Weekend Open Thread
How else did the Democrats screw themselves with the election fraud of 2020? When posters are published showing the portraits of the presidents, Donald Trump will show up twice. If only they’d show a bunch of anonymous folks for Joe Biden’s portrait. Enjoy your weekend!
Category: Open thread
Is no one here?
Naw, all yours. For reasons stated above. And because, in theory, I could know when it was scheduled.
For the record, no, I didn’t. It was just a co-inky-dink.
Well, if my public demands …
As I ascend the throne, my thoughts can’t help but turn to how to improve the lot and lives of my subjects. Rest assured, whatever is in my power to do shall be done.
To begin …
Can you guys not aim? Look at this floor! And it’s not that kind of throne!
Eewww – what are these crumbs and sticky stuff on the arm rest? Is that cornbread and honey? Slobs.
And OMG!!! What is that smell?
Alright, which one of you left your Depends stuffed under the throne?
As if I needed more reason than already stated, AH, I officially, formally and IMMEDIATELY renounce my crown and all it’s official duties and accolades to you. If I ever choose to attempt to reclaim this throne, y’all better have it clean and fresh!
I’m off to see about a Lysol shower.
All Hail Queen WOT.
May you live long and prosper.
And this is why you are beloved by the great unwashed. God Save the Queen!
I might have it covered in motor oil when you decide to reclaim it OAM. But hey, so long as the throne can still do what it’s designed for, I guess it matters little.
Have a nice weekend!
Hack Stone apologizes for the mess, but since he was not expecting to cede the throne this weekend, he did not have his faithful subjects perform the ritual cleansing of the throne, and the Court Jester, Dallas Wittgenfeld, has another case of irritable bowel syndrome, and try as you may, those stains just won’t come out.
Ha! No, I’m not claiming FIRST, only because as our Party leaders say, y’all aren’t ready for a Woman Supreme Ruler
Well, you only beat me by a millisecond, but congrats OAM. I yield to you.
OAM is an article contributor; she’s not qualified for WOT first.
Since you’re the first non-article contributor to say “First”, you have the WOT first throne/crown.
Copy that.
I am the King!
yep, as I said, and why I demurred
but it was still fun to issue a safety brief
I have to say, it was a very good and entertaining safety brief as well.
I may just steal a line or two from it for future use.
We’re ready for YOU to be our supreme ruler, OAM!
Yes we are!
And there are no leaders here, no adult supervision whatsoever.
Well, that is true about the lack of adult supervision. Except Aw1Ed. Sorry bud.
More like a cat-herder.
One might say herding unruly mavericks.
Shots fired. Better put them comments on ice, man.
…and Lord knows super vision is needed!
Who amongst us deploreables wouldn’t want to serve under OAM?
I’ll see myself out.
Hold the door, there’s a line behind you.
I was lurking too early, but then got distracted. Gotta say, seeing OAM first, even if she didn’t claim it, did my heart good! Happy Friday to all the other DW’s, and to OAM
Note – other than the ineligible OAM, lurkerCurt is the first to actually have the word ‘first’ in his post. Past rulings indicate he should have the title.
Both OAM and Amateur Historian logged in with a comment within the same minute.
AH noted “1st” in his comment, so it was officially entered in the Coveted Book of Firsts that he should lay claim to the Crown if OAM defers.
The troops have been standing out on the parade deck for over an hour awaiting the Weekend Safety Brief. Are you going to have us standing around all weekend pulling our puds until you finish that last cup of coffee, grab your cover, and come out and address the troops?
Well, there’s at least one here who doesn’t have the sense to quit when ahead.
At Ease, troops.
In addition to the classic, “don’t add to or subtract from the population and if you your plans engender any thoughts of negative consequences should anyone become aware of your plans, just don’t” I’ll add –
If you have to keep grabbing at it to make sure it’s there, there’s not much to be concerned about. So let it go.
This coming weekend is the first in many moons when I am able to look forward to peace and quiet. Disturb that at your own peril.
Come Monday morning, I expect to see everyone upright, showered, dressed and functional. If I have to be, and you’ve chosen not to be, all my frustration at having to be will be taken out on you in the following, but not limited to the following ways –
You will be assigned as battle buddy and given full responsibility for Pvt. Sprinkles…to include ensuring their feelings are endorsed and supported for the remainder of the week, and each and every person with whom they come in contact addresses them by their pronouns du jour.
You will be assigned to latrine clean up. The women’s latrine. I’m sure you’ve heard what happens to women who spend a lot of time together? Yep, their periods sync. Guess what this week of the month this has been?
You will be assigned floor cleaning duties for Pvt. Spanky’s room. You will be using your own toothbrush and only your own toothbrush.
You will be assigned to conduct ID checks at the PX. You will be required to verify the ID of all dependopotomi, and address them according to the rank of their spouse.
This list may be added to or subtracted from at any time. Choose your leave activities accordingly.
Now, supper is at 6. Wipe your feet, wash your hands, scrape your plate when you’re done.
Yes ma’am.
Hey, hey, hey, WAITAMINNIT dammit, I HAD to go get a haircut, then make a beer run, SO I DEMAND a recount!!!!
‘lest we forget…
Remember, if you get arrested over the weekend, the judge will not be in until Monday morning. As will I. You will not ruin my weekend. You’ll remain safe in the sheriff’s accommodations until after workcall Monday.
Hooray for OAM!
The Queen ascends the WOT Throne! Long live the Queen.
Queen OAM, a First FIRST!!!
Mega SWOON 🥹🥰
Also present and accounted for, ma’am, albeit, my humble apologies for being tardy
Shit! Oh well, Hack drafted his acceptance speech, no sense letting it go to waste.
Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, can Hack Stone be unburdened by continuing his reign of scoring the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he overthrown in a palace coup orchestrated by the cabal of rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists? Magic 8-Ball says…
And Magic 8-Ball says…
If I were the person in charge, I’d award this week’s FIRST to OAM … but since she is declining the “honor,” I’ll congratulate Amateur Historian. You two sort it out. Meanwhile, I’ll send a note along with some trivia, for all!
Was an early 20th Century typhoid fever outbreak caused by just one person?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2025
Now that we’re one week into the new year, it’s time to take stock on how many of your resolutions you’ve already violated.
For me, the answer is easy – since I generally don’t make new year resolutions (especially the ones that are impossible to keep), I haven’t broken any.
You know what I think people should make? Mid-year resolutions. Every June 1st, we should resolve to make the rest of the year better than the first half was.
On second thought, that’s a pretty silly idea, don’t you think so?
Did you know …
… you have most probably done some deglutition lately? Oh, you aren’t sure what that is? Well, deglutition is the fancy name for the process of swallowing. (Every time you eat and drink, you deglutate. That makes it sound so … unpleasant.)
… oysters are able to eat and breathe at the same time? If you’ve ever wondered how an oyster eats (and admit it, you have), what they do is pass water over their gills to extract oxygen as well as plankton, algae, and other tiny critters, which it ingests as food. (We will not address the rest of the process.)
… only one player in all of baseball history has worn the jerseys of all four New York MLB teams? Casey Stengel (1890-1975) played for the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants, then later managed the New York Yankees and the New York Mets. Stengel’s uniform number 37 was retired by the Yankees and Mets. When he played for the Dodgers and Giants, players did not wear uniform numbers. (That town had the Old Perfesser’s number, all right.)
… your skin itches because of bacteria? A bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus, which lives on your skin, released a chemical that activates proteins in nerve endings. The signal sent to the brain from that interaction is interpreted as an itch. (That little item makes me itch.)
… a popular Star Trek character was introduced because of a musical act? After the first season of Star Trek aired in 1966-67, a program called The Monkees, which was about a comedic singing group, aired. One member of the singing group, Davy Jones (1945-2012), was very popular with teenage girls, and the producers of Star Trek wanted to bring that kind of popularity into their show. So they introduced a character named Pavel Chekov, portrayed by actor Walter Koenig (born 1936), and even outfitted him with a Jones-style wig in his first appearances. The only major difference between the characters – other than Chekov not being a singer, of course – is that Chekov is Russian, while Jones is very British. (Though if Chekov had burst out with some Russian pop music it would’ve been entertaining!)
… a single person was responsible for a massive disease outbreak in the early 20th Century? Mary Mallon (1869-1938) was an Irish immigrant who worked as a cook in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Mallon was a carrier of typhoid fever, a disease that is easily treatable today with antibiotics but back then was deadly. Mallon is believed to have infected at least 50 people with typhoid because she would not believe doctors who told her she was making people sick. She had no symptoms and was not ill herself, but would not leave employment. Mallon was quarantined at least twice because of her status as a typhoid carrier, but each time she was able to get out of the quarantine – and spread more disease. Eventually, Mallon – known to history as “Typhoid Mary” – had to be quarantined on North Brother Island in New York, at the Riverside Hospital there, where she spent the last thirteen years of her life. (The whole thing makes me ill.)
… you have enough iron in your body to make a nail? A healthy human adult has about three grams of iron in his or her bloodstream. If that iron could be extracted and melted down, it would make a nail about three inches long. (What you do with that nail is, of course, up to you.)
… the first iPhone was not made by Apple? In 2007, Cisco Systems introduced a device it called the iPhone. It was a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) device that would allow customers to use Skype without having to have a computer. Twenty-two days later, Apple announced its own iPhone – only to learn that Cisco had already trademarked the name. The two companies later settled the trademark lawsuit, and the settlement allowed both companies to keep the name. (Bet you haven’t seen a Cisco iPhone in a long time, though, have you?)
… Pluto is the only dwarf planet with an atmosphere? Discovered in 1930 by Dr. Clyde Tombaugh (1906-1997), Pluto has a thin atmosphere primarily of nitrogen and methane. When it is farthest from the Sun (aphelion), the atmosphere freezes and falls like snow to the surface. As Pluto moves closer to the Sun (perihelion), the atmosphere thaws and rises again. (Somebody has to stand up for poor, blighted Pluto!)
… lightning is essential to plants? The intense heat of lightning forces nitrogen in the atmosphere to mix with oxygen, forming nitrogen oxides. These fall to the ground with rain, and plants need them to survive. (Shocking, I tell you! Shocking!)
… an Egyptian pharaoh loved Coca-Cola™? Okay, not exactly, but bear with me. Pharaoh Ramesses II (1279 BC-1212 BC) was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. One of the inscriptions carved into the wall of the tomb, when translated, described the king’s favorite beverage, and the mixture’s recipe is almost identical to the formula for Coca-Cola. (Dynasties go better with Coke!)
Now … you know!
I thought Brawndo was what plants crave…
It’s got electrolytes!
I thought Edison discovered electro lights.
He developed the first economically viable light bulb.
Idiocracy proved prophetic.
Yeah. That’s some scary shit right there.
It is!

Hack Stone is formally filing a gripe against Commissioner Wretched for the crime of political incorrectness. Your hate language will not be tolerated, the term “dwarf planet” is no longer accepting today’s society. From this point forward, you must refer to Pluto as “little planet”.
Political incorrectness! Yes indeed! Guilty as charged, as politically correct is neither.
I wouldn’t worry about any charges from the Stoned Hacker, CW. He is reputed to have something that is dwarf sized hisownself. He can go deglutate his loss of FIRST.
Another fine job on the Trivia, Good Sir…We Thank you!
Pluto, a midget manifestation of celestial origin.
July 1st…at June 1st only 5 months have elapsed.
It’s going to be mighty cold this weekend in the National Capital Region, so remember, if you have a Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business temporarily residing in his 1980’s vintage Jaguar parked in your driveway, give him an extra blanket.
Happy weekend.
See, the problem with combatting the wildfires destroying Southern California is that the firefighters cannot connect the hoses because the male firehose couplers now identify as female firehose couplers.
That and now their Chief DEMANDS trans hosed as well!
*OOPS*, “…trans hoses …”
Which makes the affected communities hosed.
Higbee had a cut in it.
Well played sir!
Good afternoon all! I hope all of you had a great week. So, my school finally came back in session, which snapped me out of my chronic boredom during winter vacation. I’m doing electrical now and I gotta tell you guys, after about a half a week of that, my mind is about as fried as a circuit after you make a dumb mistake with a multimeter. But I still like it and I’m aiming to do some practice work over the weekend to learn the math that is involved (which is part of the reason my brain is fried).
But, to segue to another topic, I want to talk about LA. The city is currently burning to the ground. Now here and elsewhere I would complain about Californians coming over and ruining my state of Colorado and I would mock them for their faith in government, none of that extends to wishing them harm or wishing them to be without a home. My heart really goes out to the Angelinos. But I will need to point out that this tragedy is mostly the fault of Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. Bass for her slashing the fire department’s budget (resulting in not enough firefighters available to fight the blaze), her and her city service’s being grossly incompetent in response to the fire, and Bass being in Nigeria to attend a inauguration of that country at the behest of Biden instead of someone from the State Department (some say she was attending a wedding instead, but it’s bad either way). And Newsom, diverting tons of water into the Pacific to protect a small endangered fish (I wonder how many animal species in California are now considered endangered due to all the wildfires), resulting in the fire hydrants running out of water. But, anyway, here’s Decoy Voice on the matter and it won’t just make Californians upset, but Americans outside CA upset as well:
That’s what you get for perpetually electing idiot D-rats to office!
I see a yuge cry from even the staunchest liberal supporters.
Probably, but it won’t last long from the libs, they’ll fall right back in line.. or replace them with new morons with no noticeable difference other than that their names are not attached to this particular series of failures..
Good linky AH..
On the subject of Commiefornians infesting Calirado, have you seen the new bill they just introduced? This should get your BP up a few dozen points..
Full communist past rutabaga. (HT to API)
If that bs passes, I will probably move when I get through college. (Fucking liberals! Pushing me out of the state I grew up in since I was 5!!)
I’m with ya. I’m currently working on a couple different possible exit strategies.
IMHO liberal moonbats are not unlike a parasite, they infest one location and render it unlivable, then move elsewhere and do the same to the next place they infest, like a Biological Parasite will kill a host and move on to another, libtards have done it to California, now Colorado after they’ve rendered Oregon and Washington unlivable with their shit.
That is NO lie. The change to this state over the last 30 years is truly heartbreaking!
Newly found
(from 3 years ago, since he just shared this as a FaceBook Memories).
Add “Phony NCO” to the (long) list of
Phony Rambo war and combat claims,
3 unearned medals worn on the 2020 and 2022 campaign trails,
5 unearned medals displayed for many years in his shadowbox
for his social media videos and appearances on far right wing podcasts,
and worse, using AI FAKE voices of both Donald Trump and Joe Rogan
to not only falsely tout himself (as a war hero and friend to Trump),
but also to spread his fearmongering in order to sell his online crap.
No Book of the Fake necessary
to see this 2022 Teddy Daniels short speech on the podium
for a Doug Mastriano for (PA) Governor campaign event.
Can you guess what this is?
Just saw a 1st year episode of The Drew Carey Show,
and his buds were mocking this, due to the name.
Not sure what to call it, but it looks tasty.
Cockle Clam Stew
More precisely, Molly Malone:
Cockles and Mussels, Alive, Alive, Oh.
Woody Allen said something to the effect of I want my food dead, not wounded, not sick, dead.
Close enough.
Hey all, just a thought. While he hasn’t been around the board in a while, it’s a solid bet that The Other Whitey is heavily involved in the LA Fires, and as such, we might want to keep him in our thoughts, prayers, whatever works for you..
So, a topic I had to delay last week because I got busy with a little bit of family drama was “Alternative History.” Basicly if X did this in the Battle of Y instead of what he did in real life, this, this, and this would happen. Basically, it’s a history fan fiction of events that never happened. Alternative History is a misnomer because actual history deals with what actually happened while asking all of the who, what, how, when, where, and why questions. What it should actually be called is fictional storytelling using past events. Unless the topic in question is really interesting to me, I won’t share anything about “Alternative History” because, after you change that one little thing in a certain point in the past, you have to rely more and more on guesswork the further along you get from that point as you speculate about proceeding events afterwards. But this video I’ll be sharing from Potential History is only minutely related to the above topic because it deals with some of the popular “Alternative History” theories on how Germany could’ve beaten the Allies in World War Two, but how those theories are bunk (I can’t exactly rememberif I’ve shared this video in the past of TAH, so pleaseforgive my tadpole memory). Enjoy:
Part 2:
Yeah, I do feel like I covered this before on TAH, but whatever. It’s still entertaining old ground.
Greetings and salutations, all!!! I hope everyone is staying warm and dry in this wintry weather mess engulfing a good chunk of the U.S. of TRUMP!
Yes Folks, I once again declare myself present and unaccountable as I award myself yet another Honorary First!
Epstein did not kill himself.
Biden did not come up with all those Executive Order by himself.
We got another couple inches today after this past weekend of 11 inches. The folks south of me got 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow last night to go along with about 3/4″ of ice received also this past weekend. Power in that area is spotty at best currently.
“We got another couple inches today after this past weekend of 11 inches.”
That’s what she said…
Hope all are warm and safe.
The 2020 Fraud was an appeasement(by the Soros funded Deep State?) to the radical Left, so they would cease and desist burning and looting half the country.
I’ve been hanging out on X a lot lately
I’m starting too remember why I gave up on social media
As seen walking through the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs hallway.
I’m curious is there some ego at work here
IMHO, at that level it’s all Ego, no spine.
All ego and politics, NO leadership at all IMHO.
What I find odd is one of the books in the background is about the US constitution
For display purposes only
So, apparently over in LA, gangs are intentionally setting fires in neighborhoods to get people to evacuate, so they can loot the abandoned homes. How much does anyone want to bet that these are foreign gangs from south of the border?
To paraphrase – it is easy to vote oneself into a cesspool, but you have to fight your way out.
Which is why a certain class of political creature wishes to ban defensive tools like guns.
Agreed. the only appropriate response to behavior like that is shoot on sight…
Present-ly enjoying a Shiner Bock in the warmth of the GB Compound HQ.
Cold & rainy. But everyone is healthy.
Hoping to be able to see the Epstein & Diddy client lists 21JAN2025. It would not surprise me to find some British Royalty on the list who now supports what the ragheads in no-longer-Great Britain are doing to the children of England.
Regardless of the fact that OAM has abdicated the Throne due to a sense of propriety and justice, I hereby move that we proclaim OAM the WOT Queen by acclamation.
God bless all of you, but especially the ladies of TAH.
I second that emotion, wholeheartedly!
AYE! And so mote it be!
Passed by voice acclamation.
Something to hide?
Democrat super-lawyer behind Steele dossier slaps employees with unexpected blow: ‘He’s frankly an a–hole’
Elias is the king of lawfare and a master of election litigation and manipulation. He has been as damaging to our republic as Sorea$$.
Thinker for the day:
Back in olden times when heavy Army Regiments had 12 letter companies (Able through Mike), there was not a J (Jig) Company.
Why was that?
Because I and J look like the same letter when handwritten.
Well, check out the brain on RGR Dickweed. 🙂
May 2024 – $750,000 a year !?!?!
The DEI hire now under scrutiny for water shortages in greater LA.
In her new role, she will play an important part in achieving LADWP’s goals, such as providing 100 percent clean energy by 2035, ensuring a sustainable water future by diversifying and expanding local water resources, and supporting strategies and
>> policies that lead with equity and leave no community behind. >>
She is also the first female Latina to lead LADWP as CEO.
(end-o paste-o)
Something for EVERYONE here to SAVE.
Once again, this morning,
I received a PM on the Book of the Fake,
something about a Vietnam War “POW”,
with issues, and receiving charity, in this case, getting a new
POW/MIA FLAG hoisted up his home flagpole in Conway, SC.
These details (shown) set off my red flags.
“there is a past POW living in Conway.
His name is Robert.
He went down in a helicopter with 3 others.
Robert was the only survivor.
He was captured and spent over 4 years as a POW.
Billy was told that his POW/MIA flag needed replacement.”
I did my own digging, to verify the addy,
get this guy’s full name (rare last name !!!),
and determine his involvement and status.
US Navy, yes.
USS Boston, yes.
Vietnam War deployment, yes.
Access to helicopters, all but zero.
Likelihood of POW, based on USS Boston service, all but zero.
I moved this around with others in PMs,
and a friend sent me this comprehensive LIST (link below).
And (as expected) he is NOT on this list.
ADMINS – If you want to blow out a highly likely PHONY POW,
send me an email,
and I will provide you all that I found this morning.
US Prisoners of War who returned alive from the Vietnam War
Sorted by Name
Report Prepared: 7/20/2017
SAVE the PDF file from DPAA.
It will come in handy.
We are now in the closing hours of the weekend.
Hopefully all you adorable deplorables, DW’s and DW-ettes have adhered to OAM’s safety brief, and are ready to face another week of the usual nonsense bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
If not, I hope someone videos OAM or SFC D in their smoking of such individual for our general entertainment.
Y’all have a great week, y’hear?
Hack Stone was cruising around Al Gore’s Amazing Internet earlier today, and instead of watching more midget porn, because honestly how much midget porn does n Director of Media Relations need in one day, he entered the name of a proud but humble woman owned business formerly located on Wilson Lane into Bing, and would anyone like to guess what company filed for bankruptcy in April 2017? That may explain the lack of direct deposit payments for the last ten years or so, but hey, Hack isn’t in it for the money. But that begs the question, when compiling the stats on the number of bankruptcies for former executives of All Points Logistics, would this be included in the every expanding number of bankruptcies for Psul, or does his lovely bride Karen get the (lack of) credit?