Bernie Sanders; Bush’s “disasterous blunder” created ISIS

| October 13, 2014


Bernie Sanders is a moron. I remember when he was the mayor of Burlington, Vermont and he was the butt of every joke among the instructor detachment at the University of Vermont’s ROTC department. He used to get votes there by calling himself the “Communist mayor”. These days he’s “an independent”, but he’s still a commie in his heart. But according to the Washington Times, he was on CNN blaming President Bush for ISIS.

“We are here today because of the disastrous blunder of the Bush-Cheney era, which got us into this war in Iraq in the first place, which then developed the can of worms that we’re trying to deal with right now.”

Mr. Sanders expressed his concern about the possibility of getting dragged into “perpetual warfare.”

The reason, Mr. Sanders, that this is becoming “perpetual warfare” is because the politicians won’t fight the war against these goat ropers the way it needs to be fought. It wasn’t Bush’s fault that three Democrat Congressmen stood on the roof of Saddam Hussein’s palace declaing that Hussein was more credible than the President. It wasn’t Bush’s fault that Leftist “human shields” went to Iraq to protect Hussein from shock and awe. It’s not Bush’s fault that Democrats fought him at every turn during the war. It’s not Bush’s fault that the Pelosi/Reid spent two years tryign to defund the troops while they were engaged with al Qaeda in Iraq. It’s not Bush’s fault that Harry Reid declared the “Surge” in Iraq failure before it even began. It’s not Bush’s fault that this administration’s only strategy in Iraq was to withdraw. It’s not Bush’s fault that this administration has been unwilling to kill al Qaeda in droves.

It is to Bush’s credit that this is the first time troops will be going to fight in Iraq without Saddam Hussein at the country’s helm, though.

I agree that this has been going on way longer than it should have been, but it’s the political will of this country and it’s politicians that is at fault. I doubt that Comrade Sanders is wishing that Saddam Hussein and his sons still ruled over the country and I’m pretty sure that Comrade Sanders is secretly glad in his heart that the Hussein family is gone – but Hussein knew how he could throw the country into disarray. He issued copies of the movie “Blackhawk Down” to his commanders before the invasion as a demonstration of how to drain the will of Americans and their politicians and eventually win a war against us – because everyone on the planet knows that we want to “fight fair”. That doesn’t work in that part of the world.

When Comrade Sanders and the other Washington generals decide that they want to kill terrorists in greater numbers, that’s when the “perpetual warfare” will end. In the meantime, STFU, Commissar.

Category: Liberals suck, Terror War

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A Proud Infidel®™

Good Grief, what a freeze-dried, has been POLITICAL WHORE!! I would like to ask any liberal d-rat what it feels like to sell one’s soul to politics, but those tramps probably never had one to begin with! That’s liberal dems for you, these days they’ll find what works, “fix it” until it’s FUBAR, then blame Bush!!

NR Pax

Bernie, communists like you are allowed to exist in our country because we have to tolerate your existence. Asking why we continue to tolerate your existence won’t end well for you. So shut up and go back to your seat.


It was the commiescum and their assorted useful idiots that morphed the protections into covering for those bent on destroying those protections for everyone else except commiescum.


Back under your rock, Bernie Sanders Douchebag…


Vermont is a wonderful place in so may ways.
It is the only state I don’t need a permit to practice PERSEC.
Unfortunately, they occasionally like to be contrary by electing the most eclectic individual available.
Bernie has overstayed his welcome.


“It is the only state I don’t need a permit to practice PERSEC.”

Is that true now? I know that for many years it was, but I think there are several states (Arkansas, Arizona and Alaska*-I think) that are now “constitutional carry’ states.

*Maybe Wyoming


Should have qualified it with “within my AO”.
Really annoyed ME has no reciprocity.


I don’t know about other States, but I live in Alaska and as long as I can legally buy a gun I can carry concealed. The only reason we ever would have to apply for a concealed carry permit is if we are traveling out of State and are going to a State that accepts Alaska permits.


Alaska prohibits any type of carry in schools, domestic violence shelters, courts, and correctional institutions. Carrying is also prohibited in any place where alcohol is served for on-site consumption, with an exception for restaurants that serve alcohol, as long as one is not consuming alcohol while carrying. When encountering a police officer, a person carrying a concealed weapon is required by law to inform the officer they are carrying, and to cooperate if the officer chooses to temporarily seize the gun for the length of the encounter. The possession of any firearm while intoxicated is illegal.

That is pretty much the extent of our gun laws.


If I was relocating to the northeast I’d chose NH. VT taxes are taking on a New York type of feel (burden), perhaps it’s the proximity to Albany and Cuomo,


And in EVERY photo he looks like a bomb throwing Bolshevik.


I dunno. He kinda looks like the angry “know-it-all” nerd who couldn’t get laid with $100 and a blind, fat hooker.

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like the type that couldn’t even get laid in a Women’s Prison!

The Other Whitey

Couldn’t seal the deal in a Thai whorehouse if he was holding a million bucks in small bills and a stack of blank US passports!


Marxists divide the world into “oppressors” and “the oppressed”. “The oppressed” have virtually no will and their actions can only be explained in terms of how “oppressors” have treated them. So, for Bernie, nothing in the entire history of Islam is relevant up until an “oppressor” (this time in the form of GWB) took some action. After that every subsequent action can only be explained in terms of how “the oppressed” are reacting to that “oppressor”.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


“When Comrade Sanders and the other Washington generals decide that they want to kill terrorists in greater numbers, that’s when the “perpetual warfare” will end. In the meantime, STFU, Commissar.” Right on Jonn!

Bernie Sanders is now and has always been, a Communist subversive to America and…a bad of dicks. Sorry I couldn’t wax more eloquent.


He’s an asshole.

Vote him out of office and don’t serve him at the local.

2/17 Air Cav

Bernie is a senator. Bernie is a United States Senator. Bernie is a United States Senator from Vermont. Bernie is a United States Senator from Vermont who is chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Tell me that that isn’t screwed up.

Green Thumb

And as Chairman of the VA Senate Committee, he is still screwing the troops.

Green Thumb

And toss in Jon Tester.

Herbert J Messkit

But wait, how do the growing Isis, Ebola, threats affect the midterm elections , and Hillary’s 2016 campaign. Isn’t that the important issue we all want to know about


I bought gas for $2.89 a gallon last night. Then I remembered we have an election coming up. The modern “chicken in every pot”.


The cost of gas at the pump is not controlled by the government, you nincompoop. It’s the commodities traders and contractors.

This is the time of year when prices drop because there is a change from the summer blend to the winter/cold weather blend. I’m also seeing discounts at the cashier’s station for cash instead of card purchases.

None of that has anything to do with elections. Snap out of it.


If government policy can’t affect the price of commodities, what’s the point of the Federal Reserve?


Bush also is not responsible for lefty loons declaring this to be a quagmire just like Viet Nam before the first shot was fired – then recycling every tired lefty tactic to make it so. And why shouldn’t they? After all, those are the tactics which have worked for them for 100 years or so. Why would they change them?

Roger in Republic

Someday, hopefully soon, Bernie will lose that last working brain cell. He will stop breathing, fall down, and his heart will stop. Until that time comes he really should shut up. One functioning brain cell is not enough to make one qualified to speak on important matters. Even for a US Senator.

A Proud Infidel®™

The moment that happens will be the time he joins his predeceased fellow lib commies in hell!


And he will vote dem forever, just like so many other dead people.


“We are here today because of the disastrous blunder of the Bush-Cheney era”…

And you, Mr Sanders, are here today because of the disastrous blunder made by your father and mother.


The Other Whitey

Indeed. He really should have been a blowjob all those many, many, many years ago.


Or, his momma should have at least stood up and let Bernie run down her leg.


You know, one of these days, the marxist idiocracy will wake up and find that their daydreams didn’t work and the economy can’t support the slackers any more, so they have to go back to a capitalist pig society.

Oh, wait – that already happened: Poland, 1989; USSR, 1991; People’s Republic of China, 1997. Hell, even Mikhail Gorbachev said it: “I am a Communist, but even I can see this does not work.”

Hmmm…. I guess old Marx wasn’t such a smart guy, after all, was he?

Try to remember that the entire generation of hippies and libbitors consists of people who ran like hell from responsibility while the rest of us in that same generation accepted it. They’ll all die before we do. Yeah – I’ll outlive puglosi and harry greeeeeed.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, I can see how this is Bush’s fault. After all, he supported the Moslem Brotherhood’s takeover of Egypt, emboldening the rebels in Syria who eventually became IS. Oh, wait, that was Obama!

Bush was the president who sent weapons to IS! No, no, that was Obama, too.

Bush tried to go to war to support IS against the Assad regime! Aww dammit, that was Obama again!

Bush told us not to worry about IS when they invaded Iraq. He told us that they were “the JV team” and not worth noticing. Then he was all shocked when they took Fallujah, then he continued to do absolutely nothing. But that was also actually Obama!

How is this Bush’s fault again? Does Comrade Geriatric Slapdick also blame Eisenhower and Truman for committing forces to Vietnam?

What a fucking loser.


Maybe we’ll get lucky and bernie will have a stroke. Then nothing he says will matter because no one will understand him.