The peaceful Left

| April 23, 2008

I received this in my email this morning;

 The AAR for Saturday’s Iran-mobile counter in Meadville will be delayed.  Our video camera has been confiscated by the Edinboro PD.  We had a counter protest today in Edinboro.  It was an Iraq war protest put together by Richard McVay.  He was not present but there were about 10 college students, a couple professors and a group of Hillary supporters.

Anyways, Andrew went to the their protest site to videotape a couple odd displays they put up.  They were beginning to get aggressive with Andrew simply because he was recording their protest.  Jason and I went over to make sure he was ok.

Long story short one girl attacked me which turned into 2 girls attacking me.  Jason pulled one off of me and then he was attacked and held down by 4-5 people getting punched in the head.  Meanwhile Andrew pulled the other girl off me and then she kicked me in the head with a great big boot.  I called the cops and while we were waiting on them the girl that kicked me in the head went over to Andrew(14 years old) and punched him right in the face.  My 12, 9, and 7 year olds were standing across the street witnessing the whole thing.  Here’s the kicker.

The cops watched the video at the scene and no arrests were made.  One of the cops was very aggressive toward us.  The girl later spit on Jason right in front of the cop and nothing was done about it.  Amazing!  Right now I have a huge headache and knots coming up all over my head.  Jason has scratch marks on his face not to mention someone stomping on his glasses when they fell off.  Andrew has a red cheek.  So we’ll get a AAR for this event and Saturday’s maybe tomorrow night after we get our camera back.

Just last month our own buddy, Skye from Midnight Blue was attacked by anti-war protesters and Free Republic members were attacked in front of the Army Recruiting station in downtown DC. Out of all of these incidents, only Skye’s attacker was arrested. The attack at the recruiting office was even witnessed by police – at least one officer was struck with a bottle of paint – yet no arrests were made.

There is a disturbing trend of escalating violence from the Left, probably stemming from their frustration that they’re losing the argument and they’re being proved wrong,  in terms of our national security. They’re coming to the realization that they don’t represent the majority of Americans like Nancy Pelosi and Medea Benjamin told them last year.

But, I blame this trend of violence on authorities who coddle the protesters fearing lawsuits and taking a beating the media. The longer authorities allow this behavior to continue, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. The more crimes the Left can get away with, the more they’re going to attempt until someone finally dies (that’s what ended the Vietnam War protests). The Left are like insolent children who will continue to push the limits of the law until the law starts pushing back.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Legal, Politics, Society

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Let’s pretend for a moment that there is a domestic assault happening right in front of a police officer. This officer watches but does nothing. The woman begins to feel very afraid, the man feels empowered to get away with beating up his wife, and the cops don’t have to fill out any paper work.

When the woman ends up in the morgue, who’s fault is it really? IT’S THE DAMN COPS. We need to actively press charges. We cannot just sit back and allow this to happen. It is the cops fault, but we play a part. We have a voice. We just have to make it heard. Any time something like this happens, it should go up all over the blogosphere until hell reigns down on some heads! I’ve had it. I’m going to start fighting back, and I’m too small and too disabled to move quickly. I do, however, have very good aim. This is why I do not go outside. I can’t get a ccw in California. Don’t worry, I don’t break any laws, I’m just very angry at this. Maybe I should stop talking and start writing! Yes! That’s what I’ll do! Thank you. 😉

509th Bob

I agree with you 100%, John. By the way, you were credited over at Gateway Pundit for covering this story.

Raoul Deming

A key factor between Meedville and West Chester is Veterans For Peace, the rock under which the Vietnam Veterans Against the War cockroaches have taken up residence.

John Grant of the Philadelphia VFP is VVAW and Sandford Kelson of the Northwest VFP is VVAW. The two are buddies.

Kelson’s also connected to the Thomas Merton Center which has it’s own ties to violence.

LT Nixon

So much for flower power! These peace thugs are getting out of control it seems. Of course, it is wise to still advocate a no-violence approach to all political encounters, regardless of the stupidity of the other side


Bloggers beaten for recording ‘peaceful’ protesters…

To arms! Rise up! This must not stand! Push back, push hard, and stand your ground. This is America, and I’ll be damned if anyone is going to force me into silence! These are not ‘peaceful protesters’ or ‘anti-war’. No. They are anti-Bush, commun…

Raoul Deming

New thought of the day: STOP PEACE BRUTALITY!


Re: Edinboro incident. I’d like to wait for more facts to come out before I pass judgement on the conduct of the police here. I have had this story sent to me from several sources. If the incident happened as portrayed, it is despicable. However, I prefer to see all the evidence because a few little things are bothering me.
1 – Don’t you find it unusual for police to be “aggressive” towards veterans? I am sure it’s not universal, but usually the police are sympathetic to Vets in these cases.

2 – These people took small children to this protest, and I must question their judgement. We all know that you can never tell how these things will turn out.

3 – I am hard pressed to understand why the man’s video camera was confiscated and why he doesn’t have it back yet. If the video is so clearly on his side, why hasn’t he put it out here yet?

4 – If this happened to me, I would have names of officers involved and a copy of a police report.

5 – Mrs. Swartout’s My Space page is private. However, the public blurb is belligerent to say the least.

If this incident is true the Swartout’s have my sympathy and I will stand with them for justice. However, I don’t want to be associated with anything that runs counter to my purposes (victory in the GWOT, support of the military, support of the President, support of veterans). Before I get all hot and bothered, I want to whole story.

Jonn wrote: Those were my first thoughts, too, Maggie and I had questions that I’ll wait to be answered before I make a bigger deal out of this. That’s why my post is a bit muted compared to my initial private reaction.


Ok, I don’t see an email here. Drop me a note, I want you to see something that I don’t want to link here. And no, it’s not that kinda something! LOL


“I’d like to wait for more facts to come out before I pass judgement on the conduct of the police here.”

Sadly, it became easier to believe when it happened in Pennsylvania. I suggest you check Google for “catherine baker knoll marine funeral” and “pittsburgh organizing group evict recruiter”.


This is why we have concealed carry laws. If you are assaulted, you have a right to protect yourself.


I can’t get a ccw in California, because they’re very stingy with them.

Okay, maybe I did fly off the handle, but I blogged all through the Berkeley recruiting stations, and we have pictures. It is becoming more and more believable. That is a very sad and very dangerous state of affairs. AND I did state to do everything LEGALLY. 😉

There is one more reason, Jonn, that I will send you. Have a nice day.


Jonn, I lost your email. I can’t find it anywhere. Would you mind re-sending? Thanks. *blush*


This is madness! I can’t believe the ‘peaceful’ folk struck again.

When will they actually take their own advice “violence begets violence” – I wouldn’t like to say that they are a hypocritical bunch….

Raoul Deming

[Mrs. Swartout’s My Space page is private. However, the public blurb is belligerent to say the least.]

Who says you have to be nice to the hippies that have attacked you on multiple occassions.

This requirement to be cleaner than Ceasar’s wife in everything is BS because it’s not going to get you any respect from the otherside. And it gives the other side too much credit for being normal if you don’t call them out on things.


[…] the week this story moved from email to the blogs, including A Soldier’s Perspective, Blackfive , This Ain’t Hell, and others Now I learn that the Swartouts will be appearing on The O’Reilly Factor on April […]


[…] the week this story moved from email to the blogs, including A Soldier’s Perspective, Blackfive , This Ain’t Hell, and others Now I learn that the Swartouts will be appearing on The O’Reilly Factor on April […]