Weekend Open Thread
By this time on Monday, we will have a new administration in the White House. Many on both sides hold hope. Many conservatives pray that Trump makes it safely and gets inaugurated on time. There are those on the left who expect something to happen involving Donald Trump’s being arrested and Kamala Harris being inaugurated under a surprising turn of events. We will find out on Monday afternoon. Enjoy your weekend.
Category: Open thread
Re-post of the Weekend Safety Brief that wasn’t posted due to over-indulgence in Orasted Beef Beast Sammiches and a mis-fire of the Post Comment icony thingy…
The Judge that sets Bail Bonds will be off until Tuesday and/or may not even have a job then. There is plenty of room at The Gray Bar Hotels since prezzy sniffy creepy is still pardoning members of his Kriminal Kartel Klowns. And…as always…Prepare
It’s been quiet… too quiet. Seriously, with the amount of TDS out there versus how little they done with Trump getting elected, something may happen yet. Stay strapped. If you’ve got your gold, ammo and canned goods laid on, don’t start taking it apart until after next week. Just sayin’.
Way yonder too quiet…and little reported in the lame sleaze media is the eighty (80) + cities that Ham-Ass protests are planned for on Monday.
I’m steadily adding to my laid on supplies.
I’m ready. Got a big pot of beef stew simmering with baby onions, small potatoes, chunks of fresh carrot, and celery on the side stuffed with pimento cheese, a dozen or more deviled eggs, cornbread made from local ground corn that is the best in the South, cole slaw made with fresh green cabbage, green onions, radishes, and red, green bell peppers dressed with a very small amount of salad dressing from Olive Garden.It’s soooo good! Because it’s so high in sodium though, I strain it through a couple of coffee filters, I’m a gonna pick up a half dozen racks of Barbeque ribs from my favorite joint. Plus their homemade rolls and 2 each lemon ice box and chocolate pies. I’ll serve my infamous witch’s brew, similar to uncle Arnold Palmer’s tea. And assorted chips dips, crisp vegetable and fruit slices and good old pecans from off my grounds. l may even make a pecan pie or three. May as well, got plenty of time. What am I forgetting?
Y’all come, ya hear?
Oh I forgot the potato salad like Mother used to:make…with red potatoes cooked in the skins,and peeled hotb, boiled egg yokes only, coarsely chopped kosher dill pickles. Freshly ground black pepper, salt and Kraft mayonnaise. I like mine kept simple. Y’all come if you get hungry.
Holy cow EC, I think I just put on five pounds reading that!
“Y’all come if you get hungry.” Get?…I STAY hungry. Worm your way right into my heart via my tummy. I’ll throw in some peach cobbler, cat headed biskets, and vanilla bean ice cream into the mix. SFC D, Lil’ Bro…get yore elbows offen the table and pass me that tater salad.
I’m in! I’ll bring a couple gallons of the tea served at the Cantina. It’s like an Arnold Palmer, but we use iced tea vodka. It’s called a John Daly.
I stay strapped and ready, nut I’m sure they’re not stupid enough to try anything in my AO, I live in a County where DJT took just over SEVENTY percent of the vote! On the other hand, it’s going to be very cold in most of the Eastern US including DC, thus making the little maggots stay cooped up and warm, they’re typically as lazy as Hadji in A-stan where they mostly hibernated in the winter.
Nope…but I will let you be FIRST to dive into some of the Orasted (ht2 (RIP) The TAH Lioness Ex-PH2) Beef Beast Sammiches that I was preparing for ALL of my Beloved D’Weeds and Adorable Deplorables. The King of Battle…THE King of First got real lucky upon the return from his provision run and scored a FIRST on the (EARNED NEVER AWARDED) TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread! Belly up to the bar, Girls and Boys…it’s on me.
Missed by approximately 9 seconds. Glad you won, as I had no celebratory goodies out for all who would come by to congratulate me.
I will be better prepared next time. Maybe.
Just got real lucky, Odie. Didn’t even think I’d be in contention today, what with the provision run, escort duty, and playing catch up on my FGS hunt. Not to worry, the TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread Competition will roll around again next week and who knows?…we have a potential for four (4) Holiday Open Threads in the upcoming week. A double Bonus Ration from my extensive Class VI Supplies (or The House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea) to the d’weeded or Adorable Deplorable that can figure it out. I’ll wait…
Seven (7) hours and not a single guess on why there should be a possible four (4) Holiday Open Threads this upcoming week? Hell, one (1) of them is a gibs…it’s on a calendar.
Stay tuned for a comment of hints for the other three (3).
Still no takers? C’mon! Man, please! Has the cold so sapped your brains that you can’t think? Or the giddiness from the upcoming Change of Command Ceremony got your attention? Pro tip, he won’t save us…it is up to us to save ourselves. Saving ourselves will require the lessons taught and tools given by the four (4) persons that should be the subjects of a HOT (Holiday Open Thread). The FIRST (grins) would be a Gentleman who would very seldom raise a glass of spirits but if he did it would be of Madeira. The second is a gibs and is officially recognized with a Federal Holiday and thebesig may be planning on dropping a HOT for him. The third would have to be toasted with a glass of lemonade…or a lemon itself. He didn’t partake because he was afraid that he liked spirits too much. The fourth? One that never had a Holiday, per se (but should’ve), used his God Given Talents to gift us with some of the greatest tools used in the defense of freedom.
If these hints don’t help it is a black mark on the Education System. GO!
Gun Bunny sez…”I’m buying”
A fine offer that is, but (and there’s always a but), it’s getting cold here, and they’ve been talking about a winter storm as far south as the gulf coast. I’ve had my fill of winter storms. 11 inches last weekend with 4 additional inches last Friday. Maybe another time.
Also, this may be your weather forecaster in the coming days if the media is to be believed.
Congratulations KOB this is the last first of the Biden administration with the first first of the Trump administration coming next week
How much better is this world gonna be in 48 hours?
Drat it all … I missed again!! Third!
tone be unburdened by successfully deposing OAM from his reign as First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will be exiled to the River Road exit of I-495 dodging disgruntled commuters as he sells his outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software for yet another week?
Regardless of whether Hack is reinstated, he would just like to remind all of the Adorable Deplorable Garbage to take a minute this Wednesday, January 22, 2025 to reflect on seventh anniversary of the passing of one of our most beloved subject of multitudes of threads, Daniel Bernath, distinguished lawyer, pilot, litigant and defendant. Without his dedication and failure to quit while behind, This Ain’t Hell would not be what it is. So, raise your Kamikaze in tribute, and be sure to pour out a 40 ouncer of prune juice in his memory.
Drats, foiled, again!
That opening paragraph should have read:
Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, can Hack Stone be unburdened by successfully deposing OAM from his reign as First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will be exiled to the River Road exit of I-495 dodging disgruntled commuters as he sells his outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software for yet another week?
“…OAM from his…” AHEM… “his”? Now…I’m no biologist, Mr. Stone, nor do I play one on TeeVee. I have, however, stayed in everything from a Motel 6, Holiday or any other Day Inn, along with a multitude of Top of The Marks, Marriotts, and roadside flop houses, but have yet to meet an O(nly)A(rmy)M(om) that was a “his”. Maybe you should burden yourself and follow the science.
You’re overqualified for the Supreme Court.
Hack Stone’s personal pronouns are “dickface”, “asshole”, and “pain in Psul’s ass”. But you can call him Hack, winner of Salesman of The Quarter for the past 45 quarters. By the way, most of Hack’s salary is in quarters. Psul makes payroll by checking the washing machines at the local laundromats for loose change.
I thought that Psul had so many quarters because he was nothing but a two (2) bit whore.
Looks like Psul gave you a downvote 😂
Wouldn’t pouring out a bottle of MD 20/20 or T-bird be more appropriate for him? No, wait, that would be Psul.
A “turdmonious” kind of guy, indeed.
Following the kerfuffle last week about OAM being FIRST (which she is, in all of our hearts, anyway), a sense of normalcy returns with the King of Battle on the WOT throne. (Of course, Normal is just a setting on your dryer.) So, to welcome him back to his long-accustomed spot, here is some trivia for all to share. Do enjoy!
Were the most popular villains on the 1960s “Batman” series always played by the same actors?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2025
Cold, gray, depressing … or, depending on where you’re reading this, nice, sunny and encouraging.
Did you ever notice how the weather affects our entire outlook on things? I feel a lot more confident and encouraged on sunny warm days, and much more withdrawn and introspective on cold, dreary days.
And I will bet you do the same.
But one thing to bring everyone out of the winter funk is trivia, so what say we dive into this week’s assortment? Enjoy!
Did you know …
… why an easily-caught fly ball in baseball is called a “can of corn”? Nobody is sure, but the prevailing thought is that the term comes from early 20th Century grocery stores. Clerks would pull cans (usually of corn) from high shelves with a long stick, and catch the cans in their aprons. (It makes as much sense as anything else, I suppose.)
… modern drinking fountains were invented in 1912? In that year, Halsey W. Taylor (1877-1964) developed the modern form of water fountain after his father had succumbed to typhoid fever contracted from a contaminated public water supply in 1896. (When they say it’s in the water, they mean it.)
… Google™ images was created because people wanted to see photos of a recording star? After singer Jennifer Lopez (born 1969) wore an infamous green Versace dress to the Grammy Awards in 2000, people looked online for photos of her. Thus, the Google image app was created. (For Jennifer Lopez, I can believe it.)
… irony is pretty ironic? Case in point: actor Robert Downey, Jr. (born 1965), who has starred in numerous Iron Man superhero movies from the Marvel Comics Universe, served a one-day suspension from high school in 1981. Downey had allegedly taken a comic book away from another student and ripped it to pieces, calling the other student a “nerd.” The comic was The Invincible Iron Man. (Nerd, indeed.)
… a Valentine’s Day movie was ruined by an unknown person? On February 14, 2014, a theatre in Shanghai, China, planned a showing of Beijing Love Story. For his own reasons, an unknown man booked every other seat in the theatre that day, thus preventing couples from sitting together to watch the film. (Cupid, this guy wasn’t.)
Pour some 180 proof sipping whiskey in your glass of water to kill the germs.
Who wore it better?

The last mofo that called me a nerd and took my book away got a knee to the nutz and knuckles to the nose.
The Greatest Valentine’s Day gift EVAH was given to the world by a Most Saintly Man. (IYKYK)
I wore that to my senior prom in the spring of 1976!
For his own reasons, an unknown man booked every other seat in the theatre that day, thus preventing couples from sitting together to watch the film.
They call that “pulling a Monkress”, where you screw people over even if there is no benefit to you.
But that reminds Hack of story he saw related by comedian Josh Johnson.
Almost as good as appointing yourself the Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business.
… the most popular villains on the 1960s Batman TV series were not always played by the same actors? During the run of the popular ABC series, the classic bad guys – the Joker, the Penguin, the Catwoman, and the Riddler – returned time and again to Gotham City to wreak havoc on the Dynamic Duo. And through the run of the series, two of the villains – the Joker and the Penguin – were always played by the same actors, Cesar Romero (1907-1994) and Burgess Meredith (1907-1997), respectively. The Riddler was usually played by Frank Gorshin (1933-2005), but for one double episode in the second season, the part was played by John Astin (born 1930). The reason was a dispute between Gorshin and the producers over money. And the Catwoman? She was played by three actresses: Julie Newmar (born 1933) during the first two seasons of the series; Lee Meriwether (born 1935) in the theatrical film based on the show; and Eartha Kitt (1927-2008) during the third season. Kitt was cast in the role when Newmar was unavailable due to other commitments. Additional trivia notes: during the pay dispute with Gorshin, a Riddler episode was revamped to create a similar villain, the Puzzler, played by Maurice Evans (1901-1989). One other villain, Mr. Freeze, was played by a different actor each time he appeared – by George Sanders (1906-1972), Otto Preminger (1905-1986), and Eli Wallach (1915-2014). (Many thanks to John for the suggestion!)
… gorillas can be very gentle? Observers have watched them picking up and gently petting frogs. (But did they get warts?)
No riddle as to who the HOTTEST Catwoman was…Lee Meriwether..No joke!…MEEEEOOOWW!
Hambre was murdered unnecessarily. RIP, Big Guy.
Sad as it was, I cannot blame the DART unit for opting for lethal force on Harambe.
I strongly disagree with the USDA finding the barriers were unsafe; they’re intended to keep the animals in, not to keep unsupervised children out.
I agree that the mother didn’t exhibit a criminal degree of negligence toward her child – but she was negligent to the point of real and shameful consequences; she should not have brought so many children to a potentially dangerous environment without the ability to adequately supervise them (the 13’ fall alone could have easily killed the child). The public is absolutely correct to blame her for that beautiful silverback’s death.
… seats on the first scheduled inter-city commuter airplane flight were not what you might have expected? On that first flight, between Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida, on January 1, 1914, the seats were moveable wicker chairs. There were eleven seats on that flight, conducted on a Model 14 Benoist airboat. The plane flew 50 feet above the water between the two cities, and the pilot – Tony Jannus (1889-1916) – had to land on the water once, when an engine on the plane began to misfire. He fixed the engine and took off again, completing the 23-minute flight. The first paying passenger was the former mayor of St. Petersburg, Abram C. Pheil (1867-1922). (And if you were wondering, there were no flight attendants.)
… eyeliner became a popular cosmetic because of an archaeological discovery? When the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (1342 BC-1325 BC) was discovered in 1922 and opened, photographs of “King Tut’s” sarcophagus showed his face with heavy eyeliner. This inspired people all over the world to begin using more of the cosmetic on their own faces. (Maybelline, take note!)
… author Ernest Hemingway believed he was being watched by the FBI? Many people thought Hemingway (1899-1961) was being silly and paranoid, and he was even treated with electroshock therapy for his “delusions.” But after he died, secret FBI files showed that he was indeed under surveillance by the Bureau, a watch ordered by then-Director J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972).
… you could be an ambivert? No, you’re not ill. That’s just what people would call you if you are neither an extrovert nor an introvert. Ambiverts are moderately comfortable in social situations, but also relish time alone. (I’m ambivalent about being an ambivert.)
Now … you know!
Ambivert? Hmm, it sounds like neutral. I, like 26 star general Zap Brannigan, want to know what makes a man turn neutral.
Takes longer than 23 minutes most days to make that drive now.
Painted up wymyns the other curse of the Pharaoh? Makes sense now.
Wondering what Bitchlery and Slick Willie did with the “other” files taken from JEH’s office?
I could be very comfortable in a social situation and would relish some time alone with a certain Adorable Deplorable. Charm and court and woo her with my ways.
Another fine job on the Trivia, CW. Snuggle up with Lois when the snow hits.
No telling what “Blowjob Willie” and Das Hildebeast did with the files, but we know they built their empire by gathering heavy dirt on others, remember her famous quote, “I’ll take at least half of Washington DC down with me if I’m indicted!”?
“heavy dirt on others”
I always wondered if Hillary wasn’t kin to J Edgar.
Allegedly true story: prior to WWI two barnstormers flying to Mexico City had major plug fouling issues. The fix: the pilot climbed as high as he could, so the front-seater could get out, stand on the landing gear, pull and clean a plug, climb back in so the pilot could start the engine back up and reclimb as high as he could for the next plug, assuming of course they hadn’t crashed. Took multiple cleanings of all plugs to make it.
And that wasn’t the hairiest story. Seems radial engines were hell for torque, and one twisting out of the frame was not rare. One time an engine ripped out at altitude (remember, this is prior to parachutes) – with all that weight gone, the nose immediately pitched almost vertical. Luckily the guy in the front seat was a quick thinker who quickly climbed out and up to where the engine had been – restoring enough balance for the rear-seater to dead-stick it down safely.
What is this “Normal” that you speak of, CW? Wish my dryer got as hot as OAM is. The best news of returning to the Throne is AH did an exceptional job of cleaning up the mess that Hack Stone had made of things and it is now suitable for receiving guests.
Presently low 60s and a cloud free sky over Fire Base Magnolia. There is talk of some nasty weather heading this way the FIRST (snickers) of next week even talk of snow. One reason why I went ahead and made a provision run today. Got there before the panic buying got into full swing. Won’t be a loaf of bread, cans of veggies or a bottle of milk to be had come Sunday morning, betcha betcha!
I have a provision run on the schedule tomorrow, King. Have to go to the Wild Animal Park and tour-guide a birthday party through, so I’ll pick up a few shekels, and then to the store to stock up for the weather. I don’t need milk and I have sufficient bread, so let’s see what else I can find that’s still on the shelves.
Anyone hear some asshole named Hack from Bethesda on The Chris Plante Show this morning. The loser sounds like someone who sells outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software.
Who will Dr. Jill find behind the curtain? Sounds like Democrat Lets Make a Deal.
So, you were listening. Did you laugh? One day, Hack will give a shoutout to Psul and Elaine Ricci.
I was entertained.
The time that Hack Stone got some air time after it was revealed that Second “Gentleman” Doug Emhoff likes to smack his female companions around, Hack got some air time with “Doug Emhoff; If he’s not knocking them up, he’s knocking them down.” He also parted with “What’s the difference between Hunter Biden and Doug Emhoff? Hunter Biden doesn’t leave visible bruising when he smacks around his women.”
Better than Jill pulling back the shower curtain to find Joe showering with Ashley Biden.
That would definitively max out the creep o meter.
Fast forward to the 22:00 mark of the first hour from January 17 for pearls of wisdom from a proud but humble Director of Media Relations.
Yeah, good subject, and Joe Biden DID NOT find the cure for cancer like he said he would. Come to think of it, what has Joe Biden done other than completely fuck up everything he has touched?
If any of you are available tomorrow, there is a woman in Washington DC getting kicked out of government housing and needs help moving. So grab some empty boxes, jump into your pickup truck and head over to 27 Maury Avenue NW, Washington DC. She is a little cash poor at the moment, so you can only be paid for your effort with tampons with “Harris-Walz 2024” printed on the wrappers.
Tim Walz push-up pops.
And that bitch wouldn’t even let JD Vance and his Wife in to see the place as well as start kid-proofing it, stay classy, Kamala! Stupid has-been incompetent slut KNOWS that her political career is over, I bet MSDNC wouldn’t even hire her, let alone CNN. OH, and AS TO the value of Hunter Biden’s “art”, I bet it’s down the shitpipes, and I heard that a cache of it burned up out in CA, OH, THE HUMANITY!!
On Jan 20th, obama will lose a 4th term running the country.
Two days and a wake-up.
A phrase that never gets old. Xx days and a wakeup.
One day and a wake-up.
The salt must flow~
Absolutely, like the late-great El Rushbo said after the 1994 Republican takeover, “We need to do like the Ancient Romans, and ‘salt the fields’ of the conquered.”
I’ve seen the delusional videos of lib-tards clinging to some narrative that the great prosecutor Camel-a will swoop in in the 11th hours to save the day…
The best take I saw was a guy decked head-to-toe in USAF swag telling all of us that the 3-letter agencies will save democracy with some sort of Hail-Mary. The idea that unelected bureaucrats from The Deep State will save democracy shows the level of ignorance or lack or understanding irony.
I recently read some newspaper columns that stated the courts must enact some laws that will rein in on President Trump. Where were these nationally syndicated columnists during 6th grade civics class?
Where were they? In a different class, learning how to lie with a straight face, of course.
Uncle Joe Stalin’s communist despotism for dummies class.
Greetings and salutations as I once again declare myself present and unaccountable while I award myself yet another Honorary First!
Only TWO Shopping Days left until MAGA MONDAY!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀
Countdown to inauguration:

Holy Shitballs, Batman!
Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistic) is still a turd!
But he still works balls, so there is that.
Hack has to run Rosetta Stone out to Dulless tomorrow for a flight home due to a death in the family. On the way back to Stately Stone Manor, Hack may swing by the Reston office of All Points Logistics to see if the oil stain from a 1980’s vintage Jaguar is still visible in the parking lot. Then, if he has time, cruise down Lonesome Pine Lane in Bethesda to see what $6500 a month looks like. For money like that, the mailbox better have a door on it.
Looks like someone failed civics in Jr. High:
But wait, he’s not the only one:
Damn, some people just don’t understand how constitutional amendments work:
I am amazed that both these morons have had legal educations and law degrees. Even Gropey’s corrupt DOJ couldn’t swallow this giant turd of a bogus proclamation. No, ERA is not a part of our constitution.
Slap out of surprised faces, Lil’ Bro. Got a barren field, too.
If you look up “shitbag” in the dictionary this is the picture you will see….
Where was the Mainstream Media to report thgis shit before he was locked in as the Democrat nominee?
They were MIA because they wanted to make sure that the worst vice (p)resident EVAH was (s)elected to become the worst (p)resident…EVAH!, Mr. Stone.
She lost to the “next Hitler”. Your campaign must really suck when people chose Hitler over you. But they have 3 years and change to fix their shit. //S//
Present & Unaccountable as ever.
Forecast for the GB Compound AO is temps into the teens and twenties with chance of snow. (I vaguely remember my teens and twenties. And snow.)
But we are prepared as can be. 25 years of Scouting at all levels will leave one with a lot of supplies.
‘Nanner puddin’ on the menu for dessert later this evening.
Two sleeps and a wakeup until we have a possibility of seeing The Lists – Epstein (who did not kill himself) and Didly. Hope we get to.
God bless you all, God bless the U.S.A., and preserve a future for our children’s grandchildren.
Not the best week for it, but work this week is driving a vehicle from Colorado to Maryland, then back with another. Was in MO last night, outside of Pittsburg tonight and tomorrow night, and weather permitting, Iowa Sunday night. I guess we’ll see..
Miss typed my contact information auto fill, so I’ll have an extra one in the queue for admin approval.
Late because I’ve been running around doing exercises and chores to prepare for the snow on Sunday, which I have to do more stuff tomorrow, before we get another half a foot or so or whatever we’re gonna get.
Kids wanted snow this year and they’re getting their few too many inches multiple times on top of each other.
Very glad that Trump is moving everything indoors because we don’t need health issues or terrorism issues or false, flag operations issues or people freezing their ass off issues.
Two fucking days two fucking days I swear to God I’m gonna be sitting in my underwear in front of the TV set doing cartwheels
Have the kids used up allotted snow days at school yet?
And I hope during your cartwheels, you’re wearing briefs, not boxers.
Lee mighta had to surrender, but damned if I did…A young Gun Bunny’s dream toy. Alas…there wasn’t a spare $12.00 in the household for the purchase, so brother and I made one out of a piece of cast iron pipe and mis-matched tricycle wheels.
My dog just dropped a huge, steaming pile of Phil Monkress in the neighbor’s yard.
I have a question for all the TAH elders:
Has anyone ever looked into Jerry Fulton Cantrell Sr.’s service record?
I’m not suggesting he’s done anything close to stolen valor, I’m just curious because I’ve always loved the song Rooster (written by his junior from Alice In Chains). It’s generally accepted that he was in the army and served two combat tours in Vietnam, but Google is fairly useless when it comes to anything more in-depth.
Having served alongside the 101st for a bit (attached to them, in Iraq), I initially assumed (given the title) that he had served with that division, as well. I later learned that his childhood nickname was “Rooster,” and the title had nothing to do with the choking chicken SSI. It appears much of the song was written by his son without any insight into his actual service – it seems he chose to make the character a 60 gunner do to the nickname rather than anything saying his father actually carried one….
Nothing more than a child trying to connect with a distant father, this is not an accusation of stolen valor – I’m just curious if anyone has ever looked into Cantrell Sr.’s actual service record.
Hope that Trump revokes John Fonda-Kerry’s passport, immediately, before he can start sabotaging America, again.