Some women are getting sterilized in response to Donald Trump’s reelection

| December 1, 2024

There are women who believe that Donald Trump’s victory spells the potential end of reproductive rights. It doesn’t matter that Trump categorized abortion as a state issue rather than a federal issue. Fearing that they would lose autonomy over their bodies, some women believe that sterilization would help them mitigate “losing” this right.

From Newsweek:

It’s not a procedure you’d expect a 28-year-old to be planning. But for Lydia Echols from Texas, having her fallopian tubes removed is the price she’s willing to pay to ensure her reproductive rights.

Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump’s administration.

“If I am to be denied any rights in the next four (or more) years, I will not give them up without a fight,” Echols said.

Newsweek has contacted Trump’s transition team, via email, for comment.

Last week, a 39-year-old from Washington state, who did not want to be named, underwent a bilateral salpingectomy, in which her fallopian tubes were removed.

“I am not happy that I felt forced into a surgery I did not want to alter my body, I feel like the election tied my hands and forced me to be sterilized–that is horrible,” she told Newsweek.

The issue of abortion and reproductive rights was a major one in this year’s election. Trump, who took credit for the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, removing the constitutional right to an abortion in the country, has repeatedly said that his position is to let the states decide their own abortion laws.

Additional Reading:

King, J. (2024, November 30). Women are getting sterilized after Donald Trump’s victory: ‘Only option’. Newsweek. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Society

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having her fallopian tubes removed is the price she’s willing to pay to ensure her reproductive rights.” Can they not see how rediculous that statement is?

““If I am to be denied any rights in the next four (or more) years, I will not give them up without a fight,” Echols said.” Actually you weren’t, and you did genius..

And these people want to be taken seriously????

Then again, Sun Tzu said never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.. if these religious zealots want to remove their obviously flawed DNA from the gene pool, who are we to argue…


Can they not see how rediculous (sic) that statement is?” No sh*t! Shouldn’t this have gone under the Stupid People of The Week Thread?

FFS, all Trump did, as pointed out SO many times, was re-emphasize the 10th A, “…those powers not given to the fed in the Constitution are returned to the States…”

And yep…take them out of the gene pool.


And removing your fallopian tubes kinda take “reproductive” out of the equation… Freaking morons

A Proud Infidel®™



Stupid is, what stupid does.


No worries, because in 4, 8 or 12 years, I’m sure some lawer will sue the hospital, Dr and staff to make her (w)hole again.


They can still have babies. Just takes a lot more work and money.


No, rationality is “racist” and not enlightened, comrade!

Old tanker

I fail to see the downside to leftwing loonies not being able to breed.


Libs NOT procreating? We can eradicate the Liberal/Woke mind virus in a generation…

Last edited 1 month ago by HT3

They’re still indoctrinating the kids at school.


I saw the specimen’s FB page and it’s a safe bet no one was knocking that up anyway.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Women like that, with “thinking” like that, you don’t WANT them to have children.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY, they’re fleeing from the gene pool, which is absolutely fine by me!


Cool less liberals to worry about

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s definitely a part of the human population that needs culling, and they’re doing it themselves, VIVA DARWIN!!!


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Here’s another solution for them…

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BS on their part. They had moved before the election, and today’s news says their Cotswolds house just flooded.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen has a reputation for being an evil grade of extra-nasty to people when cameras aren’t around, thus making her someone it’s hard to feel sorry for.


Life is funny like that sometimes. I will admit to chuckling a little bit when I read about her misfortune.


There was five feet of water in areas of the Cotswalds when the Thames overflowed its banks.


I’ll just bet that they, like most or all of the other celebrities that are leaving the country, are not leaving the country because they have problems with President Trump, it’s because they’re afraid of what will happen when their names come out on Epstein’s list or Diddly’s list.

A Proud Infidel®™

We first saw gaggles of celebrities bawl that they were going to leave the USA if GW Bush got elected and didn’t, ditto with the first time DJT got elected, I just look down on them regardless of if they actually leave or not!




She has 40 cats, and her house probably smells like cat piss and unclean litter boxes. Or is that her?

A Proud Infidel®™

She probably already smells like that herself!


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Slow Joe

I strongly support the right of crazy people to sterilize themselves!


I do believe it should be encouraged..


Slightly less extreme than… but about the same irrationality:
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Let’s not forget there’s bridges too ladies. Or what ever pro noun they call themselves. Don’t forget to shave your head before hand. So everyone knows why. Oh and don’t forget the blue bracelet. LOL


Also, for those so inclined:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

They’re shaving their heads, getting sterilized and vowing to go celibate, and us pro-Trumpers are a cult? I was watching “Band of Brothers” with the Mrs. last night and saw the scene where the Dutch Underground Resistance members rounded up the local women who corroborated with the Germans and shaved their heads for them.


Cult is right!


The Cult of Trump Derangement. Who knew we have a new secular religion. Maybe the Mule-ear Report and the Steele Dossier will be their religious texts, along with the Big Fannie Willis Indictment.


Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna

I saw they outside the San Diego Zoo begging for money…Same cult, right?


IIRC (From my college days with the Krishna’s trying to win converts): The chant was:

Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Hare Hare
Krishna Krishna

Makes about as much sense as what these cultists are chanting today.


Dad’s company AAR book had photos of the French ladies-for-hire who’d corroborated with the Germans with their heads getting shaved.


You mean “collaborated.” We know what you ment even if auto-correct didn’t.


And here it wasn’t smart enough to correct to “meant.”

RGR 4-78

I new what you mint.


I must own my spelling errors. Autocorrupt had nothing to do with that goof.
And it’s too late in the day to use my “insufficient coffee” plea.


Darwin happily approves. Although I do have to question the ethics of a doctor who will sterilize a woman for political purposes. Probably the same docs that will perform irreversible sex change operations on a minor.


If the doctors been killing babies, then tying some tubes is nothing. Of course The doctor is cutting off future business.


Can the removed fallopian tubes be transplanted into a male of
the transgender persuasion?


To what end? He/ it still won’t have a uterus, ovaries or XX chromosomes.


Maybe the fetus can gestate in a box


So many women misunderstand the whole argument. Abortion was never a constitutional right. The Supremes ruled it was a violation of the 14th Amendment, right to privacy, which was wrong, and didn’t answer the question of right to life.

These idiot bitches don’t understand actions have consequences, and getting pregnant over and over and having abortions is not what your reproductive system was intended for. I’m glad they are taking this drastic step so that their infertile ovaries now match their infertile minds. However, a short walk off a cliff is less expensive.


I can’t find the right to abortion in the constitution either.
I think at some point there has to be compassion for the innocent baby. Mother’s life comes first but there has to be a point where the baby gets some rights as well.


There is no constitutional right to privacy. Our federal government certainly doesn’t believe we have such a right.

Amateur Historian




“…the price she’s willing to pay for attention”


Coming soon, liberal men cutting off their Johnson because rapists exist.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s just like the liberals who turn their own firearms over to LE to prevent crime!


Much like the jelly of the month club, the commie meltdowns are the gifts that keep on giving.

Hack Stone

Okay, maybe you should enroll in the Bethesda House Software & Spandex Club. Your first 13 Red Hat Software licenses are a penny, then every four weeks a new outdated Red Hat Software product will be shipped to your home at a greatly inflated price.


Ahhhhh, the Ol’ Columbia House routine….


They fail to understand that the president, any president, could be in favor of free abortion on demand or a total ban, it just doesn’t matter. The president (or anyone else in DC) has exactly zero authority on the issue and their opinions on it mean nothing.

Hack Stone

That reminds Hack of some time twenty some years ago, where some survey say that 80% of people in Norway (could have been another percentage and/or country) opposed George Bush as President of The United States. Hack Stone wondered why anyone would take that survey, as Norwegians have no say in our elections, and we have no say in their elections. At least until the One World Order is implemented, but that seems to be delayed until at least January 2029.


Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet. And even IF (a BIG IF, a lot can happen in the next 50 days) he IS sworn in, you have to remember that Mitch The Bitch and his rinos lap dogs have already placed roadblocks in the way. Mitch turning over the leadership to Thune, making himself (The Bitch) chairman of the rules committee (no bills he doesn’t approve will be pushed thru) and the skrunt Susan Collins as Ways and Means (The Purse strings) are just a few of the examples.

I see a semi repeat of 2017 when the Repugnacunts had control of the entire grubermint and the “Deep State” (or whatever term you want to us for the despotic domestic enemies of our Republic) will do everything they can to impede what Trump wants to do. YMMV, and I hope that I am wrong. As always…Hope is no Battle Plan.

Watch and…Prepare


Maybe Mitch will freeze up again and this time buffering won’t complete.


[…] blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on some women getting sterilized Because […]

The Pirate’s Cove

Army-Air Force Guy

When these childless ladies are in their last days, it’ll work out for their ‘undocumented’ caregivers when they ‘convince’ them to leave whatever they have left to them in their will.


They’ll die alone with a houseful of cats 😉

Hack Stone

And the cats will eat their remains. Seems only fair that they spent all of their adult lives eating pussy, now the pussies get to eat them. The circle of life.


It’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it.

Army-Air Force Guy



Classic, Hack. Give my best to Rosetta and your boy, Rollin.

Skivvy Stacker

I’d call that a good start.


““I am not happy that I felt forced into a surgery I did not want to alter my body, I feel like the election tied my hands and forced me to be sterilized.”

The mental illness and narcissism are strong with these derelicts…

Last edited 1 month ago by Deckie
Hack Stone

Now she knows how the people who opposed the Covid shot felt.

E. Conboy

“Feel like…”. Feeeeeelings, ooooooh…..feeeelings ….Who cares?

Green Thumb

Can’t fix stupid.


As the late, great Bob Barker always said: “Remember to spay and neuter your progressives”.


Look, I already voted for Trump… you don’t have to keep selling him to me.


Good, good. All these pink and purple haired wacko Progs should get spayed and neutered. Then we don’t have to be concerned about them indoctrinating their spawn.


Mentally ill people undergoing voluntary sterilization.

There was a time when the mentally ill (and other unfortunates) were involuntarily sterilized by “do-gooders” whom I suspect voted (D) quite regularly. This practice was outlawed some time back

Now those “do-gooders” have convinced the mentally ill to self-sterilize.

Am I a conspiracy theorist to think there is a connection?

USMC Steve

In a way this is progress.


Surprise,surprise, Sgt. Carter. Gropey Joe just pardoned his boy. Stevie Wonder saw this coming.


But but but Joe promised he’d abide by the court decision! Yeahhhh this is my shocked face.


If a D-rats’ lips are moving and sound is emanating from his/her cock-holster, they are lying. Prove me wrong.


Oddly I have a few friends who are democrats
that are in shock that he did this


They actual believe Socialism works and is about being nice to people, too (not to mention the Tooth Fairy brings all the Free Sh*t).


So, Bribem has been telling whoppers for over fifty years, and there are D-rats who think he is truthful. Amazing!


JFK saw this coming.


So, how many pardons to one individual can a president extend? Is Joe getting ready to step down so cackle can get her bite of the weenie, I mean, apple? A consolation prize for playing along or to absolutely wreck further what Joe was unable to finish?

I mean, hunter is only pardoned until midnight tonight. You know know he’s going to screw the pooch between today and Jan 20th.


Of course, shit bag pardoned super shit bag and unfortunately, it covers any crimes. He committed from 2014 to 2024.
Too bad it’s not like they can’t go back and convict him of any other crimes like sex trafficking anything on the laptop.
Oh wait maybe they need to indict Joe Biden himself like they did Trump.
This is my shocked face 😐


Damn it, you beat me to it, Of course I wa s 5 Jack and cokes in, So I claim alcohol discrimination, so there, thpppppt!!!!! LOL!!


Something be said he wouldn’t do. You should SEE my shocked face.

With any luck, both will be pushing up flowers before the decade is out.


Elon is awesome…


All pigs are created equal…


I hope they aren’t trying THIS at the airports.


Good. All these Lefty and Tranny weirdos should be sterilized

USMC Steve

People that stupid and unhinged should not be reproducing anyway.