That’s actually what my VA PIV Card looks like. I recommend sending the photo to the VA Inspector General’s Office Either (a) this guy is a VA employee who is an idiot and needs disciplinary action or (b) someone out there is fabricating pretty good looking PIV cards. Employees are also supposed to have a facility specific card (probably what most people are more familiar with) that has the facility information at the top, another picture, job title, and service you are assigned to on it. Most employees I work with have the facility specific one showing and the PIV card on the reverse.
11 years ago
Agree with #1. It looks like my VA PIV Card, as well. I think it could be a VA employee being shady, or perhaps one who is no longer an employee but has their PIV still. I will forward it along either way.
11 years ago
I actually just searched for him and he isn’t in the system as an employee…
That’s actually what my VA PIV Card looks like. I recommend sending the photo to the VA Inspector General’s Office Either (a) this guy is a VA employee who is an idiot and needs disciplinary action or (b) someone out there is fabricating pretty good looking PIV cards. Employees are also supposed to have a facility specific card (probably what most people are more familiar with) that has the facility information at the top, another picture, job title, and service you are assigned to on it. Most employees I work with have the facility specific one showing and the PIV card on the reverse.
Agree with #1. It looks like my VA PIV Card, as well. I think it could be a VA employee being shady, or perhaps one who is no longer an employee but has their PIV still. I will forward it along either way.
I actually just searched for him and he isn’t in the system as an employee…