Senate approves Global War on Terrorism memorial

| August 5, 2017

Stars & Stripes reports that the Senate unanimously approved the construction of a memorial to the Global War on Terrorism for some stupid reason.

“We’re looking forward to building a sacred place of healing and remembrance for our GWOT veterans, a place for families to gather to honor their loved ones and for future generations of Americans to learn about a war they will likely grow up alongside of,” said Andrew J. Brennan, the Global War on Terrorism Memorial Foundation founder and executive director.

Yeah, well, it seems to me that the Senate would do well to fight the war against terror in the same way, but, you know there was no political upside to voting against the memorial.

The bill will go to the White House, where Brennan said staff have assured him it has President Donald Trump’s support. After that, the project will go through a detailed 24-step bureaucratic process that will include choosing a site, selecting a design through competition and constructing the memorial. The foundation is eyeing a site north of the Lincoln Memorial – at the northwest end of the National Mall area – where there is some open land, though it currently contains a mess of snaking roadways.

The memorial will include six themes: endurance, sacrifice, all-volunteer, global, multicultural and unfinished.

It should be easy to memorialize a war that hasn’t ended yet. I remember it like it was yesterday. In fact, my son is deploying in the Fall to the war against terror.

Category: Congress sucks

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“Operation Enduring Clustrfuck” seems bout right.


Never been to the Vietnam Memorial.
A sacred place of healing? Fuck off.
That war isn’t over until I say it is.
I suspect the same for the GWOT.




I agree with you 26L, the Vietnam war is still going on for a lot of us. As I am sure the battles in the GWOT are for those fighters.

cc senor

Ken Burns’ documentary on Vietnam is coming next month on PBS and I’m conflicted because I always get angry and depressed after watching that sort of thing. And, no, I haven’t/won’t visit the wall, either.


Fuck Ken Burns and his revisionist crap. My girlfriend wants me to watch it with her. I told her it would be nothing more than the same old lies that she was fed forty years ago.
The millenials will eat it right up.
I’ll bet John Fucking Kerry will be a featured cameo. And Doris Kearns Goodwin can’t wait to weigh in with her revisionist bullshit as well.
The two of them should get a room.

Zero Ponsdorf



I watched an NPR show about this forthcoming series for about 15 minutes and decided that if Ken Burns thinks the VC and Ho Chi Minh’s NVA/Commie government were more important than stopping them, he is a bigger asshole now than I ever thought he was before. And that cow assistant whatever she is, who talks with her teeth instead of her mouth, is the most annoying jerk I’ve run into in a long time.


Why not? You don’t want to honor the people that were wounded or lost their lives? seems childish and selfish to me! The same for this monument! Why not honor those that gave their all?


At least they’ll be including important aspects of the war, like “mulitcultural”….


Seriously, what the fuck does multicultural have to do with it?


How about a culturally sensitive frieze of Bacha Bazi boys being skewered by Afghan tribal perverts


We can have a stone tablet with General Order Number One engraved upon it (with Gold Leaf) like the friggin’ Ten Commandments!!! Such a noble thought 🙂


Meaning the cultures of those poor, oppressed folks we fought against? With the mindset of many today I wouldn’t be surprised.
Got a son over there now, too. Not to go into details, but his unit is transported by Ospreys. Never had a chance to fly in one before I retired. And, truth be told, wasn’t wanting to, either.


“Healing”…how about a little more emphasis on the VA instead of another expensive public park…


Exactly ^^^^^

A Proud Infidel®™

Did those pols do it with the Vets in mind, or did they do it so they could feel good about themselves?


Both actually….the Vietnam memorial gave Senator Dick Blumenthal a sacred healing place where he could finally face his demons and come to grips with the horrors of running a stateside toys for tots campaign


“detailed 24 step bureaucratic process” that will end just in time for Command Sergeant Major Bergdahl to receive another Legion of Merit at his retirement ceremony in front of the Memorial.


Pinned on him by President Chelsea Clinton with Vice President Chelsea Manning watching?


Crazy talk that unfortunately
Could come true

Green Thumb

They in essence already have one: The memorial at the Pentagon and Ground Zero.


I guess we have surplus funds? Will this make troops feel better about themselves?

Old Nam Doc

Can they now expect an extra pair of socks????? We never could in Nam!!!


Doc, you couldn’t even expect extra underwear in Viet of the Nam.


Underwear? Who wore underwear? I know I didn’t.

Au Naturel and let it all hang out in the breeze, Baby!!/smile


I see what you did there with the DEW. 😀


Forget a monument until the fighting is over which means that Islam is gone…forever. Until then as posted above by Green Thumb, we have two memorials already.

I don’t know what they plan on spending but it should go to help veterans of the GWOT who are in need now. Besides, it will just be a rally point for all the sensitive, anti war antifa fuckers to use there bull horns.


Islam is gone? Islam will not be gone until ALL religion is. Which is never. You can’t control people’s beliefs like that.

And this is not a war against Islam. Most of the “boots” on the ground fighting extremists are Muslims. Most of the victims of organizations like ISIS are Muslims.


Yes, Poodle Dick-Lick, I am sure once you commies convert the world to your proglodyte version atheism, and we have your dream of a one world socialist order, all will be well on the planet. Because all those Buddhists and Baptists are part of the problem. I bet you are a big fan of Mikey Whinestein and the Freedom from Religion foundation.


Not a communist. Not even close.

Stop being so reductionist. There are hundreds of economic theories and near infinite variations.

Why would anyone subscribe to one that fails in both theory and practice?


At one time most of the victims of Communism were Russian, then Chinese. And yet wise people in other countries opposed Communism, even though few of their countrymen were victims.


False similarity.

The victims of communism were not fighting in the streets against communism.

Muslims are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the forces actually engaged in armed combat against Islamic extremist groups. Particularly ISIS.

If you want to wage war an a religion of 1.2 billion people then that is YOUR choice. And you are LITERALLY NO DIFFERENT than the tiny percentage of Muslims that feel the same way about waging war on you.

You are just another religious extremist masquerading as a patriot or freedom fighter.

Wilted Willy

Please go back to wetting your bed and leave the adult conversations to adults Poodle Dick! You are an asshole and nobody cares what you think! Go back to your mommies basement! Fuck Off!!!


I was at the table for adult conversations that far exceed any access you have ever had for years.

You like to pretend you are some wise old man but you have learned little about the world and reject everything that does not fit your myopic, nativist, xenophobic worldview.

And I would put my life experience against yours any time.


“Muslims are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the forces actually engaged in armed combat against Islamic extremist groups. Particularly ISIS.”

It’s also true the majority of those being fought against are Muslim. Particularly for now, Wahabists. That threat eliminated they would likely continue to fight against each other and once empowered go back to eliminating the infidel. The majority of terror attacks worldwide are carried out against other Muslims. The current fight has lead to affiliations of adversaries against a threat.

Islam by design cannot be aligned with democracy and personal liberties, such as those we take for granted.

So, I don’t see how Islam can be viewed as anything beyond a problem, a problem that will continue to persist unless crushed to the point of submission to the ideals of the post enlightenment world.


I regard all religion as a problem.

Christianity is not particularly compatible with democracy either. Which is why every industrial democracy takes measures to separate itself from religious influence and control.

Ad for Islam; certainly more of a problem than most. And will continue to be. But trying to frame this as a war against Islam or between Islam and and “democracy” or the west is just magnifying the problem and playing into the narrative ISIS uses to legitimize their activities.

The way to defeat Muslim extremism is through cooperation. Particularly with Muslim groups that oppose Muslim extremism.


That’s why I stated Islam must be forced to align with post enlightenment values. Not just in the way it deals with other interpretations of Islam, but how it deals with the world, how it deals with men women and children, etc.

Islam needs to clean house pretty much from the top down.

Yes, I agree any religion can be misused. Right now however we aren’t in a situation in which those that don’t align to pick up deadly snakes will be killed.

Islam’s teaching are diametrically opposed to this modern word and that opposition needs to be remedied.


I agree. Christianity was moderated by enlightenment values. Prior to that much of the conflict in western society was driven or magnified by violence between Christian denominations or Christianity and non-Christians.

I also think we do our nation a disservice by not teaching philosophy and logic in public schools. Christian groups tend to fight against public school adopting courses in Philosophy but the ideas of enlightenment and post enlightenment philosophers is a big reason modern nations states and democratic institutions developed.


“Prior to that much of the conflict in western society was driven or magnified by violence between Christian denominations or Christianity and non-Christians.”

As long as mankind has aligned with a deity (or deities) or even an ill defined spiritual force for that matter, is has been used as a reason to kill people, but in the here and now it is Islam that is the source of the cancer.


Whenever religion turns into a catalyst for wealth and power, people die.

The Other Whitey

The difference is that most religions have outgrown that kind of thing. Islam hasn’t and likely won’t, either.


most religions have been forced out of such behavior moreso than grown out of it.


Honestly, I don’t disagree with much of your comment. Islam has problems with extremist factions that are not currently seen in other major religions. That is not a condemnation of all Muslims or even most Muslims, and unless I’m misreading you, it seems you say as much.

However, I do disagree with your assertion that all religions are problematic and that Christianity isn’t anymore compatible with democracy than Islam (somewhat of an inference from your exact words, I’ll admit).

Niall Ferguson, a Harvard professor of history nailed it when he wrote, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s’ (Matthew 22: 21) is an injunction radically different from that in the Koran, which insists on the indivisibility of God’s law as revealed to the Prophet and the unity of any power structure based on Islam.”

Essentially, a major basis for the secular state is found in a central statement of Christianity. Islam’s outlook is much different.


“False similarity.”

I disagree. Both Communism and Islam are totalitarian and believe they are destined to rule the world. Both despise Christianity and the civilization it is a part of. Both believe the end justifies the means.

“If you want to wage war”

There you go making unfounded assumptions again. If you actually read some of my/our comments instead of just assuming you know what I/we think, you would have found that I, for one, definitely do not want to wage war.

“You are just another religious extremist”

What was it you were writing not long ago about name calling?

“And you are LITERALLY NO DIFFERENT than the tiny percentage of Muslims ”

Once again, flaunting your ignorance and name calling.

I am beginning to understand why just about everyone here dislikes you. You do make it difficult to even be neutral.


PIcking another fight over nothing again, COMMISSAR POODLE DICK?

You seem to have nothing else to do but pick fights. Just an observation.

Not enough estrogen-laced soy in your latte this morning?


Just pushing back against an ISIS narrative.

You know the one where ISIS claims that this is a global war between Muslims and the west.

That ISIS narrative.

The one that ISIS propagandists spend their time on the internet trying to spread.


Okay, well, you have not paid attention to ISIS’s stated intent to destroy Western civilization, which statement was public knowledge when they first raised their ugly heads.

I strongly suggest you open your eyes to THAT because your refusal to do so IS the problem. As IDC_SARC says in his response to you, the muslim world needs to be forced into a corner and forced to become part of the modern world, in every way.

Until or unless they do that, which I doubt will happen, they will continue with their rampage and their destructive path, which threatens everyone who is NOT them.

It IS that simple.


If Muslims aren’t the problem, then why are they the ones killing all non-believers and believers who choose to have a different color prayer cloth or any other nonsensical reason they can come up with? And please don’t take me on a tour of the history of the Christian church and all of its doings. Today, in this world, Muslims are slaughtering their own, and as they call them, infidels. They will not stop until they have what their book of peace dictates which is a world under Sharia law. Say what you will but I just don’t drive around on Sundays and watch Baptists burning down the Methodist churches of the JW’s attacking the Mormons. And those Muslim boots on the ground will turn and cut an infidel’s throat as soon as the battle is over. At this current point in history ISIS is doing most of the “brother love” killing of other Muslims. But they have been doing so under other names and causes since soon after the prophet (shit be upon his name) Mo started this religion of peace, boy rape, and woman being worth less than your sandals. along with all the other quirks of their head twisted beliefs. Sorry but if a person says they are Muslim and says they live by the Koran, then they are either secretly wanting the conversion or death of all non-believers or they are jack-Muslims who pick and choose what they believe and are therefore not true Muslims. Either way, the world we live in would be a better place without Islam. Yet to see a Muslim museum, hospital, library, charity of any kind and I’m not holding my breath either. There’s an old expression, “never come between an man and his god”. Well that’s fine and having beliefs is fine. But if the guy’s god is telling him to kill everyone with different beliefs, then it is time to step between him and what he believes his god wants him to do. Unfortunately, that often means a 5.56 passing through where his beliefs use to be. Just like… Read more »


Most Muslims oppose Islamic extremism. Tens of thousands are literally fighting it in the streets.

Lumping all Muslims as the problem plays into the ISIS narrative that tries to put Islam against the west.

Stop spreading ISIS propaganda.


^Most muslims are indifferent to Muslim extremism.
There, fixed it for you.


Thank you.


Bazinga!! Well done,Roh-Dog.


As a person that spent 2 1/2 yearas in the KSA, you’re spot on with your statement, Roh-Dog… they’re ignorant and apathetic about extremism.


Then why do Muslims in America and other west oriented countries who say they are non violent and peace loving, not stand up against those who are? As soon as a Muslim terrorist kills people in America or is stopped short of carrying out their plot, we hear a short plea to not lump them in with the extremists. Then deafening silence. They do not have a constant anti terrorist, anti violence voice. Every protestant person I know loudly condemns the tools and fools from Westboro Baptist and is quick to say, they are not Baptists, whether they call themselves that or not. Yet Muslims stay quiet about their own. Why do they not openly and continually denounce the extremists? I believe because in the secrecy of their Mosques, they applaud the death of infidels and it has not been unusual for members of American Mosques to be found supporting the extremists in word and with finances. Sorry Commissar, but you will never convince me that there are Koran believing, peace loving Muslims because the Koran itself does not teach such. It is not ISIS propaganda to speak the truth about what Muslims do and just as important, don’t do, in regards to policing their own. When CAIR starts putting money into a campaign to continually denounce, internationally, the extremist murderers in their own faith, I might think differently. But no one knows better than Muslims, that if you speak out against them, you’re as much an infidel, worthy of death as someone who does not believe. America just hasn’t gotten to the point some European nations are in, where Muslims are a daily plague of fear, unrest and lack of peace. I do guarantee this. Should the time come when Shia and Sunni and other factions make peace among themselves, there will be NO peace in the world from Islam. In fact what you call ISIS propaganda, will be the rule and call of the day as all of Islam turns its attention to the overthrow of West and its ideals of democracy, freedom and all we hold dear.… Read more »


“Tens of thousands are literally fighting it in the streets.”

The question is, where will their attention turn after their survival has been assured?


I believe I know the answer to your question. Their attentions would return to their dictates in their Koran which is to, convert or kill all non believers.


I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man. -TJ
There is only ever one choice of cure for the disease named tyranny. Cookies, you bake them/it cookies.


“Stop spreading ISIS propaganda.”

Which means stop reading the Quran or studying the history of Mohammed and Islam.

The Quran says kill apostates and unbelievers, so they kill apostates and unbelievers.


The Quran does say to kill apostates and nonbelievers. So does the bible. “6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again. 12 If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, 15 you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. 16 You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt.” I don’t think people should read the Quran unless they do it merely to intellectually understand Muslim beliefs with a very critical mind. I think there… Read more »


“Christians that want to wage war on Muslims are the same kind of extremists as the extremist Muslims that want to wage war on non-Islamic groups.”

Given the current situation I think that’s a stretch. It’s not as though there’s been no provocation.

Green Thumb

Actually, he is right.

If you look at he history books, Christianity sucks just as bad as Islam.

Ever run into those “I am more Christian than thou” types?


“If you look at he history books, Christianity sucks just as bad as Islam.”

I don’t see where I was addressing that one way or another. 🙂

But for sake of argument…How many holier than though Christians have you run into that executed someone for not adopting Christianlity exactly??

Green Thumb

Never have.

But put it on a shifting scale.

How many Catholic priest have ruined little boys lives and been protected or promoted?

Not saying pedophilia ranks up there with execution, but each individuals personal prison and pain could be measured on a shifting scale.

But with respect to the historical component, think “Holy Inquisition”.


“How many Catholic priest have ruined little boys lives and been protected or promoted?”

I dunno. How many? How many Catholic priests are there?How many have never done anything wrong in comparison?

Dunno why you seem to be interpreting my comments in this way. My general comments previously made here about religion would indicate you are preaching to the choir. 🙂

Green Thumb

I do not disagree with your comments. I actually strongly agree with some of them. But I do believe that you are painting with some very broad strokes.

Christianity is and has been as dangerous (certain applications) for a very long time.

As far as your comment about adoption, several times. Not execution, but shunning and banishment from society and the community. Death may be quickly administered through your view (and you are correct), but sometimes the slow, agonizing shunning and other recriminations could be construed as worse depending on the eye of the beholder.

Additionally, I think one must look at history. If one does, one would see that throughout time they are really not that much different (Islam and Christianity) in the amount of blood shed for people using a religion for personal gain or whatever reason is used as justification.

In the end, I have no use for either one of them.


“How many Catholic priest have ruined little boys lives…”

Probably fewer than the number of Imams or other Muslim authorities.


Yes, I have. It’s always the first thing they say: I’m a Christian… and the rest of the hypocrisy follows.


seriously…you’re going to put that on the same footing as wahabism or is this just a segue into another discussion? 🙂


No, it was an answer to Green Thumb’s question. Sorry I wasn’t clear about that.


gotcha 🙂


“f you look at he history books, Christianity sucks just as bad as Islam.”

No, it doesn’t. If you look at the history books you will find that people “suck”, Christian or not. If anything, Christianity has had a moderating influence on human “suckiness”.

Without Christianity the world would still have wars, crime, etc. In addition, it would probably still have slavery and maybe gladiatorial games and public executions.


You’re quoting Old Testament there commissar… if you did study the bible a bit more, you’d realize that the New Testament was a change to the beliefs of Christianity, and a change in approach, from the type of stuff you mention above, to the “Love thy neighbor” approach… please enlighten us as to exactly when islam ever went through such a change…


yeah…people often miss the sermon on the mount, which was kinda important in understanding Jesus’ teachings.

He pretty much stated a breakaway from OT philosophy right there.


not being holier than anybody. I’m a student of world religions and a horribly flawed christian. I just lubbs me some fornication and other things verboten.


I hear ya IDC, I don’t claim to be all that good of a Christian, just the ability to read, and having survived 6 yrs of Catholic school

The Other Whitey

I’m a believing Catholic. I spent way too much of my hard-earned money in my early 20s financing the college educations of ladies of the pole, $5, $10, and $20 at a time, to call myself a good Catholic.


“So does the bible.”

Strange. I am somewhat familiar with the bible and I do not remember Jesus saying anything close to that. Being a nominal Christian and something of a literalist I tend to equate Christianity with the words and deeds of Jesus.

I do remember reading that Jesus once said “Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone”. Anything like that in the Quran?


Good question…I don’t have my Koran handy.

Off the top of my head, I don’t remember that in the Koran. If you read it though one of the funniest things you’ll notice is key players and events. People like Moses doing as he did according to OT..but he’s speaking with Allah vs God.

Yet many Muslims absolutely state with certainty, Allah, God, Yaweh, Elohim, Jehovah are not the same Deity.

Joseph Williams

Muslims are ALLOWED by Koran to lie and break contacts when it will be to the benefit of Islam. Read their Damn Koran LT. Joe


“Most Muslims oppose Islamic extremism”

Strange, then, that it flourishes in Muslim countries.

Do they also oppose the Quran, which specifically prescribes such extremism?


“Stop spreading ISIS propaganda.”

You are right, the Quran is ISIS propaganda. The Quran is, after all, the ISIS “narrative”. We should ban it.

Not all Communists supported the Communist “narrative”. Not all Nazis supported the Nazi “narrative”. And not all Muslims support the Muslim “narrative”.

I will still oppose all three, with violence if that is what THEY want. And they all usually do if they can.

The Other Whitey

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

“A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become brace and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

-Winston Spencer Churchill, “The River War,” 1899


The war on Islam will not end, until the Second Coming of Christ. That is our curse, handed to us because of Abraham. You know, sins of the father, etc? The muzzies are going to be a thorn in the side of all other beliefs, but especially Christianity.

The Other Whitey

All because Abraham couldn’t keep his hands off his housekeeper…


Baloney. Abraham predates Mohammed by some 4,000++ years.

The Other of

Mo’s tribe were the descendants of Ishmael.


Not baloney, Ex. Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, was the beginning of Islam. God told Abraham that he would put a thornpin his side and the side of hise lineage, because Abraham fathered Ishmael. God heard Sarah’s prayers, and was answering them. Abraham didn’t want to wait on God, and we all paid for it. I was raised in church, and taught to read and understand. Don’t believe what I believe, fine. Do not call baloney on me


Next up on the Senate’s agenda: The long overdue memorial dedicated to those who fought in the War of Jenkin’s Ear.

Green Thumb

They have to deal with/vote on their pay raise issues first.

Need to prioritize…..


I thought the Pig War would be getting it’s own monument by now….

The Other Whitey

I thought we already had a few of those. The one in Lower Manhattan is especially poignant, or so I’m told, since I haven’t been there yet. Not that I’m against respectful remembrance, I’m actually all for it, but it seems to me we should win the war first before we put up any more.


It’s only fair, I guess. After all, there are a multitude of memorials to the continuing War On Poverty all over the country. Detroit is the largest, I think.


Seems to me that the lefties are tearing down monuments for all sorts of reasons. Slavery,
Confederate, Indian etc.
Who’s to say they won’t tear down the Vietnam Wall some day or declare the Tomb of the Unknowns the new cultural center for peace.

Green Thumb

Interesting point.

The Other Whitey

Fuck ’em if they even contemplate it.


You can pretty much bet on it, especially since they love to bend over backwards to appease Islamists.


It won’t last 5 minutes before the Muslims start complaining about how it’s Islamophobic.

Texas Nomad

I assume the monument will just be a “work in progress” sign for another few decades, which is the most appropriate monument I can think of.

Perhaps a statue of a line of veterans waiting for service?

Maybe a diverse group of bored soldiers being given a power point presentation?

Or a Vietnam Wall style memorial, except engraved with the excuses of all those that never served?


I knew I’d seen this story before. Once again, life imitates Duffel Blog.

Posting from my iPhone, so I hope the link works.


So basically it comes down to this.
After the post was made the discussion begins and larsy-boi decides to enamor us all with his genius of a million economic theories that will work better than good old fashioned Capitalism…
Never mind that Capitalism is the engine that built America for well over 200 years and despite all the attempts to change the system we live under we always seem to find a way to get back to what works. The problem lies when capitalism is imperiled by big government, like poodle-dicklick loves starts picking winners and losers out in the market.
Even with all the windmills erected around the US and the solar panels put up renewable energy still only provides 6% of the electrical energy in America today.
Natural gas and coal continue to provide the main part of it.
Cheap energy will give America the springboard and lower taxes will provide the incentive for businesses to expand in the future.
It will have little to do with the government picking winners or providing monopolies to established businesses as they will get swept away when the engine of self reliance comes out of the shadows and starts this machine running on full blast again.
All the economic theories have been tried poodle dicklick… They failed, just like you do trying to convince us that if we only just tried it this way or that way everything would be wonderful…
Yeah right, another liberal panacea…
Like dog shit in a pine forest, dress it up all you want it still smells like dog shit in a pine forest…


“renewable energy still only provides 6% of the electrical energy in America today”

And landfill gas is far ahead of solar in the ISO new England market. Freaking rotten garbage beats solar. I love it.

Silentium Est Aureum

He ain’t wrong.


There are two landfills near me that are being mined for gas quite successfully.


“Never mind that Capitalism is the engine that built America for well over 200 years…”

Yes, when Henry VIII died and left a bankrupt kingdom to his daughter Elizabeth I, she had such a good education that she had enough common sense to know that a rising middle class will drive a nation to prosperity. All she had to do was get out of the way of the middle class and its capitalists, and success would follow.
Ditto Queen Victoria: she knew instinctively what would work, the same thing, and was smart enough to let it happen.


Elizabeth the First recalled all the greatly-debased coin of the realm, had it smelted down, purified, and recast as good coin.

The resultant economic boom made them a world power.

She did this over the howling objections of most of her advisors, and she seldom gets credit for the absolutely most essential thing she ever did.

chooee lee

Man I am here to tell ya. After reading all this shit from top to bottom I need a taste of Elija Craig Small Batch.


Make it a large batch


So, a memorial to every man and woman that has put on a uniform since 9/11?

Friggen save me. Now the military has a participation trophy

Texas Nomad

National Defense Service Medal was created in 1953.


Is that a memorial?

Silentium Est Aureum

Oh, fuck. Now the trolls will be here in force demanding a Cold War Medal and statue.


Denise Williams

There is already a GWOT Memorial. It honors all those who have lost their lives in the Middle East since 1967. It’s called The Middle East Conflicts Memorial, and I was just there-again-this weekend.

It was and remains funded, 100%, by donations.

Besides, isn’t there a law/ruling that says a war memorial cannot be funded or erected until at least 10 years have passed since the official, declared end of hostilities?

Denise Williams

Then ther is this-

Denise Williams
Denise Williams

In addition, every unit that has lost members has monuments or memorials at or around their headquarters.

My biggest problem with this idea of doing a Memorial in DC at this point is too many forget we are a nation still actively at war. A Memorial is past tense, and as long as we have troops in harms way, facing the same enemy, it is not past tense.

If they merely identify WHERE the eventual GWOT memorial will be in DC, fine. But like others have said, I’d rather see any monies or energies be devoted to supporting all those currently serving and those who have already served.