Setting up Mattis

| July 10, 2010

The general appointed to run Central Command to replace General Petraeus, James Mattis is the Washington Post‘s latest target. They post this heavily edited al Jazeera video on their website;

“It’s fun to kill some people” is an actual quote from General Mattis, however you have to scroll down a few paragraphs ro read the context of the quote;

“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didn’t wear a veil,” Mattis said. “You know guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ’em.”

The quote is five years old, but apparently because the media has been unsuccessful thus far ending this particular war, they’ll dredge up ols quotes to get rid of the military’s most effective leaders. The new sport.

Category: Media, Military issues

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Wow! I like this guy already! Are we seeing a resurgence of old-fashioned testicular fortitude among America’s general officers?

Maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon. I don’t honestly believe that Obama would have selected this man if that were the case.


I still think he got screwed over for the CMC job.

Marine 83

Sparky, in general I agree, but upon reflection CentCom is probably a better choice as far as prosecution of the war is concerned.


For the record, I believe we need more men who believe that men who slap women around for any reason have no manhood left. That attitude is much healthier than those who believe that slapping women around makes them a man.


General Mattis has earned the esteem of Marines the world over. I am happy to see this appointment after he got passed over for CMC. Hopefully his no-nonsense attitude brings some much needed perspective to this war. Let’s win this shit and go home.

MGySgt Perry (Retired)

General Mattis is a warrior and always will be. Do not be fooled by him being passed over as it was put in the Media. Let’s not forget that General Mattis is single and yes that played a hugh role in the decision im sure… (We never had a single Commandant.) I still think he should of been the CMC but I worked for him and I think he is much happier in my openion being as close to combat as a 4 star can get… Semper FI….