Phillip Dale Monkress; The continuing saga

| May 18, 2013

So if you missed the drama last night in the post about Phillip Dale Monkress, you didn’t miss much. A couple of us got phone calls last night threatening that we were about to be served with summons. Someone who got my wife’s phone records called one of her friends to ask about my guns, ostensibly to protect the process server. I was told that I should remove my guns from house in preparation for that visit, even though the caller was unable to determine if I owned guns, and then later posted in the comments of this blog that I don’t have a permit to own guns (even though no such permit is required, or available in West Virginia).

Well, why would someone run off the rails like that? I’m just a blogger who has never hid my location in the event that one of these phonies feels froggy and wants to leap. I post publicly available information about people who are deceiving the public, and I always do my best to eliminate Personally Identifiable Information, but all that numbnuts did last night was post PII about me and the others. If you want to know if I own guns, come to the house, chickenshit. You’re in Bethesda, MD and I’m a couple of miles away. Drive on up and find out for yourself.

As I mentioned before, Monkress’ lawyer tried to put pressure on us and some of our commenters, to no available, so they’re trying intimidation, poorly. I’ve done nothing illegal, so there’s no summons coming. His lawyer might be an idiot, but she doesn’t want to look like an idiot in a courtroom. So Monkress has hired a PI in Bethesda to harass and try to intimate us. What they don’t realize is that we have lawyers and PIs, too.

So why would he do all of that intimidation? Well, maybe because he’s feeling the heat beyond his phony veterans stories. For example, this is a cached copy of his company’s About page from last week;

Monkress Native American

And here’s what it looks like now;

Monkress not native American

They got millions of dollars in government contracts based on their status as a Native American-owned business. Now suddenly, they’re not Native Americans? While we’re looking at their website, how about the front page;

APL Vet Seal

See that Department of Veterans’ Affairs seal? Well, that’s not legal to display there according to 18 U.S.C. §506;

(a) Whoever –
(1) falsely makes, forges, counterfeits, mutilates, or alters
the seal of any department or agency of the United States, or any
facsimile thereof;
(2) knowingly uses, affixes, or impresses any such fraudulently
made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal or
facsimile thereof to or upon any certificate, instrument,
commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possesses, sells, offers for sale,
furnishes, offers to furnish, gives away, offers to give away,
transports, offers to transport, imports, or offers to import any
such seal or facsimile thereof, knowing the same to have been so
falsely made, forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered,
shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5
years, or both.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of law,
if a forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered seal of a
department or agency of the United States, or any facsimile
thereof, is –
(1) so forged, counterfeited, mutilated, or altered;
(2) used, affixed, or impressed to or upon any certificate,
instrument, commission, document, or paper of any description; or
(3) with fraudulent intent, possessed, sold, offered for sale,
furnished, offered to furnish, given away, offered to give away,
transported, offered to transport, imported, or offered to
import, with the intent or effect of facilitating an alien’s application
for, or receipt of, a Federal benefit to which the alien is not
entitled, the penalties which may be imposed for each offense under
subsection (a) shall be two times the maximum fine, and 3 times the
maximum term of imprisonment, or both, that would otherwise be
imposed for an offense under subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section –
(1) the term “Federal benefit” means –
(A) the issuance of any grant, contract, loan, professional
license, or commercial license provided by any agency of the
United States or by appropriated funds of the United States;
(B) any retirement, welfare, Social Security, health
(including treatment of an emergency medical condition in
accordance with section 1903(v) of the Social Security Act (19
(!1) U.S.C. 1396b(v))), disability, veterans, public housing,
education, food stamps, or unemployment benefit, or any similar
benefit for which payments or assistance are provided by an
agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the
United States; and
(2) each instance of forgery, counterfeiting, mutilation, or
alteration shall constitute a separate offense under this

Like I said the other day, we have someone wandering the halls of Congress trying to get various Congress people interested in Monkress and his company. I’ve also said in the past that I didn’t want to put innocent people out of work at All Points – but that stunt last night pushed me beyond that sentiment. Initially, we only wanted Monkress to admit that he had done all of us veterans wrong by pretending to be something he wasn’t, but he had to double down on the stupid.

He may have threatened my wife and family, but my resolve in this matter has dissipated their fears. So you cowards come out from behind your screens to face me and admit that you have been wrong all along and all of this will stop. By the way, I have more information if you want to keep up this silly game.

By the way, I didn’t post any links to All Points Logistics to protect you from any data they might gather from your visit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Must be hard to carry out all of that from under the bed, not to mention getting crowded. If you need to man the perimeter I’m available…



Please send them my way here in the big city … he and his cohorts will shit at the sight of me! I love slapping little babies!

Green Thumb


A Proud Infidel

I hope they try to run to my neck of the woods, they wouldn’t last five minutes with the crowd I hang around with!!


Jonn, if they wanna play, I’ve got a whole weekend off and a whole shitload of contacts from Kings Bay I can start trying to call up. SOMEONE has run into this douchenozzle at some point when he was at TTF or on the Canopus.

You want to play, Monkress? I’ll stick the fucking bat up your ass for the shit you and your boys pulled last night. On like fuckin’ Donkey Kong now.


Resent some stuff to you just now.


To Monkress, et al., futue te ipsum.

Green Thumb

“Cherokee people, Cherokee tribe”
“So proud to live, to bad Phil lied”

Paul Revere and the Raiders.

To insult a once great Nation and people that has endured so much is below low.

Actually, it could fall below Poser status.

Phil your on the bottom. I think we all see that. So why don’t you trudge along and fall off in a crack?


A Proud Infidel

@Ex-PH2, Ditto, Ma’am!

A Proud Infidel

As for Monkeyass, I see him as an outstanding example of an idiot in a hole that DOESN’T know when to stop digging!


Sounds like he got ahold of your TLO or Accurint profiles. Nothing special there. It’s all publicly available, and sometimes HIGHLY inaccurate information. I’ve never heard of anyone using that information for intimidation before, though.


Actually, inaccurate is the wrong word. Misleading is better.

MrGameandShow formerly C2

I take it at 3 am, “Wrath of God” was the loser who was out to scare people

B Woodman

Sounds like Monkeyass and company have poked the sleeping Jonn bear with the pointy stick. Hilarity to ensue. Pull up the lawn chairs, chill the beer, pour the booze, pop the corn, sell the tickets.

I’m set for the entertainment.

William Blake's Penis

Nik and I fought the good fight last night.

I apologize to God and Satan (438 and 439) for impersonating them. I couldn’t resist.

I seriously thought the guy had passed out at 0236 so I called it a night


The depths these people sink to. You’re right this guy will never approach you like a man.

Powerpoint Ranger

With all this drama going on, I don’t see how Phil Monkress doesn’t make it to the Fecal Four in this year’s Stolen Valor tournament.


Jonn, thanks for standing up to this coward, you have my respect. He completely crossed the line. I am sorry if your family was upset by a scum, cowardly move like he made. I feel like you…come at me all you want and we’ll see who the better man is. But never, ever come at me through my family. If you do, the C in CIB is on. I live across the country but I will make the trip to where you are if you ever need anything with an ass hat, POS like Phil Monkress.


Wow. What a train wreck. Sounds like his legal team needs to go to and read up on The Streisand Effect. Making spurious legal threats to chill free speech (especially when it’s factual speech) is a pretty big deal itself.


Beyond everything else, this is a good case study on how to properly represent someone on these type of issues. In my experience, bluffing is not a good idea. Sometimes, legal counsel better serves their clients by not sending that demand letter and/or doubling down like we see here. In that regard, this issue would be out there based on search optimization, but it would be limited and Monkress could have privately cast it off to potential contacts as someone with an ax to grind, or other rehabilitating spin, and he could have erased his lies gradually and survived long term.

Here, his lawyer made an obvious error in sending out the demand letter because that’s the normal course of business. But whenever I send a demand letter, it’s backed up with something supporting my client. Again, you never bluff. When I plan on filing a lawsuit hoping to settle, I like to send a sanitized copy beforehand to counsel to prove I am not bluffing. Here, the lawyer made a demand while coming to the table with absolutely no cards. None. The client lied and there is no tortious interference. Her job should have been to minimize the damage as I describe above. Now, someone in his circle is doubling down… again, staying at the table with no cards and everyone knows it.

This is bad representation all around. A few postings could have been explained away in private. But now it’s all out there, to include the tacit admissions of lying in order to further his business. It’s not malpractice on the lawyers part, but she botched this one something fierce. When representing posers (poser law?), normal course of action won’t cut it, whether it’s demand letters, intimidation, or obvious forgeries.


@29, that’s the thing JAGC, I am dying to see what they contend is a false statement of fact which was intentionally stated to malign Monkress. I haven’t even found a statement of fact that is actionable, much less one that is false.

Aint scared

they have failed to scare me.
Monkress should be concerned with his staff more so than us here on the outside.

A Proud Infidel

@14, WBP, I hope I didn’t get in yours and Nik’s way, I just couldn’t resist jabbing that turdball when I had a break during night shift!


I looked up Ford & Harrison. They have 23 offices in the US, including one in Chicago, so I don’t think they’d take lightly someone who is simply pissed off by being asked to drop his claim of being a SEAL.

The acts of threatening someone with a process server, or anything else, for that matter, and calling someone’s friends by acquiring phone account info comes under the FCC. It isn’t just a cheap-ass scare tactic. It’s the kind of thing the FCC does not take lightly, and it’s worth it to file a complaint with them. If Monkress hired a private investigator to do this, the PI should have known better. If he really IS a private dick, 🙂 he could lose his license.

And anyway, no one ever calls to tell you you’re getting served with a court summons. The process server knocks on your door or finds you at work, asks if you’re so-and-so and if you’re dumb enough to say ‘yes’, hands you the summons and leaves before you can say “Sink me!” So that threat is totally bogus.

Oh, yeah, I read somewhere that if a summon is issued against you and you fail to show up (because you didn’t receive it maybe), you can be arrested and fined for contempt of court. I think it was in an article about deadbeat parents.

This monkeybutt is just digging a bigger and bigger hole for himself.

What a loser.

Aint scared

Poor pitiful Phil, he can’t understand WHY we are doing this to him? Like we are doing anything but telling the truth!
HE DID THIS! HE LIED, then LIED to cover up his lie, then got caught LYING again!
But we are the ass holes?
What a baby…
Suck it up & admit it, YOUR BUSTED! BE A MAN! APOLOGIZE!

A Proud Infidel

He won’t, he’s just a snotnosed sniveling weasel turd!!

AW1 Tim

Ya know, I’d bet there’s more than a few American Indian Veterans who would be royally pissed to know that this poser sucked in an enormous amount of federal dollars pretending to be one of them, while they, in all likelihood, are still looking for work.

Wouldn’t it be ironic of members of the actual tribe he pretended to be a member of were to sue him and his company for all that dough, plus court costs, expenses, interest, etc ?

I think that would be a hoot to watch unfold. 🙂

Aint scared

The Cherokee Nation is the largest Tribe, correct?
That’s a ton of law suits he would have to show up and defend against!

He has no idea what he has invited…

A Proud Infidel


DAMN, that mega-idiot HAS opened the floodgates on himself!!

Green Thumb


Heard that.


@28 – Don’t forget the Navajo, the Pueblo and the Lakota.

Green Thumb


And then some.

Do not forget the Confederated tribes as well.

Fuck this disrespectful clown.


Happy Armed Forces Day, GT. 🙂

Green Thumb


Same to you.

And everyone else out there in uniform doing what most would not.

Thank you.


This is a damn shame. It really pisses me off that assholes like this have to try and take down real heroes to make themselves feel better. Tell you what I live in Florida and I’ve got people in almost every town that he has an office listed. I know you guys have this handled but if I can help in any way sign me up.

As someone stated in the comments of the other post that there was going to be an Apocalypse for this ass when the 4 horsemen ride in and the harlot on the beast. Well I don’t mind being that harlot!


Worthy of a DoD IG Waste Fraud and Abuse (contractor) complaint?

A Proud Infidel

Or a letter to the Contracting Officer responsible for overseeing him!

MrGameandShow formerly C2

LOL William Blakes Penis. I sas you and nik last night. At first I saw Jonn Lilyea post, figured he was breaking some late night news. Turned out to be someone pretending to have Jonn by the short and curly.


@20…or more simply put, “Never go full retard.”

Monkress and his butt-monkeys slapped a turbo, rocket assist, and racing slicks on that retard wagon and took it off the cliff.

A Proud Infidel

Not even that, they went at full warp speed!!

MrGameandShow formerly C2

Monkress probably used his contracting money to buy 39.99 reports on Jonn, TSO and others.


The internet never forgets, love the pathetic attempts to harass and bully you all. I do believe though that tat is illegal what they did, not obtaining the information but threatening, representing themselves as officers of the court, etc…. (I am assuming that was a part of their attempted intimidation)


rb–it’s long since passed the line of legality. I had a bit of experience with this kind of crap a few years back when a Paulbot called my work claiming harassment and trying to get me fired.

There wasn’t a single person aware of that situation who didn’t think I shouldn’t have sued (I didn’t) or that I wouldn’t have won if I had.

This guy who posted this stuff and made the phone calls, etc., last night just stomped mightily on his dick. And if it can be shown there is any connection between them and Monkress, he’s fucked himself royally.


@44,I had the same situation with one of our favorite trolls, the skydiving clown. Tried getting me fired, and after seeing every conversation, every screen shot… every one of them it was good for a few laughs over morning coffee for a while.


So what they’re saying is Jonn should fire himself?

Man! I missed the fun part again. I truly did not expect to run into such a list of consistent wack jobs congregrating in one place. First on the list is the memorable Dumbass Whipitnflogit, then Big Wheel Ferris, then the Crotchrot/Lame Ladner pair – they came at the same time – and now this spoiled brat monkey’s ass who’s had his way for too long and doesn’t like being found out. And of course, my personal introduction to Dougie Collette. Yes, I know. There are many, many others, but these actually stick out. I had no idea the world was quite so full of comic opera buffoons. I have been enlightened.

I will say, though, that because this involves my tax money and yours, in addition to serious security clearances, if this dumb, stump-sucking idiot had corrected his fabrication at the start, it never would have gone so far.

But you just could not shut up, could you, Monkress?

Ain't scared

“I’m sorry” are the hardest words for sociopaths to say, so this should be interesting!

Truth stings a bit.

I’ve got nothing to lose and only the truth to gain.
Bring it on, I ain’t scared, are you?


I have a frying pan that’s smarter than you are, Monkress.


My cats puke up hair balls that are at least ten times smarter than Monkeyass!


I have sweaters with higher IQs than Monkress.

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