Armed Venezuelan gang reportedly congregated on the premises of a Chicago apartment building

| September 4, 2024

We’ve heard the news about an armed Venezuelan gang storming an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado. There appears to be an instance of armed Venezuelan gang members congregating on the premises of a Chicago apartment. Police were called to address this issue. However, when the police arrived, the gang members were gone. One Chicago man took to TikTok to issue a warning to the Venezuelan gangs. Chicago is not Colorado, and that folks in Chicago have “switches”.

From Clash Daily:

This ain’t Colorado. This ain’t like Utah or any of those other places. This just like where you from. Only difference is, y’all use a lot of handguns, old revolvers and machetes and s**t. We got switches. We got switches. If you’re not familiar with what a switch is, we will show you.
[…] This ain’t like Colorado. I’m just sayin’.

For anyone wondering what he means by ‘switches’… it’s an illegal gun mod that makes a semi-auto shoot like it was full-auto.

They’ve flooded the American Black Market… and they can be traced back to China:

The ascent of the auto sear has been propelled by its availability and ease of use. The American market is largely supplied by China, where manufacturers sell the devices on websites such as Alibaba and directly to consumers, law enforcement officials say. Auto sears are often advertised as airsoft parts or tools and shipped with false documentation and packaging labels. They can also be created using a 3D printer. Once they’re in a person’s hands, installation can take just seconds and requires scant technical knowledge or tools. — Vice

This would be the same China that has deep ties to both Joe Biden’s family… and the guy that Kamala picked for a running mate… in case the question of foreign entanglements comes up at all.

Why DO so many Democrats in high office (and even some Rinos, too) have such deep connections to China?

It’s a mystery, surely.

Hat tip to OAM for the story. For additional information and videos:

Walker, W. (2024, September 3). Chicagoans have grim warning for Venezuelan apartment-invading gang-bangers. Clash Daily. Link.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Illegal Immigrants, SJW Idiocy, Society

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Spray and pray, wash, rinse, repeat.


If you’re stealing your ammo, or paying for it with drug money, and don’t give a damn about collateral damage, it works…

Sadly, he’s not wrong about how far colorado has fallen under leftist rule. It used to be this shit would have been handled day one, but that was before polesmoker and his ilk threw the doors wide open, and started attacking the rights of American citizens, leaving those who comply with the unconstitutional laws defenseless against such thugs.

Truly sad end to a once great state.

Would be kinda amusing to watch shitcago take out the trash… of course they’re just upset about someone on their turf, not really about the condition of their city, but whatever works..

Seems that with our involvement overseas winding down, there must be some doorkickers that need training. Seems the Aurora apartment buildings could provide good practice for clearing buildings…and send a hell of a message in the process..

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

It wasn’t bonafide.

Pookie didnt like all the noise Ray-Ray and Boo-Boo were making in the apartment courtyard so he called to the Po-Po and made up this story in order to get the police their faster.

The apartment residents didnt see any Hispanics let alone motorbikes and guns.

Anonymous caller on a burner phone.


If you could cite a source on that, it’d be awesome.


They were motivated by the prospect of the Hells Angels showing up and starting a turf war.


What was that thing that former President said?

“Have you seen the price of Aragua down at Whole Foods lately?”

Forest Bondurant

“Arugula… it’s a vegetable.”


Not after you plop a hot sizzlin’ ribeye on it!


It belongs right next to kale. In the trash.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’ve read something (headlines) to the effect that Hell’s Angels are congregating on Aurora.
And the Chicago homies are strapped and ready for bear.

Pull up the chairs, pop the popcorn, and crack open the libations.
This could be fun AND interesting.
In spite of Teh Authoritahs opinions and pronouncements.

Hack Stone

Wasn’t this the plot of one of the lesser Death Wish films? Sounds like Death Wish 3, one of the many sequels in the DW franchise. And Hack Stone just discovered that for some reason, Hollywood decided to remake Death Wish in 2018 with Bruce Willis as Paul Kersey.


Yes, indeed… Willis didn’t get this far:

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

I’m going to enjoy this far more than I should. And I have no regrets.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Don’t remember the exact quote, but to the effect, “I have never wished anyone ill, but I have read many an obituary with great happiness”.

From what I’ve learned, it was originally Clarence Darrow but has also been attributed to both Mark Twain and Winston Churchill. Regardless, I understand the sentiment all too well. The most succinct version, “I have never killed anyone but I have read some obituaries with great satisfaction” was in Darrow’s 1932 memoir.



Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

On Twitter/X from Libs of TikTok:


Coming to a neighborhood near you…soon!


Forest Bondurant

Everyone in my family is strapped. Even both my daughters.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Will the gangs come into Palm Beach County and invade our abodes… Hmmm, I wonder..


Broward would be a safer place for them.

Green Thumb

Where is this going?

“News” and “Appears”.

Anything else?

And the tie to China?


Chicago is not Colorado. No shit. Bravo. And you tossed in Biden and Kamooloa. Tight.

WTF? Give some solid shit on this.

I am going to chug a beer. Maybe you should too. Or some shine to clear you mind….WTF?