Marcus missing the point completely

| February 19, 2009

Washington Post‘s Ruth Marcus tries to explain the near victory the Republican Party scored in the recent over the stimulus bill last week by chalking it up to “peer pressure”. To recap, the Republicans attracted six Democrats while losing only three Republicans to the Democrats;

Still, the ability of House Republicans to maintain their united front — twice — came as an unpleasant shock to the White House. Even after the first rebuff, the administration anticipated 20 to 30 Republican defections.

Instead, the vote demonstrated that everything you need to know about Congress you learned in middle school: Peer pressure works wonders.

She misses the whole point completely – it wasn’t peer pressure at all. The whole point of contention is the definition of “compromise”. Neither the White House nor the Congressional Democrats attempted anything resembling compromise. Republicans didn’t bite. What divides Republicans and Democrats is IDEOLOGY not some stupid grade school game of gotcha. It’s not whose team you’re on, it’s what you believe. What kept Republicans together was their refusal to participate in Democrat patronage to unions and liberal strap hangers.

It’s not your team versus my team, you silly clown of a woman. Marcus is the one playing at grade school antics.

Regardless, I wrote this last night, so I screen shot the POS column she wrote in case she changes it by the time I post mine.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Usual Suspects

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