First Sgt. Katrina Moerk

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First Sgt. Katrina Moerk
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What kind of Army did this branch turn into? REALLY? did they ask why she was on a social media sight? Was she looking to find soldiers that where not knowledgeable of the army regs. Or probably because they had a 1sg like her who rather then help, teach, be a role model, help your fellow soldiers to become the best they can be so that when the old schools start retiring we have New soldiers with the knowledge and not just that but have someone that will never be forgotten for showing that soldier what integrity, loyalty, and all around a leader who made them a better solder, these days you have “people that are out for themselves.” They actually looking to find infractions to make them feel good when in reality… you have NO IDEA how to be a good NCO who teaches; TEAM WORK… Instead you make me feel ashamed and embarrassed to say that my whole family was in some are still serving. *Be a leader, and TEACH *Get to know your soldiers. *Be a leader they can look up to and feel they can come and talk to you about anything instead of am enemy, looking to bust down your solders. *allow your soldiers not to only respect you for your rank but allow it to come naturally to them that the respect is not only the military code but because you did your job to see your soldiers excel & succeed. *continuing to thirst for knowledge, education, and have integrity!!! DO YOUR JOB!!! # was this on government time? # was it on government equip? # what other (CO/BN/BDE/) business were on hold or neglected while you were online doing gosh knows what else? # How much time was taken from everyone else that you got involved in this social media BS!!!!!!!! # how much time and man power to get all the Intel for this…. everyone’s time for this and we have all these other conflicts going on? WITH OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMS WHO ARE DEPLOYED OVERSEAS! This is a disgrace!!!… Read more »


Very well put, I could not agree more, with what you said and with the questions you posed.


This is absolutely amazing, she gets an ARCOM, for her opinion, she is nothing more then a Democrat troll, if you don’t like what is on TV change the channel. What happened to actually earning an award, I personally have 5 ARCOMS, and can guarantee they were earned. so happy I am no longer in the Military, This is disgraceful. Do your job and find some terrorists.

AJ Guy

WOW! That 1SG needs a counseling! Waiting valuable military time, resource’s and money!! If she was in my command…. She’d be untangling sling load legs!! Hang that gratuitous ARCOM over your desk!! Show your troops you’ve got nothing else to do. Lead by example! Your soldiers can learn by your down training, its good to be unproductive and a total waste of a slot and paragraph number! Absurdities are rewards for you young untrained troop. Disgusting! Remember, your two parts Mogas and one part diesel dishonor your troops fighting spirit!!


There are a lot of hardened Soldiers that will remember her face and recognize her the next time she is in a war zone. 99.9% of the Soldiers who fall under her now and in the future will NEVER respect her.