ninja SEAL

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ninja SEAL
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How is it “official mail” if the letterhead is BSF?
Why is the Admiral using BSF letterhead, rather than SOCOM?

I think this is “cute,” but to answer the kid’s question: Clearly, a Ninja is quieter, as the kid couldn’t find an address for the Ninja, but the “Head Seal” was quick to answer on letterhead of the Obama campaign’s 2008 “non-profit” organization (BSF). No disrespect for the SeALs doing the job, at all, as they continue their mission, without regard to politics, or the politicization of their units by the politicians.


That’s not a letterhead, that’s just BSF watermarking it, if you look at the letter, you’ll see he’s using his 4-Star letterhead.

Al T.

Thank you Admiral. 🙂