades as they dis-embarked .You have no honor or pride for the uniform you wore . After all that .. Thank you & Welcome Home RTO Dallas Witthengeld…~ Scotty

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hi Scotty, Are you going to the big combat wounded Military Gala for the PoW Network, too. I am buying a table for ten. What a wonderful time I will have marching around in my Infantry Blue and my CIB… cause I’ll have my dd214 with me…. I will be showing it to everybody, there. Having a big hoot on you idiots hereon. How about you jack-offs go and see if all the OTHER Airborne Ranger como guys were issued 11F-2P secondary MOS…. You will see it is comon knowledge to the knowledgable… NOT dipshit youngsters… I have also chartered my friends helicopter and I am packing my parachutes today for my big Veterans Day 2012 week in Branson, Mo. I know important people in important places around Branson.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Frankly Opinionated….#59 Chill out man…. I checked your picture closer… I have one just like it; but yours is yours….

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

FOR EVERYBODY’S ENTERTAINENT: Scotty has been blasted-off every Face Book page with my picture on it… his perssonal too.. even Military dot com has zapped his ass. Welcome to this blog… You follow me just like a dog in heat.. Wonderfull…

Scottys Hideaway

I would suggest you march around with the FOIA we provided you with dilly Dallas.It actually gives you more credit then what your dd-214 does. And yes please show up @ Military Gala wearing your costume. You will make a great example for everyone to know what an idiot embellish-er looks like. Toot Toot your own horn fool. All you did by requesting to be part of the Military Gala is cause Mary to update your file on their Wall of Shame. Sucks being you chicken shit clown. Still waiting on that Bronze Star award letter boy. Oh that’s right , You never claimed that huh ? Tell me did you leave your BS award letter in Ohio ?


Well, I guess I’ll have to start researching just how to go about requesting a formal inquiry into erroneous and/or fraudulent awards that managed to make it into official records at NPRC. I’m sure the Army and/or NARA has a process for that.


By the way, Wittgenfeld: there’s an easy way for you to silence your critics. Post (1) your CIB orders, and (2) either formal orders to an advisory position with RVN forces (Royal Thai doesn’t cut it) or 11B secondary MOS orders. That should be enough to satisfy most if not all the folks here that your CIB is legit.

I’m guessing you don’t have any of those, though.

Scottys Hideaway

Let us know how the Military Gala goes for you dilly Dallas. Pictures or you weren’t there !

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hey Hondo… You are a johnny cum lately, man. These brainiacs started harassing me for being a military poser… then they found out I wasn’t… and was decorated more than them… they went crazy… here I am.. Still wearing my Ranger Beret just like I am supposed to… Infantry Blue too. All real combat Ranger Teamers get C.I.Bs brainiac. Common knowledge.. except for you. Don’t you guys even FEEL STUPID or what. sooo I am coming to a town near you.. 🙂


Not sure how relevant this is, but in response to comment 71. I know a guy who was a 25C and served as an RTO with a Ranger team in Iraq. I think what he did was extremely rare but he is legit and the real deal. He wears a CAB and is the first to adamantly state that he did not earn a CIB.


The rule of poseurs is concrete like physics….the blowhards who never stop yammering about how high speed they are…….never really are.

This rule is doubled for those who walk around looking like a tiger striped Napoleon.


No one’s debating that your DD214 shows you have a CIB, Wittgenfeld. Your FOIA indicates that, too. However, many of us question whether or not that CIB is legit – and wonder how it got on your DD214.

Hypothetically speaking, it’s possible that a transition point clerk has been convinced to put something on a DD214 that’s not legit from time to time. Particularly if the soldier ETSing raises Cain, has a plausible story as to why he doesn’t have proper orders, and spins a convincing but false yarn about why he qualifies for a not-that-well understood loophole in the regs.

Hell – CSM’s sometimes try to claim Purple Hearts from Vietnam for MACV-SOG service in 1974. And back up their claims with certificates signed by Nixon dated 4 months after he left office.

Provide paperwork backing your claims, and we’ll shut up. But if you don’t produce paperwork, don’t expect the questioning to stop.

Yat Yas 1833

Being a Jarhead I can’t comment on the badges, berets, patches, etc. because we don’t use them. I am now absolutely certain he’s a phony something. Every poser who is called out threatens to sue when they’re trapped. Also the lack of providing something as simple as a set of orders say volumes. sheesh!


OK, I’m a bit confused here.

On the left side of his jacket, he’s got a National Defense Service ribbon, Vietnam Service ribbon, and Vietnam Campaign ribbon. On the right side of his jacket he has another National Defense ribbon, another Vietnam Service ribbon, and what appears to be a Navy Good Conduct ribbon.

Why in the blue-eyed world would an Army guy be wearing a Navy decoration? And if you had two hitches in Vietnam, you got a star to add to your original service/campaign medals, not two medals. I knew a few guys who had two stars on their Vietnam medals, but that was the 1970s and that war was not so popular then.

Seriously, some of these pictures that show up are funnier than Lenny Bruce was when he was drunk. Keep up the good work.


Ex-PH2: Unlike the other services, the Army wears unit decorations over the right pocket vice the left. If you were assigned to a unit at the time a unit decoration was awarded (or formally attached for 30+ days or for the duration of the period for which awarded if shorter than 30 days), they’re authorized to be worn by the individual permanently. If you’re assigned to the unit later, you wear the unit awards previously earned by your unit of assignment while assigned and take them off when you leave.

The unit decorations he’s wearing over his right pocket are, starting at his upper right in the photo, (upper row) the Presidential Unit Citation; the Valorous Unit Award; (lower row) the Meritorious Unit Award; the Vietnamese Presidential Unit Citation; and the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross Unit Citation.

He’s still f-ed up, because the Army wears all unit decorations in a gold frame. And none of them appear to be on his FOIA, either – so he’s not authorized to wear them permanently. But they’re at least where they should be, and are in proper order.

Frankly Opinionated

@#66LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41 :
Whitgenfeld, first I heard of you copping to being a Liar and a thief. Have you untold your claims on your backtrack? You accused me of stealing your photo. I have seen nowhere any sort of copping to being a lyin’ assed piece of shit. Sobbing the blues here over me calling you both a LIAR and a THIEF ain’t saying anything. The guys that you made that claim with are not here to read your copout.
Your acts will follow you, and I am every bit as chilled out as I care to be as I am calling the time and place on this. Chilling while the meal becomes cold.
Nuf Sed


Thanks, Hondo. That clears that up for me. Navy wears everything on the left side, with very few exceptions…or used to. Maybe that’s changed since I left USNav in 1974. But thanks for the heads up.

Still….am I the only who thinks he looks like a bloviating walrus? Gee, I hope I get to meet him in a bar some night. Maybe I could pull out my United Space Fleet ID and show him my ribbons from the Snake Wars…but that’s another story.

Old Trooper

I don’t want to get in the middle of this whole thing about whatever Witgenfeld has, or hasn’t, done. I just want to make an observation about Mr. Witgenfeld’s behavior in all of this. I have never seen anyone that is more concerned with his bling than anything else, which leads me to the conclusion he is a complete narcissist. Yeah, my dad was a LRRP in Vietnam. Recondo, Airborne, 11B, etc. He only has 1 Purple Heart, but he has 6 holes in him and a scar that runs from his sternum to just above his groin for that 1 PH. He doesn’t brag or even talk about his bling and hasn’t in over 40 years (my sister was going to make a shadowbox and put his stuff in it and he refused).

I said that to say this: I find it interesting that someone wearing an 82nd Airborne patch on his left shoulder would be wearing a Ranger beret. I don’t know of anyone that would do so (I’m sure Jonn didn’t wear his black Ranger beret once he left the Battalion and if he suited up now wouldn’t wear the tan one, either). Granted, he may wear it all on his skydiving costume for showmanship, but I find it offensive that he would put on his class A uniform and have it all cocked up like that (especially with that shit eating grin; there’s nothing to smile about in that photo). Then, to get on here and denigrate others as being jealous because you have more bling than them goes to the character, or lack thereof, of the person doing the bragging.

I’ll get off my soapbox now. It’s been gnawing at me all day, since reading the comments from the man, himself.


#81 – Old Trooper, the surplus stores, unfortunately, carry loads of decorations and insignia for anyone who wants to buy them.

I lost my bucket hat through several moves since 1974, but I still have the anchor-on-a-screw pin that went on it, which I would gladly wear in public.

The sun and moon are not mirrored in cloudy waters. Thus, the Almighty cannot be mirrored in a heart that is obsessed by the idea of “me” and “mine”. — Sri Kamakrishna


CIB, no CIB, this Navy guy doesn’t know one way or the other.

What I DO know is that his attitude and how he treats people sucks ass. Nuff said.


Interesting contrast between Whitgenfeld and Clarence “Sonny” Szejbach http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=30342&cpage=1#comment-633570 . Here’s what the article said about Szejbach, and what he said:

Article: “Szejbach spent 45 days in a hospital in Japan before he returned stateside. The prospect of receiving a medal never entered his mind.”

Szejbach: “When I finally got home and was discharged, I was happy just getting out. At 21 years old I wasn’t paying that much attention to my discharge papers to see if any awards were listed,” he said.”

Article: “Szejbach voiced more than surprise when he learned of the impending — if long overdue — honors.”

Szejbach: “At first I questioned whether it was a mistake, but I will take them at their word,” he said.”

Draw your own conclusions…

Dallas "windsock"

Man…feel the love here…Dallas is a such a BLOW HARD. Enjoy your visit to Branson, 🙂 maybe Dolly Pardon’s show, or the Wild west show can use you as a stand in Clown?? and you can wear that “Droge chute” to slow you down , so the bull can catch your Fat ass, toss and STOMP the shit out of you. Remember practice “situational awareness” while visiting Missouri. And practice “Ducking”…like you did in Vietnam..may save you from getting another purple heart. Ciao…See ya in November!

Scottys Hideaway

?”Ode to an aging lawn dart” by ECPetterson

I’m a Shit talking bank book, of ass kicking checks!!
I’m Dallas the Ranger (?), and simply the BEST!

What I loose in the translation, I make up with heckling,
I’m a super troop fibber, when no one is checking,

If I can’t see the play, I make up my own,
I’m Hot with the ladies, try to slip them a bone.

I’m Dilly Dallas Wittgenfeld, that Ariel, Acrobat, Clown.
I’m sure you must know me, I’ve jumped in your town,
About Dallas the patriot parachuting clown.

Sit down a while, and let me expound, on all of my exploits,
and how I’m renown. How I secretly won the War in South Asia,
and sired some kids, we call “Amer-asian”.

In that ramshackle land called Vietnam ,
I Dallas “W” kicked ass on the CONG.

Sure my records are weak, don’t properly show,
all the damage and carnage, and Hell I bestowed.

OLD ” LRRP 41″ , a legend and Hero,
all the rest of you fuckers are nothing but ZEROS.


Damn, Scotty. Bravo Zulu. You bucking to become the TAH resident poseur poet or something?


Not a poseur yourself (sorry), but a poet who zings poseurs?


I like it! Do some more.

Maybe I could design a badge for these guys to wear, with the motto “Bubulum Stercus Est”.

It means in Latin exactly the same thing that it means in English.

I’ll see what I can do and see if TAH will post it.

Scottys Hideaway

@ Marine_7002 . That was written by a REAL Army Ranger that has busted dilly Dallas & his claims numerous times.
dilly Dallas will NOT be attending the Military Gala this year.He is like a maytag washing machine trying to stir things up.Personally from the dis-respect that he has shown Mary @ POWnetwork concerning her recently deceased husband ( Chuck). I hope this SOB does come to a town near me. It would be my pleasure to bitch slap the ” clown ” off his face.


Hmm someones unit patch doesn’t match his beret.. 82nd doesn’t wear tan and or green berets…


@90 Scotty: ah, got ya. My compliments to him for his creativity!

I missed something somewhere, what did Whitgelfeld say about Chuck Schantag?


This fellow is another fine example of histrionic personality disorder.

My cat Mikey has more medals and ribbons than this illegal obscenity, and Mikey got his awards legitimately, at cat shows.

Scottys Hideaway

@ 92 Marine_7002 .. dilly Dallas had the nerve to ask Mary if she was lonely yet.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Enjoy my FLAG PARACHUTE on Flag Day. People treated me like a hero today as I entertained the entire dropzone with Patriotism to the 1st degree. THIS is what I get paid for. Something “Valor Vultures” can never attain anywhere. “SALUTE” maggots…


Dallas, the only way you’ll ever entertain the dropzone is if you jump without a ‘chute.

I know I’d be laughing my balls off, anyway.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Soooo, got my airlines and Branson rooms on the Lake,too. What a Military Gala it will be. I plan on dancing with “The Queen Bee” in the “Valley of Vultures” during a media feeding frinzy at my table. Invision that..! You all are invited you know. Costs some money to dance with the Black Widow. Yes, I asked Ms. Mary if she was lonely yet.. I didn’t know she would take my personal love letter to you dicky boys. She is NOT a Lady. Don’t you guys think she is HOT too.

I bet Erik, Scotty, and Jonn Jonn jacks-off to her photo on the PoW network during their circle jerks.

Scotty..? Why aren’t you on Face book anymore touting your spews. Bang,. Bang, Bang….. three splashes in a row… you are OUT of Face book… except for the couple others you have hidden..

See what you get for asking me shit…. more to come..

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

SPARKY ..? You sound so angry. More than usual..? Has something got you going lately.? “LACK OF PATRIOTISM”… Remember, man. I am the guy they hire as the feature opening act at airshows.. If you wanted my autograph you would have to pay the $10.oo admission… and I get a mere nickle of that times 100,000 spectators. Don’t forget it dumb ass.


“Enjoy my FLAG PARACHUTE on Flag Day. People treated me like a hero today as I entertained the entire dropzone with Patriotism to the 1st degree. THIS is what I get paid for.” And there it is, folks. He’s a showman, and that is what he gets paid for. I put on a uniform today, too. No one treated me like a hero. I didn’t get any extra pay. I did get to return the salutes of a few soldiers and officers who saluted me, though, and I got to salute a few senior officers. That was all that I needed. Something tells me that that exemplifies the difference between Dallas and me, and the majority of those here at TAH.


Wittgenfeld (Or should I say, “Thunder Chicken”?): Are you just naturally an asshole, or do you make a conscious effort to act like one in public? Is that part of your “schtick” – like it is for some professional wrestlers?

Oh well. Clowns do get paid – even “Thunder the Clown”. I guess everybody has to earn a living somehow.

But this time, if you get behind the controls of the plane, try to remember the FAA required “dry” period before takeoff. Or did you lose your pilot’s license permanently for that stunt?