Et tu, familia? 8 of Tim Walz’s relatives, same last name, show support for Donald Trump

| September 4, 2024

Eight of Tim Walz’s relatives show their support for Donald Trump. (Daily Mail)

Eight of Tim Walz’s family members showed their support for Donald Trump. They’ve gone as far as having shirts made that say, “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump”, in all capital letters. This came in the wake of Tim Walz’s own brother, Jeff Walz, warning voters about Kamala Harris’s VP pick. Jeff Walz generated a post where he declared his opposition to Tim Walz’s ideology.

From Daily Mail:

Eight members of Walz’s family posed for a photo wearing ‘Nebraska Walz’s for Trump’ shirts while standing in front of a ‘Trump 2024 — Take America Back’ flag.

The photo was initially shared by a friend of the family with a representative for former Nebraska gubernatorial candidate Charles W. Herbster, who first posted the image to X on Wednesday.

Those in the image are members of the Minnesota governor’s family through his grandfather’s brother, the Herbster contact confirmed to the individuals’ identities and relation to Gov. Walz.

‘Tim Walz’s family back in Nebraska wants you to know something…’ Herbster captioned the image.

The photo quickly went viral among MAGA users who say his own family’s opposition to his candidacy is proof that people should be wary of voting for a Harris-Walz ticket.

The Kamala Harris-Tim Walz campaign did not respond to request for comment on the image and the growing number of family members coming out in support of the Donald Trump– J.D. Vance Republican ticket.

The latest faction of pro-Trump Walz family members comes after it was revealed that the Democratic vice presidential nominee’s brother warned against people allowing him into the White House.

Jeff Walz, 67, lives in Florida and is Kamala Harris’ running mate’s older brother. He posted about his brother’s character in a Facebook post last week.

Additional Reading:

Caralle, K. (2024, September 4). Tim Walz’s family members reveal they are backing TRUMP in bombshell leaked photo. Daily Mail. Link.

Category: 2024 Election

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I have a feeling he traded his family for Chi-Com connections, influence, and power a long time ago.


The Walz’s kicked Tampon Timmy in the balzs.

Hack Stone

Stunning and brave of them. They better not accept any invitations for a family reunion at Fort Marcy Park.

Major Tuddy

I actually went there, back when I lived in the DMV. It’s a quiet place, right off the George Washington Parkway. They still have cannon left over from the War For Confederate Independence.

BlueCord Dad



That’s gotta burn.


Annnnddd *Spew Alert*

I’ll just drop this right here.


Needs some Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.


Methinks Tim is the family screw-up/flake.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

One in every family.
The outlier. The black sheep. The screwup. The one who has to register with certain agencies wherever he goes (and not in a good way). The one who has to wear a helmet even when he’s NOT riding a bicycle. The one who could make a whorehouse in Nevada go bankrupt.
Yep. That’s Tampon Timmy.

(pssst. keep it going, add more)

He’s not brother, he’s a muther…

He could fall out of a boat and not hit water.

Hack Stone

If this Vice President gig doesn’t work out, he could always sell Red Hat Software.


Isn’t that a family run business and he would want to be involved with company get together. Better set another plate.

The one who is disqualified from being buried in the family graveyard.

Tim “No Balls” Walz could fuck up a one car funeral procession.


That’s always been one of my favorites.


All Hands, March 1978?


I have a feeling that there is no correct answer. That is one scary sumbitch right there. And I mean that as a term of respect.


Still gonna be a close election.

Way too close. I’m not afraid of her and Walz, I’m afraid of the idiots that support this shit.

Hack Stone

Now the Attorney General is saying that Russia is interfering with our election. Isn’t that the job of the FBI and CIA?


Don’t forget mosquito borne illnesses infecting cattle. Or was that last week.

Hack Stone

Too soon for Coronavirus 2.0, so they brought back Monkeypox.


I think we’re on Coronavirus 5.6, now


Funny how these latest health warnings come every 2 years.

USMC Steve

They are but for Cumala. Putin endorsed her recently.

Major Tuddy

I hope that I’m wrong on this, but this ain’t our year. Harris/Walz will likely win, and the Congress will flip blue in both houses.

Oh, you doubt me? Remember the election of 2008? Old rich white guy (McCain) vs young, energetic minority (Obama). Guess who won? I suspect that it’ll be the same again this year; old rich white guy (Trump) vs young, energetic minority (Harris).

In retrospect, Trump should have taken Candace Owens as his veep. No use Monday-morning quarterbacking, though.

DeSantis/Haley would have been unstoppable. Maybe in 2028.


Sounds like your kind of year to me. Not sure I would describe Harris as “young” or “energetic”. Apparently she did absolutely nothing as VP and has taken exactly .5 (softball) interviews.

One more year, age 60, and she will be defined as “elderly”.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC

I just checked, she will be 60 BEFORE the election and therefore elderly. So yes.your assessment is incorrect.


If your prediction comes to pass, there will be no election in 2028 that Republicans can win. We will have a one party oligarchy. If the D-rats have control of all three branches of gov’t, they will naturalize all 20 plus million illegals, make DC and Puerto Rico states, and pack the Supreme Court. Then you better prepare yourself for re-education (brain washing) camp.


There is always moving to a neutral country with a more sensible government, low crime rate, low cost of living and better food like say Greece.


I was once a fan of Candace Owens. She’s gone off the deep end and lost it. She’d torpedo Trump’s campaign just as surely as if he’d picked Hillary as his running mate.


Your assessment is correct, Sgt. Although, she is a sweetheart compared to the Hildabeast. At least she is not entirely corrupt. I suspect she is being motivated by a strong level of hubris.


Plenty o’ Kennedy family members, and a few Trumps out there,
doing the same thing, in the opposite direction,
but without the t-shirts.

Thanksgiving dinner is not quite the same with a whole bunch of families.

Where’s Sarah Palin these days?


The pic on top is a scrunt that Trump has had little contact with for many years. She has made millions from her book attacking Trump, which has made her an MSM darling just like Avenatti.


I’ll take a wild guess,
and suggest it’s now also going on in the Cheney fam.

Which of course, gets headlines, and a link on DrudgeReport.

Liz Cheney says she is voting for Harris for president

Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

Reason 27,935,103 why Wyoming kicked her out of the House. And the state.


Of course she is. She sold out to D-rats long ago. She has always been a RINO.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Those walz family members ain’t waltzing around when it comes to his Ch-Com family member walz.

Forest Bondurant

Good to see the Walz family isn’t all full of embicilic moron dipshits.


When they were looking for a running mate, Kumala thought they said Tim Balls. That’s why he was chosen.


His own kin have no use for him!!!

But I’m supposed to???


You think?

comment image


They both look like somebody made an unauthorized entry into a restricted area.


Got dorked in the squeakhole.

Hack Stone

Any idea who Bulging Neck Vein is? She probably died of a self inflicted aneurysm within a week of Donal Trump being sworn in.

Hack Stone

We need Donald Trump back in the White House so that the enlightened tolerant college Left can get back to hating White Republicans and leave the Jews alone for awhile.


Why the apostrophe?

Tim Walz’s sack and head are empty.
Good chance these Walzs are the opposite.
If pictured Walzs’ thirst is ever located in CT, will trade beer and/or whiskey for stories of the ‘missed it by that much, but fuck it, I’ll claim it anyway’ “Smadge”.

Wrench Turner

I’ve been trying for the last few weeks to figure out what to say about Walz. Then I realized the following was written 400 years ago, is close to what I think, but I can’t write this well.
Excerpts for emphasis and brevity.

“… proclaim it … That he which hath no stomach for this fight, Let him depart! … We would not die in that man’s company that fears his fellowship to die with us. … And gentlemen in (America) now a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us …”
– William Shakespeare
Henry V act 4 scene iii


I thought Walz himself was the emotional support animal in this campaign. Now that Scout has defected to Trump, I guess Timmy still has that job. Query: Will Timbo be curled up at Kameltoe’s feet at the debate?


In other news, hunter pleads guilty to tax evasion. No trial so no dirty laundry to be aired. Pardon coming in about 2 months.

Nothing to see here, keep the line moving.


The timing is perfect. He won’t be sentenced until mid-December. That will give Biden until January 19, 2025 to pardon him.

Forest Bondurant

IIRC, his sentencing for the gun charges is scheduled for November.