Just “Out for a Walk”, Eh?

| April 7, 2015

It looks like Bergdahl’s little Afghan “walkabout” may not have been such a spur of the moment thing after all.

After his departure in 2009, NCIS apparently was asked to do a forensic exam of Bergdahl’s computer. What they reportedly found is quite interesting.

Bergdahl’s computer reportedly showed evidence that he was planning to head north – to Uzbekistan. It also reportedly showed he’d made contact with both local Afghans (apparently hoping to gain assistance/safe passage while traveling) and with one or more Russians (in hopes of contacting Russian organized crime).

Don’t know about you, but to me these reported actions do not sound like someone who got fed up after a bad day and walked away because they “needed a break”. IMO these sound more like the calculated acts of someone planning a one-way trip with no intention of return. IMO it also explains the charges of “misbehavior before the enemy”, at least in part.

Last time I checked, there weren’t too many US generals stationed in Uzbekistan in 2009, either. So the info reportedly found on his computer also rather appears to undercut Berghdal’s recent “I left to go and report my concerns to a General” claim.

Berghdal’s lawyer, Eugene Fidel, was reportedly contacted about the matter. He declined comment.

Gee, I wonder why?

Category: Army News, Crime, Military issues

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Silentium Est Aureum

Branum would be a step up in this case.

Memo to Bergdahl: plead guilty.


Hang Birddog!!


“Don’t know about you, but to me these reported actions do not sound like someone who got fed up after a bad day and walked away because they “needed a break”. ”

Agreed. Sounds to me like someone who is BATSHIT CRAZY.

Uzbekistan? The Russian Mafia?

What the fuck!


Don’t say crazy, Cryppie, or you hand his lawyers the “Get Out of Jail” card. To me it looks like he was young soldier who was unusually immature, idealistic and unrealistic for his age. But being so does not relieve him of the responsibility to follow the orders of his superiors and to carry out his duty as he is sworn to do. And even though he is emotionally immature, unlike if he were “Batshit Crazy,” he is then fully aware that what he is planning to do is wrong, in violation of his oath and subject to severe punishment if caught.

If the prosecutors take that tack, and get it backed up by expert medical witnesses, they can likely defeat any “temporary insanity” defense.


This is a perfect example of patents that never told their kid to “straighten the f*ck up!”

If you indulge every one of your kids childish fantasies you wind up with an adults with childish fantasies

Just an Old Dog

His Lawyer has an uphill battle for sure. It’s an interesting case, probably the last one close to it was Garwood from Vietnam. If that is the precedent them snowflake will probably get a Dishonorable and not serve a day in confinement. In reality they will probably try to have him do a plea deal for 10-20. The way the left controls the media and government that wont happen.


End of statement.

CB Senior

Oh no, somebody needs a new worm. This one has turned real bad for Sir Walksalot.


Who’s surprised? /sarc

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well that seems to alter the story of malfeasance being reported as you point out…

Don’t any of these guys know there is a simple erase tool that doesn’t just remove the header data while leaving the actual data it overwrites the complete data associated with the header with ones and zeroes and renders it unretrievable?

A hammer applied judicially does a great job of rending a platter into small fragments of unreadable waste as well….

For me that alters the landscape enough that perhaps it does go to trial after all…I still won’t be surprised to see this guy get a walk after some sort of less than honorable discharge.


Luckily most criminals always make stupid mistakes. Which is how they get caught.

I guess in their utopian minds, they get lost from real issues like forensics, then get bit in the ass when reality comes charging back in.

SFC Holland

You are completely forgetting the note he left on his bunk announcing his displeasure with the war and his intention to leave. Your forgetting his leaving of some equipment and the taking of others which would allow him to walk for a distance which discredits his “needs a break” story. His platoon mates also have evidence and will testify against him. There’s plenty of evidence to convict this guy without that computer.


Desertion plain and simple. Hang his useless ass.


I would like to know what else was on his hard drive. If there was pron, in direct violation of GO1, that would also undercut the defense assertion of Bergdahl being some kind of whistleblower wanting to report to a General Officer.

If there was no pron, well that puts things in a whole different category.


There is no way there is no pron in his computer, whether gay or straight pron.


Rumor is the pron was confined to centerfolds of goats and sheep.




Look, all he was going to do was walk to Manas to catch a flight back to the states to address his grievances. Honest mistake 🙂


Hope he took a coat. Those mountains get cold..

A Proud Infidel®™

Manas is in Kyrgyzstan, quite a ways away, and probably NOT many Army GOs there, mainly Air Farce!


I would love to see him get the maximum. Unfortunately, what I see happening is him being diagnosed with PTSD and a pre-existing mental condition from his Coast Guard discharge. He may get a General Discharge and hopefully a reduction to E-1. The automatic promotion to SGT knowing he willfully left his post in the first place makes me cringe every time he is referred to a SGT. Anyway, you can bet he’ll get some back pay and VA disability. I hope that isn’t the case, but I wouldn’t bet against it.


” … makes me cringe every time he is referred to a SGT.”

Me, too. How did this bozo get accepted into the Army, in the first place?


Recruiters were recruting everybody and his dog back then. We are almost done cleaning the Army from all garbage, but I can still see the ocassional holdover crap, still an SPC after so many years, faking some injury of some sort, and I also had to deal with a few that managed to make SGT.


Absolutely right about recruiting everybody – not to mention the “bounty” being paid to get someone to join. Some made lots of money off that deal.

Bergdahl wasn’t the only one who should never had made it past MEPS. The VA is crammed full of “Vets” with less than a year of service filing disability claims because the were yelled at during training or have a drug and alcohol problem that pre-existed before joining and it was ignored. Now it’s our problem because they got their foot in the door.

Then there are those who have somehow managed to rise to leadership positions for whatever reason without clue one of what it means to be a leader. Usually they were the ones who no one wanted around so they spent all their time taking courses and doing all the online training no one else had time to do.

Sorry, digressing a bit from the topic. Bergdahl is just one symptom of a much larger problem. At least the Army is getting snazzy new APFU’s so everyone can have better self-esteem!


Personally, I feel some sympathy, however small it may be, for bergdahl’s defense attorney.

He has to try to keep idiotstick from being shot. Oh, I know – the Army doesn’t use firding squads any more, but you know what I mean.

I’m sure he spends a good deal of his time in the company of Jim Beam and Jack Daniels, and maybe even that Russian fellow, Stoli.


If I’m reading between the lines correctly, Bergdahl could be the poster-child for what happens when parents “shelter” their special little snowflake from the negative consequences of said snowflake’s bad decisions.

That pattern being established during the crucial formative years of life, something like this, then becomes nearly inevitable.

IIRC, Bouhammer had a guest post by somebody close to the investigation that indicated that Bergdahl actively aided the bad guys with operational info that likely enhanced the effectiveness of ambushes on units actively searching for him in the time immediately following his “walkabout.” As I recall, this would attribute one or more KIA directly to his “aiding and abetting” the enemy.

In which case, death is the only just sentence, IMO. I would however, grudgingly accept a D.D. and toiling twelve hours a day, for the rest of his natural life, making little ones out of big ones, with a sixteen pound double-jack.


Which is one of the problems with homeschool situations. You have to learn somewhere that the rules apply to you too; even the dumb ones with which you don’t agree.


My wife is an elementary school teacher (4th grade). This kind of situation is alarmingly common in her public school. Therefore, it seems to me to be more a societal problem versus a homeschooling deficiency.

Ie, a failure in leadership(of the parents) that lies squarely at the feet of far, FAR too many people who brought children into the world, and had zero business doing so.


Explain, please, just what this has to do with homeschooling?

A Proud Infidel®™

OH GEE WHIZ, another piece of evidence proving that Hippie McSnowflake was planning his sojourn for a while, and he WASN’T running away to bawl to a GO? OH the poor Defense lawyer, NOT!!!


B Woodman

Daddy Berg-doll couldn’t pay me enough to be Sonny’s lawer.

Jonn Lilyea

He probably got the idea to walk to Russia from Afghanistan by watching “Spies Like Us”.


There’s actually a book written by a guy that walked across Afghanistan in (2003 I think). I found the book in a pax term over there somewhere and read the damn thing. They say God protects that …should have been the subtitle. I got to Sharana after Bergdahl left on his totally bogus adventure. Who knows, maybe he read it before it passed into my hands.


I can think of a couple of appropriate jobs for bergerkingdahl.

1 – toilet snake
2 – drain cleaner/router
3 – the guy who goes down into the manhole when there’s a real nasty gas leak in the street
4 – nail bed spikes tester
5 – toilet plunger, headfirst, of course
6 – cesspite cleaner in medieval castles

I’m sure there are many more similar jobs he could do, but he needs to spend some time in the quiet and private space of a jail cell with a small number of roomies – say, 15 or 20.


His new job in Leavenworth is going to be MWR. for some sexualey deprived Ba-ba…..


Ex, you would be giving the above listed 6 jobs, that have actual uses, a bad name.


You forgot Scuba Diver for Roto Rooter.


What a F-ING Mess. I’ll never forget the hell he put somany of us through and his Platoon and company. He has played so many people with his BS ! ! … game Up bitch time to pay the piper.
And I wish the news would report the facts and only the facts. So many people gave their lives. Looking for this turd….


The troops who were serving there at the time and especially those who served with those killed in the searches need to seek out the media and make some noise from the troops’ side of the issue. By staying on the sidelines those guys are yielding the playing field to Bergdahl’s lawyers and the left-wing media, who never met a traitor they didn’t love.

If you knew one of those troopers killed then you have a duty to defend his needless sacrifice.


Poetrooper. The truth is coming out people are starting to talk. The thing that Burns the hell out of me is SO Many of us were Fooled by this POS. His Platoon his company every body has paid a price. I was not there when this happened. But it affected. a LOT of us trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. That’s why I say he has FOOLED a lot of people. When field and up commanders start freaking out. It was a mess trying to piece it together… I HOPE This POS Burns in HELL For what he has done to so many people.


Skip, that was due in no small part to the fact that the media portrayed him as a poor little POW held in captivity for all those years. It also did not help that some veterans’ organizations took the media bait and made a cause of his repatriation.

Even now, the leftist media refuses to portray him as a deserter. They’re ignoring the information finally coming out on FOX and other conservative sites. When the liberal media do deal with him it’s that old crap that he’s suffered enough and should be let go to tiptoe through the tulips and ride his unicorn off into the rainbow sunset.

Anybody here want to wager that this guy is going to end up a card-carrying member of the lesbian/gay community? After five years of being on the receiving end, he’s certainly well broken in.


My last trip the sand box was hell because of this jack ass I got transferred to S-2 to help work some issues I hated it one of these day I’ll tell you the whole story but I’m keeping my big trap closed. I pray for the family’s that have endured so much because of DIPSHIT


I second the nomination for DIPSHIT status.


You guys are WAY too nice.


I’d say more but I fear the red button LMAO !!!!!


Nah, that red button is for other purposes. . .


I believe the punk will be convicted but Obama will pardon him upon leaving office. I can see that happening.


Before I add another two cents’ worth, you all put down the beverages and swallow before reading.

Done? Okay, then.

Maybe bergerking the dildo will claim he had a brain tumor, like Braindead Williams is claiming. He thinks he might have had one..

In both cases, I’d say it’s the 24-hour kind of brain tumor.


I’m thinking that they will throw the book at him, after some stalling goes on. Just enough for the joker in the big chair to give him a pardon on the way out of office.

Probably right next to Bill Ayers, and the entire Weather Underground movement, FARC and anything else you can think up that makes you puke.


Sharana?? He walked from Sharana??!!!??I never knew that.

I know it’s totally illogical, but now I’m doubly pissed off! The 1-168 BUILT the original PRT at Sharana,they lived in the f’ing dirt and lived on MREs for 7 months…and the PRT was then renamed after James Kearney when he was killed during an ambush on 11-1-04.

I was married to one of those guys and knew many more. I know and care about Jamies’ parents.

Why this makes me despise that little f*wad Bergdahl even more, I don’t know, but it does. It feels like it just got personal.


This poor, poor mutha fahkah. Big Chicken Dinner, FTLW…for LIFE or other convenient methods.