Baltimore; space to destroy

I guess the news for today is that parts of Baltimore suffered from looting and mindless destruction yesterday requiring the mayor of the Charm City, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, to finally ask the governor to declare a state of emergency after waiting for days. According to most witnesses, it was high school-aged thugs that began the destruction, but as the violence escalated, others flocked to the scene to take advantage of the chaos to do their Spring shopping, like the fellow in the picture above triumphantly displaying his booty.
There was a large march of the religious community leaders in the early hours of the rioting and looting, but I can’t find any pictures of that, only pictures of the criminals. Late last night, one of my best friends for years, an African-American living in Baltimore, called to tell me that not everyone in Baltimore was acting a fool. This morning he tells me that it’s all so embarrassing to him and his neighbors. He could see the flames from his house. He also told me that he contemplated coming to my house and sign out some weapons from the TAH Arms Room.

But, the mayor told the media yesterday that she had given the criminals “space to destroy”, and I guess that statement wasn’t very encouraging to the peaceful citizens of Baltimore. Governor Larry Hogan activated the Maryland National Guard last night and just that announcement reduced the amount of thuggery. From the New York Times;
Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency, and the Maryland State Police, who took command of the response, said they would ask for 5,000 law enforcement officials from the mid-Atlantic region to help quell the violence. Some National Guard units were to arrive on Monday night, with others deploying on Tuesday in armored Humvees.
In Washington, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, on her first day on the job, briefed President Obama, who in turn called Governor Hogan. Mr. Hogan said the president urged him to have law enforcement officers exercise restraint, and he assured the president they would. “But,” the governor added, “I assured him we weren’t going to stand by and allow our city of Baltimore to be taken over by thugs.”
I guess the mayor should have asked for the governor’s help first instead of announcing that the toilet paper thieves had room to destroy portions of her city.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
The mayor completely mishandled this entire situation. While I do not believe she was giving room to anyone to take on criminal acts, her actions did allow that to occur. I think she regrets that, and her extremely poor choice of words.
I watched her news conference last night, and the anger amongst those who spoke at what is taking place cannot be doubted. However, all those who spoke, and many more are responsible for allowing things to get so out of control to begin with. Were they thinking that this wasn’t a possibility? Were they asleep during the whole “hands up don’t shoot” idiocy this past winter?
What is pissing me off even more than the idiots destroying their own neighborhoods, are the bigger idiots trying to make me feel guilty about it because of my skin color. I refuse to suffer from any form of “white guilt”. This is not our doing, this their doing. This is their lack of strong family structure, rampant gang violence, and drugs. It is the fault of the community and its leaders. Stop blaming people who don’t even have a say in your affairs, for your ignorance.
Yeah the whole white guilt thing is getting out of hand. My family comes from New Hampshire and not a one owned a slave, why should i feel guilty about what some people in the south did?
Im sure that this goes without saying but my family is from the South but did not own slaves either. In fact, they were so poor that they didnt live as well as the slaves in most cases. I am talking about living conditions not treatment.
If being white means you are automatically supposed to feel guilty about slavery in the South–regardless of personal connection or lack thereof (my own ancestors were poor Irish who came to Illinois by way of New York an almost-as-poor Germans in New York, all wore blue in Lincoln’s Grand Army of the Republic), then how about the black tribes in Africa who engaged in the lucrative industry of abducting members of weaker tribes and selling them to slavers? Where’s the call for reparations from the (possible) descendants of those shitbags?
Its all good. I nurse a hatred for all blacks because their ancestors drove my people out of Africa some 125,000 years ago.
The bastards! No justice no peace!
GUILT ? [Andrew — I’m not directing my comment to you, but am using your comment as a springboard.] My family comes from New Hampshire and not a one owned a slave, why should i feel guilty about what some people in the south did? Some of my ancestors were slave owners — major slave owners. One had a large plantation in Charleston before the Revolutionary War, as did his descendants. Others had only four or five slaves. They owned the slaves and their increase (children) — and usually bequeathed them by name/sex in wills to family and friends. SO WHAT !!! None of them owned slaves AFTER the Civil War — and I sure as hell don’t own any; ergo, I have no “owner’s guilt” at all. Reminder: the Emancipation Proclamation freed ONLY the slaves in the South and did not pertain to the North. …order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit: Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except the Parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James Ascension, Assumption, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the City of New Orleans) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth[)], and which excepted parts, are for the present, left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; … So … if you lived in “West Virginia”, Kansas, California, and the Territories … you could still own slaves if you had them. So what! That was then; NOW has NOWT to do with THEN. I don’t care about a person’s race, creed, or national origin: act like… Read more »
My family arrived here in 1947. My family were slaves to the British til 1916 -1922 when my grandfather assisted in the boot of England out of Ireland. So this whole “slave” thing is passe to me and my family. Although, I am NO fan of slavery, human trafficking or exploitation by any measure!
Just sayin’. My family owes nobody nothin’!
If it helps, Portsmouth NH was a key player in the triangle slave trade. So, it is true that there were few slave residents in NH, it is equally true that NH’s role in the trade kept slave states well supplied. There you go. You can feel guilty now.
According to the DC radio station that I was listening to this morning, it’s because of “a history of abuse by the Baltimore PD” and a 30% unemployment rate in Baltimore.
Funny thing about that history of abuse. By most accounts the most recent ratcheting up of tensions started in 2000 with the new policies put into place by the newly elected Mayor of Baltimore: Martin O’Malley. In case anyone needs to have it spelled out explicitly: yes it is the same Martin O’Malley who later became Governor of Maryland and who is now thinking about running for President.
^^^^^ What he said! 🙂
Me thinks his Presidential ambitions have been quashed at this point.
Wouldn’t go that far the Hildabeast is still in what with all her antics being exposed recently.
Man-that guy is just entirely too happy to have some toilet paper.
Maybe he thinks that is the “Presidential Grade” of Angelsoft TP.
Presidential Grade feels like a thousand baby ducks are brushing up against you while you wipe your ass.
Fair enough-who wouldn’t burn down Baltimore for such a product!
I probably would for a pack of MRE toilet paper.
Ahhhhh …. “bunny wads” of fond C-Ration memory. Swap you a John Wayne bar for your bunny wads.
Charge 7 Whitebag! (NO-that’s not a racial comment BTW)
Agreed. He’s awful proud of those shit-tickets
Let’s see, carrying what you’ve looted and waving it in the air in one hand, carrying the rest of what you looted from CVS in a plastic CVS bag, while you show your face on the internet, forever? Brilliant,absolutely brilliant.
I’m really getting tired of this shit. Oh well, the “Rev” Sharpton will arrive after he pays his back taxes and then everything will be fine.
I concur, rb325th. IMO, the mayor of Baltimore screwed the pooch on this one – bigtime.
I can understand anger about the Freddie Gray situation. Hell, that one doesn’t look good at this point, and it bothers me too – though we still don’t have all the facts.
But I’ve never understood how breaking/burning/looting in your own freaking neighborhood and terrorizing people who had nothing to do with the incident in question helps fix a damn thing.
Hondo, it’s not about anger over a grievance. Look at the facial expressions of the perps: they’re laughing and having a great time when the cameras catch them unawares. It’s only when they’re facing into a camera that they put on the faux rage for Whitey. The truly questionable Gray death just provided a thug culture with an excuse for looting and destruction.
Of course the local thugs are being encouraged by professional leftist agitators who flock to powder keg scenes like Baltimore like flies to a ripe carcass. For the life of me I do not understand why the police in these situations don’t make the agitators selective targets and take them out with bean bags or other non-lethal ammo and then charge them with inciting and give them stiff sentences. That would take a lot of the fun and the thrill out of being agitators.
PT: I said above I could understand anger at the Grey situation. I did not say that everyone was there because they are angry. Nor did I say that I had sympathy or empathy for those turning parts of Baltimore into ruined slums.
Very obviously, not all are there solely because they’re angry or to protest an injustice. Rather, some are there for personal profit (e.g., to loot). Others are there to incite trouble in order to further a political aim. And some are simply there to inflict mindless violence – “Burn baby burn” comes to mind.
Don’t mistake my understanding the motivation of some for endorsement of the acts of all. That’s nowhere near true.
No, mayor, you don’t give areas of your city over to criminals and thugs for them to destroy it. Your constituents own those buildings and that merchandise. Other constituents of yours live and work in those buildings you apparently think it’s OK to allow to be destroyed.
Whatever you may have thought the job of mayor was, mayor, not allowing chaos in your city must be one you missed.
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Barak H. Obama, July 13, 2012
Oops – keep forgetting that. Dang, that reeducation thing still doesn’t seem to be working here.
The author of the previous comment does not believe that Baltimore’s mayor was providing “room to anyone to take on criminal acts”. Yet that is EXACTLY what she was doing. She SAID she was granting “space to destroy”. Space = room; destroy = criminal acts.
And just where are you getting that anyone here thinks lawlessness is a good idea or encourages such behavior?
Let’s do an experiment. Let’s take a bunch of kids and let’s isolate them from any parental influence. Maybe on a deserted island or something? You say that’s a book they made into a movie?
What happens when you remove the father through no fault divorce and force him to pay child support? What happens when you remove ambition by providing food and shelter and even entertainment shamelessly with tax dollars? People are supposed to be ashamed to accept charity. It’s supposed to make them get up and stand on their own two feet. Somehow everyone lost sight of that.
Then what happens when you remove the mother with television, iPhones, drugs, promiscuous consequence free sex?
Who raises these kids?
Lord of the flies.
“Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!”
I watched this stuff on tv, last night, as it was happening and the one big take away I had was that the neighborhood businesses that were minority owned, were the ones being destroyed and looted at that time. They interviewed store owners that said they just lost everything, while the ones that did it were standing there behind them with masks on their faces. Then, there was a car circling a pile of looted stuff that was burning and then drove through the pile and setting the car on fire. The wife said “why would you do that to your car”? I informed her that wasn’t their car. She looked at me and said “oh”. then, another liberated car was slammed into the one on fire, so then there were 2 burning cars in that intersection. All done live on tv. The cop line was a block away. The ministry people had asked the cops to move back to that point, because they were going to take care of the corner, and the police moved back and 4 businesses were promptly looted and destroyed at that corner. I guess the clergy didn’t have as much influence as they thought?
There is so much I could and want to say, but it would require me to write a new thread and I don’t have time for that right now. Maybe I will do it later today.
Remind me again, why do we (business owners) pay property tax, income tax, franchise tax, and collect sales taxes?
Followup questions:
Is this 3rd world violence?
What prep school do the looters attend?
Because somewhere in the last fifty years, you stopped being a citizen and became a serf.
What prep school do the looters attend?
Douglas High School is the major high school in the area. It has as history of “underperforming” (to be polite.)
What is inconceivable is that the school let out early because of the students within the school.
The schools literally let kids out early unscheduled.
The results were predictable.
Douglas High School is the major high school in the area.
Yep-named for Frederick Douglass. I was reading something online yesterday and someone had posted a series of quotes from him and one was about how men could improve themselves and his answer included the phrase “work, work, work, work”.
Here’s the full quote: “We may explain success mainly by one word and that word is WORK! WORK!! WORK!!! WORK!!!! Not transient and fitful effort, but patient, enduring, honest, unremitting, and indefatigable work, into which the whole heart is put, and which, in both temporal and spiritual affairs, is the true miracle worker.”
Ironic, isn’t it?
Funny how when 0-man finally made a call, it was to order that the governor tell the NG troops to “exercise restraint.” I was pleasantly surprised by the governor’s response…actually using the word “thugs” without watering it down.
Jonn, tell your friend in Baltimore that, if he needs a safe place for him and his family to hunker down, send them my way. We have plenty of room.
Where were the parents? Well, I saw one mother going after her son, who was wearing a hoodie, smacking him and yelling at him and trying to pull the hood off his head.
I read that on social media, just before the looting and burning started, someone sent out the word that it was to be a ‘purge’, like the movie.
There was also a rumor that the really bad black gangs – Crips, Bloods, Black Guerillas – were on their way to join in the festivities, but that may have been only a rumor.
The parents of the Gray, man who died in police custody, specifically asked for NONE of this to happen.
I think the mayor is an incompetent ass with rocks in her head instead of brains and should be replaced right now. Tell me what kind of protest there is in setting fire to a partly-constructed community center across from a church. Tell me what kind of protest is going on when stores and businesses are looted, not because anyone is hurting but because the looters can loot.
This was a bunch of teenagers coming out of school to make trouble and nothing else, and if it is not stopped now, it will get worse.
And, in the most moronic move that could ever be considered, Baltimore has closed schools today. So, all of those teenaged rioters who could be occupied in a classroom today will be free to roam the streets and cause more trouble.
No offense Bobo, but if my children where enrolled in Baltimore schools (would never happen but playing DA here) I would be keeping them home from school today anyway.
Early yesterday afternoon before the funeral even ended yesterday Anne Arundle County Schools announced that ALL field trips in and around Baltimore were canceled for at least the next week and all Bus service to that area has been suspended.
With everything going on, if the school system can’t guarantee the safety and security of children then they need to be closed. And coupled with the Mayor’s response (or lack there of) I think they made the right call.
I suspect that the schools wanted the kids home safe from the rioters. Can’t say I blame them; if it were my kids and the schools didn’t close, I’d call the schools and explain that my kids won’t leave the house until the rioting is over and they won’t be going to school.
The spokesmouth for the Nation of Islam, er, I mean Peace, stated that they were able to bring these gangs together for this action.
“spokesmouth” => “asshole”
There. Fixed it for ya. You’re welcome.
Is this the Mom you were referring to?
Oops, wrong one.
Would that more inner city mothers (of ANY color) try to be that diligent in catching and punishing their children.
Got to give her credit for going out and bytch slapping “junior thug life” for being stupid… I’d nominate her for “Mom of the Year” for doing that.
Me, too!
Ex-PH2, just heard on the news that the gangs you had mentioned have put the word out nationwide to go after white cops.
The “thug life” is running more than we think in many of our big cities and looking for any opportunity given to them to act out – including going after LEO’s.
Yeah, it looks like it’s heating up even more than I realized. It started when some of those kids put out the ‘purge’ message on social media. It just went from there, and in regard to the age of the looters, a bystander who was interviewed said that he didn’t see anyone over the age of 25 in that bunch of hooligan.
Look, this thing got out of control, not because of Gray’s death, but because no one tried to really stop it. In the 1960s, when the Vietnam War protests were going on, the police used tear gas to disperse the protestors instead of letting them run riot. Then in 1968, when Dr. King was killed, Washington, DC literally went up in smoke.
And that was not the only time or place where looting and property destruction took place. The same thing happened in the 1990s during that blackout in New York City, when the power grid failed.
People need only a minor excuse to go out of control and turn order into chaos. This rioting, burning and looting had nothing to do with the death of that young man. It had everything to do with the same thing that is driving flash mobs to erupt in the center of cities like Chicago, just to see how much trouble they can cause.
I just think it’s going to become more widespread. Gray’s death wasn’t the trigger point; it was simply an excuse.
When some number of folks need diapers, medicine, and whatnot today, they will find one CVS store gutted and others closed. When some number of folks who rely on public transportation went to the subway and bus stations this morning, they found that the trains ran through their station and that the busses weren’t running at all. Taxis will not go near the areas struck by the riots. Government services (city and state) have ceased. The city is closed for business. Troops and riot-geared police line streets. Smoke rises from businesses and vehicles torched by rioters. For what?
What’s next after they’ve looted and burned the area to where nobody wants to locate a business there, are they going to bawl for the Government to make somebody locate in their neighborhood?
It’s getting really. I am starting to blame the yahoos who put these “peaceful protests” together.
Unless they have their head in sand they have to know that any type of public protest held is going to be infiltrated by thugs who will use the cover of free speech as cover for criminal activity.
Or perhaps that is what they want. They are secretly hope the thugs will “punish” society on their behalf.
In this case, the activity ramped up when the kids were let out of school. The minute those teens hit the bricks, they went into action in the form of what used to be called a flash mob. I’d guess that is still the correct term for it.
But this was almost entirely generated by teens on social media coming out of school and joining their friends to create the destruction.
The first thing I thought about was the 2011 London riots and fires that were started and went out of control in various districts, and it was almost entirely by people under the age of 21.
One of the things I found most appalling was the image of a firehose that had been gashed when the firefigters were trying to put out that CVS store fire. It was a deliberate act of destruction. What was that for? What does that say about the person who did it?
It says, let it burn.
Because the person who did it is a shitbag without remorse.
I am grateful I travel south toward D.C., rather than north towards Baltimore. I first visited that fine city when here in 1977 for AIT. It was a S$%thole then and it’s no better now.
If I had to go north for work I would not be traveling alone, I would bring at least 18 little friends.
“This was a bunch of teenagers coming out of school to make trouble….” Yeah, that guy with the victory-over-oppression toilet paper is just a mature-looking 14-year old. And those cars driven up to stores and loaded with looted goods? Owned and driven by a few high school sophomores. Police arrested 34 people and released the names only of the 27 ADULTS among them. The talking point memo is out now: it’s just kids, school kids, teenagers. Bullshit.
I saw them entering the CVS last night and my thought was how secure were the medications in that store from the assault of a mob, I saw a Rite-Aid being destroyed as well.
The police were pulled back just watching, which based on the mayor’s comments made sense I guess because she said they needed space to destroy, until she later claimed in spite of video evidence to the contrary her words were being distorted.
These were not protesters asking for answers about Freddie Grey there were criminal trespassers and looters.
Destroying your own neighborhood only makes your shithole a bigger shithole, it doesn’t resolve the questions about Mr. Grey.
Mr. Grey wasn’t a model citizen, however dying in police custody from a broken neck should result in someone being found responsible. The police are not licensed to kill perpetrators already in custody or deny them medical treatment regardless of their opinions about the accused.
With SCOTUS determining the state has no obligation to protect citizens from harm, I hope they can find it in their superior legal minds to also determine being killed while in custody is also unacceptable.
Legitimate questions about police conduct should be constant and unending until satisfactory answers are given, but looters and criminal conduct in some half-assed display of something really stupid should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Starting with the dipshit mayor who made such idiotic statements out loud and in public media.
When I worked for CVS, all the stores had roll-down gates (some of the older ones had horizontal gates, especially if it wasn’t an inner-city store) separating the pharmacy department from the rest of the store. This is a legal necessity, at least in my state; otherwise the entire store becomes part of the “registered area”, and if the pharmacist has to leave you have to lock the whole store up. A few of the stores had wooden barriers that swung down covering the windows at the counseling area, but not in the bad neighborhoods.
I am sure that at the first sign of what was coming down, the pharmacist rolled the gates down, locked up the department, shut down the computers and booked.
Oh, and good luck to anyone in that neighborhood who needs their prescriptions refilled in the next few days. Talk about not shitting where you eat…
This is our new normal … it has been going on now for some 6.5 years!
Longer than that. During the MLK riots back in ’68 troops from Ft Bragg patrolled Baltimore for about a week or so.
That would be the 3rd. bgd. 82nd. Airborne. A few months later we were dispatched to Phu Bai Vietnam. Proudly served.
Sorry, the 82nd. went to Detroit. Pres. Johnson wanted a paratrooper standing on every corner, but they ran up and down the streets in platoon strength showing off the M-16 rifle. Game over.
I’m not excusing the Baltimore PD, but am I the only one that remembers the Baltimore jail has an unsavory history? Are there other contributing factors to Mr Grey’s death?
If I’m reading this correctly, the Baltimore City Detention Center (AKA the “Baltimore City Jail”) is run by the state of Maryland (DPS) – not the Baltimore City PD.
My mistake. My link didn’t specify who ran the jail.
De nada. Baltimore PD has its issues – and to me they seem pretty damn serious. But the jail fiasco wasn’t something for which they’re responsible.
(I accidentally hit the “report” button instead of the “reply” button. My apologies.)
There is more to it.
In 2013 a large group of officers (over 60 in total) were investigated for fraud, extortion and accepting bribes in a tow truck case. As I remember, 20 of the police ended up going to jail.
In 2014, there was a bust for a drug ring police were running.
There is a history of police abuse in the area where the trouble took place last night. When I worked in the area some 25 years ago, I was amazed at the way the police treated residents.
The present Police Commissioner is fairly new to the job, coming from Los Angeles (as I remember) and replacing a guy who was incompetent, got fired and received a “golden parachute.
Firing or getting rid of bad cops is nearly impossible in Baltimore.
After a large number of incidents, this years the City Council sent a bill that would require and provide body cameras for all police. That bill was vetoed by the Mayor.
When you visit Baltimore, there are blue lights mounted on some utility poles. The lights indicate that you are in a high crime area and should not be there after dark. Instead of increasing protection to residents, the police leave the area to the criminals and warn others not to go in those areas.
Such is the state of policing in Baltimore.
Time was that the oft-repeated explanation for all-black rioting included an insensitive or removed-from-the-community white city government. Things would be different if we had more blacks in office. Well, Baltimore has a black mayor, a majority black city council, a black police chief, a black fire chief, and many black agency heads in its government. So, that argument doesn’t work. I did hear one apologist say on TV that Baltimore is lacking industry and, thus, jobs. That’s true. It does. The tax-em-to-death Democrats created that situation. As businesses exited for friendlier environs, the property taxes rose. Guess what happened. Exactly. Property owners fled to escape the high taxes, poor services, and crime. Teachers had money heaped on them but school quality declined. When a privatized school miraculously did very well, it was snuffed out by the teachers’ union and politicians. Baltimore is not the Inner Harbor or Camden Yards to residents. Those places are for tourists and suburbanites. What Baltimore is, by and large, is a shit hole. I know only too well.
Apparently the brain trust that rules Baltimore is now scrambling trying to safeguard their convention business.
They are always one step ahead. //end sarc.
What?!? You dare suggest that the political class cannot (or will not) solve any and all social problems?!? Or that some social problems are actually made worse by political meddling?!?
You racist bastard!
(To say nothing of the destruction of the black family by idiotically misguided welfare policies).
2/17 – you know that it’s “DA MAN” (aka: the GOP) that’s “keeping them down”, not the Donks… that’s been the narrative for a long, long time.
I wonder what percentage of them still blame Bush?
API – all of them… it’s what fuels their hate of “DA MAN”
Baltimore has never really recovered from the closing of companies such as Bethlehem Steel, GM, and others. Baltimore now has a lot of people that are available to work, but yet don’t want to. Twenty five years ago I was interviewing people for a company that was going to be located in an “economically depressed” area of Baltimore. We set up an interview area in another location and started interviewing people. We were getting 50 applications to every opening. One of the people that came in was an 18 year old kid who was 6′ 0″, medium black skin, 160 lbs soaking wet. He had taken three buses to get to the interview. He came in with a brown plaid coat and orange stocking cap on. I liked the kid and later called him to offer him the job. He was ecstatic. After he went through training, and was officially “hired,” he told me that he was shocked we called and offered him the job. It seems that after he left the interview, while waiting for the bus, he was arrested (detained) by the police. The store that was next to our interview site was robbed about the same time we were interviewing. The police thought the kid we interviewed was a suspect. After all, the guy they were looking for was 6’4″, 250 lbs, dark skinned, wearing a blue pea coat and blue stocking cap. And because the police thought that a robber would stand on the corner waiting for a bus after robbing a store, they detained the kid, took him back to the store where the management said he wasn’t the guy. After being detained and in handcuffs for an hour, the police let him go. I’ve always remembered that incident because I cannot imagine how it felt to be detained and handcuffed when the description of the criminal was do far off. I can’t imagine what it felt like to be that kid who was essentially arrested for “waiting for a bus while black.” “It happens all the time,” he told me. In the end, the… Read more »
GC- Someone interviewed last night said he was fed up because even when he, a law abiding dweller stepped out, he was a target.
My thoughts were:
A. if you live in a place that is plagued by drugs, trashed, and no one respects any LEO’s, let alone their neighbors, why should they be given a benefit…yes, guilty by association.
B. You voted for the people that promised you everything and gave you Bupkiss. C. Majority black LEO, city council and mayor…you cannot continue to blame whites. How many times have white people rioted in the streets and ruined the lively hood of others to make a point? Freddy Gray is being used and Al and Jesse are nowhere to be found.
D. Did this work in Detroit, LA, or Ferguson?
A. Bull. If you don’t support the law abiding people in the city and treat them exactly as you do the criminals, the law abiding citizens go underground. “Guilt by association” works when you are with a group and don’t do anything to stop their lawlessness. It doesn’t work when you want your neighborhood to be cleaned up and the police ignore you.
B) What promises were made by the elected officials?
C) Once again, bull. The majority of the cops are white. Even the black cops participate in this isea that people should be stopped for no reason. Gray was chased because he looked at the police and ran. That is not probable cause. The police report says that Gray was arrested with violence or physical altercation. That doesn’t jive with the videos where Gray is on the ground. The police have said that they noticed a “switchblade knife” on Gray. The police haven’t shown anyone the knife, and most people (including me) think the knife was a drop knife that could be opened with one hand and not one that is a switchblade. The cops lied in this case and it resonates with the black community. Trying to get a Baltimore cop fired is impossible.
D) I am not defending the looters and rioters. This doesn’t have to be a case where one group is the only one at fault. The BCPD is corrupt and has been for years. A strong union and cops that are willing to violate the law without repercussions helped create this powder keg.
I would love to see the looters, rioters and corrupt police arrested, charged, and convicted where appropriate. Send them all away.
Actually have to call you on this one. The BCPD is a Minority Majority Police force. i.e. the majority of the police are of a racial minority.
As of a Washington Post Article:
Only 46 percent of the police officers working in the city are white.
SO SIMPLE Math would state that 54% of Baltimore city police are of a Racial Minority.
But using your source, only 28% of Baltimore population is white.
However, the cops on the beat are more often than not white from what I have seen and remember. Total police force would include other personnel which are also considered part of the force.
I get and understand what you are saying though.
True. However, 46% is by definition not a majority – which is defined as over half of the total. It can at best be a plurality.
Also remember this is Baltimore City NOT Baltimore County TWO completely.seperate animals.
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is the female donkeycrat version of bodaprez… and, like him, she was nowhere near the phone for the 3:00 am phone call.
It wasn’t too long ago that I heard someone call Baltimore “America’s Beirut” because of all of the concertina and barbed wire all over the place in the city
Baltirut? Baghdamore?
Crackmore…mostly New England & Pittsburgh football fans dissing the high crime & ghetto image of the city. The popular crime drama “The Wire” sort of didn’t help.
Let’s face it, they’re going to riot regardless. Businesses will be looted and burnt, cars wrecked and torched,… Next they’ll see noone wanting to locate businesses in their neighborhoods and bawling for “Big Daddy Gubba’mint” to bail them out and wipe their butts for them! Hmmm, Baltimore HAS been ruled by demo-rats for decades, hasn’t it, just like Detroit, Chicago, L.A.,…
Well, Maryland is restrictive on guns, too, so even if the shop owners wanted to arm themselves and protect their livelyhood, the nanny state of leftist paradise, which is Maryland, won’t allow them to. In Ferguson, armed blacks and whites worked together to defend shops owned by both blacks and whites and were successful. Can’t do that in Baltimore, so you’re at the mercy of the thugs and police.
BUT NOOOOooo,Gun Control Laws are to protect the people, especially the chiiiillldren from unwanted gun violence! /SARC
They elected liberals, they got the liberalism. I say make them STAY there, all too often liberals migrate and infest other places with their crap, Colorado and Oregon being two examples.
I seem to have noticed that, also.
Last night the wife turns to me and said I’m glad I finally let you get the handgun. Her next statement was: Is it ready to go? (Meaning did we have plently of ammunition for it). I just turned to her, smiled, and said yes dear 4 magazines fully loaded and ready. Not that we live close to Baltimore but close enough to worry about it spreading down our way and want to be prepared.
In the summer before my freshman year in High School, I was at the Boy Scout camp at Cherry Valley, Catalina island. A week or two before we were supposed to come home, the camp leader called an assembly and told us about the Watts riots in L.A. My dad picked me up with a loaded 7mm model 95 Mauser in the car. The freeway went right past Watts, and there had been reports of sniping at passing cars, so he was prepared to deal with it.
I remember thinking that it looked like some war movie. Looked to my sixteen year old eyes, like large tracts of smoking rubble, though it probably wasn’t that much.
I was boggled.
When you have to walk 5 miles to get your skittles and arizona iced tea and steal your swisher sweets, shit gets real in a hurry.
Is that on an EBT card or five finger discount?
Nancy Pelosi’s father & brother (during the ’68 riots) were Baltimore mayors.
Gee whiz, wotta surprise!!
Kudos to these midshipmen!,0,5977193.story
^^^ THIS ^^^
Seems like Randy Newman had this pegged about 37 1/2 years ago.
This is why places like where I live are seeing a massive influx of out-of-staters. I wish they’d stay home and fix the problems there, rather than pack up and bring the problems here. (And yes, that is exactly what is happening.)
PN, in the words of a whiny 5th grader:
‘These questions are too ha-a-ard’.
Over the past four years, more than 100 people have won court judgments or settlements related to allegations of brutality and civil rights violations. Victims include a 15-year-old boy riding a dirt bike, a 26-year-old pregnant accountant who had witnessed a beating, a 50-year-old woman selling church raffle tickets, a 65-year-old church deacon rolling a cigarette and an 87-year-old grandmother aiding her wounded grandson …. And in almost every case, prosecutors or judges dismissed the charges against the victims—if charges were filed at all. In an incident that drew headlines recently, charges against a South Baltimore man were dropped after a video showed an officer repeatedly punching him—a beating that led the police commissioner to say he was “shocked.” …The people now calling for nonviolence are not prepared to answer these questions. Many of them are charged with enforcing the very policies that led to Gray’s death, and yet they can offer no rational justification for Gray’s death and so they appeal for calm. But there was no official appeal for calm when Gray was being arrested. There was no appeal for calm when Jerriel Lyles was assaulted. (“The blow was so heavy. My eyes swelled up. Blood was dripping down my nose and out my eye.”) There was no claim for nonviolence on behalf of Venus Green. (“Bitch, you ain’t no better than any of the other old black bitches I have locked up.”) There was no plea for peace on behalf of Starr Brown. (“They slammed me down on my face,” Brown added, her voice cracking. “The skin was gone on my face.”) When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is “correct” or “wise,” any more than a forest fire can… Read more »
Nobody here has said the police are innocent of wrongdoing in this situation. If anything, there have been numerous cases lately of police brutality. That still does not justify the random mob violence that is occurring.
I agree with what you’re saying, however, as I pointed out; they are burning down their own neighborhoods. If they want to make the cops nervous, spread out to the “safe” areas of the city to get your point across. Just like the South Central riot; they destroyed their own neighborhood, so no one gave a shit. The only people hurt by it were their own that lived there.
I have to believe that they commit arson, theft, looting, etc. because they perceive that it works.
Until it is made painfully obvious that it does not and will not work, my guess is that it will continue to be the “go to” reaction.
Time for some tough love.
Agreed no good comes from the violence, I think I was trying to make the point that sometimes the violence comes after a lot of historical incidents of abuse that go unpunished. There is a tipping point, and I am never certain that the actual tipping point is an appropriate one but it appears to be almost literally the straw breaking the back of that poor camel known as acceptance of the way things are. When he breaks down there is no longer an acceptance of the way things are and people decide to act in an unacceptable way.
It doesn’t make it right, it doesn’t make it effective, it just is the result of inaction by those charged with keeping the peace and maintaining order.
You are quite right about that. When lawless people crap in their own pots and pans, who cares? I certainly don’t. It’s rather like drug-related and gang-member deaths. No one much cares. Let those rascals roll north in Baltimore to, oh, the Towson area and there would be a bloodbath. But as long as the shit stays in the hood, no one really much cares. Do, how ’bout dem Os.
My reply above was to OT’s comment, “they destroyed their own neighborhood, so no one gave a shit.” Also, Towson is due west, not north, of B’more. Towson is an upscale area in Baltimore County and is chocked full of fancy bars and retail shops.
Towson is suburb north of Baltimore – not west. It has always been defined by being along York Road as it’s main drag.
You are right. Towson is indeed north of Baltimore. If I told you my personal history of residences, you wouldn’t believe that I could make that error. This is why my wife doesn’t appreciate it when I take shortcuts, trusting only my keen sense of direction.
No biggie.
I grew up in Gardenville / Overlea. Dated women that lived in Towson and Parkville. Worked (amongst other places) in Timonium and Cockeysville.
(I remember when Towson University was “Towson State Teacher’s College.”)
I think you might have confused Pikesville / Ownings Mill with Towson based on your description of the area.
I just wanted to keep the record straight. Sorry if it came off wrong. 🙂
Believe Owings Mill and Pikesville are NW of downtown Baltimore and the Inner Harbor vice due west. Perhaps you’re both thinking Woodlawn and/or Catonsville?
Pikesville is the home of the MD State Police and the worst drivers this side of Tokyo.
FOP as my sainted mother calls them.
F-ing Old People.
Also, an old quite I know from some place.
“You drive like old people fuck, slow and sloppy.”
Old Towson was a stomping ground of mine for a while. No traffic circles, no malls, not much of anything. My idea of fine dining was the Pizza Palace on York Road, with light beverages at Souris’ Saloon. I guess the Greek who ran that place is dead or 122 by now. Timonium was way-out for me, although I would stop by the oval for a wager or two during its summer meet. That stopped when a horse bolted and impaled itself on a fence about 50 feet from me.
Hats off to the Vietnam master sergeant who stood his ground as an American.
Is Baltimore the same city that has the jail that the gangs run ????. I saw a story on BBC about three years ago about the city/country jail being the most dangerous is the U.S. so no big surprise to see this people are getting Fed up. All over… Hope and change did not work
Skippy: yes – and no.
Got it thank you. For the info.
Baltimore was such a shithole for a long time…then there was a resurgence and for a little while it was such a nice place to visit. Now this.
I will never understand how rioting and looting helps a situation. In the morning you are still in a shitty situation the YOU have only made worse. You may have a new television, but good luck getting the cable guy to come hook it up for you…
It’s still a nice place to visit, so long as you hang in the Inner Harbor area or maybe venture out to the saloon-land, Fells Point. But go northeast or northwest from there and you will swear you are not only in a different city but a different planet.
Until they decided to trash the area around Camden Yards (which is right next to the Inner Harbor). So what was once a nice area you could feel safe taking the kids to is not longer the case. So like most, until they get this craziness under control my time and money are staying the hell out! If the VA calls and says hey we would like you to come in, my response is going to be unless its in Glen Burnie or at Ft. Meade not gonna happen. For safety reasons people visiting the VA in Baltimore were locked in there until it was safe to leave.
bodaprez used the words ‘criminals’ and ‘thugs’ in re: the individuals engaged in looting, while he was making a speech about the Baltimore riots/looting. That is not going to make them happy.
Damn, next he’ll be calling ISIS muslim extremists! Is he off his meds?
I wondered about that myself, GDC.
Perhaps he’s finding out that reality is a very harsh mistress.
I just read a report that the Norks hacked his teleprompter… that splains it.
Piling on….Big Bill Hell’s Auto Sales in BALTEEMOR HON!!
Oh, God, that was the best goddamn video! ROFL!!!! 😀
That was some funny shit. I think I can win the pissing challenge. Would it cover a down payment on a Jaguar?
When Chicago held its NATO conference a few years ago, some of the protestors said they intended to cause widespread damage. The mayor (Rahmbo) made it clear that if even one store in any Loop or Mag Mile area suffered even a little damage, the protestors would be in jail post-haste. That was accompanied by the FBI arresting 3 wannabe beerkeg bombers in a temporary apartment near the Cell (White Sox).
When there was a protest march over Ferguson last fall, the police were on hand in large numbers.
There have been several attempts at flash mobs by teenagers, mostly aimed at pilfering stuff from stores, but it wouldn’t take much for those little snots to put out the ‘purge’ word on social medai for a serious episode of violence to take place. Anywere from Wacker east to the park is vulnerable.
The mayor may think he has it in hand, but all it takes is a bunch of out of control teens followed by the gangbangers from the neighborhoods, and the city would be under siege.
I knew as soon as this whole thing made the news there would be looting. They prey for an excuse to riot and loot and steal. This just happened to be a good excuse.
Something I have not seen in the comments. These are not protesters, they are not rioters, they are not looters.
They fall under the FBI’s own definition of TERRORIST.
They should be rounded up and treated as such.
I don’t care what color you are, if you start causing mass panic, you just became a terrorist in my eyes.
“Domestic terrorism” means activities with the following three characteristics:
Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
Black terrorism being condoned by the mayor and most media which intentionally are mislabeling obvious violent race mobs and ineffective police response as protests.
The videos are out there. The raw uncut videos of race based mobs attacking based upon color. My favorite is the women in the wheel chair being attacked.
Well, well, well – what have we here?
I,m not a conspiracy nut, but is osmeone looking for a black “Horst Wessel” Moment?
Sorry. forgot the link. Lousy lyric (and sentiments), but good beat for beer drinking.
Shit. Link:
Life is tough. Life is tougher when when you’re drunk trying to make a coherent statement. Forgive me, John Wayne!
Jonn, you’re a nicer guy than most. Any people who make the comment “when the sh*t hits the fan I’m coming to your place ‘cuz you have weapons” have already been told that if you show up empty-handed, you leave the same way if you get in at all. I ain’t WalMart and if you’re too stupid to make plans for obvious contingencies, it’s not necessarily my place in life to bail you out.
The fast way to end those type of comments is to tell them, very seriously, that you intend to keep all viable females that they bring with them. Add that they’ll probably want to stay, anyway, because YOU have the means to protect them.
No moochers at your door! 😀
Military Vets At Fault For Baltimore Riots
Peaceful marches currently underway in Baltimore.
Tune in at 2200.
Wednesday, 1800, Union Square NYC.
Tune in and watch NYC Wednesday.
Last time in NYC it was: “what do we want?, dead Cops, when do we want it?, NOW!”
They got it: 2 dead cops in Brooklyn!
Anyone want to guess what group was chanting that?
Yeah, I read all the info.
I know what is going on.
But what do I know ….
Are you still pre-op or post-op? You seem to be under full sail. Rock on Master Chief!
I had my pre-op imagining on Monday.
Gee, it seems like only last year that Baltimore erupted into an orgy of wanton violence, looting, arson, and batteries too numerous to get an exact number on. The prosecutor assured the world that she would obtain justice for Freddie because, yes, Freddie’s dead…that’s what I asid. In other words she was going to hang every BPD officer she could. The first case resulted in a hung jury. The second case was decided yesterday. The defense had elected to be tried by a judge, not a jury, figuring the judge would know and apply the law correctly. The defense was 100% correct and, yesterday, the second officer was found NOT GUILTY on all four charges. There remain four officers to be tried and however weak the state’s case against the four, the charges will not be dropped. It seems that justice is being done, though the city will probably burn again this summer because of it.
It’s time again for a Freddie Gray Update. Although he remains dead, it’s now summertime in Riot Town and police leave has been cancelled. That’s right. No vacations just now. The NG is on alert. Another verdict is due this morning at 10 in the police persecutions. So far, the prosecution is batting zero. The mayor is not overly concerned about new riots. Riots? No, they weren’t riots at all. She is quoted in today’s Baltimore Sun as referring to the street violence, the arsons, the lootings, the assaults, the thefts as “activity.” Activity? So there you have it, the update. So, be careful and alert around Baltimore today. There may be a sudden surge in community activity.
Batten down the hatches. Plywood the windows. Close the pharmacies. Secure the toilet paper. Check ammo. Katie, bar the door!
VERDICT: Baltimore Police Officer C. Goodson NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES!
Officer Goodson faced the most serious of the charges lodged by the prosecutrix against the six officers charged in Gray’s death. BTW, the judge–and this was a bench trial–is Black, as is Officer Goodson. So, it will be interesting to see whether “BlackLivesMatter#” signs appear. Funny thing. I was watching livestreams from the courthouse and the protesters (heavily outnumbered by media members) were mostly a bunch of Bernies (i.e., old white Commie types) and Bernie supporters (i.e., white, college-aged little pukes.)