Tariffs As Boundaries
Relationship issues may be the most often cited motivation for individuals seeking psychotherapy. They say, “I want to change how my spouse speaks to or treats me”. They are feeling unfulfilled in their relationship, depressed, anxious, or lonely, and fear their relationship is ending. They don’t want it to, but can’t continue with the way things are going. In short order, the real issue comes down to one very simple to understand concept – people treat us the way we allow them, the way we taught them to treat us.
The term “boundaries” is one of those that is an important and valid principle in psychology that has been diluted to the point of meaninglessness by its overuse and misuse. Simply put, a boundary is deciding what behaviors we will and will not accept from others. The first trick is to understand a boundary is as much about our behavior as it is the other person’s. The second is how to operationalize that to achieve the desired outcome. The third, and most important part is, both sides have to desire the continuation of the relationship.
With those three parts present, a firm, reasonable and healthy boundary placement and defense by one person will change the behavior of the other. Always. The change is immediate, but it may not be in the intended direction initially. Push-back is to common. Ultimately, how quickly it is successful is determined by how much the other side benefits from the continuation of the relationship.
Saying to your significant other, “When we have a conversation with a difference of opinion and volume escalates, or I’m being called names for my opinion, it is no longer a productive discussion, and I will no longer be participating”. This is a statement, delivered calmly. Then, you must, absolutely must, disengage. Period. Full stop.
Don’t hang around for more back-and-forth. You’ve set your boundary, and you are the one who must abide by it first. If you stand there and wait for the other person to agree, you’re not setting a boundary. you’re asking for permission. And that is how you’ve ended up where you are – asking for the other side to agree without abiding by that stance yourself.
When the other person approaches you and tries to re-engage, if the behavior is changed, reengage. The moment things escalate or behavior reverts, you don’t need to say a word. A look, or the holding up of a hand prior to walking away is sufficient to re-communicate that boundary. The other person will learn that their behavior, approach, or word-choice is theirs to control, but you are not.
That bears repeating, you are not under their control. That one factor, control, is what boundary violations are all about. People behave the way they do towards us because it works for them, it gets them what they want, produces the outcome they seek. A boundary is stating that will no longer work with you, and this is where the motivation for change comes into existence for them.
An adage that holds true is, those who most object to your boundaries are the ones who are the reason for the erection of boundaries, and will be the ones who seek to violate them the most.
The simple truth about boundary-setting and enforcement is, it is about you, what you allow, more than being about them or their behavior. Regardless of what they do or how they respond, the immediate benefit is yours to reap.
You will feel better about yourself for having stood your ground, for honoring your feelings, for recognizing your own self-worth. When the response of the other person no longer matters, it is easier to maintain that boundary.
An important point here is understanding what a healthy boundary is, and what it is not. We’ve all seen the pink-haired, chronological adults with more metal on their faces than in the average anglers’ tackle box videoing themselves as they announce their “enforcement of a boundary”. The tearfully cry how they’ve been forced to cut off contact with family because grandma refuses to make Thanksgiving vegan. Let’s say grandma is willing to make or serve some foods for the nose-ringed ostensibly grownup child, but that is refused because there will be other foods present.
No matter how passionate our vegan argues eating anything that once had a pulse is morally wrong, forcing others to acquiesce is not “enforcing a boundary”, it is a demand for capitulation. Worse, it is blaming other’s for your choice to behave badly, with the added benefit of deluding yourself into believing you are an innocent, virtuous victim of the evil actions of others.
In this case, the real, fair and healthy boundary is proffered by grandma. “I will do this much to accommodate you, but you will not dictate to me what I will do, or ridicule or comment on what else is on the table, or what other’s choose to eat. Dinner is at 4, we hope to see you then”.
The interesting thing about describing what boundaries are and how to operationalize them is every parent, or at least those worth the name, used boundaries from the time their kids were toddlers.
Your two-year old is hitting others with a toy? You take away the toy and say, “We don’t hit others”, or “That’s not how we play with toys”. Your eleven-year-old refuses to clean their room and gather their dirty clothes? You don’t do their laundry. Your teenager borrows the car and returns it with an empty tank in spite of having been given the money to replace what they used? They don’t get to borrow the car the next time.
Granted, the initial reaction may not be pleasant. The two-year-old will throw a tantrum, the eleven-year-old will whine they can’t wear their favorite shirt or jeans, and the teenager will sulk and mope. But the message has been delivered and the impetus for a changed outcome is on them. That is the hallmark of a healthy, productive boundary which supports a genuine, mutually beneficial relationship.
This is how the Trump administration is addressing Tariffs. There has been behavior on the other side, whether it is China, Canada, or Mexico, that is unfair and outright harmful to our country. But it has been what we’ve allowed. In these economic relationships, we are the parent. Granted, we may have to put up with a temper tantrum but in the end, we hold the power to change how we are treated. We decide. And seeing as these are mutually beneficial relationships in which they have more to lose than we do, the onus for change is on them.
With all that said, sometimes enforcing a healthy boundary is one designed solely for our own benefit, and the other side would rather end the relationship than change. This is the proof the other side’s actions are intentionally malevolent. If enacting boundaries results in the ending of the relationship, that outcome, however initially scary, is necessary for our well-being. If they try to come back into our life, we do so at our own risk and must keep a firm hand on our boundaries, and only insomuch as it is to our benefit. We’re looking at you, China.
Category: International Affairs, None, Trump!
Starting a trade war with our two largest trading partners. One our closet ally in the world.
Partners whose economies and integrated with ours is asinine.
The “worst” trade deal he was whining about and started a trade war over was the same trade deal he negotiated after throwing out NAFTA.
And his two day trade wars did nothing but disrupt markets and undermine trust and confidence in the U.S. as a trading partner. It also made it so Canadians are pissed off and boycotting American goods and booing the national anthem.
What did he get for it? Nothing.
He said Mexico agreed to keel 10,000 troops on the border. They already had 15,000 so that is a fuck all concession.
He said Canada agreed to a $1.8B border security project. Canada had already announced that project in December. It isn’t a new agreement.
They said Canada agreed to “keep an eye on the border 24/7”….meaningless concession since Canada maintain border checkpoints and surveillance 24/7 already.
He said Canada agreed to a “fentanyl tsar”. Less than 50lbs of fentanyl cross the Canadian border into the U.S. less than 1% of US fentanyl. And most of that is carried into the U.S. by Americans. Now some guy in Canada doing the same job he was doing also got an additional job title of “fentanyl tsar”.
The clown got nothing. And he harmed American businesses for a while as Canadians, so pissed they are booing the US National anthem at hockey games, are boycotting a American goods and still removing them from store shelves.
They also know that the American people are shitty allies and untrustworthy trading partners that can’t be trusted or relied on in the future. Because they voted for a guy that openly promised to do this dumb shit.
No edit button. Can’t fix the typos.
No edit button on your post. Can’t fix stupid.
But it can be medicated… Dude:
More’s the pity. It’s best deleted. You’re the vegan at the dinner table. Grandma is not amused.
Writer lacks elementary school vocabulary. Forsooth…
Typos should be the least of your concerns. Panama not renewing lease with the Chinese with regards to the canal, Venezuela taking back those that they gifted us under Joe’s watch, USAid giving money to people who hate this country and its values, RFK Jr letting everybody know who is on the take from big pharma, and your worried about how Trump talks.
Please try to remember he was a Democrat first before he ran for office the first time, and everybody loved him. Even Barack wanted to be like Trump.
Inconvenient truths for commiesaur.

You don’t need an edit button if you’d just
As much as the tarrifs are gonna hurt us up in the Democratic People’s Republic of Kanuckistan, I understand why.
Our border security is a joke.
No body up here wants to admit the truth of the situation.
Our Indian Reservations in the border areas are where most of the undocumented handguns are coming into Canada and fentanyl moves south. They are also Human Trafficking hubs.
His less than 50lbs number come from seizure numbers that are low because of lax enforcement because there is no strategy or policy to stop the Chinese drugs from coming. The truth is we have no idea whatsoever how much is coming in.
Be that as it is 50lbs is enough to kill 10,000,000 people. So I guess he is ok with that.
Street opioids are a scourge upon mankind.
10 million people is roughly 1/4 of our total population.
Yet, we are the world’s 2nd biggest country.
Why waste decent Cuban real estate to house the worst of the illegals?
We should offer some of our barren, frozen wastelands to coop those shitbirds in exchange for cancelation of the tariffs. You are also more than welcome to take Quebec. You can tell them I said it’s OK.
No really……pls take Quebec
And thousands upon thousands will still head to the Southwest every year and spend their money as snowbirds. Trump lives in your head rent free. Let them boo, who cares?
I think the population of Yuma AZ is 25% Canadian each winter.
Also Corpus Christi, Texas. As soon as the snow hits the forecast in Canada long-term stay facility parking lots along the waterfront there fill up with cars from Canada.
3.5 million Canadians…
The economic impact study estimates 3.5 million Canadians visit Florida each year, spending $6.5 billion. “Canadians continue to spend more time in Florida than any other state in the U.S., thanks in large part to Canadian snowbirds,” the report notes.
You think they’re staying in Ontario and shoveling snow out of the driveway every other day because they love fucking Trudeau? They hate that prissy boy, Commissar. You and him have some politics, so perhaps you should move there fuckwit.
I’d rather he move to Cuba or Venezuela.
The Count of Mar-a-Lago has freed himself, and is coming for those who falsely accused him.
Along the way, he is going to wreak havoc on the marxoid left, and various hangers on, by turning the bright light of scrutiny upon its festering fetid swamp of leftisms vile works.
My popcorn futures portfolio is looking pretty good.
But you’re eating up all the profits.
Take profits over time and leverage dollar cost averaging.
“The Count of Mar-a-Lago”
…. love it! (And will steal it.)
Can’t recall seeing it anywhere else. So maybe original. But it seems so obvious I am unlikely the only one to make the connection.
In your extra long screed of Bullshit, you left out the part about how AWESOME the last 4 years have been with the AWOL leader and his second, “cackles”. With our open borders, new wars, out of hand crime, grocery prices through the roof, dude pretending to be girls, murder, rape and mayhem.
“The clown got nothing”- we will see!
“ American people are shitty allies and untrustworthy trading partners that can’t be trusted or relied on in the future.” – two things: 1. Speak for yourself and not all Americans. 2. Shame on you! Why? See your above quote.
I find it very hard to believe that there are people out there stupid enough to believe this nonsense, but they’re out there. Following the Democrat party line while being spoon fed by the MSM!
Ever wonder if he was merely some poorly programmed satire bot of a Barking Moonbat?
“Artificial Silly Stupid”.
He certainly passes the Turding Test.
That actually makes more sense than all of the BS That he spent all day typing above!
Hey dumb ass, check this out:
You still here sissy boy? They caved moron…
He’s just spouting the talking points. Saw somewhere else, another supposed veteran saying that President Trump didn’t do anything, that Mexico and Canada had already committed the troops and other bullshit.. they’re just a hive mind, regurgitating what they’ve been told.
Since when does he or any member of the hive he belongs to have any independent thoughts opinion, or do anything their herders and handlers tell them?
Not since childhood at least..
The problem with boundaries being altered in a long standing relationship is that sometimes the person being asked to alter their behavior decides the relationship is no longer worth enough for them to enact change.
The person being asked to change then simply walks away ending the relationship…because the whole notion of no one has power over anyone unless they concede that power is a two way proposition.
The power dynamic often dictates the ability to enforce a boundary…a child has no power in a parent/child relationship dynamic thus taking away a toy or privileges works because the child has no options.
Not so with adults and nations.
Of course if the partners agree to negotiate a change the relationship may be salvaged but it’s far more likely to initiate the seeds of resentment that will eventually bear fruit in the future.
Often when the power dynamic shifts a bit.
Veddddy interesting:
The same treasonous bullshit his family is known for I’m sure.
But wait, there’s more!
Its working.
But.. but.. but… mean tweets.
“But wait! There’s more!”
I’ll have no choice but to liberate this meme and add it to my collection!
Add the Commissar’s panties are twisted in a knot because USAID won’t be able to fund Trans-ideology world wide.
Or, oddly riot-handy pallets of bricks and “pavers”.
“If you can’t change the people around you…then you must “change” the people around you”. Not respecting my boundaries and being all around bitches for the sheer pleasure of being an all around bitch (apologies to female K-9s everywhere, in this case “bitch” being a descriptive adjective v a gender designation) is what caused me to jump over “boundaries”, beat feet, build a steel re-enforced cement wall around my heart, and continue to shore up The North Wall. Living well is the best revenge.
We can live well, as a Country, when we force people (nations) to respect our boundaries and quit using the taxpayer of America as a Sugar Teat. Pro tip to the taxpayers that haven’t been paying attention…Our fore fathers shot the people that wanted to collect a 3% tax from them. Now, people walk around with their faces in mobile devices while the grubermint and the associated globo whores steal 40%+ from us.
We, The People, may have won a skirmish with the (s)election of Trump, and he has made a good start, but the war is in no way won and there are plenty of bloody battles ahead.
Hey, what a difference an election makes… folk want to join up again:
Even MSN admits elections matter: