Merry Christmas

| December 25, 2011

Over the river and through the woods to my daughter’s apartment we go, the GPS knows the way to guide the Chevrolet through the significant absence of snow. (Apologies to Lydia Maria Child)

I hope your Christmas is the day you most want to remember this year. Thank you for your continued patronage at TAH, and thank you for taking time out of your busy Christmas Day to stop by. But I’m on the road (see above) to spend the day with part of my family (which is spread out from Korea to Holland this year).

And, oh, Happy Birthday, Jesus.

Category: Pointless blather

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Just don’t put the gps on “shortest route” or else you will see a lot of rivers and woods ;^) merry Christmas.

Parachute Cutie

Merry Christmas, Jonn. I hope your day is filled with much laughter, joy, peace and love and that it continues through all the years ahead.

Frankly Opinionated

Beware the pitfalls of relying on GPS for LandNav. Better to call on those skills learned in another life.
Have a Merry Christmas, and see you here when you get back.


Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jonn. I pray God continues to bless you and keeps your family safe and well. This sight is an important part of my day and I’m lucky to have you as a genuine friend.


Merry Christmas to Jonn and company, and to all who make TAH worth the daily visit.


Merry Christmas to John and everyone else here at TAH. I hope your day is peaceful and your entire 2012 is outstanding.


What Stubby said. I read this blog 3x a day and am glad it’s here. I don’t comment much, but I will if I ever have anything to add that is relevant :-). Rock on, this is a great site with very witty followers.


Merry Christmas to all at TAH!




Merry Christmas Jonn, TSO, and everyone else who makes TAH what it is today.

2-17 AirCav

Real men do not use GPS. Nor do we ask directions. Real mean have an inbuilt navigating system that allows us to take the shortcuts that extend a two hour drive by at about twice as much.


Merry Christmas to all. Now to check out that package that gurgles and looks to be filled with holiday cheer


I am surprised any members of your family are still willing to see you. You’re an awful human being.


Merry Christmas to all!


Like a bad fucking disease, she keeps popping up at the worst possible times.

Doc Bailey

She’s like the human version of Herpes.

From one warrior to all the others, I wish you peace and happiness on this Christmas day.


Merry Christmas to all, even OG, although I’m sure she found nothing but coal in her stocking and empty boxes under her tree.


@12- switches and ashes for that comment.


Merry Christmas, all. I love this blog. Obama Girl, Jesus loves you, too, in spite of yourself. Prayers coming your way.

Frankly Opinionated

Hehehe, did someone fart? There is a lingering odor, from since just before 3PM.
I tried for awhile to think that Obumblergirl was just playing us and teheing her way along. But Y’all, I think she actually believes in herself and her BFF Obumbler.
Bless her heart.
Yep, Praying for her to, along with all the other orphans out there.

Frankly Opinionated

Holy Crap,did you see that? Above, I typed ,,,,,,for her too,,, but the damned devil stole one of my “o”s. Must have given it to Obumbler girl so she could have an “o”.


It’s terribly sweet, though, that on Christmas day she was thinking of us. (insert evil grin here)

2-17 AirCav

@16. Did you get to choose Suzette or Francois as your voice guide? Hell no! Think Columbus! Think Lewis and Clark! Think wagons ho! Lose the GPS. Get lost like a real man.