John C. Beale gets 32 months
Yep, the EPA employee who told his employers that he was a CIA agent and got away with it, some years not even showing up for work and ripping off the taxpayers of nearly $1 million, got 32 months in prison for more than a decade of malfeasance according to the Washington Post;
U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle said Beale’s deception had “made a mockery of working for the federal government.”
Beale, 65, admitted in September that he had skipped out on work for years by telling a series of supervisors, including top officials in EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, that he was doing top-secret work for the CIA. He was paid for a total of 2 ½ years of work he did not perform since early 2000 and received about $500,000 in bonuses he did not deserve, according to his plea agreement.
Assistant U.S. Attorney James E. Smith said Beale ripped off the government in “notorious, historic fashion” and had become the poster child for problems with the federal government workforce.
He lied about contracting malaria to obtain a reserved parking space that cost the EPA $8,000 over three years. He took trips to visit his family in Los Angeles for which he charged the government more than $57,000.
32 months? Seriously? But, he has to pay the money back, if he lives that long.
Category: Shitbags
Oh my. They threw the book. Or not.
The money he stole was enough to pay 4,000 veterans a 1% pay increase for a year.
This has to be the most egregious example of the legal system not working since the OJ trial…
Maybe I should get a job with the Feds. Thirty two months for an extra 21/2 years of paid vacation time in ten years looks like a good trade to me.
It just kills me how this could happen. There are so many controls in place (albeit human)but JHC a lot of people failed in the case of this guy…and not only failed but failed a long time.
I’m a Brigade S4. I am also the Govenrmtnt Purchase Card (GPC) billing official for the Brigade. Which means I audit and approve the purchases made by my subordinate GPC holdiers (in this case my Company and battalion Supply Sergenats)on a monthly basis. So I certify their purchses. After that it goes to the Comptroller who once again audits and certifies it.
I just had to attend refesher training for Fiscal Law (a 3 year requirment). Part of this course is case studies on failures of the system. The DOD is by far the largest holder of GPCs in the federal Government. You would naturally think we would also have the largest number of violations. But not so….
Who tops the list?
The US Postal Service
– A case of a gal paying her mortgage, with her GPC, for a period of almost 6 YEARS!
– A $35,000.00 “employee appreciation dinner” at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse which included a $5000.00 bar tab
The Department of Agriculture
– A case of a guy paying off his student loans with his GPC to the tune of about $80,000.00
– A case of a guy paying of gambling debts
– A case of a guy paying for massage parlor visits for a period of years
Amazing shit
The sorriest aspect of this story is that since this is considered a ‘White Collar Crime’, he will not be doing hard time. He will get to spend his time in a Club Fed, minimum security unit. We will be lucky if he serves 24 of those 32 months. His direct supervisors need to be fired as well. I still say that we need to shrink the size of the Federal workforce until we could drown them all in one bathtub.
Maybe he claimed “affluence”? Seems to work on murder charges these days.
He said his motive was pure greed. I can believe that. The only difference between him and Bernie Madoff is the amount of money he scammed.
I don’t understand how these people get away with it. It’s not that they don’t get caught. The money is gone by the time they’re caught and no matter what, it never really gets paid back, does it?
U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle said Beale’s deception had “made a mockery of working for the federal government.”
She needs to look in the mirror.
Maybe he should receive 32 (rapid or slow; your call) pumps in the two-hole.
Roger in Republic, respectfully, I hope you end up being wrong, I think it would be fun to hear about how he ended up being incarcerated among Bubba, Thor & company, who would literally “straighten his ass out”, but alas, they do put white-collar scumbags like him in “Country Club Prisons”!
And his actual job was ‘climate change expert.’
The irony…