Weekend Open Thread

| August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017

Protect and Defend

Being a park ranger in Ethiopia’s Mago National Park is serious business. The men and women who take on this work risk their lives to defend the land and animals, like elephants and giraffes, from poachers.
Photograph By Yan Li, National Geographic Your Shot

Category: Open thread

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Toasty Coastie

Congrats Chief <3


Ty Ty Ty




Man I was beating that F5 key like I was 3 months into a 6 month deployment.


OK now that’s FUNNY!


6-month deployment? What, you getting sent home early for some reason? (smile)


Well, back when the norm was a 6 month deployment anyways. 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember hearing Air Farce types bawl about their FOUR month tour in Manas, Kyrgystan when we were there on our way to a twelve month stint in A-stan and THEY were allowed to have beer there while we were under general Order 1A!

Red Ghost

Yeah, The Air Force Airperson joked about it at our briefing on our way to Afghanistan. We were un-ammused.


Ah, that’s right – you’re from one of those “short time” branches that doesn’t do 1-year deployments. OK – got it. (smile)


Then I probably shouldn’t mention the 3 month counter narcotic deployment that I went on. Pulling into such harsh places as Acapulco, Mazatlan, or Puerto Vallarta.

(The stop for fuel at Puerto Quetzal Guatemala kinda sucked though. We were only there for a few hours, so no beer.

Silentium Est Aureum

Majuro Atoll. 1989. Even I didn’t want to hit the beach, even if I could have.


One hundred Thirty Twooth…




Thanks for that Skyjumper. Okay if I use it?


Yours to use as you see fit, OAE CPO USN Ret.

Use, but don’t abuse the F5 key. 😉



Slappin’ that thang…




Way to go OAE CPO USN Ret! Well done Sir!

Toasty Coastie



You’re always first in my heart!!
(And Ex-PH2. )


You’re so sweet, ChipNASA. Are you going to apply for one of those Space Police jobs with NASA? I hear they’re hiring for that now.


Yeah, probably not, as they said, ” Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact it’s cold as hell. And there’s no one there to raise them if you did”.

Also I am not applying for the new Planetary Protection Officer job either. I mean, they don’t even issue you a phaser or light saber or anything.


Not even a really cool space helmet?


You know…Planetary Protection Officer is really close to being a Space Shuttle Door Gunner…sorta kinda. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

I still have my time as an Apollo Mission Door Gunner, y’all Space Shuttle Door Gunners are WELCOME that I paved the way for you!! As for that Alien Protection gig, just let me have my M666 Plasma gun back and put ME on the job! Hey, for a six digit salary…


API! Go man GO! You know I was thinking that would be one helluva cool job…

Except you probably have to live in DC, Florida or Texas. Even with all the warts living in Western WA, Im pretty much a diehard Washingtonian.

Oh yeah, and while Im a pretty good science nerd, Im really a foulmouthed smartass troublemaker at heart.

However, Im thinking Dr Kim (see LC’s contribution below) is a shoe-in for the PPO-in-Chief job.

On a technical note; can you mount an M666 Plasma coaxially with a 105mm gun on an M60A3?

A Proud Infidel®™

Just as long as you use the right adapter to accommodate the Microthermonuclear Fusion Reactor that powers it.


🙂 LOL!

Silentium Est Aureum

Just what you see here, buddy.


Replace the 105mm cannon with a 100mm Hellbore and a pair of infinite repeaters, one coax, one top mount. Add the cyber core in the loader station, and swap the Diesel for the Fusion Pack.

M60-BB (Baby Bolo)


We need spaceshuttle door gunners…..the Overlord Xenu wont defeat himself


Not first!


“He jumps, he shoots, he falls on his azz….again” 🙁


This is my Second “Secone” I wonder if I can have the First and Second Trifecta?
Being Second is harder because you have to time it just right.


You have beeen Seconded to TAH.


Top 10.


And… the weekend’s agenda just changed to include repair of the water well that feeds 3 houses…




(Well, I know how to fix that, anyway. [smile])

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Top 20 maybe

A Proud Infidel®™

Top twenty and I once again claim Honorary First.

Former EM1/SS

I’m a looo oo ser.

But not of the Bernathian variety, so I got that going for me.


Which is nice.

Silentium Est Aureum

Gunga galunga…gunga, gunga-lagunga.

Silentium Est Aureum

Speaking of which, when does he go back to court so he can go to the slam?


August 21, 2017.

Wilted Willy

Aren’t we having a total eclipse on that day? Somehow seems fitting to have the sun go away when he hopefully does as well? I hope they send him to where the sun don’t shine!! How about for 20 years or so???


WW yes, that’s the total eclipse day.


I’m thinking it will be for a certain former attorney, too. But for them, perhaps a different kind of “eclipse”.


I imagine that Bernath spends a lot of time where the sun does not shine.


It takes a severe personality order to be as shitty as a Bernathian. I don’t think you have what it takes to be “that way”.

Hack Stone

Son of a bitch!!! I take two minutes step away and drop a Monkress in the toilet, and Jonn slips a WOT past me.


Happened to me 2 weeks ago. I feel ya man. (figuratively of course)

A Proud Infidel®™

Here, relax and watch a train or three. Here’s Chesterton IN on a busy stretch of NS trackage that sees a lot of power from other railroads:


I’m not gonna do anything or go anywhere this weekend.

I hope.

Commissioner Wretched

How the mighty have fallen … I’m 27th.

Silentium Est Aureum

And further proof that once you become a tourist, you automatically lose at least 50 IQ points:

In Granolaville East, I’m being forced to reserve my hotel room two months out. Why, you ask?

Because the leaf peepers are coming. Starting Labor Day weekend. ISYN. I’m guessing they’re going to be VERY disappointed waiting until mid-October.

Silentium Est Aureum

Seriously, a lot of them are foreign tourists, virtually all are elderly. Not sure why, but whatever floats your boat.


SEA, Pardon my ignorance, but what the heck are leaf peepers? Do the go on Snipe Hunts? 🙂

And being on the other side of the Cascades from Granolaville West… its another smoking hot day in the Columbia Basin. However, if its going to be 110 here, its gotta be blacktop melting hot in someplace Yuma…


Yuma is currently a pleasant 101 with a forecasted high of 108. Chilly for Yuma.

Perry Gaskill

Dino, SEA is apparently talking about the Autumn “leaf season” in New England. I once spent about six months in a tiny town in Vermont. Most of the trees in that part of the country are deciduous, such as maples, and lose their leaves just before winter. Before the leaves drop, they can change into some fairly spectacular colors.

A town that might normally be very quiet can end up with bumper-to-bumper traffic with people driving in from places like Boston to gawk at the foliage.

The reason those of us on the other coast don’t notice the Fall color as much is because the predominant native trees in places like Seattle are evergreens such as douglas fir and pine.

The rumor that this is because any undocumented immigrant maples discovered are deported to New Hampshire is unfounded…


Here in mid-Michigan, the news stations do a daily report on the changing of colors and where the line falls across the state for the best color. Starts in late September, through the end of deer season, aka November.
Getting anywhere on roads other than expressways is problematic on the weekends til the leaves hit the ground.

Silentium Est Aureum

Leaf peepers are the tourists who come to New England every fall to watch leaves changing color and bitch about how much real maple syrup costs.

Kinda like the people who go to lobster pounds in Maine/NH/MA and whine when they’re served up on paper plates.

Why do they call it tourist season if you can’t shoot em?


Word. And the wonderful quiet is disturbed by the constant clicks of shutter buttons.

Silentium Est Aureum

Mrs. SEA and I are doing a getaway next weekend which includes a trip up Mount Washington.

I’ve driven up the road before, and I particularly love the flatlanders who are nearly dying of frostbite in shorts and and t-shirts because it was 80 degrees at the bottom and didn’t account for the 4500′ vertical rise and 70 mph winds. In July.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember seeing Amtrak run Autumn Leaf Specials in the NE when i was a Trucker and a number of tourist railroads do the same.


Figured I’d share someone people should know : Dr. Jonny Kim

Navy SEAL (with a Silver Star and a Bronze Star with V, among others), Doctorate in Medicine from Harvard, and an Astronaut candidate:



LC… Dr Kim is gonna command our first space battleship! What a stud.


Geezus…ahmma just go get into the lean and rest for the remainder of my life.

Combat Historian

In case space aliens try to take over the ISS, he can go Casey Ryback on them…



What’s on the menu for chow this weekend?


See below. That’s tonight.

Pasta Carbonara for Saturday supper (as long as it doesn’t get hot again)

Not sure about Sunday, because if it gets hot again, I’m baling out of cooking until it cools off. I might make potato salad to go with sliced ham. Simple stuff and plenty of it.

Frankie Cee

I knocked off early today, put set of new tires on my truck, and plan to hit the bed and listen to the rain on the tin roof of my porch, (until it puts me to sleep). Down in Riverview Florida, Stolen Valorist Kyle Barwan, (just into his first month on Community Control, by Florida Department of Corrections), is already hustling donations at Minecraft, (whatever that game is), groups, getting banned as soon as the various admins learn about who he is. So far he hasn’t claimed military, just that he is “British”, living in the Eastern USA, and waiting for the government to “free up a very large bunch of his money”. The bastard has never been out of the US, just as he has never been Airborne, never been a Commissioned Officer, never been a Warrant Officer never been an Army Ranger, never been Special Forces, never been a Man. He is a sponge, and has made his father ashamed to claim him. Just another piece of shit that needs everyone here to drop his name, keeping him alive and famous at Gooooooooooooooogle. I saw a slug in the garden this morning that had a remarkable resemblance to him.


British? That’s stretching it too far!


Sounds like he’s missing the “all he can eat cockmeat buffet” at the BTJT Deli (home of the WORLD-FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich).

Wilted Willy

Hi Frankie, be glad that you have at least made his life miserable! I’m sure he will be back in jail soon! I will keep praying they will drop the hammer on my pos brother David “Doc” Shrum, I reported him to a new Trump VA hotline yesterday. They have promised to get back to me in 14 days? I will be sure and let you all know what they tell me. This is the first time I have talked to anyone who seems to give a shit? Always try and keep the Google fame going!!
I hope you all have a great weekend~!

Silentium Est Aureum

He has the right to remain silent.

He just doesn’t have the ability.


Yesterday, it was 85F in the shade + high humidity.
Today, 61 at noon and windy, and still high humidity. I detest cooking in hot weather.
So I take my daily walk, the excuse being ‘I need stuff’ from WMart, and took home a pound of strawberries and 2 lbs of green grapes, and a box of Snickers ice cream bars, all at a very modest cost.
So it’s red beans and rice w/smoked sausage for supper, plus radishes carrots, and celery and garlic-stuffed olives, and for afters, yeah, a good book and a chilled white wine with cheese and fruit.
Life is good in my kingdom.
And piffle on your hot dogging the 1st on WOT. I have Snickers ice cream bars and you don’t, so there.


I’ll share first with you and TC for one of those ice cream bars. *bats eyes at Ex-PH2*


That menu sooooo outdoes my Ramen noodles with sauce packet for tonight. 🙁

On the bright side, I have been picking some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and radishes from my raised gardens the past two days. Might go for a garden salad with the Ramen.

Not, however, having “having “jalapeños on a steeeek”.


MSGT Richard Deiters USMC(Retired)

Eyes crossed and hit wrong button flagged rather than hitting the volume for the video.


Put some leftover shredded chicken or pork with the ramen noodles and take them out of that stupid foam cup.

Juice that sucker up. I do that a lot. I keep ramen on hand for a quickie if I feel too lazy to do anything complicated, but I always add stuff to it, like green onion tails or something.

A Proud Infidel®™

When I was an OTR Rookie I had a trainer that liked to cook and eat Ramen with hot dog meat and he’d cut farts afterward that would peel brick and mortar off a building!


You have a quickie with Ramen noodles ???
Oh this I gotta see !!!
I’ll sell tickets, we’ll be rich !!!
BOOM !!!


Not that kind of quickie, TStixx. The ‘lunch or starve’ quickie. Quick fix when I’m hungry and have no Snickers ice cream bars or cookies on hand.
You can buy dry ramen noodles as a separate package without the seasoning, instead of the foam cup with powdered seasoning and dried bits of vegetables. Do it right and you can have a nice bowl of hot soup that will fill you up on a cold day.


54th …


Dave Hardin

I might go assist those Rangers in Africa…if I have a .338 Lapua on hand.

Just sayin…


Dave, Jonn is still sighting it in for you.

He’ll have it back to you “toot-sweet”.

Silentium Est Aureum

Or within a mile of any Waffle House as well.

Dave Hardin

Jonn thinks Biscuit World is fine dining.



Cracker Barrel is better.

Wilted Willy

I always love to stop for some fresh grease at a Waffle House when I am on a road trip! I love me some fresh grease!

Silentium Est Aureum

I used to think so, until they fired Brad’s wife!

Honestly tho, given the choice between that or Bob Evans, I’ll go with the latter.

A Proud Infidel®™

Eat at a Lambert’s cafe sometime and catch a roll or two while you’re waiting for your meal:



That bipod doenst inspire much confidence in that rig’s ability to handle the recoil.

I suspect that rifle is going to deviate quite a bit and re acquiring the target will be a bitch.

Dave Hardin

LOL, bipods are only for stabilizing a weapon.


Oh dude, you just found out that I am a fake!
I am a civilian, o have never served in the military, i am not infantry and I have been trolling you all this time!

Oh no, stolen valor!


Light bipods have tendency to slide and when you fire a high-powered weapon.

That means you cannot re acquire your target for follow up shots without re adjusting your firing position.

With the M24 you can maintain your optics on target because weight distribution allows the rig to return to true after each shot

Of course assuming your are applying all the fundamentals and your shoulder is flat pressed against the buttstock without any space in between so the rig pushes against your shoulder with each shot instead of kicking you.

So a light or flexible bipod works against you during the whole process of target detection, target acquisition and target engagement because it forces you to modify your firing position between shots.

Yes, bipods are to stabilize a weapon, but that is just part of its function.

And I don’t see a monopod or a sand sock in that picture either, so…

Dave Hardin

You make me smile.


Oh no.

You saw through my bullshit?

I promise you, I am not a pizza delivery guy. Its just that my name is very common.


I have a similar setup. Accuracy international AX chasis on a Remington 700 with a 26″ barrel..




Accuracy International?

Are you rich or something? Are you one of those evil people I hear about on the TV?


Saw that. He should have been put in the stocks for what he did, but this is better. Watching someone like him get their comeuppance is rewarding.




Once again, how can I post pictures here?


About the picture opening this thread.

How do you guys feel about those environmental protection laws in the African countries?

I think is leftist racism.

They force those poor african countries to dedicate a large amount of fertile land that could be used for agriculture to keep a few animals that are not productive. And they are forced to live with predators.

We in the west cleared the land, killed the predators, and industrialized, while those poor african countries are forced to be communists/socialist cesspools, can’t burn fossil fuels (which might not even be fossil for all I know) and cannot even hunt their animals for a profit.


“Free market capitalism or die” is not a warcry or propaganda slogan, it is the realityof mankind. Free market capitalism or you will die under the boot of the community organizers, rationers, and zero-sum libtards.


The mammoths and mastodons died out 20,000 years ago. If there are only two white rhinos left in the world, what does that say?

Perry Gaskill

Sorry, but that sounds like something from the Martin Shkreli School of Public Policy

First of all, land use decisions that affect Ethiopia should be left up to Ethiopians, and not the internet.

Second of all, since there aren’t that many places to view elephants in the wild, the revenue generated from eco-tourism is likely of more overall public benefit for the Ethiopians than the quick-hit benefit to some greedy-ass poacher after ivory.

Third of all, if Ethiopia is having trouble feeding its population, there’s a good chance a more effective means of increasing its food supply would be to improve the country’s infrastructure with, say, increased dams, canals, and wells for agricultural irrigation.

Fourth of all, most of the remaining wildlife in Africa, as far as I’m aware, is now contained in game preserves. It’s not as if wild elephants are wandering the streets of Addis Ababa.


Don’t forget that legal hunting is allowed, and highly regulated (though you can’t bring back meat or ivory to the US— our rules, not theirs) and that brings in tons of money to those countries, and it’s a primary reason they work so hard to protect animals from poachers.. as much for the lost revenue as to protect the animals… It’s actually much more of capitalism than it is leftist BS


Gaskill, it is the game preserve what I am criticizing.

The existence of them offend natural selection.

Wild animal species that cannot be domesticated need to die so humans can expand.

Africa is selecting itself out by listening to the libtards.

Perry Gaskill

“Wild animal species that cannot be domesticated need to die so humans can expand.”

That sounds like something somebody would say who spends a lot of time at the mall.

Personally, I live in a place where deer and coyotes are common, and you can see mountain lions on occasion. The fact that wildlife is around amuses me. I also tend to think the world is a better place with them in it.

Lest this sound like fuzzy tree hugging, I’d also point out that there was a time when I worked as a reporter, and sat through probably a couple of thousand land-use hearings. On one side, it was almost routine to have a group of environmental nitwits bring to a halt, for example, a $40 million commercial development because the possibility might exist that the project’s site could provide habitat for, let’s say, the rare Pacific Red-Spotted Mini Salamander. The fact that the slimy little bastards were categorized as “rare” because nobody has seen one in 80 years apparently being irrelevant.

On the other hand, I’ve met developers who it can be stated with a high degree of certainty would, if left to their own devices, pave the world and turn it into a parking lot.

John Robert Mallernee

But every other medal can be bought online.


Don’t think so – at not least legally. Last time I checked, sale of the MoH was already prohibited by Federal law.

Any sales of the MoH you’re seeing online are either knock-offs/replicas or are illegal as hell under Federal law. The genuine article can’t legally be sold.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not only are private sales of the MoH as well as replicas and facsimiles prohibited, it’s also illegal to possess one unless you are either the recipient, immediate family or a descendant of the recipient.


It never cease to amaze me how civilians think the purple heart is teh highetz decorationz in the military.


78 Maybe?

John Robert Mallernee

Texas professor so butt hurt over conceal carry on campus, he shows up in tactical gear…you know, cause he’s scared.



He looks triggered, poor little thing.

Frankie Cee

He strikes a very Bernathian pose,standing there in front of his students. I wonder if he has plates in the vest? If so, how long he will wear them. I wonder if knows the significance of having adequate fuel in a light sport airplane. I wonder too much, just let the dope show his ignorance.


looks like a bearded lady….estrogenous gnard gargling panty waste


You sound a bit “down”, IDC SARC. Maybe this well help cheer you up so you can “get yer freak on” later. (smile)


dang, what a flashback. She’s 62 now…tick tock tick tock.


Yep. And she’s possibly not the nicest person in the world, either.

But she was a head-turner 30 years ago.


Another attention hog waiting for his 30 seconds of online fame.

Will they never learn?


Why, yes. Yes, it does remind me of someone else.

Silentium Est Aureum

I’m still amazed he was never prosecuted for that.

Texas Nomad

He says he got the vest and Kevlar from his son, who served.

Does anyone get to keep that? I had to turn all that back in to get a check on my outprocessing forms. Looks like very recent stuff since it’s ACU pattern.


It’s prolly stolen gov’t property.


Personally, I ended up with a complete 782 gear issue once, because supply lost my card. They wouldn’t let me turn any of it in, because they said it would eff up their inventory.

I thought it was absurd, but since I was clearing and they stamped my check-out sheet I didn’t argue.


I have Two sets of IBA/RFI one woodland and one three color desert, The Army changed camo patterns halfway thru deployment and supply refused to accept them or any of my RFI. My kid has a very cool toy box now.

A Proud Infidel®™

I may or may not have a nice collection of DCU pattern TA-50 that suddenly disappeared from my hand receipts due to the change to ACU and the supply chain types not wanting to deal with the turn in rigamarole.

Texas Nomad

Damn, all I got was a lousy t-shirt.


If he was really really skeered he would be wearing the gonad plate. But, since the prof is feeling so “unsafe,” they need to get him into a nice padded room with a puppy and some play-doh.


Puppy? No, absolutely not! No puppy for this troglodyte – N-E-V-E-R! In my considered opinion as the Chief Cook and Bowl Washer for many, many Fourleggers over the decades past, he is not fit to have a puppy, because the puppy would lift a leg on him to show his opinion of the idiot.
He should only be allowed this kind of dog:


And frankly, I doubt he has even the very modest table manners of these two fellows when he goes out to dine in a public place, such as a restaurant.


On the other hand, we could get him one of these. They’re kind of rare these days, but the owl population coming back we might find more. They’re kind of shy about appearing in public, but that can be dealt with by brief but multiple episodes of visits to a WalMart that has a McD’s. Some of them like the chicken nuggets if you can’t get owls.

A Proud Infidel®™


Green Thumb

They should make him wear some ESAPs in those carriers.

Curious how he will feel after a full day.

I have an odd feeling that the rig will come off.

I love the turtle shell, by the way. Nice touch.


Woohoo! Some more of my Sailors from DLI 2003-2005 made Chief Petty Officer!


No, they’re just officially filthy little slugs.


Yeah, selected would have been a better term. My bad 😉

Silentium Est Aureum

Fuck I’m old. Had I stayed in and made MCPO I would have hit my 30 years ago.

IIRC, my first COB had 42 years in when he finally retired.

RIP, Bruce Follo.


That’s a lot of time in the force. RIP.

Silentium Est Aureum

He was one of those men who if you met him, you’d never forget him. In a good way.


like Rudy Boesch….45 years of active duty

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard he was so tough he always wore out his clothes from the inside and Chuck Norris keeps a poster of him on his bedroom wall to look at for inspiration.

Green Thumb

Awesome picture.

And very true.

In other news….

In a world of tickled taint, the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of ALL-Points Logistics) was no saint….

When it came to working balls in the hall, he called on his minion Paul-mer (of the Ballsack)….also formerly known as Paul….

But in the end, he was complicit to bend over and take it again…

All-Points Logistics Style!


I rarely discuss any of my other life here as I don’t feel it’s an appropriate place for that, but as a Biker and fellow human being this young man could use some prayers for himself and his lost family.
He was riding home with his Mother and Father after the funeral for his brother who had just died of a drug overdose.
His Mother and Father pulled out in front of a pickup truck that swerved to miss them but was unable to do so.
They were killed right in front of him as they went on a Memorial Ride for his Brother.
My God Almighty, what a horrific thing to have to go through…
His name is Christian Setser and lived in Columbus Indiana.
Godspeed to them and prayers to the surviving members of their family.
Talk about a horrific turn of events…
I could not imagine the pain he feels…


Prayers up and continuing for this family and community.

A Proud Infidel®™

Prayers out, T-stixx.


Wow. What a dreadful day for this young man. My deepest sympathies to him for his losses.

Perry Gaskill

In yet another example of how the diversity door apparently only swings one way, a self-professed homosexual and home renovator in San Francisco named John Sanphillippo has announced that combat troops who consume MREs are “pussies” compared to his own urban prepper efforts at canning food. Here’s a link:



300+ million people and you are bound to find guys who say crap like this.

He is just talking like I have hear many preppers talk about things like MREs and prepackaged emergency rations.

The fact that he is gay is pretty irrelevant to the attitude he, and other more die hard preppers, often have toward people who prepare for disaster using off the self products.

If your issues is his use of the word “pussy”, I hear it often by liberals. Less often than by conservatives but it is still used. “Liberals” do not share a single consciousness about all things liberal. Many are not that upset with negative gender bias in words.

Perry Gaskill

Did you score a new supply of amphetamine, Lars? Is this going to be another one of those weekends where you feverishly reply multiple times to every comment?

You can bend over and grease up for Sanphillippo all you want, but it’s obvious you missed the point because you’re too busy running your suck to pay attention, let alone comprehend what other people are saying. Again.

If I said Sanphillippo was a cock-sucking faggot because he cans vegetables like a grandma, you and your Berkeley pals would probably be highly offended. But if Sanphillippo says combat veterans are “pussies” because they eat MREs, you’re okay with that.

DIAF, Lars…

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s my opinion that Lars aka Babbles McButthead is here running his pickle polishing yap for attention here because yet another one of his Girlfriends dumped him after she caught him wearing her pantyhose a few times too often.


He’s talking a whole hell of a lot like you, Commisar. A self proclaimed expert in all subjects.


Just to clarify; those that regard themselves as “true” preppers tend to avoid off the shelf products because they regard developing the skills to do things like hunt, grow, and jar/can your own food, or reload your own ammo etc as necessary to actually prepping for a disaster. Otherwise your preparation is limited to the supplies you have and you are not really prepared for any long term crisis.


A long term crisis in this country would be the internet going down for a few days.


Oh, now COMMISSAR Commissar THE POODLEDICK is a prepper?????

Wow! He watches a few TV reality shows and thinks he knows everything about something.

Long-term? We used to speculate on how long anything in the bomb shelter would last, and where to build one. Used to be that people had what were called root cellars, where foodstuffs of all kinds were stored to winter over. If you wanted to keep the rats from chewing on the hams you’d produced from slaughtering hogs, you hung the hams from a horizontal pole. It helped a little, but wasn’t perfect. Now you just store the ham in the fridge meat drawer.

As always, POODLEDICK misses the point completely, that some jackass with an inflated ego who just discovered canning and preserving, WHICH I GREW UP DOING, thinks he’s some Big Mahoff Genius when he isn’t and casts aspersions on the troops consumiing MREs, portable food supplies, in a war zone.

That was the REAL point of that article, but as always, COMMISSAR Commissar THE IDIOT POODLEDICK has to change the subject and natter on about prepping as if he’s some expert on it. Yeah, he’ll be the first in line at the disaster food canteens when a big quake hits again. There’s one due any day now.

A Proud Infidel®™

And you still wonder why I call you “Babbles McButthead”, can you even change a tire?


Well, Crap. That blows my vision of only the “true” preppers having pallet loads of gummy diks and shelving units stacked clear to the ceiling of canned caterpillars.

Thanks for setting me straight, He Who Shall Not Be Named.


Anybody watch the leaked episode of Game of Thrones (Season 7 episode 4)?

Ho Lee Fukk…. things are getting awesome.


One of our drag queen, large size ,Navy SEAL imposters has shown up in Texas on an Alex Jones video in full drag,
Joel Scott “Amy J” Kleya AKA Swollen Valor.


oh WTFO?!?


Pulled this off Yahoo.com.. was hoping someone would give me a scrabble score… and you all can guess what kind of story this came from…
Ponesha Taylor, 23, Brittany Curry, 28, Lauteshia Dotson, 23 and Johniesha Simmons, 19,

Have at it!


…tried to rob a 7-11 or a fast food joint, and…


Name Scrabble (Home Version) basic scores are:

Double or triple as appropriate (as to) whether WRT, DRT, or DOT –

Ponesha Taylor – 21
Brittany Curry – 23
Lauteshia Dotson – 19

And the winner is: (Drum Roll, Please)

Johniesha Simmons – 33


Thanks Claw! no, it seems they’re all murder suspects, but no “t”s among them…. so just the basic scores will apply


You’re Welcome. Glad to be of service to those who are Name Scrabble enthusiasts.


I thought this was a joke, then I read the Fox News article about it.


Before you read it, remember that Planned Parenthood IS getting funding from the government. It may come by way of Medicaid, but it is still tax money paying for the services they provide.
