Gary Briggs Assignments 3

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Gary Briggs Assignments 3
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Chief Bill

Did it escape anyone that:

1. The guy was an East Coast Sailor
2. In 1985 he was received for duty at Norfolk as a GMG1
3. He was discharged in 1988 as a Seaman Recruit

Somehow he managed to enter the RVN war zone from the east coast and pick up a VSM, then advance to E6 Gunner, and finally make SR before his final discharge. I wouldn’t believe a thing this bird told me!


Also in his medals list, I see Sea Service 3rd award? The best I know, that sea service is for any of us that served at sea more than 30 days and its a commemorative! this guy wrote his own papers!!

Jo Jo

See also the date for National defense Medal. Something is wrong with those dates , the first 4 dates on his first enlistment are forged. they are civilian dates, not military . But his eligibility for the National Defense Medal is not met in his first enlistment ( cut off was August 14th 1974) and his last enlistment he got out of prison prior to the desert Storm activation of the NDSM. Yet there it is in his records. How?


Jo Jo, appears to me the first dates were simply a generic office stamp, understandable at a recruit entry point with tons of paperwork flowing. The rest were typed, hence the proper military format. As for the NDSM, as bogus as the other medals in his record. Have to wonder if forging his awards is what he was busted for? Have to wait a few more years before his record becomes ‘historical’ and no longer need a FOIA to get the full package.

Daniel Brunner

I noted the ribbon discrepanicies when we were stationed together. Other events occurred that brought on Brig time and subsequent discharge as a GMGSR. Guess the records were never corrected. But yep a phony. Brig time awarded was a result of impersonating an officer.