All About Milley
Except it isn’t anymore.
The Loneliest General: Silence Surrounds Gen. Mark Milley Amid Trump Retaliation
By Konstantin Toropin and Steve Beynon
President Donald Trump focused his ire and retaliation on one person in the very first minutes of his presidency, even before his inauguration concluded — retired Army Gen. Mark Milley, the highest-ranking and most visible officer in the military during the president’s first term in office.
On Jan. 20, as Trump was sworn in, Milley’s recently unveiled portrait painting from his time as Joint Chiefs chairman was quietly removed from a hallway in the Pentagon that displays portraits of all former chairmen. A week later, another portrait of Milley, a retired Green Beret with more than 40 years of service, from his time as Army chief of staff was removed.
The humiliation wasn’t over for Milley. Trump’s newly appointed defense secretary, Pete Hegseth, announced he was ending Milley’s security detail and initiating an investigation into the retired general to see whether they could strip him of rank, removing one of his stars in retirement.
Read Next: Governors Identify 2 Soldiers Killed in Black Hawk Collision While Third Name Withheld by Service
But the final blow for Milley might be the silence after the open retaliation by Trump, who campaigned on punishing his political enemies.
Few have come to Milley’s defense and even the military, to which the four-star general had given decades of service, was unwilling to offer any pushback.
One recently retired general noted to that Milley is “as radioactive as it gets.”
Geroge Floyd apologist, COVID vaccine debacle, Afghanistan, recruiting and retention numbers, hollow military, DEI infestation, and China. Not a lot for his fellow perfumed princes to rally behind so they dive into silence to avoid the Milley tar baby. Too bad- I don’t think Pete is done yet.
Category: Big Pentagon
Let this be a warning, he swore an oath and he broke it. He could have taken the high road like Mattis, but chose treason.
“Worked toward” what Democrats liked to get ahead and all he got was the lousy pardon.

Weird how every single senior General other than Mike Flynn hated Trump: Miley, Mattis, McMaster, Votel, McRaven, Allen, Kelly.
While they are giving him the anal probe they might want to see if all those ribbons he wears are legit.
Subtract another star for each one not allowed.
Hey, moron: this is a stolen valor website and you can do a FOIA on him instead of shit throwing out bullshit.
Damn, dude, who pissed in your Cheerios?
You didn’t get the memo? MarkyMark is running the show now.
Who is this asshole?
A solid case of FAFO in action. He reaps what he sowed.
Is that guy a mail carrier??, I see he has chain mail around his neck
Badum-tiss! 🙂
What fucking moron appointed Miley in the first place, anyway? That guy also needs to be fired.
By Trump, yes, but Milley hadn’t lost his mind then:
3rd crew member of the ill fated Blackhawk is Capt. Rebecca Lobach. She was recently part of the Biden Admin White House and shown is her escorting designer Ralph Lauren as received a metal from Biden.
You can’t make this up. The perfect storm of DEI/Women in combat roles/Biden Administration all rolled up into one. No wonder they released her name on Saturday night hoping the news cycle will forget by Monday. My guess it was her ‘check ride’ to return to flight status was the reason for the flight.
The FAA under Obama, it always fucking Barry, changed the screening test for ATC’s because the results were not diverse enough. The tower at DCA was under staffed at the time of the accident. Near misses at DCA days before between helos & jets. Then their is an FAA official touting full scholarships to HBCU’s for ‘diverse’ candidates. Pete Bootygig was quoted in 2023 about a record amount of near misses (oxymoron). A couple thousand qualified ATC’s suing because they were NOT hired for being ‘not diverse’. The list goes on and on…
It was just a matter of time, and who was going to be unlucky enough to pay the piper
I searched her name, and everyone is saying wonderful things about her. Yet when you read between the lines…
There is a certain insinuation that she was in a female relationship with a Lt. Samantha Brown aka “partner”. They are both quite fetching young women.
Their coworkers there are probably quite excited with them.

After looking around, it seems you are right. Her two years gig at the White House ran out and she was trying to recert as a pilot.
Hate to ruin your day, but a) this was a routine annual check ride, not for return to flight status, and a White House Military Social Aide attends social functions at the White House in addition to regular duties (in her case lying a Blackhawk.) Her ‘gig’ for two years was to attend 5-6 social events a month.
Oh, I got no problems acknowledging when I am mistaken. If she had been flying all this time, that’s good to know. Accurate understanding of the available information is more important than my little interpretation of the narrative.
It is crucial we identify the actual causes of this accident and put pressure on the administration to fix it. If the pilot was not at fault, or if women being pilots is not an issue, or if standards for female pilots are not relaxed, those are all points of failure that we need to confirm or deny, to support the correct policy moving forward.
At one time I had respect for him. He visited my battalion TOC at NTC and asked hard questions. My guys knocked the answers out of the park and I was quite proud of them. Then, it turned out my guys tasked at III Corps HQ , where he was the commander, had to hold the elevator at ground floor from some directed time until he entered it every morning so he wouldn’t have to wait. Yet there was also some sign on the stairs directing/encouraging all to use the stairs for that added level of fitness and cracking on those who didn’t. Just not him.
Maybe he should have been more of a “use the stairs” guy and less of a “nobody can use the elevator for this 30 minute window every morning, or until I arrive-whichever comes first” sort of guy.
As we all know it only takes one (1) “AW SH*T” to negate one hundred (100) “Attaboys”. And this treasonous POS had several “AW SH*TS”.
In some military societies he would be left alone in a room with his personal side arm and one (1) bullet…to do the honorable thing.
Seriously? That’s …. epic shitty.
Blame it on the rain that was fallin’, fallin’… blame it on the stars that didn’t shine that night… whatever you do, don’t put the blame on you…

Aw, no comments, c’mon… Milli Vanilli?
Same here. He was a Joe as IJC Commander when I dealt with him in Afghanistan– none of that perfumed prince hold-my-elevator-from-the-peons bullsh*t like at Fort Hood(lum). But he done changed there. III (US) Cocks*ckers are scumbags and he failed the test being with them. (Got a coke from the vending machine up there on the top– and secured– floor at III Corps HQs and, not having use the pay by card feature before, two dudes stole free drinks off me before it timed out. “The carpets are very lumpy [from having things swept under them] at Fort Hood,” it’s said. F*ck your stupid Frazetta barbarian you stole off Molly Hatchet’s first album cover, name your operations something other than the same ol’ thing every time and do something beside PCS-ing back and forth around post to avoid going to war so your SNCOs and Field Graders don’t have a “slick” right sleeve– jackasses! Just sayin’.) He learned how to suck and swallow– and enjoyed it– there. Democrats f*cked him anyway after happily accepting his knob-slobbering of them and now he’s getting investigated. Don’t be that guy. Military means doing you job, not being a partisan ‘ho who screws over America.
P.S. Pardon me if anyone did well and was happy being good at Fort Hood, you succeeded. Mostly, in my experience, the place was too many people jammed in too awkward and small a space (like a housing project, if you get the “behavioral sink” terminology). When the post SARC gets busted for running a prostitution ring or the post chain of command gets relieved for a crappy command climate where soldiers died, that says something.
Oh dear, William Bhanzai has take up the topic of Modern Millie:
That photo of him sparks my memory every time I see it.
Reminds me of the scowl on an old womans face.
Might have been grade school but dunno.
I think that they revoked his security clearance too. Too bad for him if they did. not going to be able to work for Northrup/Grumman
They’re other folk who feel “it’s all about who you know” and feel “foreign corrupt practices” are okay when it’s domestic, you know.
Doesn’t he work for the PLA ????
They should give him a pension or his 30 pieces of silver.

Milley got off easy. The prez could just revoke his commission and he would have nothing at all. Officers serve at the pleasure of the president.