Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte; cop killer deported twice

| October 26, 2014

Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte

Fox News reports that a fellow by the name of Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte, murdered two cops this weekend, but immigration officials say that he had been deported to Mexico twice before;

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman said that the fingerprints of the suspected shooter match those of a man named Luis Enrique Monroy-Bracamonte. Monroy-Bracamonte was initially deported to Mexico in 1997 after being convicted of drug possession in Arizona. Four years later, he was arrested and deported again for an unspecified offense.

Monroy-Bracamonte shot three police officers on Friday, killing two during a six hour manhunt in northern California.

Category: Crime, Illegal Immigrants

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RIP brothers.

I hope Luis and his buddy are burning in hell right now.

It looks like we’re getting all kind of wonderful gifts from south of the border:

(From Ace of Spades overnight thread)

“Perhaps the White House doesn’t want Americans to know that out of over 70,000 illegal immigrant children who crossed into the U.S. almost 48,000 came from Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador. In these countries measles and the EV-D68 virus are quite common. If we include these children’s family and friends, not listed an “unaccompanied,” over a quarter of a million people from Central and South America have entered the U.S. illegally this year.

From 1970 to 2005 there were only 26 cases of EV-D68 ever reported in America. The number in 2014 is approaching 1,000 cases, with about 10 percent of those cases known to be causing a polio-type virus that has left children crippled.”


There was a case of EV-D68 reported at my children’s school this month.

B Woodman

Not that I watch much in the way of TV broadcast news, but I wonder why this hasn’t made the big-time news?
Ohhhh, I remember. It doesn’t fit the “narrative” of the crazy white TEA Party gun owner conservative.
Instead what we have is an illegal who has been deported TWICE (so much for “catch and release”). Which, again, doesn’t fit Dear Leader Obola’s narrative of, “The border is secure. All is well.”
My idea of “catch and release” is any altitude more then 200 feet, and NO parachute. And if you happen to “accidently on purpose” cross over the secure Mexican border at the time of release. . . . . . . . (you fill in the blank with your own positive spin).

Club Manager

I have but one question, why do they keep capturing these dirt bags alive? Had one parole violator chased by Arkansas State Police and Dept. of Corrections here in Arkansas yesterday. He came out of the tall grass with his hands in a threatening manner. His last expense to taxpayers will be a brief funeral.


From the Fox article:

“Krista Sorenson of Salt Lake City was confounded by the arrest of the Marquez. He and his brother had mowed her lawn about four years ago.

“They were just super nice, decent hard-working, trying to figure out how to make a living,” she said.

Yea that’s always the good boy, just turning their lives around in America story and it is always BULLSHIT.

So much for the ICE program of fingerprinting and DNA swabs of deportees, you know, to be able to catch them if they try to reenter the country. Works great huh? Because ALL deportees come across a controlled border and submit to the intake processing as they are instructed to.

I have NO sympathy for this ass hole murderer. I only wish he had been killed during apprehension.

My sympathy and prayers are for the two fallen Officer’s family, friends a fellow officers. I hope the wounded officer recovers quickly.

I hated the part about ICE wanting him to be returned to federal custody after his “adjudication” so…guess what…he can be DEPORTED…again. Unless I completely misread that. Why would he not be in federal prison on death row?


Same song and dance “he seemed like a nice normal guy.” Yeah, no shit. If he seemed like an axe/child/mass/cop killer then someone probably would have noticed and possibly said something. Most criminals seem to be normal until they are trying to kill you. Dipshits.

Old Trooper

Shot while attempting to escape. Period. End of story.


Oh how the left must be twisting itself in a pretzel trying to figure out how to exploit this for more “common sense gun control” without the stark reality of an illegal alien, deported and let go, how many ACTUAL times, (we’ll never know the truth), committing this crime. That’s why the teleprompter in chief hasn’t rushed out like he did in Newtown and other Aurora etc, etc, to lecture us all about how we need to ban guns…errr, I mean “Common Sense Gun Control”! Yeah, that’s it. Maybe Nanny Pelosi et, al can tell us he was just doing the jobs Americans won’t….


this is a wake up call- you listing Sacramento- UNFUCK your house. Since lawbreakers and illegals follow your own laws. You’re a damn BORDER State: start acting like you have some balls and brains.

Start by flushing all of your turd politicos down the drain and start filling with local people who care about the affairs of state.

IF not- just look at the laughingstock you’ve become.

Just like that Japanese company that got union greed-ed out: more people and businesses will leave when you can no longer keep the safety of its work force.

I’ve turned my back on California 15 years ago- i hope the state burns. This is the stupidity that made leave and keeps me out.

Roger in Republic

Don’t forget to give this Mexican national his visit from his consular officer. We wouldn’t want him to have to ride the needle without making sure that all of the niceties were observed. This animal needs hanging.


Rest assured, this critter will never see the inside of any execution chamber, unless it is in Mexico. The State Departments of both countries have an agreement, no mexican national that commitws a capital crime IE murder will receive nothing more than life in prison. Its part of the 350 million per year deal Mexico gets from the US DOS, to “secure” their southern border.