VBA: Vet employment impoves

| August 4, 2017

The Veterans Benefits Administration and the Bureau of Labor Statistics sent us their unemployment numbers for July and overall employment of veterans has improved by .2% last month, while the overall national rate improved by .1%. Post-9-11 veterans are doing .2% worse than the national rate.

Women seem to be doing better than men across all categories.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Hmm. Wonder what the numbers would be if only vets with an Honorable Discharge were listed in the chart above instead of all vets? I’m guessing a big fraction of those vets who are having trouble finding work are vets with General or punitive discharges.

I’m also guessing their failing to get an Honorable discharge is simply another symptom of why they’re having difficulty finding work – and not the reason.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep those shitty discharges leave a lasting impression, along with the types of behavior that cause a shitty discharge.

Texas Nomad

BLS collects data VA uses from self-identified individual. Their definition of veteran is:
“Veterans are men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were not on active duty at the time of the survey.”

So discharge isn’t taken into account.


Yeah, I kinda said that in my original comment above. In fact, it was one of the main points that prompted me to make my original comment above – which is precisely why I’d like to see the numbers for those with Honorable discharges (e.g., general, ELS, and punitive discharges excluded).


All you gotta do is ask AAFES (which apparently has access to everyone’s PII) since only honorably discharged veterans are allowed to shop on their Online Exchange service./smile

Texas Nomad

Right, but since they’re self identified even if BLS tried to gather that data I wouldn’t trust it. Self-reported data about a subject that has negative connotations tends to go under-reported. It’d be like a survey of self-reported dick size.


Again: that’s another part of the reason why I’d like to see the actual unemployment figures by age group among vets – limited to those with Honorable Discharges.

My guess would be that we’d find that a good 50+% of those vets who were unemployed were those without an Honorable Discharge.


“Veterans are men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were not on active duty at the time of the survey.”

So basically that covers all veterans living or deceased.

Green Thumb

General Discharge = Shitbag.

I would not want a motherfucker like that working for me.

Texas Nomad

Always? I served with a guy that was a fine soldier, did a few good tours, got married to an awesome cook, and got booted for APFT failure.

His fault? Sure, but he was a good guy and otherwise good soldier. I’d hire him to be a desk jockey any day of the week.

Green Thumb



If you do not think so, get lost.

Green Thumb

Rules are rules.

Standards are standards.

And let me help you: It ain’t the PTSD or TBI.