Wednesday follow-ups. Red dots, destroyers, Sabotage, Mangione, Kavanaugh

| January 15, 2025


Gotta love it – the Sig-Sauer Romeo, one of the most popular red-dot sights, mostly used on pistols,  is facing a mandatory recall from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Why?

CPSC says that because the button cell batteries can currently be easily accessed, it poses an ingestion hazard which can cause serious injuries, internal chemical burns, and death. It should be noted that to date, no injuries have been reported.  WHTM

The covers are screwed on (see photo) and almost 100% used on firearms. They’re worried that a kid could unscrew the cover and eat the battery? Seriously?


There’s good news in MIC-land. Not so much for the poor taxpayer, though.

Arleigh-Burke class destroyers are both behind schedule and over budget. Again.

The Navy currently has 74 destroyers of the Arleigh Burke class, in Flight I, Flight II, Flight IIA and Flight III variants. Two Flight IIAs and 18 Flight IIIs are already either under construction or their purchase has already been authorized by Congress. CBO’s assessment also found that, overall, the 23 Flight IIIs laid out in the 30-year shipbuilding plan will end up costing $2.7 billion on average.

This is critical – for that kind of money, you could buy a new screwdriver to work on an F-35, right?

Inside Defense reported in June that other Flight III vessels could see six-to-25-month delivery delays. The War Zone

Same article says the next generation destroyer, the DDG-X, priced at $3.3 billion a pop, will probably cost more like $4.4 billion. Are we to be comforted by the fact the current cost overrruns are not as high as that?

Seems the Finns are saying the Eagle-S, the Russian-linked oil tanker accused of dragging its anchor and cutting underseas infra-structure, was poised to cut another international power cable and gas pipeline when it was seized by authorities.

On Dec. 26, Finnish authorities seized oil tanker Eagle S carrying Russian oil. They said they suspected the vessel had damaged the Finnish-Estonian Estlink 2 power line and four telecoms cables by dragging its anchor across the seabed for more than 100 km (60 miles).

The head of the investigation, Risto Lohi of the National Bureau of Investigation, told Reuters the vessel was threatening to cut a second power cable, Estlink1, and the BalticConnector gas pipe between Finland and Estonia at the time it was seized.  Reuters

Nine of the 24 man crew are under travel bans while this is investigated. Me, I’m thinking they should go down and investigate those cut cables personally. SCUBA gear optional.

Luigi Mangione, the rich kid who assassinated United Healthcare’s CEO, may not be as rich any more.

The grandmother of Luigi Mangione, the man accused of the murder of UnitedHealthCare® CEO Brian Thompson, reportedly left tens of millions of dollars to her children and grandchildren after she passed away on one condition: any grandchild who wanted to inherit money could not be “charged, indicted, convicted of, or plead guilty to a felony,” as reported by PEOPLE.  Truthfully

Sounds like his cash account won’t be supporting Tiny, Bubba, et al – too, sometimes folks on the inside are downright unreasonable and may not care if he gets financially gutted.  Schadenfreude is entirely appropriate right now.

And we’ll close with a rare bit of what sounds suspiciously like journalistic integrity. Mike Judge (not the “Idiocracy”/”Joe’s Apartment” guy) was accused of being Brett Kavanauh’s wingman during the Christine  Blasey-Ford accusation hearings.)

A New York Times journalist offered a mea culpa of sorts to an author whom his reporting had implicated in the sexual assault allegations against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.

“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my role in the Kavanaugh coverage, and I would be happy to talk to you about it at some point. For now, I will just say that I have learned some lessons and would probably do certain things differently next time,” New York Times investigative reporter David Enrich wrote to author and journalist Mark Judge. Judge revealed the exchange in an article for Chronicles Magazine.

Judge contends that the New York Times was fed “totally bogus” opposition research provided by disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti and others that he and Justice Kavanaugh, his high school friend, were involved in drugging and gangraping girls in high school that Enrich and his “partner in crime” Kate Kelly set out to corroborate by unearthing whatever embarrassing information they could dredge up about him from when he was an adolescent. Judge says that in the years since the Kavanaugh hearings, several reporters involved in the smears against him have been “agonizing” over their role in wrecking his life.

Reporters? How refreshing. Meanwhile on the corporate level, the Gray Lady, The New York Times, says:

The Times’s reporting on Justice Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation process was thorough, independent and fair, and we stand behind it,” a New York Times spokesperson said in a statement.  Fox News

You didn’t think the PAPER would apologize, did you?

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Russia, Supreme Court

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“……would be happy to talk to you….”
Ummmmm….No. Just. No.
Anyone with more than one brain cell to rub together would not want to be talking to the LameStream media.
Not without a signed Letter of Marque and a full unconditional pardon for any and all crimes committed.
You don’t hate them enough.


Destroyer? Someone said Destroyer?

Well, the current scrutiny on a so far double confirmed PHONY POW /
Phony Vietnam Prisoner of War,
his old dormant account on the Book of the Fake has now been found.

In 2010, while still living in his home state (Massachusetts),
he posted a different story,
along with patches and pics of the Destroyer USS Lloyd Thomas.

(paste) U S Navy may 15,1965 to Sept 21,1970
(paste) (sp) CHRISTMAS PEAIR#2 new port rhode island
(paste) (sp) USS Lloyed Thomas DD 764

At some point between 2010 and 2020,
he retired / relocated to the Myrtle Beach area of SC (Conway),
and reinvented himself as a helicopter pilot
who did rescues at “Hamburger Hill”,
got captured, and spent “4 years” at “the Hanoi Hilton”.

A Navy hullnumber website does confirm he served in 1967 on the USS Boston, which did time off the shore of Vietnam.
But at this point,
Phony POW Bob’s actual service and involvement will soon unfold when I receive the results of FOIA.

2 Questions for the Navy veterans…..

1 – Was it normal to have 5 years 4 months service,
an odd number unlike 2, 4, or 6 year enlistments?
Or, does 64 months suggest an untimely exit from the Navy
for whatever reasons?

2 – Has there ever been helicopter, on shore, combat, or even any boots on the ground history with the Destroyer class and/or the Guided Missile Cruiser class?

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

Michael Avenatti? Remember when he was making all the Dems panties moist? That was when he was repping Stormy only to steal her money and turn her out to strip again. When he claimed there was organized parties in the DC suburbs of guys standing in line to pull trains, and the girls just accepted and didn’t complain. The MSM couldn’t get enough of this guy and wanted him to run for President. Lets turn on The Way-Back Machine and watch…




Avenatti is one of the most corrupt, felonious lawers in the history of Commiefornia. He embezzled about $10,000 of his clients’ settlement funds. In addition to tax fraud, he committed dozens of felony wire and mail fraud offenses concealing his thefts. If sentenced on all his irrefutable crimes, he could be serving 80 years in prison instead of 20 years.


That is missing three more zeros to make it ten million not ten thousand dollars. I am going to fire my comment editor.


Used to be an owner’s manual told you how to service/use a product. Now it tells you not to eat the battery.

Rosie The Riveter…weeps.

I’m sure the cut cables/pipe lines are a result of Russian Collision. Even the US and New Zealand Navies are running into objects. Nothing to see here; it’s all Trump’s fault.

Odd how the UHC Exec’s murder disappeared from the news feeds…and there’s been no more mention of the testimony he was to give. Hmmm

“…journalistic integrity…”? You’ll find it next to the unicorn farts and Big Foot.


Nope, I can do it too……watch….., the other dictionary definition right next to KoB’s entry on Unicorn Farts and Bigfoot is a photo of a Chinese Water Cow with Blue Spots and a Unicorn Tattoo on it’s ass.
So there. Pbbbhhhhtttt


When is the dotgov going to pay all those damages for kids swallowing the coins of the realm?

A buck can get you 20 button-cell equivalent worth, with not a background check or age verification to be seen!

Remember when kids were expected to build birdhouses and tree forts?

Let’s go back….:

Hack Stone

As to (see what Hack did there?) Mangione getting cut off from Grandma’s fortune, reminds Hack of back in the day at 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion. We had a radio breaker (2531) who checked in from Iwakuni. Piece of shit from Day 1 in the Comm Shop. He went UA a few times, and was in the custody of civil authorities in Utah for a few weeks during one of his many spontaneous vacations, and the word went out to stop filing charge sheets against him, we just wanted to get his ass out and it would slow down the process. Right before his Court Martial he discovered that his Grandmother left him a shitload of money. On the condition that he served honorably in the military. You should have seen him crying to Master Guns asking for a second chance, he could be a good Marine. Magic 8-Ball said “No Fucking Way”. On Saturday, he married a “dancer” from the Playgirl Teen Club, and on Monday he had his Court Martial with a BCD and 30 days in the brig. She may have been lonely during their honeymoon, but he had someone keeping him company. No more lonely nights…


I thought stories like that were the sole ownership of the Korean Peninsula, not the Oki Rock. 😀

Skivvy Stacker

Why don’t the Navy just make those ships out of the stuff the phone company used to make their handsets out of? You couldn’t break those thinks if you hit your brother in the head with it, and if you can float a steel ship, you can figure out how to float that stuff.

Army-Air Force Guy

There’s probably a Proposition 65 warning on the Romeo sights as well.


Pretty sure there’s a prop 65 warning on a tank of medical grade oxygen…


I’ve never seen a Romeo on a pistol, it is quite large. I do have a couple for ARs.


Ahh, the New Yawk Slimes. If you read it in the Slimes, it is likely lies, slanted, or outright lefty propaganda. It is where the leaders of the fan belt inspectors send their politically motivated leaks.