Berkeley Proves Yet Again They Are Batsh*t Crazy
I really am at a loss for words here.
Berkeley High School is considering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and the five science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to help struggling students.
Paul Gibson, an alternate parent representative on the School Governance Council, said that information presented at council meetings suggests that the science labs were largely classes for white students. He said the decision to consider cutting the labs in order to redirect resources to underperforming students was virtually unanimous.
“…virtually unanimous.” Wow.
(thanks to Michelle Malkin for originally posting this)
Category: Politics
Nice, and when they wonder why people struggle with college.
Some people don’t want the tools to succeed, they just want the corner office because dammit, they deserve it!
I am so freakin sick of the entitlement mentality in this country it makes me want to puke.
You see. THAT is the trouble with kids today. They do not have the “tools” to deal with hardship or disappointment in the real world because they are coddled to no end. How absolutely unfair-
And a big Thank you to my Mutti who used to tell me “Adversity builds character.” Or- “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
To those who are, or have, read “Atlas Shrugged”, two words. . . .
Jim Taggert.
So many thoughts, too little time.
Who will suffer most? Everyone. The children who will grow up unprepared to be bitch-slapped by life. The taxpayers who will have to support these whiners.
OH GOD!! If You were ever going to create an earthquake to shake Kalifornicate loose from the rest of the US, please let it be NOW!
Who is John Galt?
So we will help bad students become mediocre by making good students mediocre…..makes perfect sense. Let’s see a headline that says they are eliminating midnight basketball because it is helping too many black students…….we know how far that would get. As a recovering Chemistry and Physics teacher I think you know where I stand…..
….and I am John Galt….
Gotta LOVE those touchy, feely types …
… and then they proclaim, “We’re second from the bottom in Math and Science student scores for the Industrial Nations! That’s why I (Obama) am proposing a NEW Save our Schools program that will boost Department of Education spending by $1.95 Trillion over the next ten years to help America recapture our preeminence in Technology and Science for the 21st century.”
“suggests that the science labs were largely classes for white students.”
….And Asian kids too… Anthing I read about the Soviet of Berzerkley, Kalifornia-SSR makes my brain hurt.
Ooops, Anything… I guess reading about stupid people can cause spelling errors.
Large chunks of our society/nation seem determined to carry out a suicide pact, and I doubt there is anything we can do to stop them.
The trick will be to insure they don’t drag the rest of us down with them. Which means we all should seek ways to minimize the amount of ‘foreign’ aid that gets provided to these cities/states/groups. For all intents and purposes, they’re from another planet anyway.
Rumors indicate the new curriculum for students of Bezerkley will be choruses of Kumbaya alternated with bong hits.
This is being done by design. This is the left, and especially the unions, wanting to keep kids dumb so they will be on the welfare wagon, struggling to make a living, dependent upon the government. That way, those same leftists and union thugs will be able to curry their votes and keep themselves in power.
I think this is just another sign of the left’s soft racism by low expectations. It is kind of funny that money isn’t really the deciding factor in how well a school or performs. Truth is that the schools that spend the most on education do have the best performance, but they are followed by the schools with the worst performers. The difference is the parental involvement (or at least some kind of support system). If students have someone to support their hard work and make them accountable they succede.
–Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy.
Robert A. Heinlein
One of the things that I’d like to know is where the children of the board members go to school? I’m willing to bet that they go to private schools and that somehow the tuition is being paid or subsidized by the tax payers. In any event, I suspect that the parents of kids in that school that can pull their kids will and the only ones that get screwed will be the poor who can’t send their kids elsewhere. This will include kids that are doing well or at least have a chance of using education to escape the liberal trap of government generational welfare. Geezuz, California sure is something.
What a difference a district makes! I’m in San Diego, and I can guaran-goddam-tee you that such a notion would never fly here!
But I can envision something like it happening. It depends on whose job is being saved. The teacher’s union does not represent the best interests of the students.
I am not sure the Teacher’s Union represents the best interest of the teacher! It is in the best interest of the teacher to have the appropriate resources for all students and to have disipline in the classroom – none of these leftard measures ensure either.
Incredibly dogsh*t stupid. Low expectations are indeed a form of racism and hurt those most who they are trying to help. And what the hell is an “alternate parent advocate”? Sounds like somebody out to ruin others’ lives without impacting their own.
Young people grow and achieve when challenged and consistently held to high standards. I seriously doubt that the parents involved are even fit to raise their own children much less ruin others.
We may not have the money that Berkely has but I guarantee you that my childrens’ schools have their priorities straight down here in Georgia.
I seriously doubt that the parents involved are even fit to raise their own children much less ruin others.
Hammer meet nail……..
So in an area where they deem that the greatest good would come from helping more students, you all think this is racist?
You people are ridiculous. We need to work together to bring everyone up as a whole, not just allow the select few (white) students to move ahead of the rest of their peers.
Just exactly, how does dumbing down the entire student body by eliminating classes that even the 0 has said are essential, “bring everyone up as a whole”? If you don’t demand hard work and commitment from everyone, you’ll usually get it from no one.
And how, exactly, were they planning on “redirecting resources”? By emphasizing the teaching of Eubonics? Or a special study of the events leading to Kwanzaa?
They give that as an explanation (it’s only helping whites) but if you read the article……
“She says there are twelve African-American males in her AP classes and that her four environmental science classes are 17.5 percent African American and 13.9 percent Latino.”
That’s over 40% of class make up of minorities (not including Asian) Speaking as a former science teacher and a teacher in general you have a wide variety of student abilities and it doesn’t fall along racial lines. Would it not make more sense to have more opportunities to cover various abilities? Look up “Gardner’s 7 intelligences” (8 depending on your Prof) It outlines 7 or 8 various ways in which people learn. Most people learn to a certain extent in all 7 areas but are usually strongest in just a couple (i.e. musical, spatial, liguistic, naturalist, etc…)
I’m not sure how you improve student performance as a whole by eliminating opportunities, that just seems and is counter-intuitive.
Move to California, they said.
Why not? They said.
Thanks for adding to the top ten list of why I will never move there
This is kind of an old article, but it shows that just because more money is given to a school it doesn’t really mean that higher achievement will follow.
The Kansas City school district still hasn’t recovered from this. Every year they have a huge budget shortfall. They actually have been redistricting some of the schools to save money. Unfortunately, for Kansas City this is what happens when do gooders are in charge of the administration of education rather than educators. Almost every year there is a new superintendent who gets run out by the school board. Luckily, I don’t live in the Kansas City school district, but we probably will send our kids to private school.
Maybe Letterman should do a Top 10 on why not to move to Kalifornicate?