Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Scottys Hideaway

At no time was was Dallas classified as a LRRP or LRP during his tour in RVN. He was a RTO assigned to Ranger units . Unit Designation Major Command Period of Service Co. E, 20th Infantry (LRP) I Field Force Vietnam 25 Sep 1967 – 1 Feb 1969 Co. F, 51st Infantry (LRP) II Field Force Vietnam 25 Sep 1967 – 1 Feb 1969 Co. D, 151st Infantry (LRP) II Field Force Vietnam 26 Dec 1968—1 Feb 1969 Co. E, 50th Infantry (LRP) 9th Infantry Division 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 Co. F, 50th Infantry (LRP) 25th Infantry Division 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 Co. E, 51st Infantry (LRP) 23rd Infantry Division 12 Dec 1968—1 Feb 1969 Co. E, 52nd Infantry (LRP) 1st Cavalry Division 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 Co. F, 52nd Infantry (LRP) 1st Infantry Division 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 Co. E, 58th Infantry (LRP) 4th Infantry Division 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 Co. F, 58th Infantry (LRP) 101st Airborne Division 10 Jan 1968—1 Feb 1969 71st Infantry Detachment (LRP) 199th Infantry Brigade 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) 173rd Airborne Brigade 20 Dec 1967—1 Feb 1969 78th Infantry Detachment (LRP) 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Div 15 Dec 1968-1 Feb 1969 79th Infantry Detachment(LRP)1st Brigade,5th Mechanized Div 15 Dec 1968-1 Feb 1969 Ranger Companies Unit Designation Major Command Period of Service Co. C, (Ranger), 75th Infantry I Field Force Vietnam 1 Feb 1969—25 Oct 1971 Co. D, (Ranger), 151st Infantry II Field Force Vietnam 1 Feb 1969—20 Nov 69 Co. D, (Ranger), 75th Infantry II Field Force Vietnam 20 Nov 1969—10 Apr 70 Co. E, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 9th Infantry Division 1 Feb 1969—12 Oct 1970 Co. F, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 25th Infantry Division 1 Feb 1969—15 Mar 1971 Co. G, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 23rd Infantry Division 1 Feb 1969—1 Oct 1971 Co. H, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 1st Cavalry Division 1 Feb 1969—15 Aug 72 Co. I, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 1st Infantry Division 1 Feb 1969—7 Apr 1970 Co. K, (Ranger), 75th Infantry 4th Infantry Division 1 Feb 1969—10 Dec 70 Co. L,… Read more »

Old Trooper

@504: On this point I have to side with Dallas. Being assigned to a LRRP or LRP team kinda makes you one, even if you are the team radio operator. I have, also, never contended that he wasn’t a Ranger. What I did contend was his use of the tan beret and that jacked up class A uniform, plus his self important bloviating. Those are the big turn offs.


Old Trooper: Scotty is correct above. When Wittgenfeld arrived in Vietnam, his unit was no longer a LRP or LRRP unit. Well before his arrival in Vietnam – on 1 Feb 1969, to be precise – the unit had transitioned from LRP to Ranger. My understanding is that the focus of duties and assignments changed with the transition. Ditto the unit’s organization – specifically, the unit’s parachute packing section was removed, and the command billet was bumped up to Major vice Captain.


Bottom line: Wittgenfeld was never assigned to an LRP or LRRP unit in Vietnam; he was assigned to a Ranger unit. He arrived in Vietnam as an individual replacement and was assigned to D/151st Infantry nearly 7 months after they’d transitioned from LRP to Ranger. By claiming he was a LRRP or LRP, he’s claiming as his own history/valor/operations performed by those who came before him, implying that he was present at that time/for those operations himself – and he wasn’t. Rather, Wittgenfeld served in Vietnam a bit later, as a Ranger – which is honorable and arduous service in and of itself. Why he needs to claim he served as something he never did is beyond me. His actual service is honorable enough.

There’s a term for appropriating the valor and deeds of others and trying to pass it off as one’s own. In fact, as I recall we recently had a tournament about it.

Old Trooper

Hondo: Ranger units had LRP and LRRP teams within them that performed those duties. The book Charlie Rangers lays that out pretty clearly, plus, my dad mentioned the same thing (he was on a LRRP team in the 101st in ’68). That’s all I’m saying.


Old Trooper: yes, but those were Ranger units. If Wittgenfeld wants to justify his claim to being a Ranger via service in a Ranger unit, well, OK – I can buy that. But if he also wants to claim to be a “LRP” or “LRRP”, well, in my book he needs to come up with service in an LRP or LRRP unit. Same principle.

I’ll buy him being considered a Ranger through service in a Ranger unit. I won’t buy him rating the title LRP or LRRP through “well, that’s what the unit used to be called, so that’s what I am”.


WitLessOne: I don’t give a flying fornication (not even a flying fornication while intoxicated) if you’ve got a memo personally signed by Charlie Beckwith or Bull Simons, jackwagon. If that memo says you performed liaison duties or were assigned to a liaison section, well, that’s what you did – liaison duties. Liaison duty is freaking not the same as advisory duty. And that’s what your records show you did – provide comm support to a liaison team or section. Similarly, working with or for someone who is or was Special Forces does NOT make you SF yourself. You have to actually be assigned to the unit in combat, or to go through the Q-course. Hell, I’ve got more time assigned to an SF Group than you spent in Vietnam – and I will NOT represent myself as SF, because it wasn’t combat service and I wasn’t medically eligible to go to the Q-course. Further: you are lying through your freaking teeth in your last comment above. Show me where I ever said you did not have a CIB. Please. You can’t – because I’ve consistently said your records show you have a CIB. Everyone commenting here has acknowledged that. What I have said – and the same point has been made by others – is that there are serious questions as to whether or not you legitimately qualified for your CIB, and thus whether it was awarded legitimately. And if I recall correctly, you’ve still yet to provide anything verifying that you (1) were ever formally awarded an 11-series MOS, (2) ever were assigned to an 11-anything duty position, or (3) even have CIB orders. Frankly, I’m not all that worried about the CIB orders even if they exist. Invalid award orders sometimes get issued and make it into official records. And such invalid orders on occasion get discovered and revoked, too – sometimes years after the fact. Just ask a guy named Ken Aden how that works. Time to put up or shut up, dipstick. Jonn’s e-mail address is listed under “Contact Us” above. Scan and send whatever documents… Read more »

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Hondo, you are sooooo full of shit… I think you have some sort of vendetta going on here. Actually, I am only dealing with cybernet/harassment perpetrators Seavey, Lilyea, and Schantag.

They all owe me a public apology…. or procecution, now.

I know Lilyea’s hidden email address… not immportant.. What is important from this moment forward is “What is Lilyea’s residence telephone number and his residence address where he can be served papers…..

On Seavey,… I got his business numbers and address… but to save him embarrassment in Indianapolis American Legion Headquarters he needs to send me his residence phone number and his residence address for serving his paperwork.

Now to Ms. Black Widow Schantag. When I get to the big hotel military Purple Heart gala in Branson ? If Lilyea & Seavey’s shit-storm isn’t deleted from her infamous POW list..? She will be served papers during her big night out in public. I envision a uniformed “perp-walk” from the dance floor. That would be good for me. How about you all.

“The LRRP Cometh”

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Oh Yah…. Don’t you punks know my authentic combat radio callsign… It was “LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41″…

What part of that callsign is not a LRP/LRRP..?

See how stupid you young short-timer Iraq & Afghan Vets look, to others…?

I am betting the police and a Judge with a Jury of civilians will fry your asses.


All of this is protected under the rights that you fought for, Wittgenfeld. These fine men are just listening to what Congress said as far as stolen valor goes.. And instead of trying to be a gentleman and talk it out with them, you went to insults. You should at least be happy these men are trying to restore honor and valor to the uniform, with so many posers today. They’re doing all of us who wear or have worn a uniform to defend the Constitution of The United States of America a favor.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Oh yah…. I was told by a Florida Judge that after Lilyea is served the CYBERNET/HARASSMENT charges; his net is done till after the trial.

Which then after he and his net MAY or MAY NOT exist. Same with Seavey and his American Legion Burn Pit.

I will get front page news in Indiana where I am a resident and member of “Indiana’ Finest” 151st Airborne Rangers LRRPs. Hoosier shame is about to be brought upon Seavey’s HDQ…


They all owe me a public apology…. or procecution, now.

For what, exactly? Definition of character?

Discovery is an awesome thing. Assuming you’d find a lawyer crazy or stupid enough to take the case (although I hear Branum is available) once your posts here are revealed, complete with IP addresses going back to you, etc., even the most money-grubbing ambulance chaser would just look you dead in your psychotic eyes and go, “You’re fucked.”

Still waiting for those CIB orders, bud.


Wow…legal threats from a guy who got his legal education from Judge Wapner.

But then again, at least Wapner DOES have a Bronze Star and a legit CIB.


“Still waiting for those CIB orders, bud”

I’ll bet he doesn’t have orders(that can be authenticated) proving much of anything. Typical poser who screams louder in hopes that he will be believed.


That’s it, Dallass. with all the threats you’ve posted on here, I’m droppin the dime on you.

Going to call the VA down there and tell them a guy named DW has been talking about his PTSD and making threats to find people on this site, and that I am deeply concerned for their safety.

I have all your posts saved.

To use your own words…you are “ON NOTICE”


Wittgenfeld: if you think I’m “full of shit”, point out precisely where I’m wrong – and provide documentation proving same. Otherwise, how about you go grab a nice steaming cup of STFU?

Oh, and if you’re currently an Indiana resident, you might want to explain this:



and this


and these



I’m guessing an out-of-state resident wouldn’t be a docent for any type of historical property in Orange City, or be all that keen on local history, or much care about historical building preservation in a town nearly 500 miles away from any point in Indiana.

Perhaps you’d also like to explain your numerous attendances at Orange City, Florida, town meetings – the minutes of which are a matter of public record. I won’t post links to those here, because they contain your address in Orange City.

Let’s see – March, April, May, August, September, November, December . . . . yeah, based on the above, it looks like you’re in the Orange City, FL, area year-round. Somehow, the Indiana resident claim just seems bogus. Kinda like many of the rest of your claims.

Scottys Hideaway

Puts his wife’s name down as the owner, Claims ” other ” as his martial status. Then he claims 100% exemption disabled for himself & spouse for $61,000. Address is in Orange county FL. Something doesn’t seem right here. And now he is claiming to be a resident of Indiana? Yea I want you to take me to court Dip shit Dallas . I DARE YOU !! https://plus.google.com/photos/104786874651291635639/albums/5782895799619177377/5782895802760737762


Wow, DullASS, those are some fancy digs ya’ll got there…you really did splurge by going for the double-wide!


Jonn, someone should tell them.


Who gives a shit what your call sign was, idiot? My last name doesn’t make me a fucking ocean.

If I were Mary, I’d be obtaining a protective order against this unhinged asshat. Threatening to accost her in a specific location at a specific time should be enough to warrant extra protection. Personally, I hope he OD’s on Yawn’s mike&ike before then.


Well, you know our “good friend” Wittgenfeld’s claim of being an Indiana resident got me to wondering. And when I wonder about something, I like to look things up.

It turns out Florida voter registration information is something called a “public record”. That means the information generally is available to members of the public.


Who can register to vote in Florida? Glad you asked. The official answer is here:


Short version: US citizens 18 years of older who are residents of Florida and who aren’t felons (or who are felons who have had their voting rights restored) can register to vote in Florida.


It also turns out Orange City, FL, is in Volusia County, FL. Western Volusia County, to be precise. And the Volusia County Department of Elections is fairly easy to contact:


I called the Volusia County Department of Elections today just before 1PM Eastern Daylight Time. A nice individual answered the phone and assisted me. Given a name, and address, and a bit of other information, they’ll verify whether someone is registered to vote. After all: in Florida, voter registration information is generally public record information.

Anyone wanna guess who’s registered to vote in Volusia County, Florida?

Hmmm . . . I wonder if voter registration info in Indiana is also public record information?


Addendum: in case anyone was wondering – voter registration information is apparently public record information in Indiana, too.


Anyone wanna guess who DOES NOT seem to be registered to vote in any county in Indiana?

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Of course not you idiots…

You can vote in only one state… Same with my Florida drivers license.

There is a whole town in Indiana and an entire Airborne Ranger Unit from Indiana that would verify I am a real bonafide Hoosier… transplant to Florida.. Got that, dumb asses. You are making me smile as I got you all spending your money now, to know me better. The more you know…. the farther down the drain your asses all go.

Soooo, do not try to switch topics: LILYEA, Florida authorities want your real phone number and where they can really serve you papers. NOT my lawyer dip-shits. THE LAW…

The black widow Schantag has nothing to fear from me at all… well except embarassment. I am bringing the LAW to the big Purple Heart dance party. I have to identify her.. Then I will be gone… Bye Bye… BaBe. Did you weenies know I have 2 Purple Hearts, yet…?

I love the part where you now want to contact the Daytona Beach VA… That is wonderful.

The real deal LRRP has an ambush waiting for you, there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha…!

Just tell them VA people Jonn Lilyea of the “This Ain’t Hell” is calling for LRP41s PTSD Medical Chief. 🙂

The head Doctor has “paper files” on you all. She told me to procecute you all. I am taking her wonderful advise. By the way.. She explains, “I don’t need a dime to procecute you all for what you have done to me hereon. Proof is everywhere.

She is the VA PTSD Medical Chief who has the “medical damage” results of the infamous Iraq & Afghan war vets “Band of Bastards”. You punks LOOK REALLY UGLY there….

I have my orders now… you are screwed … Bend over cause I am going to whipe your asses with them.. I love it when a plan comes together.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Mobile Home… double-wide…? You fuckers are nuts…

Is this some of your best “super-slewth” findings or just more fabricated bullshit, as usual. SHAME ON YOU PUNKS…


LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Well I better give that “too simple number” a call and see if you answer or not. I do have an eight digit on where you want, me to see.

BUT LRRPS don’t really go for the “Viet Cong Intel” mostly bogus.

One of the places I am sleuthing about you is your former Ranger Unit, too. I figure they will be interested in your retirement fun times at my expence.. Let’s see what they advise me, too.


Dallas, no one made you come back here to keep posting. So why don’t you just pop smoke already?

I know you got 2 PH. My issue with you is that you are a bloviating pompous fuckface, and I think you need some serious help.


Scottys Hideaway

You show just how butt hurt you are from being exposed for your embellishments with each comment that you make Wittgenfeld.You know most idiots keep their mouth’s shut and are thought a fool. You however select to open yours and remove all doubt. Like I said. I DARE YOU to take me to court boy.I back up my proof that your a lieing POS with facts. You however continue to just run your mouth with your insults & idle threats.As Zita Moore has already told you boy. Quote ” It ain’t all about you ” UNquote.Time for you to stop dishonoring ALL Veterans including those of the Vietnam War. Its time for a 65 year old clown to GROW UP !!
” Thank you & Welcome Home RTO Boy Dallas Wittgenfeld ” !

Green Thumb


Your a fool.


Was mach ich hier mit diesen fiesen hirnlosen fettsack?

All that grandiose twaddle and threats mean he’s off his meds, in the manic end of bipolar neuropsychosis and desperately seeking attention.

Why else would anyone make such an asinine display of himself in a public forum?

ShOrT RaNgE PaTrOL 42

I think our friend here is mixing meds and booze. big no-no.

Green Thumb


You missed one.

Meds, MEDALS, and booze.

Old Trooper

@529: Sorry, Dallas, but with that post, it’s a fail. If Florida law enforcement really wanted Jonn’s contact information, including his phone number, it’s real easy for them to obtain it. That you are claiming Jonn has to give it to you for them, it shows that you aren’t really in contact with Florida law enforcement. The Mothership, perhaps, but not law enforcement.

Hell, I have his phone number and address. Why don’t you have your Florida law enforcement contact give me a jingle and I will pass that information on to them? Actually, they can give my local law enforcement a call and they will call me and then we can all have a cup of joe and a donut and talk about you.


Wittless better hope he doesn’t get popped like Ventura over in Bronson. But if he does, I hope it is caught on film. I’d watch it over. And over. And over.


Actually, Wittgenfeld, I was really hoping I’d find you registered to vote in both states. I’m actually a bit surprised you were smart enough not to try that. Wittgenfeld, you’re a damned liar. And I just proved it. You claimed in comment 515 above to be an “Indiana resident”; now you’re backpedaling. Here’s an exact quote from what you wrote: “I will get front page news in Indiana where I am a resident . . . “ (emphasis added) I just proved you lied through your teeth in comment 515 above, dipstick – and you’ve just admitted as much in comment 529. Don’t try to weasel out of it. Man-up for once in your freaking post-military life and take responsibility for your own failings. How? A good start would be owning up to the plain fact that you just got caught lying. You cannot be a resident of two different states. You are now a FLORIDA resident. You used to be an Indiana resident. You aren’t any more. Quit lying about yourself. ‘Course, that probably means you’d never talk about yourself for the rest of your life. That would suit me. Oh, and as for your continuing claims to have been an “Indiana Ranger” – technically true, perhaps, but also misleading. Don’t forget: you weren’t a member of the unit when they deployed to Vietnam. In fact, you were assigned to D/151st Inf in Vietnam as an individual replacement – most likely by happenstance. You got levied for Vietnam (or maybe you volunteered) while you were serving in the Regular Army at Fort Bragg. D/151st Infantry had been in Vietnam almost 8 months already the day you got there. And don’t even try to play the “I was too young to join before they left” card – you turned 18 nearly a year before the unit was mobilized in May 1968. If you were really the “super-stud warrior” you claim, they’d have found a place for you. If you’d actually ever tried to join, that is. Quit trying to claim the honor of others as your own through association or… Read more »

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Regular Army Unit…? You mean 82nd Airborne Division..!

My valor is my valor dumb asses, not the unit’s nomenclature…

And you all keep refereing to lawsuits no no no
no…. prosecution is the reference from these days…I don’t care about your mmoney I want you asses hung out to dry.

I got you all in a bag… This blog breaks all kinds of cyber/harassment laws and especially the interstate part of the law. We are all going for a ride…. Yip Yip Yipeeeee..!

Bubblehead Ray

Take your meds Dallas

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Have you punks been reading all the Smithsonian articles about me lately. I am one of the features…. NO military experience necessary… Still front page news in my community.

By the way… keep checking in Indiana cause I am there all the time…. Did you all know I am famous in Indiana and nobody there gives a shit about you punks. Now that is that’s funny right there….

When you all come to Florida you will have to pay an admission to get my autograph in a line with children. How will that make you macho asses feel…? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !

Have you jack-offs just now figured out I am famous in Florida too.. There is your sign….

Well, I am off to go freefalling with real deal Airborne Rangers doing what we do when we retire…. Blues Skys dumb ass Leggs.


Bubblehead Ray

Double your dosage

Old Trooper

@542: I didn’t mention lawsuits; I mentioned law enforcement.

As Jonn just mentioned; get on with it, already. Shit or get off the stool.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

By the way….? LRRPs don’t jump when the “Viet Cong” want us too. We are very sneaky…! One of our sayings was: “hide & watch”…

You all waiting for me, is part of the mission. 🙂

I have been successful at most everything I have ever attempted… including you all. I have sprung you all out from the shadow world you like to live in. code names and all.. Now you all have backed off the Face Book pages because of my “splashes”. Sooo, you are now on the Face Book “chats” thinking you are covered…. NOT SOOOOO. Face Book police are hot on your trails.. They even changed their SOP , thanks to me and a few other comrades.


Careful Jonn, his doctor thinks this is a solid case for “procecution”.


WitLessOne: I’m providing this for your education, since you’re obviously quite ignorant. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to use some big words in what follows. Grab a dictionary – if you own one. There are three primary categories of Army units and soldiers. Those three are the Regular Army, the Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard. Regular Army units and soldiers are on active duty continuously. Army Reserve and Army National Guard units generally are not. The same is true for Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers. The three categories are mututaly exclusive; a unit or soldier is one of the three, but only one, at any given time. Units may have a mix of personnel assigned at any given time, but units remain either Regular, Reserve, or National Guard units until their status is formally changed from one category to the other. Similarly, soldiers retain their status until they formally change from one category to the other. The 82nd Airborne is part of the Regular Army, as it is neither Army Reserve nor Army National Guard. D/151st was an Army National Guard unit that was mobilized to Federal active duty and sent to Vietnam. You were a Regular Army soldier, serving a Regular Army enlistment, who was levied for Vietnam (or volunteered to go) and assigned to D/151st Inf as an individual replacement on arrival in the RVN – probably by random chance. During your assignment to D/151st Inf, you were a Regular Army soldier assigned to an Army National Guard unit. When D/151st returned to the states to demobilize, the existing Regular Army personnel assigned to same remained in-place; they formed the core of the newly-created/reflagged unit, D/75th Inf, which took over from D/151st Inf. You stayed behind with D/75th Inf because you were Regular Army serving a 1-year tour in Vietnam and had only been in Vietnam about 3 months at the time. When D/75th Inf was disbanded in Apr 1970, you were reassigned to the II FFORCE Staff Liaison Section to the RTAVF as a radio operator to finish the rest of your year in… Read more »

ShOrT RaNgE PaTrOL 42

@542…82nd IS Regular Army, numbnuts.

If you’re feeling froggy, leap already. Otherwise just shut it.
Just remember there’s plenty of evidence to be used against you in court on this blog, many posts on here and Facebook where you’ve threatened others.

so fire away, asshole. Just be ready for the return fire.

ShOrT RaNgE PaTrOL 42

PS…I would NEVER, EVER have a fuckup like you be my RTO. Geeez.

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

The LRRP Cometh….!

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Ohhhhh. I remembner when you thought I was “a poser”… You punks have changed your tunes now, HaH… That is where I started and now you want me to “pop smoke” and fly away to shut up. NONE of that will be happening. Your “Stolen Valor Mafia” blog by blog will go down…

I am saving Scotty the Jar-Head for the finally…. sort of like when I finish a fireworks display…

Did you guys know I am highly trained in demolitions and incenduaries…? Part of being a “trail assassin”. Look on my DD-214 and notice I am an expert rifelman too.


“Did you guys know I am highly trained in demolitions and incenduaries…? Part of being a “trail assassin”. Look on my DD-214 and notice I am an expert rifelman too.”

Well, seeing as you can’t even spell those things I don’t think anyone here would believe you’re anywhere near capable of actually USING them.

Also, I see this as another (empty) threat. It will be saved for future reference.

Finally, stop beating off and reading this blog. Nobody cares if the RTO “commeth”, you sick freak.

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