James W. Fritch; phony Beirut and Desert Storm vet

The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on this James Fritch fellow who did an interview with the Norwich Bulletin (the article didn’t make the internet edition, but Military Phony has a photo of the article). He talked about some of his derring-do during his military career;
In the service: James Fritch, 57 of Plainfield, followed a family tradition and enlisted in the military as a reservist at 22. He went active duty at 23 and served from 1980 to 1992, first in the Air Force and then the Army. “It always seemed like a thing to do,” he said. “My family has always served in the military, either here in the states or in Germany. So I was just following tradition.” Fritch started off in the Air Force as a law enforcement specialist. He transferred to the Army to train in medicine and special operations and served as a special forces medical specialist. “I loved everything,” he said of his time in the military. “The camaraderie, the pride everyone took in the job they were doing. The ability to serve my country was a joy.”
Fritch was in Beirut in 1983 when the Marine Compound was bombed, killing 241 U.S. military personnel, and was in country during the U.S. embassy bombing that killed 63 people and the 1984 bombing of the U.S. embassy annex building. On the day of the Marine Compound bombings, Fritch and his unit were in their tents only a kilometer away. When they heard the blast, his unit rushed to the barracks and tried to rescue survivors and remove bodies from the rubble. For two weeks after the attack, Fritch helped identify bodies, working 18 to 20 hours a day. “We tried to return them to their families,” he said. Fritch served for a total of seven months in and out of Beirut as part of a small unit focused on anti-terrorism and finding terrorist leaders in Lebanon. Fritch also took part in Operation Desert Shield in Iraq as a reconnaissance team, but in 1992, old injuries forced him to retire. “I didn’t want to leave my buddies,” he said. “We were very close-knit.”
Well, first of all, he was in the Air Force, and they didn’t think that he was in Beirut;

The Air Force thought that he was at Rhein Mein Air Base in West Germany during the operations in Beirut. The Air Force was so so convinced that he was in Germany, that they gave him an Air Force Achievement Medal for his work while he was stationed there;

He did work with the identification and preparation of the remains of the victims of the Beirut bombing, but if he felt the explosion, and then ran to help with the recovery efforts, the bomb was large enough to shake him awake in Germany, and he’s one stalwart MFer to run from Frankfurt to Beirut and then get back before the Air Force missed him.
Next up is his claim that he was on a reconnaissance team during Desert Storm. He was in the Army during Desert Storm, but the Army thought that he was a residency student at Fort Bragg’s MEDDAC while he was really snoopin’ and poopin’ in Iraq. You’d have thought someone would have noticed that he was missing;

Stupid Army thought he was a 91C hospital medic when he was really a snoopin’ pooper.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
OK, so which member of Team TAH did something this weekend that pissed off the Stolen Valor gods that caused them in turn to unleash this torrent of poser assclowns on us over the last couple of days? C’mon; ‘fess up.
First we had to endure Albert Adams, then Vincent Sharbo, and now this bozo takes the stage.
Not sure how much more of this we can take.
In fact, I’m thinking about “going Zulu” so that I can say that it’s already after 1200 so that I can legitimately reach for the firewater and anesthetize myself against this relentless Stolen Valor crap.
It wasn’t me, I have behaved myself and not throat punched anyone recently.
The Stolen Valor Gods DEMAND throat punches.
Thanks, it probably was you then.
You sure have a way with words Platoon Sergeant! LMAO at that write up.
Looks like he was at Rhein Mein Air Base in West Germany during the whole operations. Nothing showing he was boots on the ground in Beirut. He just helped with the remains as they came in. Nothing on his 214 showing he was in DS/S either.. He served with honor, so why the lies??
Takes it in the two hole, then he sucks it.
Word. This fucker is going to hate Google.
Oh and by the way, Go fuck yourself James W. (Cocksucker Phony Beirut Desert Storm Vet) Fritch.
I can only image Bill Blake is greasing the two-hole on this clown.
Will somebody shut off his noise?
Congrats fellow nutmegger, you famous now shithead.
James Fritch around Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch Army Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch Air Force Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
Internet searches hurt bro. You are 57 years old and the Army thought you were smart enough to be a nurse?!
WTF, you shoulda known better.
Are you trying to say that James Fritch around Plainfield Connecticut is a liar?
James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut is a liar?
James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a liar?
James Fritch Army Plainfield Connecticut is a liar?
James Fritch Air Force Plainfield Connecticut is a liar?
Because I do believe that you are right and James Fritch around Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch Army Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
James Fritch Air Force Plainfield Connecticut is a liar
Yes, the former Soldier James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut lied about his service in Iraq.
Also a former Airman James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut lied about being in Beirut.
James Fritch around Plainfield Connecticut did not have to lie about his service but he did.
“Stupid Army thought he was a 91C hospital medic when he was really a snoopin’ pooper.”
Just drop the “snoopin'” and you’re right on target Jonn!
This is how twisted these posers are.
He is using a letter given to those in Germany to insist it means he was in Beirut. He has been pulling this stunt for decades.
Even when they are outed by the people who were actually there…they stick to their bullshit.
What a shitbag!
Why do people take a shit on their honorable service this way?
In a 23 October 2015, the Norwich Bulletin, CT discussed that he was a Veteran who was in Beirut with the Air Force at the time of the attack and had tears on his face as he recalled the bombing. He said he had a lot of friends killed there and that he dug them out of the rubble (different from the printed article that did not make the Internet):
“Marine mom, of Brooklyn, helps organize ceremony to remember bombing victims”
“A veteran who was in Beirut with the Air Force at the time of the attack, Jim Fritch, of Brooklyn, attended Friday’s ceremony with his wife, Donna.
Fritch was one of the readers of the names, and he had tears on his face after the ceremony was over, as he recalled the bombing. He was 24 years old.
“I’ve done my own memorials all these years,” Fritch said. “I had a lot of friends that were killed there. I dug them out of the rubble. And nobody seems to know about it. Nobody seems to care.”
Like most piece of shit posers, this guy has no shame. To inject his bullshit into the grief these families already endure, is just beyond words to me.
He has been doing this shit for decades. How the fuck a man looks into the eyes of a mother and tells this bullshit knowing it is a total lie is beyond me.
Fritch is a bottom feeding sick individual who feeds on the emotional horror of others.
I didn’t even know about this article! I was with him the entire time he was stationed at Rhein-Main. Left him shortly after we returned stateside. He’s a pathological liar.
On that note, I am commencing the popping of multiple bags of popcorn….
Game on!
Thank you m’lady for telling us some more truth which further verifies his lies. I wish you the very best and Happy Mother’s Day to you as well.
Nobody knows him from the 435th SPS. Did he get there and get moved to transportation or somewhere? Thanks for exposing him!
He was probably attached to them for that one single operation at Rhein Main.
I have a close friend who is a retired Marine, and he actually served in Beirut.
He really, and I mean REALLY, hates these Beirut posers.
I’m sending him the info on this guy. This is gonna get interesting real quick.
Jimmy-boi’s ex took it upon herself to pass the intel on to his family members… talk about stirring up the pot!
James W. Fritch – rump riding, two-hole probing, taint tickling, gerbil felching, “Call of Booty – Anal Buttsekks Warrior” playing, Stolen Valor twatwaffle!
(I typed that with only one cup of coffee onboard!)
Just one cup?
One 24 oz cup!
One cup? You da’ man HMCS(FMF) ret. !!!
Air Force Sergeant(E4) James Fritch had me at ‘his unit were in their tents only a kilometer away’
I’m pretty sure that the Air Force doesn’t even have any tents in their inventory.
You have to be the real deal when you use the metric system. And a metric ton of shit is about to rain down on him.
You mean “Splat Out”, right?
Nah. That’s the sound from the impact of Skippy’s salvo. It was followed by the most horrible odor, wafting across the intertoobs.
Multiple steaming piles of Phil Monkress.
That is low.
Snot-spined shittyassed LIARS like James Fritch (Google Hit) need to be kicked or punched in the face, gut, nuts, or throat at least a dozen times a day.
Have faith Bitch, uhh…I mean Fritch. We at T A H know about it. We at T A H care about it. Damned strange that we found out about it on T A H. With those big ol’ tears on your face, I nominate you for the Shirley Temple Cunt of the Year award. It’s good to know Jack Shit has some living kin folk. You DO know him, don’t you? Bet he’s going to argue that point.
When the Beirut bomb went off, did it actually knowck you out of your rack in Germany? HELLOFABOMB it must have been..much bigger than what any of us thought.
Worth noticing in your picture was the yellow vest you are wearing. You aren’t by any chance the bad ass dude that mans the STOP and GO signs at highway construction sites are you? HELLOFAJOB that takes a HELLOFAMAN to handle that kind of daring and leadership that you have. No doubt, you were specifically chosen for that job because of your record of bravery and bullshit. Nowaday, B&B has a new meaning thanks to heroes like you.
So you were part of a RECON team in Iraq, but forced to retire due to old injuries. That, plus the fact the A F claims you had some sort of med training leads me to only one conclusion. When you were a little boy, you played “Doctor” with other tykes and always volunteered for the kiddies who dreamed of becoming a proctologist. Accordingly the empty Pepsi bottle they shoved up your ass (which you LOVED, I’m sure) left scars which never healed well. No wonder you had to wear Depends while you were on RECON.
Fritch, you bitch, does your asshole itch?
Folks…Jarhead is a poet and don’t know it.
It’s a odd thing but I’ve seen more Beirut vets then there are vets, in the last few years they seem to be popping up all over the place what gives ?????
Just call me cynical but it might have something to do with the $2,650,000,000 billion default judgment against Iran.
Anyone who has been sporting lies about Beirut are either trying to get in on the cash or being outed when they are pushed to collect.
Hey I found a symbol of him
Skippy, it has a lot to do with them reflecting on their dindonuffin lives once they start turning 50/55 years old.
Used to be you had a mid-life crisis at 40 and went out and bought a Corvette.
50-55 is the new 40 where they claim to be Beirut Veterans.
Nah, he started this decades ago.
I know that for him, but for many, many others, it seems to start right around the time they start to hit the big 5-0.
It seems to run in cycles, as each significant anniversary of an event occurs, all the liars, posers and embellishers come out of the woodwork and try to ride on the backs of the veterans who had been there and done that.
“try to ride on the backs of the veterans who had been there and done that.”
And don’t forget the 241 that didn’t come home standing up.
It’s amazing in this day and age (aka) Internet that these DUMB-ASS’s would know better
Jarhead, he makes up injuries as well. Anything to get attention. BTW, I’m the one who reported him to Stolen Valor. HUGE thanks to Dave Hardin who took on this mission.
Well done, Ma’am.
I appreciate your sentiments. Protecting veterans honorable service and the history of their sacrifice is a group effort.
Without the support of those who contribute here at TAH it would not be possible.
The thanks go to Jonn Lilyea and his group of loyal followers. His support and tireless efforts in the cause are beyond reproach. I am humbled to be able to do my small part.
Semper Fi
Dave…this is for you as well as Jonn. Is there a data base for all who have been outed as phonies, to be added to on this near-daily basis? Someone with the time and research background could likely excel at providing such a service for employers and others needing to know the truth. Look at F B today, a lot of prospective employers are turning to it to get a first hand look at one’s possible bad habits. Look at the importance credit rating agencies provide these days. You two might be sitting on a gold mine and not know it. Best wishes if you pursue. S/F
Working on it. Putting them all in a Sql database. Hit me up on FB or email if you want. Insane how many there have actually been over the years.
Sadly, I don’t see any end in sight.
Dave has a particularly rabid hatred for Beiruit posers. We consider than an admirable trait here ar TAH.
I was in the Marine Corps during the Beirut bombing and stationed in Cali…you would think after reading about how many were at the bombing I would have been by myself. BZ to outing this turd.
So you were the one that was stationed stateside!
Thank you again ma’am for getting his lies out into the light of truth.
But it must be true, I read it on the internets.
What a jack azz…the number of posers actually exceeds the number of personnel that were actually there, that’s pathetically insulting to those that actually experienced that tragedy.
Since the mid-80’s the stolen valor turds have all been either in Beirut for the bombing or were masquerading as cobra eating desert dwellers or mountain goats on secret squirrel missions with seal team 6 & a 1/2 and killed “oosamabama bunghole loadacrap” or the lone survivor of an ambush that never took place for them, except in the crevices of their demented imaginations, yeah guess they saw the movie and assumed it was about them and their dreams of dangerous doodie.
I may be a bit curmudgeonish about this, but if all these people who claim they had BTDT and really did not, were gather up and sent into a war zone to fight, how many do you think would be found hiding in storm sewers and cardboard boxes to get away from it? How many would throw down and run off?
My guess is about 85% to 90% would shag it out the door as fast as they could.
Word ^^^^
Here they are ?
Thanks, Skippy. Nice illustration.
At least 98% would shit themselves inside out as they arrived for training and that ONLY IF they had the backbone and balls to even show up.
To all who thank me, I just want to say thanks to all of you for truly putting your lives on the line for our country. You are the heroes who deserve real recognition. You have it from me. I am humbled.
Ex-Wife: What you did in outing this oxygen thief was very honorable. We wish you peace.
Those who performed the necessary recovery, even in Germany, did a thankless job but a vital one. But for clowns like this one, that just wasn’t good enough?
Sounds like he has always had a problem with the truth. He’s another garden variety pathological liar evidently.
What motivates those who would rather lie than tell the truth when telling the truth is easier?
According to one study I read about recently, low T.
I shit you not, testosterone levels have been linked to “willingness to lie,” I’ll see if I can find a good link to tat study in a bit.
Here’s the article I mentioned earlier:
Oh, I thought this was a study on men, I was about to call bullshit.
It was done in Europe, not sure a study on Metrosexuals applies here. Thats like saying a study on Arab romance is valid reading for veterinarians.
Well, I guess it could be… but not here in AMERICA damn it.
Plainfield, Illinois?
Plainfield, Connecticut
You are correct, James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut, lied about his service. He could have served honorably and been happy but James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut dishonored himself. Plainfield Connecticut resident James Fritch can not be trusted as he embellished his service. James Fritch, why have you sullied the town of Plainfield Connecticut? James Fritch left Plainfield Connecticut to serve in the Army but was not in Iraq. James Fritch also left Plainfield Connecticut to serve in the Air Force but was not a “kilometer” from anything in Beirut as James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut lied and was not in Lebanon. Just to recap, James Fritch who dwells in Plainfield Connecticut has been shown to lie about his service.
Somebody please check on Skippy. Who spiked his Skittles again?
Emoticons have become some kind of viral infection.
(W) >-I |_| :developer: :burrito:
I had no idea these things where so numerous on my I-Phone Lol..
I’m still on my meds Lol…
:skippy: :has: :lost: :it:
Word ^^^^^
Not sure Skippy ever had it.
Well I was always a little out there but shit hit the fan Feb 28 or 29th or so 2010 I don’t remember it I was out cold
I snoop poop….and not just because my face is near the bowl while I am working the stalls in my local truckstop.
I snoop poop because I like the smell
John “Faker 6” Giduck
I sent a link to Mr. Cox, at the Bulletin and suggested they provide a correction in print. Since I live in Norwich Connecticut perhaps he’ll listen to a local reader.
They do these “personal interest” stories on a weekly or semi weekly basis on Vets. I’m not surprised, given the volume, and the turnaround time, that they would get fooled by a phony.
Alright! Someone local! S.P. Browning – when I saw the MEET A VET article, my head exploded! I contacted the Norwich Bull but they didn’t believe me.They do now.
Often I am critical of reports who do not attempt the fact checking of a third grader. In this particular papers defense, Fritch used official documents to mislead them. To civilians and even many military members it appeared as if some of his claims were legit.
Of course the people who were actually there knew at once he was full of shit.
Wonder if he was ever a patient of our fav Norwich counselor.
There’s another one in Norwich? Link please.
Just put the name Gregory Banks into the on site search engine.
And this asshat still thinks that he can take care of Veterans AND is still allowed to accept TRICARE!
https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Gregory+Banks+Counseling,+LLC_Danbury_Connecticut_44518 In addition to that heap of garbage the gentleman has a dog that he’s involved FFS http://www.gbankscounseling.com/meet_pumba
“What sort of work do you do?”
“I’m a Senior Highway Transportation Directional and Alternate Routing Expert.”
“Oh. So you sit on the back of a truck and place orange cones on the roads?”
He’s got that steely-eyed look of the one who holds the Stop-Slow signs at road construction sites…
You work at it long enough and you get what they call in the biz “The 50 Yard Stare”.
“Okay, here’s how you do it. Count 8 cars and then flip the sign around. Now it’s your turn Jimmy. 8-just like the number of teeth in your head.. “
LMFAO Classic!
Definitely nothing wrong with being an HR guy. Honorable and amazing thing to do. Got to see these guys at work during my stay in Kuwait as a contractor at OKBK.
He does have the official SGT Carter haircut.
I have the official Yul Brynner haircut. Doesn’t make me Pharaoh.
I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to call this guy legit.
I’ve examined the evidence carefully and I think everybody missed this one important subtlety.
Look on the closely on the left side of this photo and you will clearly see a Jesus plastic lawn ornament.
Screams legit.
Good catch, spot on! His face and body posture also indicate that a 12″ dildo is stuck up his ass.
Another SV idiot that uses “The Anal Intruder with patented ‘Gorilla Fist’ Action!!!”
He took advantage of the twofer when they were on sale. It is extremely possible that he attempted to insert both prior to this photo op, but I may be wrong.
Oh by the way, Go fuck yourself James W. (Cocksucker Phony Beirut Vet And Desert Storm Vet) Fritch.
It appears that a deliberate effort was made to frame the plastic Jesus in the photo.
Definitely lends credibility.
I see by reading the article he is an “author” and has written a book “Shadow Ops” which has yet to be published and is currently in the process of writing two others.
So I guess we are to surmise that James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is doing the same for Beirut that J. Max Taylor (aka Ice Man) did for Vietnam.
Just keep on looking for a publisher there, James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut. Maybe one of these days somebody will read “Shadow Ops” written by James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut and say “Hey, I did that. That sounds just like me. How did James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut get my life story?”
Q: What’s a four letter word for “snatch”?
A: grab
Which, coincidentally is the name of the forthcoming novel. “Shadow Ops: Snatch and Grab Behind Enemy Lines”.
The reason for the books delay is they want to have the PS4 version of the game to coincide with its release.
You heard it here first.
Now I return you to your regular programming.
And they already have plans for the sequel:
Snatch and Grab – Bangkok
It was and executive decision to drop “Do You Want Number One?” from the title because the title would not fit on the game box.
Here’s some good news for this Monday.
Just now went to the Bing search engine and typed in James W. Fritch and guess which web site came up as the first entry?
Enjoy your Google fame, James W. Fritch, author of “Shadow Ops”.
I found out that if you enter James W. Fitch Plainfield Connecticut we are down at about the 12 or 13th website, but by entering just plain James W. Fitch, we’re #1 on the Google hit list.
Good Job!!
So what I hear you saying is the James Fritch stole himself some valor and he happens to be from Plainfield Connecticut?!
That IS some good news.
Yes, James W. Fritch indeed and he is from Plainfield Connecticut, very good news.
Am back for a bit, Claw and read this.
Does the 1st SEAC of the JCS need his own blog thread to elevate him to Number 1 on Google Search with references that no only is he suppprting a Phony Vietnam POW, but that Gainey is a phony as well, claiming to have serve during the Vietnam Era as well claiming 3 NDSM?
Am back for a bit, Claw and read this.
Does the 1st SEAC of the JCS need his own blog thread to elevate him to Number 1 on Google Search with references that not only is he suppprting a Phony Vietnam POW, but that Gainey is a phony as well, claiming to have serve during the Vietnam Era as well claiming 3 NDSM?
Naw, I don’t PV9 “Fighting Joe” Gainey’s claim of three NDSM’s raise him to the level of a big enough phony level that it would warrant a blog thread of his own.
Just really not enough meat on that bone .
Just my opinion.
Oops. Insert “believe” between don’t and PV9. And delete the second “level.”
My bad x 2.
Fritch not Fitch.
Outstanding! James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is not only Google famous, but James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut has hit the top of the list at Bing.
James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is a lying bag of ass-stink.
He is the queen of Google and Bing, James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut. Oh, and you are correct, James W. Fritch is a lying bag of ass-stink.
BZ! I hope that James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is enjoying his Google fame, wait sorry, James W. Fritch <<<<(better Google ranking).
Or could he be a
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a pile of :poop: like Daniel A. Bernath, the Non CPO, Dennis Howard Chevalier (Denny H Chevalier), the non veteran, and others. 🙄
Time to test for new smileys. 😀
You mean this guy?
James Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut
Welcome to internet hell
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
Also known as James W Fritch, 57 who lives in Connecticut, Plainfield I believe.
Yes James Fritch lied about his service.
Please tell a friend about James Fritch and his embellishments.
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
You are now Google famous enjoy your fame
Shrubbery. The man needs shrubbery. I will start a GFM page…Beirut Bombing Hero Needs Shrubbery.
And a garden gnome. He needs shrubbery and a garden gnome.
You have to trim your bushes to make your deck look bigger.
My guess is James W Fritch’s deck is at least 30 X 40. Centimeters that is. In boner form of course. Heroes ALWAYS have big decks.
To keep plastic Jesus company, very noble of you 2/17 Air Cav, I will commit $50. By the way, thank you for your service.
Nice. What a POS. and a :cock:
This guys: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38585
really pisses me off too. He was actually given an initial pass, was rockin’ the lies shortly after, and promptly roflstomped.
? My guess is this is what you may have been thinking about Lol…
Yep, he is a cocksucker just like James W. Fritch.
Hi, my friend and I were reading these comments and when he went to scroll and hit the “report comment” by accident, and there was no way to take it back or back track it. Sorry for the mistake!
Happens all the time. Pretty much what you did – post a quick apology – was appropriate. Apparently, the Report Comment button doesn’t have a whole lot of BanHammer clout on TAH. And I’ve had plenty of ‘OH SHIT NOT REPORT!!!’ moments myself. I think the mods are allllmost ready to move the report button to the other side of the box farther away from the reply button.
Last year (in March) when the Report Comment button was instituted, Jonn said it would take five (5) reports on the same comment for that comment to send up a red flare and to be sent to moderation.
So I’m sure one little oopsy miscue of hitting the wrong button has no impact at all.
I think thats bullshit, I report EX-PH2 at least a dozen times. I think its one of those liberal tricks of Jonns.
It makes us feel like we are making a difference buy not a damn thing actually happens.
That very could be, Dave, but then again, it could all depend on the time of day and on how deep Jonn is into his cups when that fifth report comes in./smile
Oops, insert “well” between very and could.
Sometimes my fingers are faster than my mind.
Scooby says “Dumbass, you should read it over before hitting the post comment button.”
Wait? Jonn’s a liberal?
Well color me purple.
He’s famous… he’s been in the New York Times!
Nahh, Ex-PH2 is his fave, so he ignores reports on her posts. 😛 ROFL!
I report all of these misfits all the time. If you see anything from a Hondo guy feel free to join in.
I think the report button here is the same as the “Close the doors” button on the elevator.
It doesn’t do shit. It’s just there to poke repeatedly to make you feel better.
😀 😀 😀 😀
(Actually if you get 5+ reports, Jonn *does* look at it. )
I’m confused at 70. Do I understand James The Bitch Fritch of of Plainfield, Connecticut is a lying POS? How can I trust him when he puts up the “Go” sign? I’m afraid James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut just might intentionally signal me to move forward in front of a large piece of earth-moving equipment.
So, tell me please…how did James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut get to be so famous on the Internet? For a “Stop and Go” man, James w. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is Google famous. He must have done some important things when he was in the military. Was he a General (f__k up) by any chance?
This person you are commenting about is a paramedic for AMR
To “the watcher” AKA as Jim Fritch:
And? What does you being a paramedic have to do with your lies?
See my comment below, Jim, when you posted as “I Know Jim.”
Unless you are a Troll or Sockpuppet.
So? See below for a longer discussion on why that claim – even if true – is irrelevant.
Jarhead, you are not confused my friend. James W. Fritch is a cock-sucking, lying piece of shit embellisher.
James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut, go fuck yourself.
I’ve heard so much about James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut and him being a cock sucker……I’m starting to wonder. Is James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut starring in his new and improved version of Deep Throat? He looks like a knob gobbler but I’m not certain he swallows.
Hey James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut can I tickle your tonsils?
Make no mistake, James W. Fritch (The Cocksucker) swallows. As a matter of fact, if you look closely at his photo, he has no teeth. His agent, Robert L. Lawton (made famous here: http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38585) told him the dudes would dig it. His updated version of Deep Throat is Taking It All In, Fritch Style. It is a self funded movie filmed on location in a tent with his pre-paid WalMart cell phone.
I have a pre-paid WalMart cell phone.
Words hurt.
I was merely pointing out that James W. Fritch aka “The Cocksucker” is utilizing a pre-paid WalMart cell phone to video his upcoming film, Taking It All In, Fritch Style. I, in no way, ever intended to offend you or your pre-paid WalMart cellphone. Please accept my sincere apology.
Prepaid Wal Mart Cell Phone Users Lives Matter. Hope that eases the pain, ’cause I’m NOT offering you any Ben Gay. After all, that’s his favorite excuse!
It took me a very long time to figure out how to download apps on my pre-paid Walmart phone until it hit me – I can’t.
OS2…..Thanks to your help, I finally realize why James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is a phony liar who always makes me think of a bird. Why of course he make me think of a Swallow! Play our cards right and we can both be his wood peckers.
Let me guess – a White Swallow?
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
HEY, LOOK, one can copy and paste the faces as well, James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut has some serious Google Hits a’ comin’ his way!!! 😀
nice on a roll
Here hawwwwwww !!!!!!!!!
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut is a ???
Holy shit, I can copy and paste your copy and paste, what the fuck is this world coming to? LMFAO
James W. Fritch, Queen of Google!
Muy profecto ^^^^^^
BREAKER!!!! BREAKER!!!! As seen on the shit house wall at Greyhound Bus Station…Fritch is going to be starting his own blog, to be modeled after the successful T A H web site. His new web site will be titled….This Ain’t Your Dick But I Can Suck It From Here.
Something about a psychic B. J. available to all who will send pictures of Mr. Johnson. Peter Puffer Picked A Peck of Pickled Peckers,,,,and ate every damned one of them! Heard along the gossip route today, Fritch threw a fit at Mickey D’s because his happy meal did not have a miniature schlong in it. ..You know something Fritch? You’re so UGLY you make blind kids scared!
Q: Why does James W. Fritch STINK?
A: So blind people can also hate him.
In case those of you that spent time in other services do not know this, the US Air Force has a base called… you guessed it:
Seymour Johnson
I heard that during Jim Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut’s career he always wanted to get to Seymour Johnson.
James W. Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut will certainly Seymour Johnson in his upcoming film, Taking It All In, Fritch Style.
James W. Fritch, you are a fucking liar.
James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut!
James Fritch in Plainfield Connecticut!
I have some GREAT news for YOU, James Fritch, and that butch hairscut you got there, bud.
This… http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/09/travel/stonewall-inn-nps-national-monument-gay-rights/index.html
Don’t shoot all the spunk out of ya, James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut! (I can only assume you’re a bottom…that haircut screams bottom) It’s still pending James Fritch.
Congrats anyway!
James W. Fritch aka “The Cocksucker” will be on set for his upcoming lead in “Taking It All In, Fritch Style” today in Plainfield, Connecticut. For the lucky early arrivers, he will be signing 28″ traffic cones. I gave the Norwich Bulletin a heads up so they can get an exclusive with James W. Fritch aka “The Cocksucker”.
I forgot to add that James W. Fritch aka “The Cocksucker” is also going to be auctioning off his tent (the one that was a kilometer away from the blast) that he and his unit were in on the day of the Beirut bombing. He mentioned something about needing a new pair of knee pads or something like that.
I hope the film shoot went good today James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut. How many traffic cones did you sign?
Jim is actually a long-time paramedic with AMR.
And your point is?
Dear Jim:
Thank you for letting us know that you are a long time paramedic.
However, writing that sentence is not going to drop you a notch down in Google Search.
If you want to save lives, save yourself by going public and admit you fabricated the story about being in Beirut.
You honored our fallen Marines in Germany in 1983 with your service.
However, you have now disrepected them and their families with your embellishment. YOU wanted to be in the spotlight by being a pretend super hero.
Go pray to your plastic lawn Jesus and ask for forgiveness. And quit riding the backs of other Veterans to puff yourself.
Even if true, being a paramedic doesn’t mean he can’t also be a lying bastard. Nor does it absolve him of culpability for same.
Assuming that is not also a lie, then he is even more disgusting than I originally thought.
He actually puts his lying hands on persons in desperate need of life saving procedures? Now THAT’s scary.
C’mon Jim……we all know American Meat Rangers Association failed as a successful porno film.
As a matter of fact, film critics said the movie sucked.
James W. Fritch is taking another shot at the big time in his upcoming porno, “Taking It All In, Fritch Style”. As a matter of fact, it is filming now in Plainfield, Connecticut.
Since All-Points Logistics is obviously bankrolling this flick, I wonder which custom-made Phildo he will be using for the “climax” scene?
So what, “I Know Jim”.
I’m a guibble Newspaper Reporter who believes anything and everything that is shared with me. Course, my Editor taught me well.
Gotta go. Just got a big scoop that one of the locals spotted Bigfoot being beamed away by some Aliens.
My Editor said I need to consult the dictionary and write “gullible” and not “guibble”. Guess my mind was on “quibble” as in “Jim is actually a long time paramedic.”
You forgot to mention the “alien anal probe” in the story, to make it more believable..
Thanks, HMCF(FMF) ret! You’re right. Adding that in WILL make my hot story more believable.
Will also include these symbols in the Internet version of my story, because am sure the news tipper will be crying on cue when sharing the story on Bigfoot. ??
Poor Bigfoot. That probe’s gotta hurt for him/her (Editor told me to be PC in all my stories).
Rumor has it that a “few” employees from All-Points Logistics are going to make guest appearances. Word on the street is that they are bringing the entire collection of custom made Phildo’s. I speculate that the “Purple Whale” will be used in the climax scene, but I may be wrong.
Let me start by saying thank you to all of the men and women on here that have dedicated there lives to serve this country honorably with our misrepresentation. I am not military however come from a military family. I am a CT paramedic and have been doing emergency medicine in CT for 19 years. I worked with Jim for many years and have been subject to his MANY exaggerated stories of his valor, dedications and experiences. To his credit Jim is a dedicated paramedic in CT and has saved/help many of lives in his work areas. He is the type of guy who would give you his last penny if it meant it would help you more then him. But this does not excuse him nor forgive him for his lies. This is not the first time that Jim has been called out on his stories. As a paramedic Jim has been caught taking credit for calls he was not apart of for exaggerating the details to make his actions seem more heroic. I’ve actually had Jim tell stories and take credit of doing calls I did to my face. So it does not surprise me that he would do the same with his military record. The part that I hate the most is that this exposure will in no way change his actions. Jim will not be affected by this. He will just continue to tell his stories to new people that will listen to him and do not know of this exposure. He is a glory hound and must always have a story to make himself look good.
Very sad. What does his employer say about his lies? It seems to me that in your line of work, dishonesty could kill someone.
CTParamedic, thank you for the information as well as your family’s military service. It does not matter you never served; you served the folks in your community with your occupation and I know they appreciate what you have done for 19 years.
Agree with Eden’s comment. If he has been doing his embellishment for years, then I wonder as well why your Employer has not said anything to him via counseling.
A shame he took credit for your work. The only way to possibly stop him is to have the newspaper do another story exposing his lies. Not retract the story. Do a new story.
If the newspaper is unaware of this blog, then who knows. The next newspaper story may be of his “heroric” efforts he did on saving someone’s life…when in reality, someone else on your team was credited in real life on that effort (such as yourself).
In old times, public humilation was the answer to set someone on the straight and narrow. This is what needs to happen to Jim: Public Humilation. Then again, it may not work, since it is obvious he has self-esteem issues and lives in an Alternate Reality World.
Thank you again.
Unfortunately, in my opinion Jims “story telling” has become so common place that its expected. The company we worked for (the company Jim still works for) could care a less about his stories. They are to busy caring about money to care about employees, unless they stop making money for the company.
I had never met someone that so many interesting things happened to. Everyday Jim had a new Story of something strange. In 19 years I have one or two interesting stories to tell but not daily.
Jim either was being shot at while driving down the highway, (they never did find the mysterious sniper on time of the bridge that took the shot at his front windshield)
Or on one occasions Jim saved the life of a State Police office hit in a shootout. According to Jim, he noticed an officer down while driving, Jim crawled through the crossfire and dragged the wounded officer to safety. Jim did treat this officer however after the state police cleared the scene and brought the office to the awaiting ambulance.
His lies are so common place they have become accepted. I hope your Humiliation will have some affect but I don’t see this behavior changing. Its who he is. A liar.
I appreciate your honesty and thank you for your service as a Paramedic.
Perhaps he should be reported to the Connecticut Department of Public Health for unprofessional conduct. Further, be reported to his employer. I am confident there is a Code Of Conduct for Paramedics outlining acceptable conduct and morals on/off duty.
James will get the glory he feels entitled too on Google for many, many years to come.
So close, but we GOT to get to 200 comments now.
Hear that James Fritch of Plainfield Connecticut?
James W. Fritch of Plainfield, Connecticut is a cocksucker.
How’s the movie going Jimmy? A lot of retakes on the swallowing scenes?
OK, I’ll do Comment #199.
James W. Fritch Sucks!!
And here’s Comment #200.
James W. Fritch Sucks!!
I have known this (POS) for 20 years plus. Stories have been going on way back then. We called them jungle jim stories. No one ever heard the some one twice. Anyone with any common sense questioned it. We said that with all the stories he would be 150 years old, jim fritch years! Thank you for being this out!!!
Stan at least down in the city you didn’t have to deal with him as much. Up in the Northeast we couldn’t get away from the BS. Feel bad for KB land, They’re stuck with him now.