Boomer’s Sunday

| August 29, 2021

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best. Honorable Mention goes to my pals AW1 Scott, AW1 Rod, and our own OAM, rgr1480, President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman, Cameron, Skippy, HMCS(FMF) ret, Poetrooper, Mason, Jeff LPH 3 63-66, thebesig, Keepin’ It Real, and Ex, who also have provided some entertainment. These are mostly from the right, with humor scattered around. I am more than willing to post up differing points of view if they don’t annoy me. Now what could be fairer than that? So here we are, with the ‘toons that may amuse, make you think, or just piss you off.


Category: Guest Link, Humor, Satire

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A Proud Infidel®™

Good stuff once again!

Milo Mindbender

I’m sensing a theme here, sorta looks like a touch of not quite sure who is in charge of this goat rope.


I just know you had to cringe when you copy pasted that Maverick shot. Did you put that up just for Mick? Shows you haven’t lost that loving feeling.

Other than the last one…Great selection!

Old tanker

Holy crap, there were some really great zingers in there today/ My compliments to the meme chef!!!

Slow Joe


Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Love the toon with my former employer delivering hunter b’s paintings moola schmoola ($$$$$$) to hunter.


Oh, well played! -this- will work to get those bad guns off the street:

MI Ranger

Love the Charlie Brown quote: “Stupid should hurt!”