Trump Administration fires group of prosecutors related to the J6 cases
The Trump Administration fired a group of prosecutors associated with the J6 cases. They also called for the names of the FBI agents involved with the January 6 investigations. The Associated Press writers called this a move to “exert control over federal law enforcement” and to purge those who are not sufficiently loyal. These writers also suggest that these firings would weaken the FBI’s ability to protect us from security and criminal threats.
From AP News:
The Trump administration on Friday fired a group of prosecutors involved in the Jan. 6 criminal cases and demanded the names of FBI agents involved in those same probes so they can possibly be ousted, moves that reflect a White House determination to exert control over federal law enforcement and purge agencies of career employees seen as insufficiently loyal.
Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove ordered the firings of the Jan. 6 prosecutors days after President Donald Trump’s sweeping clemency action benefiting the more than 1,500 people charged in the U.S. Capitol attack, according to a memo obtained by The Associated Press. About two dozen employees at the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington were terminated, said a person familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel issues.
A separate memo by Bove identified more than a half-dozen FBI senior executives who were ordered to retire or be fired by Monday, and also asked for the names, titles and offices of all FBI employees who worked on investigations into the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot — a list the bureau’s acting director said could number in the thousands. Bove, who has defended Trump in his criminal cases before joining the administration, said Justice Department officials would then carry out a “review process to determine whether any additional personnel actions are necessary.”
“As we’ve said since the moment we agreed to take on these roles, we are going to follow the law, follow FBI policy, and do what’s in the best interest of the workforce and the American people — always,” acting FBI Director Brian Driscoll wrote in a letter to the workforce.
The prosecutors fired in the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office had been hired for temporary assignments to support the Jan. 6 cases, but were moved into permanent roles after Trump’s presidential win in November, according to the memo obtained by the AP. Bove, the acting deputy attorney general, said he would not “tolerate subversive personnel actions by the previous administration.”
Additional Reading:
Tucker, E., & Richer, A. D. (2025, January 31). Trump administration fires prosecutors involved in Jan. 6 cases and moves toward ousting FBI agents. AP News. Link.
Category: Donald Trump, Government Incompetence
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?
Just doing my job has consequences! If it’s wrong you have to speak up.
Fuck you traitor piece of shit.
The way this is going, this shit is going to end in blood.
He is following Orban’s playbook. Directly. Some of his executive orders are translated directly from Orban’s orders.
Trump is compromised and he is a grasping dictator.
There is a reason he spends all his time attacking our allies and undermining our alliances while siding with dictators and copying their playbook.
We are just lucky you dumb fucks are backing a clownishly incompetent 78 year old dictator instead of a 58 year old competent one.
It will be a painful lesson for this country, but a relatively brief one.
You are correct on one thing. If you and your pantifa buddies decide to take this thing kinetic, it will be brief and bloody.. and what few of you survive will NEVER be capable of causing trouble again..
Your dictator fantasies are nothing but pure projection, that or you’re actually stupid enough to believe it
As usual, you claim that the right is violent, but here you are calling for violence.. do you even understand hypocrisy?
We’ve clearly seen Shitstain here lacks all cognitive ability to grasp even the most basic of tasks.
So, no. Zim/zerp does not.
One of the best things about Trump 2.0 is the way he’s really pissing off all the right people.
The left has been TRUMPED, and they can’t stand it!
He definitely did not waste those four years in the wilderness. Revenge is a dish best served cold?
IIRC the phrase “Revenge is a dish best served cold” is an old Sicilian proverb.
I will appropriate any culture I want to—I am an American, and that’s how we roll.
Not to mention Khan’s corallary:

I’m not one to kink shame but leave your fantasies of what you’d like done to your mangina the fuck off this blog, you illiberal untermench.
If it ends in blood, it will be your people who fire the first shot. So be it. And who is this “58 year old competent one” of which you speak? Harris? Open your eyes, comrade. Look at the condition your state is in, your lovely urban utopia. She contributed greatly to the shithole you live in. You’re an indoctrinated fraud, I feel no pity for you. Live with your choices.
“If it ends in blood, it will be your people who fire the first shot”
Don’t be too sure about that 🙂 This is America and we can stand our ground. For now, our domestic aliens ARE the governments. Not all of them, of course.
With Trump back in town and taking out the worst of the domestic subversives, life in America has been getting better by the day and an unprecedented rate.
I wonder if James O’Keefe would like to do some training for government impersonators. He has a very high success rate with bringing home the bacon.
Ditto; well said. Every word that emanates from him is BS.
Just like Fort Sumter, eh?

Did you lose your job commie boy? Trump really must be doing a good job to get you so flared up like a nagging hemorrhoid
I don’t think he’s ever had a real job, he admitted right here that the only private sector job he ever had was a brief stint at a McGunk franchise!
Our little bottom is back
🍆 💩
Who knew? Getting our NATO “allies” to actually pay their own way is “undermining our alliances”. Reminding the EU that the Ukraine/Russia war is in their back yard, not ours, is “attacking our allies”.
Scuttle back to your Antifa hideout, dipshit.
Why are you so well informed about Orban? Do you work for or with him?
Ah, Aunt Flow is visiting and he up woke cranky…
Kamala? Competent? Are you for real?
Coming from a dude who I recall saying his proudest moment was shaking the hand of an enemy warlord overseas while handing him cash for his “assistance” — your opinions continue to mean less and less to me.
Get a job.
She ain’t.

The one on the right wouldn’t or was a biter. The one on the left was a virtuoso. Both are incompetent and should never have power over the lives of others.
You really ought to seek help and get some meds if you’re really that uptight about things that are far beyond your control, Major Moonbat! You screech “The way this is going, this shit is going to end in blood.” without realizing that if you and your antifa neo-Nazi ilk decide to do anything to us in Red State America, you’re going to get your asses handed to you in a dirty used pizza box! I live in a county that voted just over 70% for DJT, it’s where a lot of Guys and Gals don’t mind going out in the woods to hunt and harvest animals, which includes gutting and cleaning them. Many of my neighbors also own excavation equipment, thus the corpses of many of the little maggots will never be found. So go get yourself some help and quit sucking your thumb in the corner hating life and yourself, you and your ilk have been TRUMPED! 😀
Jesus loves you, but I think you’re a deluded asswipe!
commisar has to be a troll. No one could be that stupid and still be outside around moving machinery much less breathing on it’s own.
“There is a reason he spends all his time attacking our allies and undermining our alliances while siding with dictators and copying their playbook.”
I’m sorry, but I need more than your word as an officer and gentleman on that. What allies has he attacked? What dictator has he sided with? In less than two weeks, alliances are stronger than during the last 4 years. Dictators are sending aircraft for their people, telling them to come home, and releasing hostages. Your fraudulent words may work in Berkeley, but in my neighborhood, it’s not even good fertilizer.
Some morons may have made him a Reserve officer, but he is no gentleman.
It was a waste of perfectly good sarcasm. Dumbass probably thinks I was complimenting him.
RGR, you beat to it.
Officer, you say? Isn’t there some regulation about how an officer speaks of his superiors? I am probably mistaken, as I know he would never do such a thing,
for Commissar is an honourable man.
You should probably get your meds adjusted. The paranoid delusions are getting a little more delusional.
Go away, you deluded moron. No one here cares to read your agitprop talking points.
I don’t know rgr769, I kind of enjoy his ignorant, phlegm and dung ridden outburst if for no other reason than for their comedic value. Sometimes I think he post his stupid, leftist shit just to get us riled up, but then again that’s a part of the fun in reading his garbage.
But it’s alright for Biden & his mentor Barry to use feebies & IRS to go after their opponents…
Oh, but the four headed team of Commie Joe, Heals up, 0-Bama and Crazy Nancy were not dictators?
Commie, Go back to your Saul Alinsky playbook. What would it tell you to do in such a situation?
End in blood?
Stack but he fuck up, chump
Whoa Tox, you got the Commie fired up now, maybe Marky Mark will be awakened too?
I doubt it, I bet he’s on “45 and 45” from getting Field Grade NJP.
First off, good…clean out the partisan riff-raff
Second, the time & money the FBI/Capital Police/DC Metro spent tracking down and prosecuting people walking around the Rotunda taking pic/vids is practically criminal on its own. Yes, there was some violence, but how much was provoked by the FBI CI’s/Under cover agents, and police? We need to know. Not every officer present acted in the finest tradition of their department. We know some testified to lies, and their allies in the Diddycrat Party & Media continue to perpetuate these lies. Hadn’t we just seen 6 months of rioting cheered on by the the likes of Camel-a Harris? She liked their work so much she bailed them out to continue to reek mayhem. The whole J6 incident was concluded in an afternoon.
Sure, I wish the whole thing didn’t happen, but its good the whole intimidation operation is concluded and the agents will be dispersed if not fired. The prosecution of J6ers was continuing until DJT’s victory. Those investigations were Gestapo/Stasi/NKVD level of intimidation. They set up ‘field offices’ so their tentacles of fear can reach far and wide. Patel needs to expose the ENTIRE J6 Operation from Pelosi’s office to the Hoover Bldg. and everywhere in between. It was a dark day, but not for the reasons the propagandists lecture us about.
Reverse it.
Lets focus on unfucking ourselves and China first.
Then get your payback.
Payback? You saw the January 6th insurrectionists commit the crime live on national TV.
And 600 of those prosecuted and Trump pardoned had previous violent criminal histories.
Several were already reoffenders by the time Trump pardoned tbem.
You are siding with traitor and a grasping dictator.
We saw capitol police intentionally firing tear gas behind the crowd to force them forward into their lines. We say them throw protestors off balconies, we saw the crowd instigated by dozens of CI’s, and we saw persecutions by the J6 committee that was so damn corrupt that pedo joe pardoned them all on his way out the door..
Remember, it’s been your side that has been screaming “you don’t pardon innocent people”… You don’t get to reverse that position just because it’s your dimentia addled puppet doing it..
Don’t forget a fat DEI-hire idiot shooting an unarmed woman through a locked door.
And then lying about it to Congress..
He was also apparently DEI promoted up to LT, which is big rank in cop world.
Don’t forget all the flash bang grenades they threw at the crowd. I saw one pic of a guy that was shot through the cheek with some non-lethal round. I was trained those were never supposed to be shot at someone’s head or face. Also, let’s not forget the female cop beating Roseann Boylan about her head and shoulders with a black metal baton. She was the second female killed at the Capitol that day. The video proves it.
Okay, so how does Commissar feel about the pardons and commutations that Joe Biden issued during his last days in office? Cop killers, corrupt judges shipping kids off to prison factories, and blanket pardons for his family and the J6 Committee.
I wonder how much he was paid for some of that paperwork and who paid, how it was paid and where the money is now.
Not to mention that some of those Biden pardoned have already committed felonies again!
No, Joe Biden is no longer in office. Nor is Milley. Both sold our nation to China.
Those were mostly peaceful insurrectionists except for the undercover FBI operatives.
Don’t forget the undercover Antifapanties.
Someone is upset he’s a getting pink slip when all the Trans initiatives rollback. Maybe Joey can float you cash from one of his shell company accounts…
I still think he gets paid by the response to his posts in sorosbucks.
Admit it Major Moonbat, you and your ilk have been TRUMPED!!
What about all the people who burned and rioted up in your boy Tampon Timmie’s city? What do you call that?
Which one of the 26 fucking CIs were you you ass bag cocksucker?
Everyone here, other than the commie cuttlefish, should watch the Youtube video, “Plot Against the President/The Donald Trump Investigation Movie.” So, we can confirm why we are on the right side of history and the debate. A bunch of these bastards highlighted as out to get Trump and who committed crimes deserve prosecution and a reservation at the Graybar Hotel. Patel is the right man for the job.
Dear “Woke”-sters,

I wonder how many of the J6 goons were also involved in the Mar-a-lago fiasco? I hope they’re constantly shitting themselves!
Your comment reminded me of G Gordon Liddy, the G-Man!
He was a VERY funny guy.
Come to think of it, G. Gordon Liddy was the only cool badass out of Watergate, and he’s the one who kept his mouth shut!
This was wrongful termination.
Blatantly illegal.
We saw the Jan 6th violators commit the crimes on national TV.
Traitor president and his minions.
The fact that some of you all defend and celebrate this is disgusting.
Also, Trump is implementing project 2025. Most of his executive orders were directly out of it.
And project 2025 is substantially copied from what Orban did in Hungary.
There is a reason so many far right GOP have been guest of Orban and your boy, the Russian stooge Tucker Carlson was a guest so frequently…
You all are literally cheering a open and direct effort to turn our country into an authoritarian regime.
You really never do get tired of being wrong do you?
Just pissed because this time around President Trump isn’t allowing crypto commies like yourself to infest his admin and disrupt the agenda of the American people..
Keep crying along with your antifa / burn, loot murder buddies, America will be made great again without you.
Wow, you’re really pissing your pantyhose today, aren’t you?
No one here celebrates January 6. No one here supports the dictatorial, Hollywood-produced kangaroo court “investigation”, or the abuse of those arrested. People who were arrested and held in solitary confinement without indictment. People overcharged with major felonies whose only crime was misdemeanor trespassing. No one believes there was no federal involvement in instigating or allowing things to escalate. No one believes you are the intellectual giant you believe you are.
You’re dismissed.
Ehem, J6 is much like the Boston Massacre and worthy of remembrance.
A cause for fireworks? Maybe not.
But I’m gonna light them anyway.
Except, the only persons massacred were two women, contrary to the fake narrative that six cops died.
Stop those evil, racist conservstive space aliens from reading your brainwaves and using them to reanimate Jerry Falwell and Walt Disney to take over America and establish an Andrew Tate-style fascist state!

Orban Derangement Syndrome.
Commissarbo, First Bum.
(Catching not pitching)
This blog is full of cultists and traitors at this point.
Jonn would be ashamed of what has become of it.
Only see two that fit that description commie, you and Sparkle Mark L..
It’s a small cult.
What they lack in numbers, and brain cells, they make up in being insufferable pricks.
I have my own supply of grape Kool-Aid.
If brains were gasoline, all of them put together wouldn’t have even enough to make a pissant’s moped go even halfway around a Cheerio!
If brains were dynamite, neither one could blow their nose.
“Vote Blue No Matter Who” and the rainbow brigade — there are your cults.
You talk like a fish with a paper asshole.
I’m not exactly sure what that means but it sounds very negative.
I think it’s one of those Zen Koans.
If its so awful, why are still here?
Can’t you find a Panty-ifa blog that expounds on the virtues of censorship, child sexploitation, taxes, taxes, and more taxes? Did you already get banded from that p*dophilia nirvana at Bluesky? Its not like you have to read the posts. I don’t read posts at for a reason.
He likes the abuse– masochism, being a cuck, something.
But in order to be a true cuck doesn’t he have to have a real female wife or girlfriend for rando dudes to bang while he watches from the closet?
True… with Rosy Palm, he’d have to give some other dude a handjob.
Commissar: I acknowledge I’m not playing nice with you nor your string pullers. I believe you long for the days of the Soviet Union. I wonder if you see yourself as a commissar in the manner of Khrushchev; and, I wonder if you get aroused watching film of him saying, “We will bury you!” It has been said Khrushchev ordered an underling to commit suicide, the underling shot himself. Wouldn’t you like that power? I believe you would.
No, Commissar, I’m not playing nice and if you want to take your ball and go home, go ahead, bye.
Now let’s hear your next cry for violence. I won’t cry out for violence as I’m a grown-up and can disagree with folks without the need to violently re-educate them.
Now that you mention it, how many times have we seen liberal pissants go crazy and violent? Quite often I see. They scream for US to be clamped down on while they act like spoiled toddlers with dirty diapers!
Yep, you’re absolutely right!
Okay when they do it!
Just like when Putin’s friends “accidentally” fall out of tall buildings.
Maybe you ought to do like the late great Jonn would say, “First, you need to unfuck yourself!”
I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Jonn ban you from this site?
Yes, he did at one time, and Major Moonbat came back in after Jonn passed.
That’s pretty funny. So I guess his citing Jonn as a supporter would be one definition of Chutzpah.
Are you not entertained? I certainly am.

These writers also suggest that these firings would weaken the FBI’s ability to protect us from security and criminal threats.
Like threats from people who attend Catholic masses in Latin? Where was the FBI in the 1970’s when Sister Margaret was terrorizing parochial school students?
I thought COINTELPRO was a national outrage?
It’s fucking hard to understand what bad actions are good and which bad actions are bad, right ‘Major’ Moonbat?
Well, the white supremist moms at the school board meetings were posing the largest threat to our country that has ever been seen. sarc
” the FBI’s ability to protect us from security and criminal threats.”
Two words—-Whitey Bulger.
Two numbers — nine and eleven.
The seventh floor likely commissioned the hit on Whitey.
Just the threat of being sent down to Principal Sister Leona’s office was enough to scare me straight.
Traditional educational aid/attitude adjuster:

Ooh sure, trigger my PTSD from years of catholic school…
Oh no, not the Catholic School PTSD. I too suffer from that!! The nuns I had in the 60’s put Marine DI’s to shame. I got the metal edge of the ruler across my knuckles many times. And I was always certain that one of my ears would be stretched to tie twice its size from being pulled around by it so often. The worst was when my talking View Master started playing a Popeye and Oliveoil rant during the Our Father at the end of the day. I paid dearly for that one!
Outside of the view master, I can relate to everything you said..
I am still going to say thank you to Sisters Dizzy and Emory Board and all the others. The occasional reality check that I definitely earned, eventually paid off.
I don’t recall those two, but Sister Charles Bronson sure as hell left an impression on me…
Has Pelosi ever been deposed, under oath, about her role in J6?
From various interviews it has become clear that Pelosi and others were very definitely using other persons phones to communcate among themselves while obfuscating or avoiding detection of their scheme(s).
Can’t wait for Pelosi to rejoin Harry Reid, “Mustang” McCain, Bud Shuster, “Sheets” Byrd and so many others, maybe even snarl’n Arlen Spectre, Hitler, Mussolini, Satan and Judas.
Teddy Kennedy the “Lyin” of the senate.
I suspect that the Kennedys have their own special level in Hell.
I heard talk that Ted *HICCUP!* Kennedy wasn’t cremated because it would have taken at least three days to put the fire out!
I’ve responded to fires at crematoriums before due to folks that had a little more “fuel” than the facilities could handle.. I do believe old teddy would fit that mold..
The flames coming out of the stack are epic.
I’m laughing wayyyy too hard at that visual!
It’s really bad when the melted fat overflows the containment wall, and you’ve got a flowing flammable liquid fire inside the building..
Organic napalm.
Ted’s been sober for 185 months now!
Ted saved himself, but not his passenger. It was all about him – that’s a true hero to Commie.
The way Nancy lies so easily, it would be the waste of a court reporter to take her deposition.
Of course whoever wrote this piece left this tidbit for the end, “The prosecutors fired in the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office had been hired for temporary assignments to support the Jan. 6 cases, but were moved into permanent roles after Trump’s presidential win in November.”
In other words, these were not careerists. These were people brought in specifically to drum up charges against anyone they could tie to the J6 riots. They were then rewarded with permanent positions AFTER Harris/Biden/Obama lost the election so that they could be in positions to undermine the Trump administration.
They were hired for temporary positions; Trump just made sure their positions really were temporary.
You might wonder if they had some probationary period that conditioned their “employment”.
IIRC federal attorneys have a probationary period of at least one year.
But wait, there’s more.
“The Washington Post reported Friday that John Harold Rogers — a former senior advisor to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors working in the International Finance Division — was arrested that day for allegedly leaking sensitive information to the Chinese government while taking massive payments and embarking on fully paid trips to the country.”
Another Obama-Biden Chinese Spy: Federal Reserve Advisor Alleged to Be Literally Selling Out America
Pretty sure that Commissar won’t comment on that… at least not until he gets the appropriate talking points..
Only a week into President Trump’s term, and commisar seems ready to stroke out.
Commiesaur has the “47” fever.
He has a heavy case of Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder (TARD) to the point where it makes him an operative of it, A TARDO!
And don’t forget those who let it guide their lives making them Operatives of it, TARDOs!
He is a dedicated commie, and he went to Chinese language school.
trying to get a job in the biden regime?
And let’s not forget that he once came here and bawled about his ex-girlfriend NOT being able to find a job despite her having a PhD degree in Chinese Politics!
Guess she went back to Peking. She likely was too ugly to screw the likes of Swalloswell or some other D-rat pol and failed in her honey trap mission.
I love the comments section here, especially when a certain someone shows up spouting off the TDS party line propaganda.
Now, I don’t consider myself a diehard MAGA Trumpist. I like his style to a large extent, where he embraces the IDGAF philosophy that he can easily afford to, as a celebrity billionaire playboy and twice-elected President of the United States. All of the attempts to undermine him or even to outright incarcerate him have failed, and each impeachment, criminal charge, and civil case not only adds to his appeal among certain people but rallies more to his side.
As soon as he announced his first campaign, he was under attack by both establishment politicians and the media. By the time 2020 rolled around, it was clear to see that Trump would receive anything but a fair chance for a second term in office. By January 2021, with Trump soundly “defeated” and a new administration coming in, the country needed a major news story to wash 2020 out of everyone’s minds and put the final dagger in Trump’s back. Thanks to a handful of agitators, not to mention either clearly complicit or astonishingly incompetent law enforcement agencies, we got that major news story. January 6th, 2021: The Day Democracy Nearly Died.
The burning cities and violence of the previous year, calls for defunding of the police, and overall anarchy that many Democrat leaders allowed were suddenly forgotten as we had a (gasp!) MAGA insurrection on our hands. The Capitol wasn’t burned and hardly damaged, Capitol Police and the DC counterparts did little besides possibly aid the “insurrectionists”, and it’s called J6 for a reason–it lasted a day, not months. But those valiant police officers on the ground went from zeroes (“F12/ACAB”) to heroes in the span of a few hours, and political violence–even if it barely existed–was suddenly frowned upon.
All of those words to get to this:
Anyone who had a hand in the prosecution of J6 participants placed the target on themselves. Since Day 1 (well, Jan. 6), it’s been a political issue that anyone with a little common sense should have known was at the mercy of whoever was in power. J6 cases surged throughout FJB’s residency, with arrests being made years after the events. Play the game and win big prizes, and I’m sure many promotions and such were made based on how well Special Agent Bozo, US Attorney Peanut, or Judge Zippy were able to build a case, prosecute it, and determine an utterly “fair” sentence (the longer the better, no such thing as “harsh” when it comes to MAGA supporters).
Now, there’s a not-so-new Sheriff in town, who’s cleaning up the mess made by Dems over the past few years. It shouldn’t come to this in the US, but it has. Those on the ground on J6 became political pawns under the Biden administration, knocked over by the might of the DOJ to set an example for those who would go against our political masters. Trump is merely undoing the injustice done to those unfortunate enough to have been caught up in the nonsense. Remember, Trump is not part of the political elite, but rather an outsider who beat the odds to take our highest office.
Take sides, you’re gonna lose at some point, at least until the Uniparty figures out how to prevent another Trump incident. If only they could have kept the Bush/Clinton/Obama legacy going in 2016, coronating Billary as El Presidente, this would have never happened… She could be in her second term, with Big Mike waiting in the shadows to take the throne in four years.
Nailed it, fm2176. As soon as I saw the comment count in the heading I knew that the spapos (sissy punk assine piece of sh*t) had shown up, spewing his seagull crap all over the place. And I was not disappointed. Masochist that spapos is, he’s probably committing self abuse from the beatings that have been dealt out. He must like it, else he wouldn’t invite it.
You’ve gotta really enjoy taking a keyboard beatdown to post what [insert pronoun here–unless you’ve got a .gov job] does on these pages. Sadly, there have been very rare occasions where we all agree to some extent or another, but what was posted this morning was clearly the ramblings of a Flavor-Aid drinking weirdo who was looking for a reaction. I’d say the reaction was appropriate and has been quite the entertaining read.
Math’s off by an election. The really scary thought is that Billary could have just passed the reins over to the First Black Female President in the form of Big Mike, or perhaps even Kamala (had she spent the past four years formulating a successful campaign and getting the backing of those truly in power, as opposed to showing the world ow inept she was while serving as second fiddle to Obama’s
dummyformer VP).“a White House determination to exert control over federal law enforcement”
Is that supposed to be a negative? The head of the executive branch seeks control of the executive branch? If the President does not exert control over federal law enforcement we have a big problem.
I thought that was why we refer to the President as the “Chief Executive”. I could be wrong. 7th grade civics was a long time ago.
“7th grade civics was a long time ago.”
Damn, ours was in 8th/11th grades. May still have the handouts from 8th grade too…(1968)
Trump actually paid attention to it, unlike Democrats.
And yet we are governed by those with Political Science and law degrees who apparently think the Justice department is an independent agency, as evidenced by the Pam Bondi confirmation hearing.
Great!! They are all likely unethical, if not actually corrupt.
I’m a couple days on the back end of reading stuff, but I can’t help to check the front end for the jocularity that is much more topical and current.
And douche bag cocksucker has to come back here and whine and cry and shit and I’m just gonna sit here and enjoy it because he’s fucking stupid.
At least Ron White has an excuse …..he drinks,
You’re just fucking retarded & autistic and a projectionist. And I don’t mean the motherfucker that works in the booth up in the movie theater.
You don’t even fucking rate to be the “Deputy, executive assistant, to the supervisory, head jizz mopper, in training, stage pole polisher and towel boy.”
maybe instead of referring to nim as just “Major Moonbat”, maybe we should call him “Major Moonbat McStupido” instead? Just askin’ for a friend.
[…] This ain’t Hell…: Trump Administration fires group of prosecutors related to the J6 cases […]
The Pirate’s Cove
I recall that when Clinton took office, he fired ALL of the US attorneys on day one.
It’s (D)ifferent when they do it.
Every president does. They “fire” all the political appointees (at least the ones that don’t have the good grace to resign). It’s part of the transition. For some reason, it’s only an issue when a Republican does it. 🤔
Yes, at the urging of his criminal wife, Billy Jeff fired every US Attorney in the nation immediately after assuming the presidency. She was obviously concerned about anyone looking into her activities.
Another theory on that was “Blowjob Willie” was on the verge of being “Caught with his fingers in the cookie jar” on things he did as the Governor of Arkansas and was looking at prison time like past Governors of Illinois, and getting elected POTUS was their ticket out of it.
For those who care about the actions of Brandon’s NAS, watch “Shame of a Nation” on Newsmax at 3:00 pm Eastern time, 1:00 pm Pacific time. It will lay out the truth about the J6 prosecutions.
Lars is a dipshit.
That is all.
January 6th is Freedom Day
Time to make it a holiday