Pentagon to rotate some media organizations out of Pentagon office spaces

| February 4, 2025 | 30 Comments

The Trump administration broke trend regarding media journalists working from office positions within the Pentagon. The New York Times, National Public Radio, NBC news, and Politico were told to vacate their spaces no later than February 14, 2025. The New York Post, One American News Network, Breitbart, and HuffPost News will take over these slots. The Pentagon plans on cycling different news organizations through these office spaces on an annual basis.

From Reuters:

Each year going forward, one outlet from print, online, television and radio will rotate out of the Pentagon “to allow a new outlet from the same medium that has not had the unique opportunity to report as a resident member of the Pentagon Press Corps,” the memo said.

“We’re disappointed by the decision to deny us access to a broadcasting booth at the Pentagon that we’ve used for many decades,” an NBC News spokesperson said by email. “Despite the significant obstacles this presents to our ability to gather and report news in the national public interest, we will continue to report with the same integrity and rigor NBC News always has.”

The New York Times said it remained committed to covering the Pentagon “fully and fairly” despite the move.

“Steps designed to impede access are clearly not in the public interest,” the Times said in a statement.

NPR called on the Defense Department to expand office space available so that all media outlets covering the Pentagon receive equal access.

“This decision interferes with the ability of millions of Americans to directly hear from Pentagon leadership,” it said.

Politico’s Senior Managing Editor Anita Kumar, in a note to staff, said the organization was troubled by the decision.

“Our sole aim is to protect our ability — and the ability of serious competitors — to do rigorous reporting and follow stories where they lead,” Kumar wrote.

Additional Reading:

Stuart, P., & Ali, I. (2025, February 2). Trump’s Pentagon says it will ‘rotate’ out some media from offices. Reuters. Link.

Category: Big Pentagon, Media, Pentagon

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Sounds like an equitable arrangement for those entities who have not enjoyed such cozy access to information and propaganda.

They should do a similar arrangement for the Whitehouse press pool with rotating press passes and the ability to revoke such passes without notice.


The editor for the Gray Lady was quoted as saying; “It’s only unfair when it happens to us”.

Last edited 14 days ago by 5JC
Green Thumb


An they kept it “balanced” as they let the Huffington Post in.


….Just wondering how many of these hacks took advantage of their access to help convince Milley that he needed to Resist(TM)….

Mark L.

Whay kind of shitty President can be undermined by a single General? Especially one that HE selected?

Slow Joe

Are you talking about Obama and McCrystal?

Mark L.

McCrystal was only in charge of Afghanistan and was promptly fired. Thanks for making my point even stronger.


You’ve made no point. Milley blatantly undermined the Trump presidency by telling China he would provide advanced warning in the event of military action. That’s just a wee bit treasonous, regardless of who the president is. He should’ve been shitcanned immediately.


Lost his damn mind, too:
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Last edited 13 days ago by Anonymous

Obviously Marvelous Milley must have drunk the Koolade and was brainwashed.


Yeah, how’d that whole Afghanistan thing turn out….


All of them if that general happens to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. By law he outranks all other officers and is supposed to serve as the intermediary between the executive and the military at large.

You seem to be one of those uninformed dumbasses that likes to stir shit and they claim they didn’t know it was shit they were stirring.


Sparkle pony and commisar get together and stir each others shit all the time.

Old tanker

I can’t say that the agencies leaving really have a strong relationship to reality or the truth in contrast to their agenda. Boo hoo sucks for them….. BWAHAHAHA


Be nice if TAH could get some office space.


I’m all for no news organizations having an office at the Pentagon. There is no need and frankly I consider it an OPSEC risk.


Nailed it! ‘cump sherman AND George Patton both despised reporters…with good reason.


OAN is a poor choice.

NYT and NBC deserve their banishments,
and it’s doubtful if they will learn their lesson, or even feel the wake up.


Yhe should replace that with OAM…or maybe not. She’s awesome I hear.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

Some organizations never learn.
Why are media given office spaces within the Five Sided Puzzle Palace in t he first place?
HMMM…..I think I just answered my own question.

Hack Stone

Do they get reserved parking, or do they have to commute via Metro like the Common Folk?

Mark L.

Because the military is paid by taxpayers and they have a responsibility to tell people how their money is being spent? Was this a serious question?


They have zero accountability to the people in their budget. Their budget accountability is to the Congress. Ignorance strikes again. You are starting to sound like Commissar’s dumber sock puppet.


Commissar’s sock is usually crusty and stiff and can stand up on its own…..Allegedly.


Nice. Now do; USAID, The Federal Reserve, CIA, NIH, Departments of Interior, Energy and Ed, USPS,…

Ran out electronic (st)ink.


Oooh! I want to be in the press pool at the SEC or FTC building. The stock tips alone would make me as rich as a Congressperson.


Hey, the [SEC] does some good.
They fined JP Morons Chase the equivalent of one day’s profit for decades of commodity price manipulation by way of spoofed orders, so there’s that.

Edit, had FTC but is was SEC’s CFTC. We’d regret this error but that mean I care….

Last edited 14 days ago by Roh-Dog

Is this what you’re trying to say, -Dog?

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Congresswoman. Clue: N P


Maybe you can remind all of us how much money the pentagon recently couldn’t account for? Do you mean THAT kind of responsibility?

Was your question a serious reply, or did you realize the irony right after hitting post comment 🤔