Joe Biden pardons Hunter Biden; Donald Trump suggests J6 pardons

| December 2, 2024

Joe Biden previously claimed that he would not pardon his son Hunter Biden. However, Biden announced on Sunday that he will issue a pardon for his son. This pardon will cover crimes committed from January 1, 2024, through December 1, 2024. Biden felt that his son was unfairly prosecuted on gun and tax crimes. This move increased calls, from conservatives, for the need for Donald Trump to issue pardons for j6 protesters who committed no violence, theft, or crimes. They further argue that those who did commit crimes, but not what the media portrays these crimes as, should have their sentences commuted.

From  the Daily Mail:

The bombshell U-turn decision will see Hunter get pardoned for any crimes he may have committed ‘from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024’. It comes just weeks after The White House denied the president would make the drastic move in the final months of his lame duck presidency.

Biden, himself, said as recently as June that he would ‘not pardon’ his son, unlike Trump who has outright said he wants to pardon January 6 rioters.

‘From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted,’ Biden said in a statement.

The president claimed that people are ‘almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form… It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.’

Biden raged against ‘several of my political opponents in Congress’ who he claimed made the charges a public spectacle ‘to attack me and oppose my election.’

He added that the plea deal Hunter, who has since pledged to ‘make amends’ for his crimes, agreed to with the Department of Justice was a ‘fair, reasonable resolution of Hunter’s cases.’ But that deal fell through at the last minute under political pressure.

‘No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because is my son – and that is wrong,’ he continued.

Additional Reading:

Earle, G. (2024, December 1). Trump suggests he will free Jan 6 rioters in response to Biden’s Hunter pardon: ‘Let them all out’. Daily Mail. Link.

Lepore, S. M. (2024, December 1). Biden pardons son Hunter in bombshell U-turn as he claims he was ‘unfairly prosecuted’ on gun and tax crimes in effort to ‘break him’. Daily Mail. Link.



Category: Democrats, Donald Trump, Joe BIden

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Rumor mill says Hunter told the Big Guy he was going to write a tell all book if he didn’t get a pardon. I’m sure that was a fun conversation at the Thanksgiving dinner table.


“So dad remember that guy from 60 Minutes?”


Now he can write that book without and not have to worry about incriminating himself. Daddy better remember to keep that allowance coming.

E. Conboy

Wouldn’t do that if’s I wuz you Hunter, it just don’t sound like a good idea. Remember, you made deals with International scoundrels. I bet they’d get their feelins hurt. Better think about that when your not powdering your nose, it’ll make more sense to you then.


Once again:
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E. Conboy

The WAX man.

Forest Bondurant

This shouldn’t be a surprise.

The Biden legacy will be his repeated lies, graft, corruption, dementia, and absolute stupidity.

I’m curious how Korringe will spin this during the next press conference.

Hack Stone

She will be calling in sick today.

The Chris Plante Show on WMAL IN Washington DC had some asshole named Hack from Bethesda on at 09:25 this morning, and among the inane comments the guy said was that Karine Jeanne Pierre would be calling in sick today, Joe Biden considered Hunter Biden’s long and distinguished military career when granting the pardon, the Yenta on The View will somehow turn the conversation to Donald Trump, and starting January 20 you can pick up some great deals on Hunter Biden artwork at your local Goodwill store.



Except corrupt democrat marxists.


Elon rules…

Hack Stone

Hack forgot to mention that. He asked Chris Plante if we were no longer doing the “no one is above the law” thing anymore.


No, we are doing the “law is beneath me” thing now.


Joe said “I AM the law!”

E. Conboy

Is old Joe still an active member of KKK? Inquiring for a friend.

Slow Joe

Like Judge Dredd?

I love the Anthrax song from the 1987 Among the Living.


Of course Joe pardoned his son. He had no choice. Hunter cannot be allowed to testify about any Biden Inc. financial dealings. The only other option was to let Hillary handle it.


Another “conspiracy theory” about the corruption, money laundering, and influence peddling was just proved true. Joe didn’t just pardon him for his legal problems, he went back a dozen years to protect HIMSELF from all his dealing. The whole laptop is “Russian disinformation” went up in smoke like from Hunters crack pipe. Everything, and I mean everything that we thought The Biden Crime Family was guilty was proven by the stroke a corrupt old man’s pen.


Prosecutors often prosecute drug possession charges when they know the person is a drug dealer but can’t make a distribution charge in court. Something similar here.


Except the terms of this pardon preclude Hunter from asserting the Fifth Amendment in any investigation in the next administration or Congress.


The law of unintended consequences arises…

Hack Stone

By that time Joe will already be 6 feet under. Not many miles left on his odometer. Once they vacate 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Doctor Jill will point him towards the ocean at Rehoboth Beach and let the tide take him away.

E. Conboy



So how long do you think it will be before Hunter hits up the old man for an increase in his allowance?

E. Conboy

That gurl has talent!


Depending on Hunter’s attitude and his hints about future statements, he may yet get a visit from Hillary.
Stay away from Ft Marcy Park, Hunter!!


Twerkin’ Hunter should just borrow Mary Kennedy’s rope and do himself in.

Or, maybe he can hang (out) with little Prince Andrew.


Not a surprise in the least. Joe has been a lying sack of shit from the very start of his tenure in politics…and more than likely before.

For me, every time I see Joey smile that crooked smile, I immediately think “Used Car Salesman”. Fits him to a tee. He probably missed his true calling in life now that I think about it.


Used car salesmen of the world resent that, and flip Joe as big a bird as he just flipped America

Hack Stone

Joe Biden’s old man was a car salesman. He probably financed a lot of Airman stationed at Dover for only 39.8% APR.


“…and more than likely before”

Oh, yeah. There was the little matter of plagiarism in law school, and probably more.

E. Conboy

Old Joe ain’t good nough to be a junk yard dawg!


Hell, we knew this was gonna happen. They just moved the date up from Jan 2025 to now since the artist formerly known as hunter was gonna be sentenced in the next few weeks.

In a just world the entire brib’em crime family would be hanged by the neck until dead.

Amateur Historian

My shocked face 🙄

(We all knew it was coming)


Me waiting for Lars to tell us how this is good thing and that we are all wrong…


Not Lars, but I pass for the liberal around here, and I think it’s terrible. You either have principles or you don’t, and you either serve the people as President, or you don’t. This doesn’t serve any higher principle or the American people.

Now, as a father, I completely understand it. I don’t like it, but I understand it.

Last edited 1 month ago by LC

He’s not just Hunter’s father, he’s an unindicted co-conspirator. This has absolutely nothing to do with the love of a father for his son and everything to do with covering the Biden family’s collective asses.


Sorry, I just don’t see that. Is Joe Biden an incompetent buffoon, or a master criminal? It’s rather difficult to be both, and I lean pretty heavily towards ‘incompetent buffoon’.

Now, his son, absolutely a criminal. But Joe? How do you reconcile those two? He can’t string a sentence together, but he’s a savvy criminal who can elude detection from the best forensic accountants in the world?

I’m not buying it, but if you’ve got compelling evidence to the contrary, I’m all for it.


Really? Who do you think is ‘The Big Guy’. You think they’re selling access to James Biden? Joe was the point man to Ukraine & China as VP during Obama’s Reign. His recommendations were with billions of dollars. Remember this was 10 years ago when he was more than coherent and participation.

Last edited 1 month ago by HT3

Really? Who do you think is ‘The Big Guy’.

Forgot to add this:


Hunter sold access to Joe. Was Joe the mastermind behind it? I doubt it and it doesn’t matter. His son peddled influence and Joe was the influencer. That makes Joe a willing and possibly well-paid accomplice. Now, exactly why were the Bidens involved with so many shell companies? Why so many accounts in so many family member’s names? What services did Hunter actually provide in exchange for the exorbitant salaries from companies in Ukraine, Russia, and China? And it’s very easy to evade detection from “the best forensic accountants in the world” if they don’t look at the books.


“why were the Bidens involved with so many shell companies?”

Everybody needs a hobby. Some people collect stamps, some collect seashells, Bidens collect shell companies.


I think you’re leaning heavily on the term ‘shell company’ to imply a lot here, when by all accounts (other than Comer’s report), most of those twenty companies wouldn’t fit that description.

Hunter, absolutely, is corrupt. I’m not questioning that. I just don’t think Joe was in on the grift. If he was, with his state of mind, I bet he’d have fucking blurted it out at some point.

But hey, if there’s evidence, then a case, and he’s tried and found guilty, I’ll gladly celebrate another scumbag politician being held responsible for their actions. No qualms there! I just think it’s pretty damn unlikely.


Hunter, on his own, is useless. Not worth corrupting. His usefulness is as the salesman and bagman for Joe Biden, INC. Joe was the product. Selling access to the VP and his influence is lucrative. Burisma thought so. Paid him millions, even though he knows nothing about the energy business. Collected millions from Russian and Chinese corporations. Flew with his father, the vice president, on Air Force Two to meet with Chinese officials when he had absolutely no official governmental standing. Now, look at the pardon. It starts 01 JAN 2014. The same month Hunter started with Burisma. Coincidence?  “I just think it’s pretty damn unlikely.”


OK, we agree Hunter is useless. And, we even agree that Hunter got paid because of his connection to his father. No disagreement there.

Where we disagree is on one of two points, I think – you’re seemingly either saying that Joe, by virtue of his son selling access even if he wasn’t on the take himself, is guilty of .. something. Or, you seem to be saying that Joe was on the take himself.

In the first case, I think we disagree. Foolish of Joe? Absolutely. Criminal? I don’t think so.

If it’s the second, where’s the evidence? Outside of one email referencing ‘the big guy’, which given that Hunter is such a total fuck-up could just be yet another grift on his part, where is it? This guy can’t tie his own shoelaces or remember how to operate a door, but he can hide these from every god damn Republican investigator? Unlikely.

And, how much in total do you feel Joe Biden got from these schemes? I’m just curious. Because from the math I’ve seen, of that $20M Comer likes to quote, most is accounted for to other people. And none can be directly traced to Joe.

If there’s evidence of corruption that’ll hold up in a court of law, bring it on, charge him, and I’ll gladly celebrate any conviction. Why hasn’t that happened, if this is a rock-solid case?


“Sorry, I just don’t see that”

That seems to be a “liberal” habit; see no evil, hear no evil, and speak evil only of political opponents.

Where does an underpaid lifetime public servant get a couple of million in cash to buy a house (one of three, by the way)? Or to loan his brother $200,000? Said brother also, coincidentally I’m sure, raking in a few mil for his alleged business and financial brilliance.

A Proud Infidel®™

HOW does a lifelong burden on the taxpayer like Bernie Sanders suddenly find a very sweetheart deal on a choice waterfront house just as he decided to drop out of running against Das Hildebeast for the D-rat nomination? Well, taking that deal just might have been an act of self-preservation.


Dear Democrats,
comment image


You… don’t understand how someone who earned $10M in 2017 from a book deal could possibly loan their brother $200K in 2018?

Just think about that for a moment.


My prediction is that he will pardon his brother and himself, if not the entire family, before he leaves office on 1/20/2025.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone understands what Poppa Stone would do if one his kids brought dishonor upon the Stone family name. First offense would be a steel toed boot up the ass to calibrate the miscreants attitude. If you cover up for your kids and shield them from consequences at 17, you’ll be doing the same thing when they are in their 59’s, and the Biden Family is the proof. Not a joke.


Hunter is the bon vivant of a wealthy political family. Beau was the oldest and being groomed to assume the leadership role. He checked all the boxes: law school, military, ect., but he got sick. So they turned their Fredo who was also weak and stupid and fucked things up. If he hadn’t got so high and forgot about the laptop, all the Biden’s crimes would just be speculation.

PS The Bidens are NOT the only political family in this business. From local offices all to the White House this a plague upon our country.

Last edited 1 month ago by HT3

No disagreement there, only a recognition that not all families are as strong there. Poppa Stone instilled good values in you.


Over and under for the “an unfortunate accident” still happening in the Biden household within the next six months?

Hack Stone

Being pushed down the stairs of Air Force One would be too obvious, but after finding out that you can get away with dumping a body at Fort Marcy Park, nothing is beyond them.

E. Conboy

Sooooo? Oooops! Who greased the rails?


Probably depends on who is on page one of the will; Dr. Jill or Hunter.


What’s in it for Hillary, too?


Hopefully father and son will be pushing up flowers within the next few years.

Worst president in US history.

RGR 4-78

I wonder if Hilary Clinton considers this to be deplorable behavior.

Prior Service (RET)

My wife’s theory is that he only stepped aside because there was a deal made wherein Kammulist would pardon Hunter because the Big Guy was terrified of what additional trials would expose about the whole sordid family. Lacking the win necessitated him doing it himself. My wife is far smarter than I am because my theory is that he simply did it because he’s a lying sack of crap. I think, somehow, the truth is some sort of combination of these, maybe combined with insanity becomes they thought she would actually win….


Agree. That’s why Hunter pled guilty to the tax charges (pretty hard to say they were picking on him when he took the plea). Thank God those IRS investigators were able to get as much as they did in spite of DOJ interference. They helped place Brandon as a failure and a grifter in the history books.


Why shouldn’t he do it? He has been getting away with shit for his whole life. What are they going to do to him now? He is probably sitting on the beach now, laughing his head off at being able to screw the rubes one last time. And it pisses off his enemies, too.


IMO hunter Biden was going to be pardoned. The only question was by whom.

Was it going to be by Kamala after the big guy was replaced under the 25th amendment? Or was Brandon going to do it himself.

The Democrats push additional laws restricting gun owners rights yet don’t enforce existing laws and pardon the criminal.

USMC Steve

Pardons don’t work that way. The senile dipshit can only pardon someone for crimes they were convicted of. And only at the Federal level.


Explain Ford’s pardon of Nixon.


Steve, it is true that the president can only pardon federal crimes or for conduct relevant thereto. However, the president can issue blanket pardons for unprosecuted offenses.


And it appears to have a specific start date of when this pardon starts around 10 years ago. Could be when Hunter got involved in the family swindling business. Or statute of limitations runs out on some of his crimes.


an 1866 case (Ex Parte Garland)
“In its opinion, the Court stated that this power “extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.” Presidents also may issue pre-emptive pardons — or rather, a pardon for any crimes an individual may have committed or may have been charged with. ”


Heh heh…

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Merry Christmas…

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Hunter, the white privilege poster child!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

And of course Joe Biden throws his ACME®️ Victim Card™️ as fast and hard as he can, knowing that the DNC sniveling lackeys in the mainstream media will parrot that line of shit for him!


I am shocked!


Just maybe I am the exception here. I was raised by PapaM, he told me that I would get older and run around in my big sexy Impala, mess with girls and drink beer. BUT if I did drugs or stole things, I could sit my ass in jail. He meant it. To this day I still ask myself if my pop would approve. My girls are successful career women and have never been in trouble, and if they were to they would have to get their themselves out of their own messes. Just like I was expected to do. So F Joe Biden and his crackhead son.

My, My, My

“unfairly prosecuted for gun……….crimes”.

Damn he’s right: abolish the a F t

Last edited 1 month ago by My, My, My
A Proud Infidel®™

So, do the Bidens STILL FAIL to put a stocking up on the White House Fireplace for their Grandchild they still disown, the one fathered by Hunter? Yet another show of the class and character of the Biden Crime Family.

Hack Stone

Jill and Joe need to do time for that horrendous Christmas video they released last year. Was that something that Hunter saw while on another crack binge?


I never want to hear another fuckin’ thing about Melania’s decorations. And this years abomination tops the one above.


In the long run, that little girl will be better off distanced from the Biden family.


No pardon for; Rosemont Seneca, BH0’s admin (to inc. HRC & JRB), Comey, the Ghost of John McStain, etcetcetc?

Wake me up when they’re truly fearful.

Until then: PREPARE.

Daisy Cutter

Who owned the bag of cocaine found in the White House?


I wonder.


Man does get his party on.
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Daisy Cutter

To those that feel like justice has not been served here – that may be true but keep in mind that Hunter is bound to step in “it” again sometime soon. Just too many bad habits.


Also, the pardon only covers (federal) crimes under that time frame.

Any conspiracy that precedes, or endures, outside those dates is part of an on-going criminal act and are not covered by any plea deal, pardon, or conviction upon declaration of, and indictment for, conspiracy with predicate federal crimes.

Ergo, this paper is worthless (given what we know, or can rightly presume).

Hope Hunter is ready for Federal PYITA Prison.


Ensign Hunter is gonna get himself in deep kim chee faster than you can say cocaine & strippers. The pardon doesn’t protect him from future misdeeds. The Biden crime family needs infusion of big money to maintain their standard of living, and they no longer have power in a couple months. Time for Sleepy Creepy Joe to hit the speaking circuit. 😁

Daisy Cutter

I can’t wait for his book to come out.

Chapter One: The Smartest Man I Know
Chapter Two: My Favorite Flavor
Chapter Three: How Many Grandkids Do I Have?
Chapter Four: I Lost My Son in Iraq
Chapter Five: Y’all Gonna Make Me Lose My Mind… Up in Here, Up in Here
Chapter Six: Guess What? (whispers) I See Dead People
Chapter Seven: Training Your Dog Not to Bite

Last edited 1 month ago by Daisy Cutter
A Proud Infidel®™

I-kinda-gots-me a hunch that the value of Hunter Biden’s “art” has somewhat tanked, and that shit will really be worthless after January 20,2025!!! 😀😀😀😀


It really only had value as a vehicle to launder cash, and that’s crashed.

A Proud Infidel®™

I knew that’s what it was from day one, but I needed a sarcasm fix!