Bachmann keeps vet benefits on chopping block
I read in the Army Times about Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., the Tea Party’s mouthpiece these days, who has recommended $400b in cuts which include veterans’ benefits;
…Bachmann…has unveiled a plan for cutting $400 billion in federal spending that includes freezing Veterans Affairs Department health care spending and cutting veterans’ disability benefits.
Her proposed VA budget cuts would account for $4.5 billion of the savings included in the plan, posted on her official House of Representatives website.
So, it didn’t sound right to me. I called Bachmann’s office and the receptionist, obviously being fed information by another aide confirmed that Bachmann did indeed include veterans benefits in her plan “for the moment” said the receptionist. Another politician who sees the easy way out by balancing the budget on the backs of veterans and retirees.
This is from her proposal;
I always thought the Tea Party felt a little too much like the Ron Paul movement and this proves it to me. Look, I’m all for cutting the federal budget, but cutting or freezing veterans benefits is underhanded skullduggery. The veterans have already paid their portion of the bargain.
If this what the Tea Party is all about, count me out.
Oh, by the way, Bachmann’s phone number is (202) 225-2331.
Category: Congress sucks
[…] Finally a Republican shows up at the Convention. But like everyone else, he words don’t match her actions. Bachmann praises veterans and promises to support us, however regular readers will remember how we had to force her to remove veterans benefits from her proposal to reduce government spending a few short months ago. […]