Open Thread

| January 11, 2010

Jonn is out today, and I couldn’t be sicker to my stomach if I ate a bag of steamed dicks. I had to break up with Tom Brady last night, it was best for both of us.

So, amuse yourselves while I drive stakes through my Southern Dem Voo Doo doll and then light it on fire.

What I will be having for breakfast every day this week to forget the weekend:

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

Some of the gals in that picture look like they enjoyed their steamed dicks and some look like they hated them…..where the hell is that picture from?

Brown Neck Gaitor

I believe that is a recreation of the semi-annual “Past Girlfriends of TSO” self flagellation and marshmallow roast.


Part of me thinks that you wouldn’t be this upset if we broke up, with the not answering your phone or emails and sad facebook status updates. Even if you do reak of melancholy right now and you continue to spiral and I find you crurled up in a ball crying to emo music I might turn you back over to Schwillie.


So I don’t have to worry about you becoming a Dashboard Confessional fan?


It’s ok, TSO, my day of reckoning is fast approaching as the Vikes take on Dallas this coming weekend. There’s a running gun fight here at work about the pros and cons of Brett Favre (those who liked him as a Packer, even though they are Vikings fans, who now won’t root for the Vikes because they say he’s a fraud for not staying retired) and which side of the line you are on.

I will send you a little something to cheer you up, via email.

Casey J Porter

I have two new SEMA 2009 clips, one with a babe, and one about the tech I use to film racing flicks, and even my Iraq stuff.

Lisa Angeline:

Chase Cam:


Dedicated to TSO and Tom…

Old Tanker

I believe that is a recreation of the semi-annual “Past Girlfriends of TSO” self flagellation and marshmallow roast.

That would explain why 2 are crying (the most recent past girlfriends) and 2 are laughing hysterically (the oldest recent girlfriends)

AW1 Tim

I felt so upset yesterday. I had to put away all of my Patriots gear until the April draft.

What’s up with being sick? I awoke about 3am sick as a dog too, and it certainly wasn’t from the beer, as I only had one. I still feel like I’m hung over.

Ah well. Back to the couch for a bit before I have to think about cooking supper for the kid.


Who is Tom Brady?

And does this mean you don’t want me to call you this afternoon like you had mentioned I should on Friday?

Brown Neck Gaitor

Thanks Casey, now I feel a little better about only having the Redskins as a football team to root for.


I just wanna know how YOU know that a bag of steamed dicks will make you sick?

Mind you I’ve eaten mountain oysters, dog, and monkey, but…

Old Tanker/Caroline: I do think that most of TSO’s female exes are inflatable. Reckon THAT scene is one we don’t wanna see?


TB asked: Who is Tom Brady?

Ditto. It appears to be some sport reference? In context I was thinking WoW or man crush?

Aside: The only sport I follow nowadays is Women’s Beach Volleyball.

Brown Neck Gaitor


I can confirm that your email sucketh. Get these emails that say, “Your email has been delayed for an eon.” Then I spend time trying to REMEMBER what I even sent you.

Then I remember It was dealing with the weighty issue of Christine Hendricks dying her hair…

Laughing Wolf

Yeah, ya got it bad. Try growing up with the Atlanta Pigeons as the local team and trying to root for them. The Braves were not good for a long time, but they had Hammerin Hank and I got to watch him play at the old stadium — the Pigeons weren’t even an interesting Sunday shoot for the opposing team…

Southern Democrat


I called and called and called during the game, but you stopped answering right after the 82 yard, opening play run for a touchdown.


Dale in San Antonio (Not Dave!)

They ain’t the Pigeons, they’re the Dirty Birds! I think I’ve still got a couple of posters from the (notsomuch) Miracle Season II they had when the Braves went to the Series. 🙂


I wonder, did Brent(?) Favre ever manage to kick a ball headed for the turf, into the arms of an overweight linebacker who could only manage the 17 yard dash, a la Aaron Rodgers? Now, those two teams managed to play one helluva football game.

Old Tanker

Try growing up with the Atlanta Pigeons as the local team and trying to root for them.

Wolf, got ya beat…..I’m a Lions (Liedowns) fan….(ouch, did I just admit that?)

Laughing Wolf

Dale, that was indeed a Miracle Season II!

Old Tanker, ow. I feel your pain.