This man did it all including adding things that maybe he should have been awarded but was not. 1SGT Maxey was a true American hero, I am really sorry that he felt compelled to add things to which he had zero entitlement (2 DSC & an extra CIB), his service record was, otherwise, one any soldier would wear with pride and honor. I will not jump on any bandwagon disparaging this man. I am sure he has accumulated more than his fair share of PTSD and other mental fatigue issues. God Rest His Soul, Job Well Done Top!
This man did it all including adding things that maybe he should have been awarded but was not. 1SGT Maxey was a true American hero, I am really sorry that he felt compelled to add things to which he had zero entitlement (2 DSC & an extra CIB), his service record was, otherwise, one any soldier would wear with pride and honor. I will not jump on any bandwagon disparaging this man. I am sure he has accumulated more than his fair share of PTSD and other mental fatigue issues. God Rest His Soul, Job Well Done Top!