Joe Biden sees Donald Trump supporters as ‘garbage’

| October 30, 2024

Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe spoke at the Trump rally at Madison Square Garden. During his speech, he referenced Puerto Rico as a floating island of garbage. The reactions from the Puerto Rican community appears to be mixed on this one, but the Democrats were quick to launch their criticisms. When asked about this event, Joe Biden reportedly said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”

From Fox News:

“The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,” Biden said on Tuesday. “[Trump’s] demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it is un-American.”

Biden tweeted later that evening, “Earlier today I referred to the hateful rhetoric about Puerto Rico spewed by Trump’s supporter at his Madison Square Garden rally as garbage–which is the only word I can think of to describe it. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable. That’s all I meant to say. The comments at that rally don’t reflect who we are as a nation.”

Walz told ABC News’ “Good Morning America” on Wednesday, “the president’s clarified his remarks, but let’s be very clear. The vice president and I have made it absolutely clear that we want everyone as a part of this. Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric is what needs to end. He called this a garbage country and continues on from ‘the enemy within.’ What you heard Vice President Harris say and what I say is, there’s a place for all of us here, and I think that’s the one. She’s running for president. She’s making the message and she delivered that speech on the Ellipse that showed what we can be as a country. So, I think America knows the direction we’re going. She’s laid out a new way forward, and that’s what we’re going to do for the next six days and then the next eight years after that.”

Harris campaign senior adviser Stephanie Cutter told MSNBC, “The president did clarify what he was talking about, but the vice president has been clear that her campaign, her presidency is about all Americans. And, you know, when she’s president, she’s not going to care who you voted for. She’s going to fight for you regardless, and I also want to say, spare me the faux outrage from Donald Trump, JD Vance and his campaign. Even as they’re trying to argue that President Biden is disparaging Trump voters, the president is calling the entire country a trash can. You know, even at the Madison Square Garden [event], his supporters not only disparaged Puerto Rican Americans, but disparaged all Latinos. So, spare me the faux outrage.”

Additional Reading:

McDonald, S. (2024, October 30). Kamala Harris silent after Biden’s ‘garbage’ comment about Trump supporters. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Democrats, Donald Trump, Joe BIden, Politics, Society

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Ah, so only half the people in the country are garbage, got it.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Time to alter the “Proud Deplorable American” sign to read “Outraged Garbage American”, stick a feather in my cap and call it macaroni.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roh-Dog

That meme might carry more weight if its grammar & spelling weren’t so bad.

Last edited 3 months ago by Hate_me

Oops. In my defence… I got nothing.

Will do betterer next time and read’m gooder b4 posting.


That place is a shit hole. I stop there on cruise and was impressed with all the garbage scattered everywhere. It looked like a landfill, shit strewn about where ever you looked and that was back in 93. It must be 2’ deep by now.


I wanted to find a Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505 meme from Idiocracy and so’v’btch, I found incidents of just that thing in Philippines, Ethiopia (below), Indonesia, etc.

Coming soon to a mismanaged socialist (redundant) protectorate near you!

Last edited 3 months ago by Roh-Dog

The Idiocracy scene was actually based on a real life avalanche that occurred in 2005. In fact if you read the article you can see how they were channeling it through the movie.

There have been dozens of deadly avalanches since then around the world, mostly in Africa and SE Asia.


Most people don’t seem to realize just how wealthy the US & other western countries are; our trash/garbage is a natural resource to a large part, if not most, of the world. The old saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is quite literally true in much of the world. In Vietnam I watched Vietnamese scour US Army landfills for usable material. Even in Germany I watched well-dressed Germans pull food from mess hall garbage cans.


One reason other countries don’t have the roadside litter problem we do in the US is that they are too poor to have anything to throw away.


Our roadside litter isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be, especially in the 70s. Sheriff patrols and the ease of recycling has made meth heads some of the greenest people in our population. They will literally pickup anything made of metal within a day or two if it can be picked up, and come back with a truck and a few other tweakers if it is heavy.


Have picked up a few engines and transmissions that have fallen off the scrap metal car hauler trailers. The meth heads figured those were too heavy or they didn’t have enough tweeker friends out on bond.


Amazing what uncontested demonrat rule and welfare will do..


I’m sure it’s still a neat and tidy paradise compared to most of India


Ok, that was an interesting read.. the funniest part was the line “some residents are unaware of the trash problem”.. Seriously? I mean, they are democrats, so reality is probably not their strong suit, but to not realize that piles of trash lining the streets is a problem?? OOh, wait, maybe they’re deaf, blind, and have no sense of smell… That’s the only other possibility IMHO..


Or, they don’t travel much and live in a smaller town. Lot of the island is spectacularly beautiful.




Oooh oooh that smell …. Can’t you smell the smell?


you have to be a really dumb fuck to not know you have a trash problem if your living in San Juan. That garbage along the streets is a pretty good indicator you got problems. Of course the local government / dems may have told you it’s not a problem. And you just accept that as the truth. Kamala supporters most likely.

Hack Stone

It’s not a problem, it’s a feature.


Lots of trash is, oddly enough, a sign of weal; if you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to throw away..


hmm, I think India, and several African countries would beg to differ. A real sign of societal wealth is the ability to deal with – bury, incinerate, ship to the middle of the ocean (China), “sell” to other countries – the trash your society produces.


I’d rather be called garbage than be called a Democrat. Them’s fightin’ words.


My wife and I are proud to be deplorable trash!!

Hack Stone

Hack used to be Deplorable, now Hack is garbage. My, my, how things have changed.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Going from “Deplorable” to “Garbage”……is that a promotion?

Are you gonna have to change your nom de screen because of this?


I guess I need to make a new T-shirt. Maybe one with just a big “G”, a la Superman.

Being Deplorable or Trash is better than being a demoncrat!

Daisy Cutter

I’m gonna call myself “Deplorable Garbage.”

Just thought I would get that right out on the table so we can all deal with it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Daisy Cutter
Daisy Cutter

PROSECUTOR: Are you deplorable garbage?

COL JESSUP: Is there another kind?

Forest Bondurant

Well, they’ve been saying (with increased momentum and frequency since 2016) that all men who aren’t liberals are racist xenophobic misogynistic homophobes who are responsible for ruining the country because they believe in facts, God, family, country, the rule of law, and retaining their wealth and property because of self-sacrifice and hard work and can define what a woman is. 

They consider people like me “garbage” or “deplorable” because I also oppose the killing of the unborn, open borders, distribution of wealth, DEI hires, the sexualization of children, critical race theory, the idea of reparations, BLM, defunding the police, their version of science, government spending and overreach, the politicization and weaponization of federal agencies, lawfare, distrust of politicians, and unbelief in anything the media reports – among other things.

I take being referred to as “garbage” by a demented geriatric inveterate liar who has failed at everything in life except being an immoral bigoted corrupt traitor as a compliment.



That’s disappointing.. you’d think someone that lived under Hitler would know better.. Exact opposite of almost all of those who escaped communism and have come out against the demonrats, saying “I’ve seen this movie before”…


he was born in ’47…if he lived under Hitler, it was Joe Hitler in Van Nuys or whatever. Adolph was long dead.


He lived under his abusive father, who was a Nazi.


How about George Soros. Not only lived under Hitler, but even helped the guy rob Jews. Decades later, still doesn’t feel bad about it.


Oh noes, another California actor moderate with a laundry list of personal problems (except this time the babysitter kept the baby) endorsed Kamala. I wonder if she will win California now?

Army-Air Force Guy

Like so many other celeb democrat endorsers, his blockbuster days are well back in the rear view mirror, so he can say stuff like that now.

USMC Steve

Keep in mine that Ahnuld is an Austrian. those were the most rabid Nazis they had in the 1930’s-1940’s. His dad was one too. I think he still has an affinity toward them, and the socialist democrats bear many similarities to that political movement.

Forest Bondurant

Yep – Arnold needs to stick with what he does best.

Politics isn’t one of them.

Apart from that, he can shove his endorsement up his ass.


He’s just pissed that he can’t run for president.


It’s gotten so bad in hollywierd that you if you decide to not watch actors who support the left. You might as well sell your TV and just read books for entertainment. My library card is free and no advertisement’s to interrupt my reading.


I’d just gotten accustomed to being deplorable, now I’m garbage?


Don’t forget Nazi….


Satan worshipping Fascist-Communist deplorable garbage clinging to your guns and religion like you got a right to them.


You forgot Bitter.

Last edited 3 months ago by SFC D

I can go for a little Peychauds every now and then.


Kill Tony: Puerto is a floating pile of garbage…
The crowd: <long groan>
The Left: Reeeeeeeeeee <teeth are gnashed, pearls are clutched, panties are bunched tightly into wads>

POTUS:…the garbage is Trump supporters
The Left: <crickets>
Me: Why was Kill Tony condemned, and Joe not? Joe is the highest elected official in the land with 50 years in public life that received 14 million votes in the primaries aka the Dems preferred candidate. Kill Tony is podcaster doing schtick that “didn’t land”. I know the answer. Its (D)ifferent when we do it…


(D)efinatly (D)ifferent when they (D)o it.


Ok, here’s my take.. This is all staged.. Joe is done, so he can say / do whatever, and it doesn’t mean a thing. He comes out and makes an incendiary comment like this, and it gives the Ho a chance to distance herself from him, claim she’s there for all Americans, etc. etc. She can’t claim she didn’t mean it when she made the nazi comments and be believable, so this gives her another angle to pretend she doesn’t hate us…

All political theatre… and Joe probably doesn’t evn know he’s being used..


Lots of dementia patients lose their filter, and just say whatever comes to mind. Kind of like “In Vino Veritas”. Doesn’t mean he’s not being used, though!


Agreed. I think they used him to their advantage, knowing that he has no filter, and that he’d say some dumb shit that Kamel-toe could then refute to her advantage.. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they intentionally spun him up prior to sending him in front of the mike


Just a wee bump from Hunter’s alleged stash…


It was funny watching the MSM try to pretend that said Bolivian Marching Powder was anyone but Hunter’s 😂


It is spinning faster than my Dremel on level 5 through the media right now.


All part of the plan, IMHO.. They can make a big deal, ridicule Joe, etc.. The bigger deal they make of it, the more net positive there is for the Ho refuting it.. In theory at least


Honestly don’t think Joe has been able to follow a script for some time now. Be that as it is, being “not Trump” and also “not Biden” will only get you so far.


I don’t disagree, I doubt he had a script, they probably just got him fired up yelling shit about President Trump and the comics comments, then sent him out. Not sure exactly what he’d say, but that it’d include those two elements, and would be something that the Ho would want to distance herself from.. didn’t really matter what it was, as long as it was bad, and provided a foil for her.


I don’t think there’s any plan on the Dems part. And Kamala is too stupid to act on something like this that could give her any advantage to the voters. Joe is just a loose cannon that they can’t control. The whole bunch of them couldn’t open a light bulb package, let alone change a bulb.



Joe has been doing these small subtle things on purpose to hurt the campaign and make them pay for pushing him out.

His entire family is nothing but a bunch of crooked gangsters. You think they appreciated how the Obamas and Pelosis of the Party pushed him out like that?

I would not put it past him to be doing these small little things deliberately as a “no screw you” to the power brokers behind the scenes for doing him dirty.


I’d say any of the above are possibilities, as we all know nothing is off limits to the dims. They will do absolutely ANYTHING to gain and retain power, laws and morals be damned.


Sooo, how many here have actually spent some time in PR? Part of my crew in-chop brief included when driving in town after dark to not come to a complete stop at intersections.


I was there for a few hours, a stopover on a cruise. Rode a yuge zipline, it was pretty awesome. I( was still on active duty, had to get a security brief from S2 prior to going. Cruise started in Miami, stops in PR, Turks and Caicos, and some other island I can’t remember. S2 laughed when he saw my itinerary, said the most dangerous places on the trip was Miami and PR.


My wife used to travel to PR & other Latin American vacation spots on business and she got the same sort of briefing. Plus an escort.


She brought back some great rums, though. Really top-shelf stuff. Hard to believe such great stuff comes from just sugar cane. Haven’t even looked at Bacardi since.


Yup, one trip to the Caribbean, and no mas Bacardi or Ron Rico for me. Tastes like rubbing alcohol now. Then I discovered Cuban Rum, last time I was stationed in Germany. Havana Club rum is reason enough for the USA to annex Cuba. Don’t care about their cigars.


Two weeks in June 1980 as a Marine Corps Reservist at Roosevelt Roads. Didn’t leave the base. Worked out of a tent beside the apron at night and tried to sleep in a barracks with no AC during the day. Good times.


Only visited 2 times from cruise ships that docked there. Why this is part of any ships itinerary is bizarre. One flight stop over on the way to


Seen a lot of photos…son-in-law from a small town ‘way out of San Juan, daughter’s family go there annually. Her opinion is ‘tourist around San Juan a couple of times, hit the beaches every trip’.

USMC Steve

Any comment made by any socialist democrat does not reflect who we are.


Any comment made by Joe Biden likely does not reflect who he is, except right in that moment. And then… we shift to the next demented personality.


This is the garbage that “those people” produced…Prepare

comment image


I do think it’s hilarious that they wouldn’t even let him make an appearance at Kamala’s speech — not even to sit in the audience. He was inside the White House hiding and was only allowed to make a comment via ZOOM and once again managed to screw her up 🤣🤣🤣

The jokes write themselves with these people.

Last edited 3 months ago by Deckie
Skivvy Stacker

“Impotence is an ugly thing”

—Robin Williams on Whose Line Is It Anyway


Not “divisive” when Democrats do it, of course…


This….This Motherfucker….(and you know I mean that lovingly….)
A+++++ 1,000% Would troll again…..


In Green Bay today. Big rally here.


The King of Trolls. I’m loving it.

Daisy Cutter

Truck too clean. He should have had a nasty one with smears on the side. Get dirty and get right.


Yeah, nah. Joe is the gift that keeps on giving. I swear he wants Harris to lose.


Time to pay your friends back for kicking you to the curb, Joe.

Call a news conference, a prime time news hour, invite all your friendly media, bring your white house spokeslady so she can hear it as well, and proclaim your comple and total endorsement for Trump.

Splodey heads wouldn’t need a 3 count, and many TV and computer monitors would be destroyed instantly.


So does Bill Clinton. Couple weeks ago he admits Laken Riley wouldn’t have been killed if Kamala was vetting illegals at the border. Just the other day, he says the economy was better under Trump, but you should still vote for Kamala.


The ‘bit” just wasn’t funny at MSG. IMO Trump should have said “hey, that’s not we roll” immediately – let Tony own it.
Funny how Biden tries a snappy comeback and stepped in it – pretty much like he wanted to level the playing field.
I like the theory that he ain’t happy about being forced out. In a way, though, it was brilliant – Trump was making hay over Biden being old and feeble, with the coup now HE is the old and purportedly feeble – someone in the Dem party made a brilliant move there. I’d attribute it to Carville but he is a sideliner now.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mason

Hahahaha! “My fellow Americans and delicious babies…”.

Posted a link about the infant snacking in the HOT.

Fucking disturbing.