Coffee cup poser Part II

| October 4, 2014

The folks at MyServicePride had another email from Poseur Maximus. I’ll warn you that you will be dumber for reading this. They made a little graphic just for him, first;

Busting posers

Ooooo, LOOOL, yeah I was upset alright, LOOOL, oooooo, Pinnochio, ooooo, loool, yeah, what else gets fuckin nonsense, the local bandit guerrillas, HA SMARTASS, LOLOLOLOL! Let me tell you assholes fucking something, you can take your little fuck arrogant stereotypical assanine bullshit, AAAAUH, just because people are paper signing, dick suckin bastard psychopaths controlled like an idiot because a bigmouth in a damn office said it was okay to symbolize a treehouse with a file cabinet sweety, ooo, and have shit like special little camsie pictures and actual material fuck awards, AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASSHOLE SIDEWAYS, HOW DO YA LIKE IT! LOOOOOOL! I believe my ass, is a type of commissioned trained fucking guerrilla, all the recipients that were in my squad were not enlisted, or affiliated, with the National Guard partisan ranger force, and for what I did, I would have the damn medal of honor, and the others, for combat situations all your oogly googly mainstreamers with lame ass personalities and interest reasons ignore because their hotwired on shooting guns for ingenuity thoughts and a fairy ass social world, LOOOL, yeah i ain’t stupid ha fucker, but self styled remained people aren’t displayed with that, the agreement was to go backy home after a full two days of free trainee experience and an highly realistic infrared operation, well you assholes can disrespect me then, the most dangerous type of zealot in the fucking world, LOOOL, go right ahead, can’t control or fend off invincible Satan either, but i’ll leave it to you a last time, heres the operation log and war story of me, RIGHT FROM MY INNER FUCKING PSYCHE IF YA LIKE IT TECHNICAL HA…IM A BADASSE SON OF A BITCH, THAT’LL WHIP YOUR RAMBO ARMED REDNECK MAFIA ASS, WHICH YOU BASTARDS SHOULD TALK, HA, goddamn analyze and misjudge others, AND YOU AIN’T GODDAMN SHIT! Oh, and the videogame thing, yeah theirs lots in videogames very resemblant of my ass, the T.W.O. s.o.b.s. real cute, take one swing at this shit and get an corrections bi-polar maniac style ass whuppin, Well here ya are Pinnochio,

Category: Phony soldiers

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Doc Savage

Is it too much to hope that this individual isn’t a breeder?

Kill it before it can lay eggs……


Somebody sign this bad ass up and send him to Iraq, seems like he doesn’t need any training. He should be able to take out ISIS is a couple of hours.

Today’s entitled generation, they are getting dumber by the second …

Mark Lauer

Holy shit. Do these guys all go to the same writing school?


Yes its called Publik Skol.

19D1OR4 - Smitty

“No child left behind” unfortunately

Pineywoods NCO

They must have gone to that same school that graduated, albeit sadly, dumbasses like Dennis, Frank, Daniel and Dallas.

It’s known as the University of Don’t Their Asses from Holes in Ground.

Pineywoods NCO

Damn it!! I always forget Phil and his offspring, Paul.


Wow. Not only is the stupid really strong with this one but his grammar is atrocious. Can anyone really spull that badly?


OOOOOOOhh! Can I meet him?

I’ll bet he’s been chewing on those speshul brownies he got at the local head shop. He sounds so-o-o-o speshul!


This one is actually an insult to the word stupid. Problem is, I don’t think there is a word to accurately describe what this person is.
Pardon me while I go uncross my eyes.


I think his stage name as a rap artist is “1-DMF” . . . .

AW1 Tim

He’s special…….

That Guy

What. The. Fucking. Fuck.
This dude is hardcore, balls to the wall, helmet wearing, certified retarded.


Or seriously mentally ill as I have opined here at TAH in the past regarding some of the other characters who get exposed here. It would be interesting to see what a psychiatrist had to say about that particular diatribe.


Don’t touch his ears. He hates it when you touch his ear.

19D1OR4 - Smitty

Now dammit, I actually do hate it when people touch my ears, and I’m not tarded, my mom had me tested lol



Its time to get your toys together and come on home.


Yep, he’s legit! Went completely retarted…


I didnt understand a single thought out of that whole thing. I think someone is upset, maybe they died ina video game and want to still claim to be the best? Or, I got it, they upgraded their game system and it lost their call of duty records so no one knows how awesone they are supposed to be.


He went full Wickre.

Doc Savage

A cloned, 11 year old, Wickre “mini me” on a Mountain Dew induced bipolar manic rant regarding his many victories on “Call of Duty”.

Mission Complete….you can go home now son.

No…really, the street lights are on now…go home.


What the heck are “infrared operations?”

Doc Savage

Toaster oven?

..’cause, they can be lethal to pizza bagels.

AW1 Tim

Ops done while concealed in a tanning bed?

Beats me.


Infrared Ops.
Isn’t that hiding in your neighbor’s tree with NVG-6s trying to see his wife naked?


It wounds like he went a little gung-ho during a National Guard recruiting weekend war game involving MILES gear.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or some spaced-out college freshman overdosed on junk food and video games after a weekend in the woods on an ROTC FTX, who likely feels that he’s Chuck Norris Jr. because he was part of the OPFOR! The precious little Smurf-lusting unicorn fart-sniffing Skittles-guzzling butt-hurt Rainbow Sparkle Pony obviously has some hurt feelings, thus he’s suddenly trying to “play badass” with his comments in order to boost his precious self-esteem because he doesn’t have his Mommy around to give him a nice warm enema before bedtime like she did every time he was a precious good little boy at home!!


I think you just perfectly summed up 95% of the posers with that one statement, we need to copy your statement and make it the catch phrase for poser busting!

Your Creepy Uncle

If I were to put forward a hypothesis, it would be that the “writing” in question is auto generated via computer algorithm.

Not too far different from some “science” articles that have been printed in peer reviewed journals in the past.



Do you even Army, bro?

Toasty Coastie

Aww damn..just to early..I got nuthin’….


Drink coffee and try again.


“National Guard partisan ranger force”

Now that’s a new one. Give him credit for being marginally creative.

And he spelled “guerrilla” correctly. That’s an accomplishment in itself.


“the agreement was to go backy home after a full two days of free trainee experience and an highly realistic infrared operation, well you assholes can disrespect me then, the most dangerous type of zealot in the fucking world,” – Full Retard

Quick, someone contact the DOD, CIA, DOS, and DOJ! Someone should get a hold of this guy and get more details of that training… we could train the level headed real freedom fighter Syria rebels to become the deadliest force in that area in just TWO days! :mrgreen:


Yewah, I don’t know about this one besig. This guy is some mentally retarded fucker who joined a Micky mouse militia.


Mentally ill* let me be PC…

OIF '06-'07-'08

What was that?

the Al

I think it was supposed to be an example of authentic frontier gibberish

AW1 Tim

“I’m particularly glad that all the children here got to here Gabby”…….


CC Senor

Green Thumb

I would like to urinate in his coffee cup.

Mr Wolf

Looking at that rant, I’d say someone beat you to it…


Weapons grade stupid.


Its gotta be hard for this twelve year old. All those pubescent hormones released from his Xbox. All those inferred ops and Mountain Dews take their toll on the boy. Perhaps an internship at All Points Logistics working with Navy Seals can benefit him.

A Proud Infidel®™

It goes to show just how much brain damage can be caused by a steady diet of Mountain Dew, Skittles, and Doritos with a social life of nothing but online Xbox video games and WoW! The little creampuff reminds me of part of a Comedian’s routine where he talked about a videot friend of his who thought he would be deadly in the ME because he was an ace at playing CoD, etc.!

A Proud Infidel®™

That critter is seriously overdosed on STOOPID, and he/she/it really needs to move out of Mommy’s basement!! Will we get to see he/she/it come here? DAMN, that sounds like a fun chew toy to tear up over here, HEEEEERE, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY!!!

THAT is one very seriously butt-hurt little Smurf-lusting lunicorn fart-sniffing glitter-farting tinsel mouse of a cream puff-shitting rainbow glitter sparkle pony!!


Tell us how you really feel…

Lurker Curt

Whaaa…? I don’t…huh? Oh fuck, I am dumber now…


Oh…my…fucking…God. That clown is intergalactic weapons grade stoopid. I truly wish we could get a name for the moron so we could give him some personal attention.


Wow. That not only insulted my intelligence, it insulted my ignorance.

The folks at MyServicePride must endure a lot. You know, I would buy this guys mug, IF MyServicePride would put what I want on it for him. A big, shiney, bright yellow ribbon,(the one you get for being an ass upended coward), plus LSoS, GFY, MF, POS, and a big cannabis leaf at the bottom. Oh! And a MoH ribbon with only 1 star or a DSC on the BOTTOM of the mug. That way every time he wants to look at it, which will be every time he drinks coffee, the dimwit will turn it over to look at his “pride and joy” and dump his coffee on himself. Money says, and I’m giving 5 to 1 on this one, he dumps it on himself, EVERY DAY, at least once.

Pineywoods NCO

It made Paul look smart…that’s honestly scary.

Farflung Wanderer

. . .

What the..?

Was that even English, or just some bastardization by a space alien?

I can’t even make out what he’s trying to say, it’s so bad.

HS Junior

It’s authentic gibberish.

RGR 4-78

Authentic “Momma’s basement” gibberish.


Me just readed above sentence paragraph. Head hurts bad really hard. Trying to 911 call but can’t remember number to 911 for ambulance help. Send police to house of mind, head banging on wall and stop won’t.



Roger in Republic

It’s fun to point out his stupidity, but I catch a whiff of mass shooting on him. This is exactly what we look for in a mass shooter. Antisocial, delusions of grandeur, and reliance on threats of violence are common markers for the people who eventually act out their murderous fantasies. I recommend that you forward all of his correspondence to his local law enforcement agency. Dude needs some serious intervention for whatever his problems are. Be they alcohol, drugs or serotonin imbalance.


If you click on the link to My Service Pride, scroll down the comments and you’ll find that the good folks over there are passing this info along. In this instance, there are some SERIOUS concerns regarding this individual’s sanity. Hopefully, law enforcement will get involved and take care of this. At the very least, a 48 to 72 hour involuntary commitment for evaluation.

Mr. Blue

Idea- My Service Pride should send this guy a cup covered in dick pics, for free.

Mr Wolf

Jonn- you need a spew/screen warning for these posts. Seriously…


It’s there, Mr Wolf – see the article’s second sentence. A spew warning is implicit in “you will be dumber for reading this”.


yrah, he’s a real badass, but he’s not a certified Space Shuttle door gunner so he ain’t shit


Instinct,I can see his reply now.”Oooo,LoooL, Space Shuttle Door Gunners are REMF’s. I am a graduate of Star Fleet Academy’s two day course on Interstellar Gunnery Techniques and my current duty position is a Rear Turret Operator on the Incom T-65 X-Wing Fighter.They fly escort missions for the Space Shuttle. The primary weapon used is the Illudium Q-36D(D Model is the one with butterfly triggers) Explosive Space Modulator. The Q-36D can be fired even while the Cloaking Device is activated. The course was taught by Marvin the Martian and my Graduation Certificate is countersigned by Captain James Tiberius Kirk.Ooooo,LoooL”


Good God I couldn’t even finish that; it reads like it went through google translate.


Google translate looked at this pile of shit and said “Nope, not even gonna try.”


Per laws of internet translation; I used google translate and inserted his rant. Translated it from english to prtoguese, then to french, then to romainian, then back to english. Hopefully this clears up his rant: Ooooo, loool, yes, I was so shocked, loool, oooooo, Pinocchio, ooooo, loool, yes, he gets other local thugs fucking absurd guerrilla smart HA, lolololol! Let me tell you something bad, you can take your bullshit stereotype assanine arrogant bastard, AAAAUH just because people are paper, cock sucking bastards controlled psychopaths like an idiot, because a sign at a drug runner Bureau said it has agreed to symbolize a tree house with a workbook sweet, ooo, and small stuff like cams and photos special prices current hardware curve, and push it up the ass hand as you like! Looooool! I think my ass is a type of training guerrillas controlled hell, all beneficiaries who were on my team were not invited, or affiliated with storage supporter of the National Guard force, and j “I did, I would honored to hell and one medal for combat situations all broadcasters Oogly with big personalities and reasons to ignore interest because his thoughts about firing weapons Hotwired naivety and lame ass bottom loool social fairytale world, but I’m not fucking stupid ha, but people still style themselves are not represented in this agreement was to go home backy after a two-day total free experience and a realistic scene infrared operation, well, you can follow me bastards, then the most dangerous fuck fanatic world loool that goes on, can not control or invincible Satan wants, but I’ll leave the last time, here is the log of operations and the history of the War of me fucking my psyche internally if ya like TECHNICIAN HA … im BADASSE son of a bitch, whip ASS RAMBO armed forces redneck mafia should talk bastards, HA, damn analyze and judge others wrong, and it is fucking shit! Oh, and the thing video game, video games give fate largely resemblant my ass, so beautiful sighs, have a swing at that shit and get a bi-polar… Read more »


…and the cow was returned to its rightful owner.

In other news the local cloning lab has reported an incident regarding tge escape of someone who was the reult of the accidental mixing of the genes of a…it says here “not lawyer”, a purple…something, I can’t tell because the printer mixed the words up between upper and lower case letters. Also included in the mix was a Wicker basket and a vat of melted cheese.

This person is described as being 5 foot tall – in both directions – balding with a scraggly beard, wearing a Thor costume with a parachute pack and will be spouting gibberish. Authorities request that you avoid contact as to prevent being sued for things you never said and also to prevent getting cheese spittle all over your clothes.

We’ll be back after this commercial.


Is… Is that all one sentence?

I feel a little sorry for this guy.


Dave…I feel ya brother. Before I finished it I was head trippin’ back to the old days, trying to call in an airstrike to make it stop! I am pretty sure I have bilateral, frontal lobe damage now.


Someone needs to call bloomturds mommy’s demand action so they can SWAT his ass.
That will work for the Darwin award and an extra special coffee cup with two handles so he can hang onto it while he is restrained if Darwin doesn’t win the war first…


Dude out Wickred Psul…even puts SlRPy14 to shame when it comes to insanity.


Gotta be parody. Even stupid people aren’t this stupid.


That clown is intergalactically stupid.


I heard a rumor that Coffee Cup Poser helps Danny Boi Bernath write his legal briefs, and motions. Mind numbingly stoopid.

HS Junior

And removes Bernath’s bodily wastes via a catheter with his sucking power (literal, not figurative).


Can someone tell me why this video was the first thing that came to mind when I heard that our buddy here was part of a guerrilla force?

Honestly, the chimp is WAY smarter than this clown! And obviously a better soldier too!

Old Trooper

Drugs are bad; Mmmmkay?


I’m calling him lead pathfinder for the “Yes, we can” army. Truly, it hurts the eyes to read the crap he wrote. His writings are proof that closing down all the loony bins and letting the patients walk the streets without thorazine was a bad idea.


So my 5 year old son started his first year of kindergarten this year, he is learning all his letters and how to write them. He struggles with the letter W quite a bit because he wants to write the letter M instead. Typical 5 year old mistake that many kids make.

Anyway, it is easier for me to read and figure out what he writes than trying to decipher this shit.