Your opposition to Joe Biden’s performance is based on feelings

| November 29, 2021

Brian Stelter, of CNN, claimed that when it comes to how Joe Biden is handling both Covid 19 and the economy, Americans are putting their feelings over the facts. He claimed that he understood how people would go by what they feel despite the facts indicating an economy that is bouncing back.

From Fox News:

Later in the panel, Stelter said Americans are putting their “feelings” over “facts” regarding Biden’s handling of COVID-19 and the economy. He added that it is “understandable” that people go with those feelings “even if the facts show us a rebounding economy.”

Writer and photographer Chris Arnade elaborated on a Substack post he wrote about why Biden and Democrats are likely “screwed” in 2022, arguing most “Back row” Americans don’t watch politics too closely and generally perceive things negatively.

It’s like the NFL and most people treat politics like they’ll tune in to the Super Bowl once every few years and that’s about it,” he said. “That’s how they view politics as something, you know, they’re not a player in it, they’re just a watcher. They support teams. They support a side. But they don’t feel like — They don’t have a say in that much.”

Arnade went on to say the way politics affects the average American is “experiential” and that they do not “perceive things” or connect policies in the same way the media does. The panel guest was responding to a question from Stelter on whether or not he agreed with the idea that “people don’t know what’s actually going on” regarding how they are hearing and learning about the president and his agenda.

Fox News has more on the story here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck

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Nothing more than feelings:

Just An Old Dog

He is right,, People tend to vote and argue along party lines. It’s a failure of our Country that we have an Archaic, Corrupt, two party system where the representatives of the Large States ( Mostly Blue) keep the minions in line by threatening to pull support in Local Elections.
People aren’t just bad-mouthing Sleepy Joe Depends. They know he is controlled by the head witch Pelosi and her flunkies in the Dem Party.
Likewise any Republican Candidate is seen as an extension of Trump.


“Shelter said Americans are putting their ‘feelings’ [like hunger and being cold due to heating costs rising much faster than wages] over ‘facts’ [like inflation up 100% since Potato was installed, failure to end the State of Emergency re CONvAIDS-19 but not start on for the porous southern border]…”?

Now, believe me when I say I’m not an idiot, the pResident of the Corporation of USA does not have much to do with the economy but in this case the failure of many market forces are lay right at Xiden’s feet.


Ok, I may be an idiot, or maybe just an asshole who can’t/won’t proofread:

*”like [the rate of] inflation up 100% since Potato was installed”

*”but not start [one] for the porous southern border”

I’m not sure when this trend will reverse but it’s really eating into my investment “strategy”. I’m half tempted to pull some cash and buy some phys.


Stelter said Americans are putting their “feelings” over “facts” regarding Biden’s handling of COVID-19 and the economy. He added that it is “understandable” that people go with those feelings “even if the facts show us a rebounding economy.”


“Back row” Americans don’t watch politics too closely and generally perceive things negatively.

It’s a big theater. The back row is only one row. Why not focus on other people?

It’s like the NFL and most people treat politics…

The NFL is a boring commercial/ political concern that glorifies violent criminals. And that is just the players. When they began supporting derranged killers driving around cities shooting at people I drew a line and cut them off. Same with Democrats.

RGR 4-78

Most of the people I know have a very good grasp on our “Rebounding Economy”, they are reminded of it every time they purchase another tank of fuel at an inflated price.


Yup. Gas prices. Heating prices this winter. Not being able to get anything due to widespread and persistent shortages.

At least half the country is really apolitical. This is what they see as Biden’s legacy. His “infrastructure” bill will only exacerbate the problems and due to fraud, waste, and abuse, won’t provide any tangible infrastructure to remember.

RGR 4-78

The first 20 million gallons of oil released from the strategic reserve is to be sold to help pay for the green new deal.

I wonder how much of the green new deal funding will fund a “Solindra II” kickback scheme?


Just think of it like this:

Dr. Evil making air quotes and saying:

From now on, “Money Laundering” will be called “Infrastructure Spending”. /s


As long as those public sector unions are fully funded by forced federal fiat f**kery, I’ll be able to sleep at night!


Arnade went on to say the way politics affects the average American is “experiential” and that they do not “perceive things” or connect policies in the same way the media does.

Truer words were never spoke. Most people aren’t sycophants.

“people don’t know what’s actually going on” regarding how they are hearing and learning about the president and his agenda.

True. But if the lying were to stop them maybe…


And if they watch MSNBC or CNN they will be at a particular disadvantage for connecting reality to the propaganda they’re being fed.

Look what MSNBC was up to last week.


So, Stelter and Arnade – American’s don’t “know what’s going on” with the economy, eh? Methinks you’re full of it.

Gasoline cost, Nov 2020: approx $2.20/gal
Gasoline cost, Oct 2021: approx $3.38/gal

I’ll do the math for ya. That’s an increase of 53.6+% since the Dementia Poster Boy was “elected”.

The US public knows quite well they’re getting screwed every time they fill their car or buy groceries – or anything else, for that matter, since inflation has also jumped big time.

Not even a nice try.


“Feelings” are going to get hurt as we go into winter heating bills.
Just look at the energy mess in the Northeast with NG.$$$$$
Them nuke plants are looking pretty good now that they are gone.
Maine Yankee..Mass Plymouth…soon the Seabrooks..
Cheap safe power is there if we can just get over our “feelings”.


He’s correct. People are reacting to the “feelings” of their wallets getting thinner every time they buy groceries, gas or any other needed item.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Gee whiz, empty shelves at the store, we’re paying a helluva lot more for gas, our energy independence is ton, surrendered to OPEC by Joke Biteme, and those media idiots are saying it’s emotion? Shit on those brainless imbeciles!

Hack Stone

Of course, none of what he says is applicable to the previous administration. Everyday the mainstream media told us how awful it was under Donald Trump. Domestic energy production was up, gas prices were down, every sector of American demographics was showing record employment, to include “People Of Color”, Americans were secure with their retirement investments. Yes, those were dark days. Now we get to look forward to lower expectations. Candidate Joe Biden criticized President Trump for the number of Covid deaths. Joe Biden told us he has a plan to beat the Covid. This morning on the news they reported the number of people who died of Covid during Biden’s Administration has exceeded Trump’s. Time for Joe to resign.


Brian, Brian. Short, fat, bald and stupid is no way to go through life.

Anyone else notice this was the Hildebeast’s message in her latest MSLSD interview, and now it’s reverberating around in the echo chamber?

Hillary Hits Americans As Gullible: ‘Didn’t Really Appreciate’ Biden’s ‘Extraordinary Accomplishments’

The Daily Wire


My feelings are that the facts will show biteme and his handlers are succeeding in their attempts to destroy America as we knew it and institute total control over We, The People.



Even by left/libtards’ standard of feewings, Biden’s performance is bad.


Hey Joe, lick my ballsack, fuckwad.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The cnn peep must be talking about his own demoRat peeps because everything they do or act on is about emption

USMC Steve

Always interested in what the MSNBC duty black racist chick has to say about anything. She wouldn’t know an actual fact if it ran up on her and bit her on the clit.

Slow Joe

These people.

When the economy is doing great under a Republican administration, they keep saying recession is around the corner, and the economy is disproportionally affecting Teh Poorl.

When the economy is in free fall under the Democrats, the economy is doing great but we can’t see it and we are responding emotionally.

They can go and eat a bag of dicks.