Weekend Open Thread
Do you have proof? In many instances, it’s a tactic by the opposition to put the other person in position of burning a crap ton of time getting the additional information. They hope that the other side would abandon the argument instead burning time. If you provide the proof, it’s not acceptable or they ignore it. In many instances, this tactic is used to protect the ego of the person asking for proof. This tactic has become a meme, one of them is displayed above. Enjoy your weekend.
Category: Open thread
Tanks, AH…Only did it to prove that it could be done. EABOD, Hack Stone…No Bowl of ACE for you!
Hot wings, egg & olive salad sammiches and all of the refreshing beverages are now available, once again, for my Loyal Subjects. Happy Friday The 13th!
No bag of dicks, but a leftover serving of homemade bulgogi was being consumed when Hack was deposed. Here you go. Be sure to use quality shaved beef, DO NOT attempt to make it was Steak-Umm, it comes out like wallpaper paste.
Shit! Hack is now burdened by what has not been. His reign of terror is over.
And this is what he would have posted:
Uh uh. I know what you’re thinking. “Did Hack Stone score four or only three consecutive first posts for the This Ain’t Weekend Open Thread?” Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement Hack kinda lost track himself. But being this is a Friday the 13th Weekend Open Thread, the most coveted post on the blog and would blow the the transmission of your 1980’s vintage Jaguar, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Does my sperm feel lucky?” Well, does it, punk?
Good luck getting your cabinet confirmed. Hack Stone is commencing a smear campaign to infer that your staff has been colluding with Phil Monkress to destroy the Red Hat Software industry.
‘lest we forget…The Weekend Safety Brief…
She does display the message nicely.
Great, I’m refreshing the other thread and this one drops you laggy ass bitches because I’m on my cell phone and I walked away to sit down and take a break from my laptop
Do you have proof??
The proof…
Cong-rats Gun Bunny
4th. I’ll take it
So much for Hack Stone’s attempt to be an ace! The King of Battle swoops in and steals infamy from the infamous. Wild! Hack didn’t even have to consult the Magic 8-Ball. It was in the cards. Or wherever they keep it. Meanwhile, the one thing we know arrives on Fridays is the weekly collection of silly trivia … so here ’tis!
What was the first network television series with a woman as the star and to have her character name as the title?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024
A quick look at the calendar (it helps to have one hanging on the wall next to my desk) tells me that not only are Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa approaching, so is the new year.
Which makes me think ahead to 2025.
Wow … 2025. Considering I got started in the world in 1958, that’s a pretty good stretch! I must admit, I never really thought I’d make it this far, but now that I have … should I break my habits and make new year resolutions?
Let me know what you think. Meanwhile, buckle up, and we’ll get into the trivia!
Did you know …
… a road in France can only be used twice a day, for a few hours? The Passage du Gois, connecting the Gulf of Burnëf to the island of Noirmoutier, is a 2.6-mile causeway in France. It disappears under water twice every day, due to high tide. At low tide the road is usable and well traveled, but at high tide it’s under 13 feet of water. (Thanks to Ed for the tip!)
… the FBI had no female agents until the 1970s? The first – and longest-serving – director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), did not approve of women as law enforcement officers, and during his tenure no women were brought in. But following Hoover’s death, the first female agents were sworn in. (Anything I say here could be used against me, so I ain’t sayin’ a word.)
… crocodiles can gallop? Not only can they gallop, they can do so pretty quickly. A croc at full gallop can do eleven miles per hour. (Hi-yo, Silvercroc! Away!)
… some early medical advice was, shall we say, sketchy? Take this, for instance: in ancient China, if you developed a fever, your doctor would prescribe a hot soup made from earthworms. (All things being equal, I’d rather have the fever, thanks.)
… popcorn was once banned in movie theatres? During the 1920s and 1930s, theatre owners wanted their establishments to feel like a luxury experience, so they banned popcorn. But as the Great Depression set in, the owners realized they needed a way to bring in more money, and cheap popcorn was the ticket. (I can’t imagine going to a movie as a luxury experience.)
… you may suffer from allodoxaphobia? If you do, you’re afraid of other people’s opinions. (Nowadays, being afraid of other opinions is called “politics.”)
Have you been to a screening at a first run theater lately? A medium sized cup of popcorn is probably close to $10. Somehow it must be Donald Trump’s fault.
I always say, “If the medicine is worse than the malady, I stick with the malady.” Or, as I told my Doctor, if the tv commercial is 15 seconds of cure and 45 seconds of side effects; I keep the disease.
Earthworm is delicious. It’s not as tasty as horse, of course, but it cuts out the middleman for those of us who love perch but can’t fish worth a damn.
Popcorn was also the first “breakfast” cereal, first served with milk at the first Thanksgiving.
Medicine – I read it was 1920 something when the odds finally shifted enough that visiting a doctor finally moved the odds of getting better past 50%.
I’m curious about how far back they looked for that 1920 shift – the date might have something to do with the end of the Spanish Flu.
Ironically, a lot of medical science at the time ascribed to miasma theory and, while the theory was wrong, the solution was actually effective – good ventilation and clean air. Cramming into crowded hospital wards would only exacerbate the issue.
Incidentally, it’s also why radiators are now often found near windows instead of against interior walls – patients needed fresh air, but they also needed warm air.
… the first network television series to star a woman and have her character as the title was Honey West? On September 17, 1965, Honey West debuted on ABC. Starring Anne Francis (1930-2011), the series centered on a private detective who was created as a kind of combination of fictional detective Mike Hammer and actress Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962). In the mid-1960s, the notion of a female private detective was somewhat unorthodox, but the show was popular and did well in the ratings. It lasted only one season, though, due to two factors: competition from the wildly popular Gomer Pyle, USMC, and cost – ABC executives deemed it cheaper to import the British series The Avengers than to continue the Honey West program. Despite the limited run, Francis was nominated for both an Emmy™ and a Golden Globe™, winning the latter. Additional trivia note: the first series ever to have a woman star and be named for its main character was Annie Oakley, a syndicated program which ran from 1954 to 1957. This show starred Gail Davis (1925-1997) in a highly fictionalized version of the famous rodeo performer and sharpshooter Oakley (1860-1926).
… scientists now think many dinosaurs had feathers? Over the years, the old image of dinosaurs as being lizard-skinned reptiles has been replaced by new schools of thought, especially since some fossil remains of land-dwelling dinosaurs show evidence of feathers. Many scientists today believe that the dinosaurs did not all die out when the asteroid hit Earth 65 million years ago; the survivors eventually evolved into birds. (Funny … the fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex is now a chicken. Very funny.)
Anne Francis was indeed a “Honey”. And quite talented too. She had over 200 different productions (many of them multiple episodes) including self produced works and soundtracks. A Class act, all around. The Arkansas fun sized Gail Davis (AKA Betty Jeanne Grayson) was also quite talented, doing her own ridin’ & shootin’ in addition to being easy on the eyes. Just ask Gene Autry.
Is that why so many wild game critters “tastes like chicken”?
Loves me some Bond Girls!
If you stay well grounded, lightning should bother you. Or do like yo Mama shoulda taught you and come out of the rain.
Hack Stone was dancing around all the incoming rounds today. Caught him flat footed.
The eye surgeon that my FIRST (snickers) wife worked for waaaaay back yonder, used nose candy to do his surgeries. Top shelf high grade uncut, kept in a climate controlled vault with VERY tight security.
Another fine job on the Trivia, Good Sir. You have our Thanks!
Have you ever owned chickens? There is NO doubt those evil little bastards are descended from the “terrible lizard”
“Terrible Lizard King.” No Joe Brandon, the Tyrannosaurus rex earned his full title and due respect.
Jim Morrison?
Someone has been chased by a rooster.
My uncle’s response when a rooster spurred him was to get some wire clippers and snip off his spurs – into the quick.
The rooster avoided him thereafter.
No offense, my friend, but “Hazel ” was network, won two prime-time Emmies, and started in ’61. Might recheck that HW item.
Holy freaking crap … you are right. And I loved that show, too … how in the world could I have forgotten Hazel? I shall issue a correction (and a huge mea culpa) as soon as possible. Oy. No offense taken … I am very grateful when someone points out my mistakes!
… the man who created James Bond was himself a spy? Author Ian Fleming (1908-1964) worked for British Naval Intelligence during World War II. He oversaw two intelligence units and was involved in the planning of Operation Goldeneye, an Allied plan to remain in Spain after Francisco Franco (1882-1975) formed back-door alliances with the Axis powers during the war. Much of what Fleming learned in Naval Intelligence found its way into the novels about Agent 007. (“Fleming. Ian Fleming.”)
… people used to wear lightning rods? In the 18th Century, an attachment to hats called the Franklin wire dragged along the ground, in order to divert lightning from the wearer. As you might expect, it was named after Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), who conducted famous experiments involving kites, keys and lightning. (Shocking, absolutely shocking.)
… a popular dance was named after the fellow who first performed it? Many people who have taken up dancing are familiar with the foxtrot, and even people like me – who couldn’t dance if their lives depended on it – at least know what it is. But where did its name come from? Most of us have never seen a fox actually trotting. The name comes from vaudeville performer Harry Fox (1882-1959), who in 1914 first performed the dance that consisted of rapid, trotting-style steps. Dance Mad magazine wrote about the dance, calling it “Fox’s Trot” … and the name stuck. (Dance around that one, if you dare.)
… cocaine was once used as an anesthetic? In 1884, Dr. William Stewart Halsted (1852-1922) performed surgery on a patient using cocaine as an anesthetic. Of course, there’s a bad side to it as well – Halsted’s is the first recorded instance of a cocaine-addicted physician. (That’s one way to get your name in the history books.)
Now … you know!
I have actually witnessed a real fox trot:
I was canoeing on the St Lawrence River (as would be expected from any nerdy, lonely, junior-high kid in that part of the world) and letting the current do my work when I noticed a red fox chasing a butterfly along the beach – I think it was a monarch, but it might have been a viceroy….
Anyway, anyone who says animals don’t understand pure joy is full of shit, because this fox was having the time of his life despite being completely unable to catch his quarry. It was like watching a kitten or child play with a cardboard box (completely oblivious to the expensive toy it contained)….
At one point, this singular focus landed the fox chin-first into the dirt. He looked up and, while shaking himself off, noticed me looking at him. I also call bullshit on anyone claiming animals don’t understand pride; he took a moment to swallow his embarrassment, then promptly stuck his nose up in the air and trotted off into the forest – he didn’t run, and the butterfly was still flitting about – he was just clearly above entertaining a measly human.
“the FBI had no female agents until the 1970s? The first – and longest-serving – director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), did not approve of women as law enforcement officers, and during his tenure no women were brought in.”
But how did old J. Edgar feel about crossdressers?
J. Edna still used the men’s room.
Clyde Tolson didn’t cross-dress; he was okay.
The guns were laid, sighted in, with lanyards pulled tight for a full blown ToT Fire Mission to regain the Crown, CW. The cupboards are bare, the place is trashed with cases of Red Hated Soft Wear and crayon boxes. MOPP Level IV Gear will be required to get up to the standards that you used to leave.
ToyotaThon is a more real Holiday than Kwanza. A nice Christmas gift would be publication of “Book 3”. Jus’ sayin’. You ain’t getting no younger.
I’ve heard that there’s a place in France where the women wear no pants. Is that because they have to swim to get there?
I thought JEH was the female agent?
I gots a pair of crocs but I can only amble at the mosey in them.
I don’t eat what my fish eat. mr ducks have taken over the fish pond. Saw it as a sign from our dear departed Lioness, EX-PH2. Her ducks always came South this time of year.
I remember the days when a Capitola Flour Coin would get you into the Saturday Matinee’ Movie Theater, a bag of pop corn, some JuJu Beans and a CoCola. And it was air conditioned!
Another name for that medical condition is “snowflake”.
Present! Hey, I got something here you might need on Firebase Magnolia, King! Palletized, ready to ship.
Compact BOOM!
Don’t tease me and/or threaten me with the gift that keeps on giving, Lil’ Bro! fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap!!
I’d heap more druther be having that toy in my stocking than a leggy Ms Thang. And I have just the place for it. Small as that boom barrel is I could use my Chub Kay-Dette for a Prime Mover. Now…all we gots to do is procure us a C-130J (might could borry one from (BEAT) Navy, they may have a spare on a Floating Airport somewhere), get Chimpy to load that bad boy up and land the Herky Bird in the Cotton Patch right outside The North Wall.
You, Good Sir, are the epitome of what an NCO is. Always looking out for the morale of those that are in need. Draw yore self a double extry ration of Jameson!
She’s lacking the breech block, honor guard is hanging on to that. Ya know, if we had some kind of supply type around here with a slightly larcenous heart (which is a requirement for a good supply daddy)…
I’m yer Huckleberry. /s/
1015-322-9770 Pack Howitzer, 75mm, M1A1/M116 (comes complete with breech block upon initial issue)
A couple pallets of flèchette rounds would make for nice “stocking stuffers”.
Don’t forget the firecracker rounds. The flechette rounds we’re called beehive rounds, IIRC.
Shit seriously I could load to C-130 entirely with 2 or 3 of us. ( I literally physically cannot drive a forklift and push a pallet at the same time. 🥹)
Now, since you mentioned it an Ode, to the stinky Herc-y bird….
“ C-130s are great, 6 pallet positions, (well, 5 and a shorty) you can load one with only 2-3 people, but they smell like canvas, hydraulic fluid, oil, vomit, piss, JP-4, sweat, exhaust, ass, fear and desperation. “
I knew you could do it! And the Herky Bird can literally land just outside the wire in the cotton patch behind (North Side) Fire Base Magnolia. Or, if need be, a back ramp low level pass could drop in with ease. No trees, power lines, or buildings, and just a short hop to Robins AFB.
Only time I was in a Herky that wasn’t as odiferous as describes was when the FIRST 130J rolled off the line up in May-Rhetta. (wing wiper brother was the Chief on that program). He laffed when I pointed out the “new plane smell” and said “It’ll smell like it’s supposed to when it gets to where it’s going.”
I have visited both areas of Jaw-ja, but many moons ago, Dobbins, Robins and the other side of the plant runway. I also spent a lovely evening at the Taj back when it was still open. Had to park the govahment veee-heckle at the Used Car Dealer across the street lest, we get caught transiting such an establishment.
Bro clocked out in Apr ’99 with 27.6 yrs service then beat feet back to Keystone where his bride and paid for house was He had a bud on the 9 list that couldn’t move up til a slot opened and Bro’s next duty was gonna be on the prezzy detail. He said he’d be damned if he was gonna spend the next coupla years waxing a plane for Slick Willie or whoever. He’s still up in Dakota, fat money and grand babies all around the house.
I thought that looked like a 75 mm howitzer.
Huachuca honor guard has a few. Something broke on this one, our guys can’t fix it. It’s headed somewhere that has the capability.
Anyone crashing the Al Points Logistics Holiday Party? Much the like the lies from the lips of Phil Monkress, the booze will be flowing. Unless of rogue veterans crash the party and hold the staff hostage until Phil Monkress finally admits in public that he was a US Navy SEAL. Fortunately, Jared Stern will be in attendance trying to reconcile with Lori Benton, and with the assistance of Thomas Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protective Agency helping from the parking lot, you’ll be saying “ Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker” before you know it.
I imagine there will be a lot of ball-working going on.
Psul of The Ballsack managed to make it inside the All Points Logistics party.
And I imagine Jarret Gimbl will be there as well because every good party needs a fuck boy!
Did the prison authorities allow Jarret to bring his companion dog along when he checked into the Crossbar Hotel?
Happy Friday!! Hope you guys have had a good week. The term for my school has ended and I am now on winter break! Though I won’t be able to enjoy it yet because I have to move tomorrow. I had to break my lease because I couldn’t afford to pay for my place anymore. But I have a place to go, so I’m not worried.
So, I’ve found a way to be more active on this blog and I’ll be posting more frequently from now on, starting with a slew of videos I’ll post for WOT. Next weekend I’ll be in a festive Christmas Mood and, unlike Kamala’s campaign of fake joy , my joy will be genuine.
So, I found this YouTube short and it made me think of the lengths people will go to demonize cops. It has a group of three “cops” from Vancouver Police Department who rather suspicious. Here’s my YouTube comment on this (keep in mind, I’m not a cop nor have I ever been a cop. I’m using layman’s logic and relying on my own research for my assertions. If you guys think I’m right or wrong, please let me know.):
Ok There is a lot to unpack here. Reasons why I think this short is fake:
1. How they and their equipment look: 1.1. I can’t really tell if the shotgun officer has a vest or plate carrier on. If she isn’t wearing either, that is a bad idea in the field. 1.2. The shoulder flash patches that they have on are not the current ones used by Vancouver PD. 1.3. Their squad cars look like the old Crown Vics, not the Chrysler Dodge Charger that they currently use. 1.4. They overall look very unprofessional. One cop I can maybe understand (s–tbag cop), but three? C’mon!
2. Their tactics: 2.1. Shotgun cop has her shotgun in the low ready position and there is literally no reason for her to have it out. In addition, the filmmaker is standing a meter or less from her while she’s holding it. If he was inclined, he could charge her before she has time to level her weapon. The other two wouldn’t be able to get a shot off due to her being in the line of fire and there’s a possibility the weapon can go off in the struggle, potentially striking someone. 2.2. According to Vancouver law/regulations, a cop is required to provide their badge number and name (to include correct spelling) upon request. 2.3. They said the filmmaker was being detained, but they do not have him is handcuffs. Now I know being detained doesn’t automatically mean you’re in cuffs, but having the shotgun out means that he should be if cuffs. The escalation of force in the short doesn’t make sense.
Conclusion: Now I’m not a cop, I’m just a civilian with a layman’s thought process who’s capable of doing research. But I am very confident that the cops here are not real cops and all this is is click bait.
In addition, yes, Vancouver PD has badges with Serial Numbers. This video is fake.
Some additional info: apparently the filmmaker was stopped because he was carrying an AR-15 around. In the open. In Canada.
Now here’s another video I’ve had in the tubes for awhile. Haven’t shared it due to reasons of school/home life and other stresses. So, this video (which is a little old, but still relevant today) and topic will be a critique on our culture in regards to heroes is media (film, television, literature) and the importance they have in our society. As the Critical Drinker will point out, humans have been making heroes since we were able to conceive of things that are beyond our understanding. Men and women who our larger than life who exemplify the values and ideals of any given culture. The sad thing nowadays is that, in the west, these same heroes are torn down, mocked, and belittled by the envious left due to a sense of inadequacy when they can’t measure up to the ideals these heroes and heroines represent. Their modus operandi is that, if they can’t measure up, then there will not be any true heroes. Afterwards, they try and prop up “heroes” that look and act like them. And, well, the result is absolute trash. I mean there is a reason why our youth reject the new heroes peddeled by DC and Marvel and read/watch foreign ones (primarily from Japan). Cultural material from Japan isn’t inherently a bad thing (they are an ally and there are definitely some aspects of their society that are admirable (ex. safe city streets, low crime, a sense of duty to one’s people, etc.)), but there is concern that certain undesirable cultural influences can infect our youth (see communist infiltration of America). We’ll, without further a do, here’s the video by Critical Drinker:
Happy weekend.
Back when Cadillacs were truly “Cadillacs!” They lost what, a third of their dealers who didn’t want to go broke setting up their dealerships for EV’s.
Anyone here a fan of these from the 60s?
This is a 1982 (retro) that sat in my father’s garage for over 40 years.
Pulled out in September, restoration and detailing completed today.
Running condition. Everything works 100%. Like new again.
Now 00001.3 miles on the odometer, up from 00001.1 in September.
Moved to climate controlled storage today,
to debut at a still yet undecided motorcycle show
sometime in Spring 2025.
History – This is a successor generation of the very model,
from the 1960s, that put Honda on the map in the USA,
even before the cars, and the predecessor to larger Honda motorcycles.
Some of you might remember TV commercials and magazine ads,
with a guy zipping around with a guitar slung over his shoulder,
or a young couple with the female passenger’s hair flying.
“You meet the nicest people on a Honda.”
Also, the hit song “Little Honda” by both the Hondells and the Beach Boys.
(chorus lyrics)
First gear, it’s all right (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Second gear, I’ll lean right (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Third gear, hang on tight (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Faster, it’s all right.
Little Honda, by the Beach Boys.
IIRC Barry McGuire was a gig musician hired to help form the Hondells just for this song.
At a concert he said he hated the song, but wished he had to royalties for it. All he got paid was for his time playing recording the song.
I had my first motorcycle mishap on one of those in 1964. It put me off riding them until 1984, when I traded a shotgun for a Yamaha 350. I have now owned about ten motorcycles, mostly Hondas. My bride has convinced me not to ride anymore. I sold my Goldwing last year. My ST1100 goes on the block next spring.
PRESENTly sick at home. Some bronchial virus making the rounds.
Was able to get out for my student’s recital last night, but back spending quality time beneath the covers letting my body fight this stuff off.
God bless you all this weekend!
Hope you feel better soon Graybeard.
Happy Birthday, Nasty Girls! (jk, the 48th Round Out Bde of The GANG has very deep roots too, albeit all references to its’ CSA connection have been taken away.
PRESENT and unaccountable as I award myself another Honorary First.
The establishment is getting nervous, and rightfully so.
Epstein did not kill himself.
Nancy possibly breaks a hip.
Would it be in bad taste to cheer just a little? She has shown little to no interest in we mere commoners.
Did she get hammered and fall down?
Fell off her barstool?
AOC probably pushed her…
This is my look of surprise…👀
What does she care if you or I had an accident and our hips were broken? She has instant access to any health care provider in the world. We? Not so much
All Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity operations within the military to be retermed “Organizational Culture”, update signage and slide decks accordingly. CONOP and mission objectives remain unchanged.
My submission for “Stupid People of the Week:”
And lastly:
Don’t know if this has been discussed on TAH, but it sure does qualify as a Feel Good Story.
Just a reminder of what all The JEF did…
Think he’ll be on the list of pre-emptive pardons that the Pedo is working on? The blanket for Hunter was an obvious CYA to prevent him from testifying about the 10% to the “big guy”.. I imagine the others will have positive financial implications for the biden crime family as well.
JEF will skate on the “Executive Privilege”/I wuz The Prez” thing…just like joe will. Our justice will come only with the knowledge that these bastards will burn in Hell for all Eternity…eventually if not sooner.
My untrained legal mind thinks Hunter could still be compelled to testify, he just can’t be prosecuted. And no fifth amendment to hide behind.
You are correct, in my humble ex-lawer legal opinion. Although, he might assert the fifth, claiming he can still be prosecuted for some state law crimes. I can’t fathom what they might be. Perhaps some drug crimes?
Do you think this woman/agency will get a blanket pardon?
Nope. A promotion in the SES ranks is most likely.
I think she could use it depending on her awareness of this massive immigration fraud. She is trying to look clueless on her testimony. But they all go three monkeys when they are confronted with facts.
Good one.
Have y’all seen that Gropey and his gang are now trying to sell off border wall sections for Pennie’s on the dollar. This after leaving them stacked on the ground along the border since 1/21/2021 when these vindictive a-holes stopped all wall construction by executive order.
For the doubting Tom-asses, here is the link: EXCLUSIVE: Biden Races To Sell Off Border Wall Parts Before Trump Takes Office
Say it ain’t so, Lt fatass…
If you didn’t do anything wrong, why would you need a pardon? Inquiring minds and all that are asking.
Say her name…Ashli Babbitt…be her witness.
Murdering cocksucker should’ve never been in DC that day. Behold the power of the race card in federal employment!