Wow, that was fast

| September 28, 2012

Stars & Stripes reports that “partnered operatons” between NATO and Afghanistan troops have resumed after a respite of a few days in reaction to “green-on-blue attacks” in the last several months.

“We needed buy-in from our Afghan partners that they take this threat as seriously as we do,” [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey] said.

Dempsey, recently back from a trip to Afghanistan, said he believes Afghans do take the threat very seriously.

So, Afghans weren’t taking the attacks seriously three weeks ago, but they are now?

In mid-2009, Panetta said, “Afghanistan faced a real prospect that the Taliban would overtake the country. … I think there was a real risk that the mission in Afghanistan might very well fail.”

But now, he said, the situation is “considerably different and improved.”

That’s simply amazing that in the space of few days attitudes have been changed 180 degrees. No, what’s really amazing is that Panetta and Demspey think that we’re buying this horseshit. It was just last week that Dempsey and Panetta were blaming our own troops and their insensitivity to Afghan culture for the attacks and now suddenly everything is fine again. Well, until the next sneak attack.

Category: Terror War

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Well its an election year, and we couldn’t possibly have anything bad in the press about “Dear Leader” and his awesomeness….. How could a war he is running be anything but the epitome of perfection….

So what if a bunch of us as little pawns die in “his glorious name” die…

2-17 AirCav

“We needed buy-in….” Buy-in? First, the term is objectionable in context of our using American personnel and equipment to help those ingrates. Second, how was the so-called buy-in suddenly accomplished, by increasing funding inducements?

FltMedic: Screw them. No general EVER won a war.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@1 Exactly right, with foreign policy now clearly failing Obama has to have some positive to bring to the debate even if it’s a bullsh1t positive. Panetta is so full of sh1t his eyes are brown these days, in mid 2009 the country faced a real prospect of a Taliban take over? Really?

Are the American people that disenfranchised from what’s happening to not understand that the Taliban is still likely to overtake the nation of Afghanistan for the next 15-20 years whenever we leave? When we leave in 2014 if we stick to Obama’s timetable the Taliban will be in power before 2015 is over. Perhaps even before 2014 is over. The Afghans have the same ability to control their nation with out support from the US as the South Vietnamese did which is a zero chance.

Panetta should have trouble sleeping at night telling this kind of bullsh1t story every day.


Panetta and a compliant media is circling the wagons around the Obama campaign. Whenever something negative comes out they shout “look over there, shiny object”, and the delusional comply.


I don’t believe the “green on blue” attacks will stop. I think this is just a lull in the activity given the recent posture. This isn’t the last we’ve heard of “our partners” turning against it. These savages are being bought by the Taliban. One day, they will look you in the eye and tell you they are your friend, the next day, you’re being shot at. I don’t trust them.

Common Sense

“One day, they will look you in the eye and tell you they are your friend, the next day, you’re being shot at. I don’t trust them.”

Because that’s what the Koran tells them to do. They are supposed to befriend, lie, cheat, whatever it takes to either subjugate or kill the infidel.


Oh, but Mr. Leon Panetta was on the TV news this morning saying that the attack on the embassy in Libya was a terrorist event, after all…so, why would anyone think for one second that the nice man would lie about something like that, or about what’s going on in Afghanistan.


[…] attacks continue September 30th, 2012 The other day, on Friday, we wrote that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey told us that […]