Christopher Shane Fortenot FOIA Assighnments

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Christopher Shane Fortenot FOIA Assighnments
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Stephen McCartney

The guy washed out. Got a participation trophy NDSR. “A” school then was in Great Lakes and maybe still San Diego but he never was in long enough to go. Also, he would have been rated NEC OOOO if he did graduate Corps School. To serve in combat with USMC in Iraq (which he did not)he would have most likely been NEC 8404 and trained at either Camp Pendleton or Lejeune at the Field Medical school house.
Navy corpsmen serving in Fleet Marine Force are proud, love the Marines they serve with but NEVER claim to be Marines (or “more Marine than Navy” as this shit bag states). They are “Doc” and proud of it. Many years after service and injuries Marines still remember and love their Doc.

CAPT Bones USN (ret)