The Army is Looking For a Few Good Cyberpeeps

| January 26, 2017

Yes, the Army is looking for people who want to be in cyberspace.

They’re going to make chairborne as important as Airborne, if that’s possible.

Well, some desk jockeys do do important things, you know. It’s true.

Must be tireless, willing to wear fingers to the bone on ‘w’ keys, and able to stay up all night in darkened rooms with only a cat for company.  Hmmm… I’ve been doing that for a while. Maybe I should apply for that job.

Category: Big Army

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MSG Eric

They need to stop the reduction of force, which includes AGRs, before they start advertising for needing more of anything.

Right now there’s no motivation to go AGR because you could have a job for 2 years and with current policies in place, they can kick you to the curb whenever the bureaucratic dirtbags at Army HRC feel like it. Its also a positive for them because they keep getting credit for reducing personnel.


OK…so why can’t this position be filled by a DA Civilian. Plenty of talent to recruit without fukkering around with active duty billets that are basically converted to office positions.

Admittedly, I have no real expertise in that job, so maybe there are very good reasons. I don’t really know.


IDC SARC, I’m not sure about current requirements, but when I was in one of the first AF cyber units to stand up back in late 90’s early 00’s…they wanted military folks for both Command and Control as well as the actual “trigger pullers”…or “Enter Keyer” if you will. DOD/AF civilians were advise and support roles.


As an AF cyber guy, I would prefer mil folks in these positions… Booz Allen Hamilton and some of their counterparts arent looking to good for securing information.

[/as an aside, I am a cyber contractor in my civie job…]

MSG Eric

Its because DA Civilians work 40 hours a week, or they get overtime / compensation time. Plus, they get sick days each year.

Uniformed personnel can be worked 24 hours a day and/or called back from leave and/or don’t get comp time and/or have to have a doctor excuse them from work for a sick day and/or don’t get overtime pay and/or can be required to work weekends…..and so on and so on.


Also has something to do with LOAC (Law of Armed Conflict) and what a uniformed person can do vs. a civilian.



While I had to laugh at the “must meet height and weight requirements” specification boilerplate (code folks are stereotyped as either anorexic or whales) I suspect if something did heat up in world affairs, many cyperatttacks can cause significant loss of life – imagine widespread power grid shutdowns or air traffic control MIJI at a minimum. Not necessarily the kind of actions you want to order a civilian to carry out.

Green Thumb

Maybe they should give old Cody Stermer as call and let him redeem himself.

I now have to go puke.

Club Manager

Maybe the can borrow a few from Russia or China.


No they don’t.

They keep running anyone who wants to do this off.

But what do I know?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, whether the Army or anyone else likes it or not the skill set and personality types that make the best cyber warriors aren’t the kind of people who do well with authority or who do well with a lot of extraneous discipline.

Also they can make real money without having to submit to any Army rules or regulations.

A great case study, my daughter and my step-son both 30 years old both making good money now one of them served 8 years as an intel/computer wienie and the other stayed in the civilian sector…the one who stayed in the civilian sector has been making 6 figures since about a month after graduating….the other is just starting to make that kind of money because of their service…consequently one of them just bought a million dollar plus home in Brooklyn and the other is still working on acquiring their first home.

Both of them great kids, neither of them needed the military. The one who chose the military paid for it with a significant loss in earnings and a delayed career field when compared to the other.

I’m not suggesting which path is the right one I’m only explaining that if the Army can’t understand what kind of people it needs and what those people are worth to the civilian sector the Army just isn’t going to get them. That’s the reality. The kid who chose to avoid serving clearly has an 8 year head start with a larger bankroll than the one who didn’t. I can understand if you have that level of talent why you might not be interested in working for what maybe $50k at what rank? When you can make $110k at the same age as what would be a private…and by the time that kid would have ranked up to e-5 I still don’t think the pay scale hits $150k….unless I’m missing something…

So what’s their brilliant fucking plan to lure those kids into the fold?

2/17 Air Cav

I know! Pick me! Service to the country and self sacrifice. There are actually people who believe that making a buck isn’t priority #1.


Getting them into the fold isn’t the hard part, especially if you are providing all the training right out of H.S. The hard part is getting them to stay in after giving them all that training/education.
