Walz: No more electoral college

| October 12, 2024 | 46 Comments

Must be almost boring by now, reading about the issues around this guy. Does no one vet a candidate any more? Or do they just not care? Rhetorical questions at best, I suppose – seems like the true controllers of the parties like their candidates as they are, warts and all. Must make them easier to control.

Walz did indeed say the Electoral College is something we should do without – popular vote all the way, baby! – not just once but twice at two different campaign stops.

“I think all of us know, the Electoral College needs to go. We need a — we need national popular vote,” he said. “But that’s not the world we live in. So, we need to win Beaver County, Pa. We need to be able to go into York, Pa., and win. We need to be in western Wisconsin and win. We need to be in Reno, Nev., and win. The Hill

Actually, on a winner-take-all basis, to get PINO Joe’s 80 million people, you only need 10 counties in the entire COUNTRY: and Reno isn’t one of them (but Las Vegas is.) In order of population, we have LA, Cook, Harris (Houston), Maricopa (Phoenix) San Diego, Orange, Miami-Dade, Dallas, Kings (Brooklyn, NY) and Riverside. Just over 80 million population there as of 2023.

Now, if they want to get rid of the Electoral Collage, they will also have to dump the winner-take-all (the REALLY disenfranchising system beloved by pols*) system. So then to get to 80 million they have to add Clark (Las Vegas) King (Seattle King (Seattle), San Bernadino and Tarrant (Ft. Worth) if you postulate a 50% voting population.  This also presupposes that everyone in those counties is a registered voter, and in the real world you have underage, felons, illegals, in Cook county the dead…it ain’t as simple as that “only 10 counties would win the country’ trope folks like to bandy about. But a popular vote would allow those 15 counties disproportionate influence, wouldn’t you say?

Luckily that would take a Constitutional amendment and party action no one wants to sign up for. But it tells you something that Wal-tze airs that to riotous applause.

Since Tuesday, however,  he has been walking that back like a bandit – initial response from outside his rallies was immediate and forceful. Now he is saying things like “I support what the campaign wants (which I think translated from Chinese to German means “I vill be a gut soldiare and obey orders!”) or this word salad below.

“The point I’m saying is: I’m in five states in two days, we’re out there making the case that – the campaign’s position is clear, that that’s not their position. Their position and my position is – is to make sure that everybody understands their vote, no matter what state they’re in, matters.” CNN

Keeps leading me back to my constant thought, and source of no small number of headaches: “Are these four idiots the best we can do? Seriously?

*Winner-take-all states – if a candidate gets just ONE more vote than the other, they get ALL the electoral votes. If you are a Republican in Chicago, possibly a Democrat in TX – your Presidential vote is nullified and you, my friend, are a non-person. Me, I’d love to see something more representational – maybe splitting a state’s electoral votes based on the popular vote? It will be interesting to see what the results of the last several elections would be on that basis. Given the concentration of Dem voters in big cities, I am not all that sure Bush or Trump would have presumably lost. Just a thought.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election

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They are unconventional, you would think if anyone would back electors over the general voting population it would be them. Zero people voted for either of them in the primary but here they are on their party ballot while the selected candidate lies under a bus or in a dumpster behind the Chicago Convention Center somewhere.

If zero people vote for them will they still be president and VEEP?


“They” may control the Ballot Box and even the Jury Box, but there is another Box that will be needed if we are to “vote” our way back into being a Representative Constitutional Republic.

Pay attention, Patriots…even your domestic enemies are telling you that you had better…Prepare


Please tell me that it’s a candy box. A big old box of chocolates would make everybody feel better.


Just like in a workers “soviet,” you know…

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Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
MSG Eric

They found someone who is actually worse at speaking than Harris. She needs a teleprompter to talk, but he just talks and says anything that pops into his brain.

He might actually be a worthwhile reason why she doesn’t get elected. Though VPs usually don’t have an impact on the election.

Just for the fact he is a coward that abandoned his unit before they deployed, I wouldn’t vote for that ticket. Especially since I’ve seen too often leaders in the Reserve and NG “get out of” deploying when their unit was called up. He’s not special in that case, because it happened more than anyone would care to admit, but it still makes him a coward that ran away when it was time to step up.

He’s also the epitome of why 20% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate. There should be 0% of graduates that are illiterate.

The teacher’s union is supporting horrible curriculum and education, with standards continually being lessened or ignored. To the point that we have young people too stupid to realize WHY there is an electoral college.

In 8th grade I had to take a test on the Constitution to be eligible for the 9th grade. If kids can’t read when they finish 12th grade, how are they passing that test? Or are they not even requiring that anymore?


Can’t say I’m impressed by his policies or performance, either in his education/military career or politics.

Hack Stone

Let’s see how that pheasant hunt goes this weekend. Nothing says connecting with the common man than pheasant hunting.


I’d like to see photos of his shotguns, hunting dog(s), and related pheasant hunting gear, if he is such an avid pheasant hunter. I’ll bet he can count the number of times he has hunted them on one hand.


There are now videos of Walz’s pheasant hunt where he can’t figure out the procedure to load his semi-auto shotgun that he claims he bought when he was “shooting trap” regularly. A statement I find hard to believe. I have shotguns I haven’t shot for over ten years, and I can still remember how to readily load them without difficulty.


Is Dick Cheney going with him?


Dan Quail comes to mind.


Like this?

Hack Stone

Or are they not even requiring that anymore?

Apparently not. Plenty of articles out there about graduating classes where not one student can meet minimum academic standards. The Teachers Unions and the Democrat Machine, but Hack repeats himself, have initiated a perpetual circlejerk where money flows back and forth between the two to funnel more money to teachers, who funnel it to the union leaders, who then funnel it to the politicians who then send more money to the teachers, all the while as school budgets explode and academic performances plunge. The students graduate with a worthless degree that cannot even let them get an entry level job at minimum wage, then the Democrats complain about the wage gap negatively impacting people of color. The Educational Genocide of the underclass continues unabated into another generation.


It boggles the mind that these kids can graduate high school and be barely literate, with many reading at a third grade level.


All according to Donkuloid plan.


I should add that in over 10 years of soldiering and trips to the range to qualify, I only qualified expert once; and it occurred when one of my unit NCO’s was scoring my shooting. I suspected my accuracy was getting a helping hand from my E-6 and his pencil.


I still remember the day, when a recruiting station Commander called me and told me he had two girls with graduate degrees walk in to his office wanting to join.

I was like sweet, hook them up.

2 days later he calls me back and tells me that they both failed the ASVAB.

I was like, what was their degree in gender studies?

And then he said; sir, now that you mentioned it…


It would be easier to shake the coward reputation if he didn’t look so terrified whenever he was speaking in public.

Old tanker

He is just postulating the same drivel that killary did when she lost.

The only thing I can think of to replace the college is that the candidate must win 26 or more of the states. Then again DC Puerto Rico and Guam kind of muddy the waters there too. Not based on pure population numbers but a majority of the states. Quite frankly the EC just proves how much genius there was in the Founding Fathers.

Major Tuddy

Insofar as the vote for non-state territories are concerned, I suspect that making them Federally tax-exempt would be a better solution to the taxation-without-representation thing.


This elimination of the Electoral College is part of the Progressive D-rats’ scheme to win defacto one-party rule in perpetuity. The other parts of the scheme are making the D.C. and Puerto Rico states with four more senators, packing the Supreme Court, and naturalizing legal and illegal immigrant voters as soon as possible. They are already doing the latter with legal immigrants, hoping some will be voting for Harris on Nov. fifth.


I’m actually not opposed completely to making Puerto Rico a state. But the Puerto Ricans do not want to do that.


That, IIRC, is because they know that they would not receive some of the bennies they get from Uncle Sugar, if a state government was doling them out. Plus, there would likely be some state taxes they don’t currently experience. The money to fund all that state government would have to come largely from their residents.


Actually, the Electoral College means we have to pay attention to low population states, small states, and minority groups. Otherwise, it goes to the largest population groups. (That’s why California and New York are so important in elections.)
The democrats will lose because the largest demographic in the US are conservative Whites. They’d have to step back from progressive politics or cease to exist.


“Paying attention” to small (low population) states is the reason the framers wrote the Elecoral College mechanism into the Constitution.

Commissioner Wretched

Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn’t making D.C. a state require a Constitutional amendment? I seem to recall that the Constitution calls for the national capital to be in a place that is not a part of any state. Of course, I also forget why I went into the kitchen most days.


Wouldn’t it by funny if they abolished the electoral college, instituted the popular vote, and another candidate just like Trump won? Splodey heads all around. The electoral college would come back real quick.


“I bought it when I was shooting a lot of trap”. Then you should remember how to load it, instead of looking like a monkey meeting a football for the first time.


Didn’t he handle a weapon in the Guard? Ever?


He would have had to have qualified with the M-16 or M-4. But when you are a senior master sergeant, there will always be other NCO’s willing to pencil whip your range qual.


Go find the video of Walz trying to load “his” shotgun. Worth a few laughs.


Be wery wery quiet.


Must be entertaing to watch him running away every time a gun goes off.


Is everyone familiar with that absolutely criminal “pact” to assign state electoral votes to the winner of the so-called “popular vote”, once 270 votes worth of states join the conspiracy/pact?

Yes that means ignoring one’s own state voters and voting the other candidate instead. Because obey serf.

“Peoples Democratic Republic” – get used to saying that.


The Democrats have gone all in organizing in megacities like LA and NYC and urban sprawls like Chicago and Houston. No Electoral College means rural areas and suburban boroughs and towns, which usually skew conservative, would become right wing pickup votes that wouldn’t be cancelled under a majority vote.

Skivvy Stacker

Believe me, if we had an Electoral College system to elect the governor in Minnesota, that communist son-of-a-bitch would do everything he could to keep it in place until Minnesota was destroyed by the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldara.


Sadly, even if it turns out to be true, 30-40% of the voters would still vote for that ticket.

Shows how lost a good portion of the electorate is.


Apparently, one of the folks that has interviewed the individuals involved in this is starting to post actual transcripts and evidence of direct firsthand witnesses, participants, etc. whatever level you wanna call that of those involved and I can only imagine this not the mainstream.
Apparently, I read today that there is legal action that’s gonna be filed and criminal court or civil court by those involved where it’s going to get definitely more traction than just posting on X.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone is well aware that companies are outsourcing jobs to India, but having to get our political scandals sourced from the same country that has people calling him five times a day to inform him that thanks to recent legislation passed in his state, he now qualifies for full coverage on his funeral, burial and cremation expenses and even leave some money to a loved one, has Hack holding off until a media company more reputable than the Hindustan Times picks up the story.

Army-Air Force Guy

What they need to get rid of is Ranked Choice Voting.

Slow Joe

Why do we want to change something that has worked for 247 years?
Because Orange-man bad and cannot be allowed to win?
I guarantee you our Republic will survive 4 years of orangeness far better than 4 more years of the Obamas regime.

I, for one, I fully support DJT with no reservations or concerns. He is the best candidate for this juncture of our Republic’s history, when the Obama Coalition is trying everything to remain in power.

In 2028, I look forward to see JD Vance duck it out with Ron DeSantis in the primaries, and with whoever else drop the hat in the ring.

But for right now, Orange-man or nothing.


237, but fair point.

After the Civil War and a few other times R’s have made the attempt to get rid of it as well. The COTUS changes from time to time. The 17th amendment got rid of State Legislators electing US Senators in favor of popular vote. I think that was a good move. But a popular vote for president would be a large shift towards Democracy, away from the Republic.

Is rather see a Walz/Desantis team up.

Last edited 25 days ago by 5JC

Believe them when they tell you who they are.

Milo Mindbender

I agree with ditching the “winner takes all provisions” let the 2 Senate seats be awarded to the popular vote winner, and each district report the vote for itself. Make delegates required to vote the popular vote on their district, getting rid of some of the corruption in delegate swapping. Winner takes all disenfranchised a large portion of Nevada, most of the geography of California, and a lot of other locations because of you win in the major urban centers you get the whole happy meal.